Chapter 183 Yet Another New Family


Chapter 183 [Yet Another New Family] (Preface)


Thanks for the many good impressions for the story up till now.

I will summarize the replies tomorrow.

Today I will sleep.


TL note: yeah this is a word from the author.



Chapter 183 Yet Another New Family


From the cyclops guys point of view, this must be something they can’t bear.

Honestly, this must be the supreme, greatest form of fool’s errand in a soldier’s life.

“Stop joking around! What do you mean with you won’t hand over Lagaia!”

Even with his face got all beaten up by Jackpot, with clear mind Prince Steroi still bellowed out in anger.

However, those two dragons are standing in his way.

“What, Steroi-han, ya already lost to me so just zit it up.” (Jackpot)

“I, I didn’t lose! I didn’t lose! All I did was gotten hazy, I still haven’t lose! Besides, this and that are different things!” (Steroi)

Well, that ain’t a fight between delinquents, it is weird that they’d decide whether to take in or take out a death row criminal just by punching it out between each other.

However, I myself also am an elder brother, in kind with Jackpot who can’t tolerate the cyclopes’ attitude, I also stand up next to him.

“I also have some debt to this guy.” (Velt)

“Eh!”  (Steroi)

“Since he did helped me with the trouble in my family.” (Velt)

He who always looking down as if dead, just now he stood up for the sake of opening up a path for me, lending me his strength.

“Who the hell! Who the hell are you in the first place! Not only the dragon-man..... SS class bounty Kishin, even you have one of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans who should have dead! What the hell’s with this combination! To make matters worse, you proposed to Imperial Princess Eljela, and became Princess Cosmos’ dad, moreover what is this disastrous spectacle after the fight!” (Steroi)

After so many things happened, in the end all of the trashes on Smoky Island turned into a damgun, leaving it to be ended up becoming an empty land with a small mountain.

And now, because of the violent fighting, there are so many battleships that got destroyed. It sure is scary. This kind of stuff.

“Pappa and mamma! Pappa and mamma! Pappa, mamma, and Cosmos!” (Cosmos)

“Ara ara, what a child...... please look, Velt-sama.” (Eljela)

“O, oooh.....” (Velt)

Being in the middle of me and Eljela, Cosmos is making merry while singing a song that I don’t know the meaning about.

Dammit, so cute........

“So cute....... no I mean, thi, this just can’t! Princess Ura, this man must be your acquaintance right! Can you say something to him?” (Steroi)

“Oi, you over there.” (Ura)

“What do you want?” (Velt)

“If I were to bring Lagaia with all my might, then what will you do?” (Ura)

“Those scaaaary onii-sans behind me won’t just keep it quiet you know.” (Velt)

They fought together as the squad to hold down Cosmos, Jackpot, Kishin, Kaa-kun, and even Chirotan are flashing a fearless smile, they’re defending Lagaia who’s sitting as he hugs his knees.

Ooh, with just this they feel like can seize the world.

“Do you aware that this act will make you enemies of Love and Peace and whole nation of Makai Demon Kingdom?” (Ura)

“Who knows. I’ve already selling fights to so many guys, I can’t really give shit to each guys that became my enemy.” (Velt)

Ura she, rather than being mad at me she seems to just astounded and let out a sigh.

Well, in the first place, it’s because she’s Ura that she able to understand some things.

“Something like mix blood, the various races, friendship or treaty, all of those debates and conflicts, just let them all go to those politicians and military guys. I don’t have any interest in it. But you see..... Ura..... You should be the one who best understand that, those kinds of things, if one doesn’t know well with each other, it will all just ended up being something that doesn’t matter, right? Be it Hanabi, Camy-san, and Sensei, they never about you being a demon or anything for even once right?” (Velt)

“!! Y, you........ you know...... me that far?” (Ura)

“Ura. It’s you yourself after all. You’re sitting on a position with important responsibilities, so don’t get swayed over by some stupid stuff.” (Velt)

It’s natural. If you’re so inclined, I even know all the panties and bras design you wore from ten year old to fifteen.

However, as if being struck on something by what I said, Ura is slightly facing down as she thinks, and she then raises her face.

“Prince Steroi. In any case, there’s nothing we can do with the current force we have.” (Ura)

“Nhg, gggh, nhggg.....” (Steroi)

“In a way, we should understand that it is us that they left off the hook.” (Ura)

Well, it is like that in reality. And as expected, Steroi is also aware of that, even as he seems wanting to complain about it, he just grinds his teeth.

“You’re called Steroi right? Isn’t it fine? After all he’s fated to be executed..... he had a fate to be ended up dead trash disposal, but now guys who gonna recycle and reuse him have appeared. It’s way more ecologic for the environment rather than just to throw him away and get rid of him.” (Velt)

“I don’t have the slightest idea of what you’re saying! In the first place, that fool will cause harm just by existing! He is a cursed taboo child, he will cause hundreds of harms and not a single use! In the first place, he has his grudges, what will you do if he causes harm to the Makai Demon Kingdom in the future! How will you take responsibility for it!” (Steroi)

I hold onto Cosmos who is frolicking around and then laughed.

“If a child wasn’t raised properly, then it’s the parents who should take responsibility.” (Velt)

“Wha......t......the........” (Steroi)

“Be it kids between fellow demons, or kids born with humans, ......... even kids one got from the sky people, it is parents that holds the responsibility. Especially for the brats who still haven’t mature, it’s all the more. Remember that.” (Velt)

And, that’s why! Mackey, Althea, you guys, [despite him neglecting her for two years......] [despite him about to abandon that responsibility himself] [despite him doesn’t take his responsibility as a man himself], don’t say those kind of stuff to me.

“S, sto, stop joking around, why father has to take responsibility for that kind of a guy.” (Steroi)

“Keh, it is so that the kid doesn’t get discriminated. Not taking responsibility for a child. ..... I too, have to be careful about that.” (Velt)

At that moment, with a glinting eyes, Arusha for some reason hurriedly took Cosmos off my hands with.

Somehow, she seems to be doing a conversation in a way so that others won’t be able to listen,  muttering in a small voice, she whispered something to Cosmos.

“Co, Cosmos-chan.” (Arusha)

“Hmm~?” (Cosmos)

“Um, do, do you, um, well, you want sisters or brothers from different mother? You want them right?” (Arusha)

“Cosmos....... have big sisters you know?” (Cosmos)

“I mean, little sisters? Or little brothers?” (Arusha)

“Little sisters? Little brothers?”(Cosmos)

“Yes, if you have them, things will be so much fun! Yes, absolutely fun. The family will get bigger, and that in itself is a very wonderful thing.” (Arusha)

“Oooooo~~~hhh.” (Cosmos)

“Right? That’s why, you should ask your pappa. Ah, say from different mother...... okay? Dif – fer – ent mo - ther.” (Arusha)

I don’t know what she’s saying but, it makes my self defense instinct ringing.

Yeah, totally need to be careful.

“Anyway, since the son himself doesn’t want to return back home, then tell you guys’ dad that he should come here himself and bow down his head.” (Velt)

Even parents could make mistakes. And when that happens, there’s nothing else to do other than to apologize to the best they can. However, if they can’t do even that, then that’s that.

“If he can’t even do it, then just come at us. We all will become his enemies.” (Velt)

We won’t hand him over, that’s our declaration.

And after that things went fast.

“Galiga.......... tell everyone...........  we will withdraw.................” (Steroi)

“Ugh, .......b, but..........” (Galiga)

“I will personally report to father and others. In any case, we can’t risk to being annihilated.............  this is, the end.............” (Steroi)

Even while being unwilling, he judged that the already half destroyed troops of Makai Demon Kingdom to be impossible to fight against these members right now.

Despite being a dumb-ass of a big brother, he seems to be not that much of a fool as a military man, while wounded, the cyclops along with their battle ships quickly pulled back.

Well, next time we meet, I bet they’ll be glaring at us quite a lot, probably because of this time’s case, our names will be known to the world.

“You’re so messed up huh............. all of you guys................”

While seeing off the departing ships of Makai Demon Kingdom, Lagaia who was silent until now opened his mouth.

“Yeah, I’m also thinking like that too in the end.” (Velt)

“Geez............ still............when I look at you all, for some reason all the complex feeling I had about mixed blood or anything else feels stupid instead.” (Lagaia)

“Reall? Well, I’m just a pure human so I don’t understand about that kind of stuff.” (Velt)

And that’s why, Mackey and Althea, don’t make fun of me with that [Pure? Lmao] alright.

“I............. under my command........ there had been so many victims at the Empire.........” (Lagaia)

“Hm?” (Velt)

“What should I do from now on? What is it that you seek from me?”  (Lagaia)

Eh? Despite you ask about what do we seek, with that kind of serious look on your face.......

“You all said many things about doing something to the world but, what kind of role will I play inside of that?” (Lagaia)

“No well.......... even if you ask that, I haven’t really thought about anything.” (Velt)

“.................hah?” (Lagaia)

“I mean, I’ve said it alright. I had a debt to you, and I also personally took an interest with you. But, that’s all. And since I’ve put it like that, it’s not like all of the members I have here were gathered with any specific role.” (Velt)

I don’t know how much my words will reach Lagaia. I don’t know about the suffering he went through in his life at all after all.

That’s why, what I’m trying to say is, go ahead and let go of all of your burdens.

“Well, if you want a role, then how about becoming friends?” (Velt)

“..............friends.........” (Lagaia)

“And that’s why, you won’t last long if you make yourself brazen like Mackey and Chii-chan, you know?” (Velt)

If we were to unfurl about each of these guys here right now, that in itself would make him entwined into a complicated connection.

“I mean, Althea-chan, that’s so friggin’! That’s so friggin’ scary! What are you doing, are you trying to brainwash Cosmos-chan!” (Mackey)

“GORAAA! Ugly bitch! What the hell you’re saying to Cosmos! If she’s getting a sibling from different a mother of course it’s gotta be a little sister, GORAAAA!” (Chirotan)

“HEY, Mister Chii-chan, that’s just crazy.” (Kishin)

“I mean, Arusha, you’re really. Going crazy for that hard thingy and sex thoughts just totes too funny. Then, I’ll give you this as a present. It’s the stuff Mackey developed.” (Althea)

“Wha, what the, Althea-san......... this is....... condo.........m! Wh, what did you just give me, stupid! I can’t believe this, you really have no elegance!  In the first place, if I have this then I can’t have a child!” (Arusha)

“Arusha-san. I wanted to retort but is it only me that think that things have turned in a weird direction now?” (Barnando)

“I’ve been thinking about this for a while now but, I think it is doubtful for Arusha to be actually the young lady from that high social status of an Empire-zou.” (Kaizer)

Kaa-kun’s former subordinate most probably was the person who killed my parents.

The one who condemned Kaa-kun to death was Arusha’s big brother.

The ones who laid their hands on Ura’s father and mother was Arusha’s subordinate.

Chii-chan was the one who attacked Eljela’s hometown.

The organization that Mackey made, had robbed Barnando from his family.

Kishin had half wrecked the Great Human Alliance Army where Arusha and Forna were in.

“Alright! Princess Arusha, you will make a little brother or sister for Cosmos’ sake right? Tha’t so kind of you. I’ll cheer you on.” (Eljela)

“And, Imperial Princess Eljela, that composure of yours! Did you make a mistake about it? Or perhaps, you just have that much confident in yourself!” (Arusha)

Yeah, it’s never gonna end if things keep going like this, they dig into every small things and keep on making return jab over and over, it’s just this time it’s I myself is the one that got hated.

“Still, bro’s daughter sure is amazin’!” (Jackpot)

“O, ooh........... in this world........... this is the first time I’ve ever seen such a cute being other than myself.......” (Yuzuriha)

“Ehehe~ Mamma! Cosmos got praised!” (Cosmos)

Hm? So only Althea, Jackpot, and Yuzuriha are ones that don’t have any complicated relationship here? This is really a miracle huh.

 “I............ was inside a small world right? Velt.” (Lagaia)

“Korakorakora. You’re like three years younger than me and Ura. Now you’re too impudent if you just casually call my name like that alright” (Velt)

“Wha, what are you trying to do.......” (Lagaia)

“Kuhahahahaha” (Velt)

It seems, the junior I’m taking care of is finally able to do it now.

Yeah, this feeling is like when I was with Barts and Shout.

I just unconsciously got meddlesome.

As I laugh I cross my shoulder to Lagaia, then make a mess out of his hair.

And then.......

“Un, understood alright, I should add honorific right? But, should I do it......” (Lagaia)

“Ah? That’s just a joke, don’t be so serious about it. Just call as you like, alright.” (Velt)

“As I like? .................the............then...........” (Lagaia)

As he said that, Lagaia seems to be hesitating and keep glancing at me mutteringly.

What? He got something to say?

I thought that and leaned over my ear, Lagaia then said how he’d call me without thinking.

Seeming as if embarrassed, his lips slightly trembled

“...........................O.............................Onii-chan...........................” (Lagaia)



At that instant, something inside me felt as if struck by thunder!

“Sa, say it once moooooooooooreeeeee!” (Velt)

“! Ah, that................ I knew it, it’s no good right? That’s, because when I was at my hometown, despite having many elder brothers, I never able to call them like that...............” (Lagaia)

“Naaaaaaah! It’s alright, just say it!” (Velt)

“..............O, onii-chan.” (Lagaia)

“My little brooooooooootheeeeeeeer!” (Velt)

Dad, mom, be happy.

I got a daughter.

And now, I also got a little brother.

The family has grown!

“E, eh? What’s wrong, Velt-kun!” (Arusha)

“Wao, this is...... Velt-kun........ he’s unexpectedly weak to this kind of stuff.” (Mackey)

“Indeed, before coming here, he seemed about to cry when he was called onii-chan zou.” (Kaizer)

It maybe so.

Rather, ever since I came to this world, the other guys from the same generation as me were all felt like little brothers or sisters to me.

Be it Forna, Shout, Barts, or even Ura.

But, to those guys I was no good, they didn’t even show respect to me, they just let go all the honorifics and talk casually.

And because of that, only after Hanabi was born that for the first time I got called [onii-chan], at long last I finally got to be called [onii-chan].

Somehow, it makes the bottom of my heart feel hot.

“Well! It’s really wonderful. Therefore, with Lagaia-san becoming Velt-sama’s little brother, that means he also became my step little brother isn’t it? Then, me too, please call me your elder sister.” (Eljela)

“Wait, that’s unfair, Imperial Princess Eljela! That’s misuse of privilege! P, Prince Lagaia! I’m also a youngest child so I can understand your feelings. From now on you can consult anything with me. And if you like, you can, umm, you can also call me your onee-chan.............” (Arusha)

“Nope, Arusha-chan. A princess of the Empire being called as onee-chan by a prince of the Makai Demon Kingdom, isn’t it gonna be friggin’ trouble in many ways?” (Mackey)

“Fuh, it’s no problem, Mister Mackey. Ah right, Prince Lagaia. You can call me as brother too.” (Kishin)

“Then, you can call me ojii-chan.” (Barnando)

“Uwooh, Barnando unusually got into the flow!” (Althea)

“I’m...........” (Kaizer)

“Then of course, call me big bro!” (Jackpot)

“Trash Prince.......... if you call my name so casually, I’ll kill you.” (Yuzuriha)

“All men can just die! The only ones who can call me big brother are only girls twelve or below!” (Chirotan)

“Mamma and pappa’s little brother~........... etto, then, La-kkun!” (Cosmos)

When I realized it, everyone’s already ride on it and make some stupid talks, geez these guys really can make me laugh.

As I thought that and look at Lagaia, he is holding down the base of his lips, while his cheeks are seemingly on the verge of bursting out.


“Phk, ..............kuku...............” (Lagaia)

It might be already years since, for a child with that sour look like Lagaia............

“Aha, hahahahahahahahahahahah!” (Lagaia)

A laughter that he can’t bear to contain.

Upon seeing that, all of us too laughed together.

Lagaia who laughed appropriately as his age, for the first time exposes his defenseless heart to us.

“Geez....... we’re supposed to be the one who have the duty go over the barrier between races by strengthening friendship, but that kind of attempt of testing the water feels like only stupid now.......... upon seeing you guys.” (Ura)

Standing outside our circle, Ura who only stands at a place separate from us uttered that.

However, I retorted it inside my heart:

I mean, you’re like that too right?

Me, Farga and Cleran, also Dora and Musashi, Eljela and Cosmos.

Us back then were in truest sense like that too, right?

“......................ah....................” (Velt)

At that moment, I finally able to remember an important thing.

“Ura............” (Velt)

“Hm? What?” (Ura)

Because of the damgun and other stuff it flew out of my mind but, it’s about the [onee-chan] that Cosmos said before.

And then..........

“I also gonna ask this to Cosmos but, I’ll ask you first.” (Velt)

She is........... could it be.......... [her] and [onee-chan] might be related to each other.

“Do you know where Dora is?” (Velt)

Seemingly unexpecting that name coming from me, Ura makes a surprised expression.

TL note: Err, Dora was a girl right? I kinda forget. She’s a machine though.



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  1. Welcome back, thanks for the chapter

    Well Ura seeing this must realize that working with love&money it's a waste of time


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