Chapter 127 Fourth World Power

To celebrate this suspicious day, here another chapter. 


Chapter 127 Fourth World Power


Gods revival? Something very pressing?

What’s that? What the hell is that? Why are you here in the first place!

 “Oi, Asakura, what are we gonna do if you’re not chill it out. Oi, Far guy do something about him!” (Althea)

“Lord! Farga-dono, please calm yourselves down!” (Musashi)

Both me and Farga couldn’t calm down at all. In a way, he is the man we looked up to since birth. To me, to Farga, and even to our parents, this person named Tyler is that much of an important person. It felt like I wanted to leap out, shout then beat him to a pulp immediately.

 “Collapsed military balance and revival of the gods? Why the balance is collapsing? Isn’t everyone still at it with their best right now~?” (Yubamensch)

“Don’t play dumb Yubamensch. The world is already checkmated.” (Tyler)

What was the meaning of their conversation? Beginning from the demi humans Sorushi and toushi, with no one dared to cut in into their conversation, all the voices around began to fade.

“In the war with Hell Demon Kingdom the other day, two names of the Ten Heroes of Light got written off. From the Seven Great Demon Kings it was Sharkryuu... also, this has not been publicized but, it seems Chirotan has gone missing.” (Tyler)

TL Note: in raw Jigoku Maoukoku. Jigoku can be translated into Hell

 “Chirotan? That rampaging rascal, The Explosion Demon King-chan?” (Tyler)

“Yes. Also, from the Four Heavenly Beasts Demi Human has lost Kaizer.... and the collapsed high elf country. As you can see, each of the races has accounted severe damage... the balance has been crumbling” (Tyler))

”Ara.... it seems, you don’t even in the mood to do a bit of joke at all, eh?” (Yubamensch)

By the words that came out from Tyler’s mouth, the scary smile from Maman’s face finally disappear.

 “In human continent, Balbadie has perished five years ago, and just some time ago a pivotal country for public good, Shirom country was ruined.... even in the ranks Ten Heroes of Light there were some blanks. Furthermore, depending on the Jigoku Demon Kingdom war preparation completion, maybe a full scale war against human race might start soon?” (Yubamensch)

TL Note: It seems Balbadie is the country that made the great tunnels across the world. One such tunnel led to near Elfarsia’s capital city. The place where Sharkryu died. Sharkryu is Ura’s father, another of Velt friend from Earth. He practiced  Karate.

“Hmm, I won’t come here if it’s just about whether the humans would be destroyed or not. It’s something we have to deal with ourselves.” (Tyler)

“Right eh. The real problem is if there will conflict between demi humans and demons after that” (Yubamensch)

“If that’s so, then what do you think will happen? The conclusion of full scale war between demon race and demi humans....” (Tyler)

“There will be no need to hold back any war potential anymore, it will be a fight where they use up every war potential they have. Until one side is destroyed.” (Yubamensch)

After the human race is destroyed, next is the full scale war between demon race and demi humans?  The conversation has leaped so far till I can’t follow it.  Furthermore, unexpected words came out of Maman’s mouth.

“In the all out war between demon race and demi humans, whether it’s one of the two wins, or both sides loses they would surely suffer losses of similar degree. If that is the case... the races that has been only watching until now.... [Deep Sea World], [Subterranean World], and [Sky World] would usurp the surface world, and offer it to their ancestor the [God], isn’t it?” (Yubamensch)

------ Hah?

“That’s correct. According to the information we acquired, The [Subterranean World] and [Deep Sea World] were already in collusion, and were already having rough understanding about the World Wide Tunnel, the [Sky World] too finally has begun it’s move. It’s unknown who they are but, after it’s last appearance 500 years ago it seems the [Friend of Heaven and Earth] were now having the celestials as their follower however, it seems they are now gathering information of the surface world. (Tyler)

“Ara, what an undreamy thing to say. For all we know, the Friend of Heaven and Earth and the celestial that followed them might be just being love-dovey with each other, you know?” (Yubamensch)

 “Regardless how the follower angel’s intention, there must be the Eight Great Princesses’ intention in gathering information in it.  Well, it is also because they do not intent to move fully, currently they are only doing wait and see but should the human race seemed about to be destroyed they will move with full force” (Tyler)

That... well... could it be, they’re talking about Eljela and Me? Well, it’s more like, the thing they talked about won’t get through my head. So many.... ah, I don’t understand what’s what alright.

“Oi, Asakura. What are they talking about! What’s wrong with the world, and what’s with god?” (Althea)

“I don’t even understand myself!” (Velt)

“....Just shut up and listen, shitty idiot combi” (Varga)

“....Farga dono.... what is the meaning of this?” (Musashi)

Aah, I’m glad. So it’s not because I’m just an idiot that I can’t understand anything. Even Farga seems confused. Well, that in itself is surprising however...

“So, Tyler. What is the purpose of you coming here?” (Yubamensch)

This is the main issue. When Maman posed that question, Tyler once again uttered a perplexing answer.

“It’s about the [Fourth World Power].... also, to create the [King]”

“Oh my”(Yubamensch)

“Humans, demons, demi humans, the organization that brings together them all, without any wall that separate races, the new faction of the world. The arrival of the faction will bring the various races’ wars and military balance into a new equilibrium.” (Tyler)

By the Tyler’s words that is too strong to be taken as a joke or lies, Shinsengumi and the guards started to be stirred.

“By using the fourth faction, to create a king that go beyond the wall of races...  For what sake you propose that!” (Sorushi)

As expected, unable to stay silent at this point, Sorushi raised his voice.

“First division leader of Shinsengumi, Sorushi huh.  I’m not intending to joke at all. My purpose is to make this war or otherwise confrontation between races to not end. With war speeding up currently, if the world were to know of the arrival of a big faction, of course the battlefield will once again become prudent.”

“Inconvincible! Even without resorting to something roundabout like that, if only the leaders of each race can recognize the appalling end result of the surface world war! Right, how about making a truce and tightening the friendship between the three races’ leaders! “

“It’s useless. The conflict won’t stop nevertheless, even after hundreds of years the same war keeps repeating over and over. To sum up everything of the three races are; [we won’t perish] and along with other baseless thoughts, they won’t stand seeing the enemies before their eyes to be everything but perish.”

Sorushi was lost for words. Nope, it might be because he didn’t have anything to counter him with. Also, it is because everyone was able to understand. War won’t disappear from this world. At this late in time, only truce or making friends won’t make the world wide war come to an end. It is because of that this the war keeps going on for hundreds of years.

“If it’s just the skirmishes that happened up till now, then it might be possible. After hundreds of years of scrambling for lands in Divine Being Continent we clashed each other with hatred consistently. The taken over lands immediately taken away again, the sides that clashed each other with hatred will clash again with some other factions. At that moment, the youths from various races would appear and rise into power. The world is a repeat of that cycle. The three races would eventually become barren however, because the unstoppable war is somehow held by a miraculous balance, the three races able to avoided destruction. But in our generation, that balance has largely crumbled.  At this rate, inevitably.... within the three races two will firstly vanish, later on the other worlds would rise and aim at the surface world then all life on the surface world will face annihilation!”

The war won’t stop. It won’t vanish. However, the world will be destroyed. In that case, what should be done? To figure something out about that, is what Tyler’s aim.

“Now is the time for us to realize the dream we were unable to.  It might be impossible for the whole world, but for humans, demi humans, and demons, we will make a voluntary force without discrimination and in equality for the sake to avoid the world’s destruction, the fourth great faction of the world! Yubamensch, I want you to bring together the demi human force and be its leader!” (Tyler)

“A~gain, unbelievable, you’re speaking your dream, eh. Even more, after bringing demi humans that much casualties Love and Money wants to drag in demi humans, you plan call that negotiatyon?” (Yubamensch)

Tl note: I’m going to change the words accordingly to at least show how Yubamensch talk. He talks like cutesy okama you see..

“I am fully aware of that. However, that was not done for nothing. As a result of those sacrifices and the infamy we keep bearing, the organization’s has definitely undergone a big change. We let Mackey on the loose to make the organization able to change that greatly. He brought one of the cyclops’ forces that we were still negotiate under the table with and attacked the empire. The other many uncontrollable rampages of him too were also the error on our part”

 “Even so, for you to talk about that so suddenly~. To join hands with the group who bombarded us without warning is....”

“I’ve said it. We have no time! In the battle with the Great Human Alliance’s army, if the already winning Hell Demon Kingdom made their next move it will be the beginning of countdown of the world’s doom.Those overly conceited demon, even if they heard our plea they won’t even pay a mind to it. We need a force with strength that can threaten them immediately!” (Tyler)

 “To cut it short, what do you want me to do?” (Yubamenshc)

 “We’ve brought battleships moreover resorted to attack with cannons. We already cut our path to back off now, why can’t you understand our resolve?” (Tyler)

 “....I see, to threaten us huh. If we don’t do what you said, we’ll wreck you down.... like that huuh. If you’re like that, how could you dare to try and make an organization without discriminatyon formed of three races ? That’s some great thingies to say.” (Yubamensch)

 “The country of cyclops, The Underworld Demon Kingdom has already taken interest in us.  Next is only the demi humans! Let us cooperate Yubamensch! To protect this world!” (Tyler)

Its indeed can be said like that. However if put in another way, maybe that’s how much of a hurry Tyler was in.

There really was no time. Even if they to gather forces, even just for form’s sake, even if it’s needed just for display, they can’t help but being coercive.

And then in this reckless attempt, whether Tyler’s action was correct or not, I won’t be able to understand something like that. More importantly, why the hell Tyler is with those shitty rotten group of bastards, even as a Love and Money’s official. It’s something I can’t wrap my head around it.

Man, what will happen... I have no idea at all... Even Farga doesn’t know. How about Forna? Do the king and queen know what Tyler’s up to?

Also, my mom and dad that had known Tyler since childhood...  did they know this? Damn, I don’t get it!

 “Ufufufufufufufufufu, it seems it is worth to be panicked about eh, Tyler. It just, to you this time defeat of the Great Human Alliance is unexpected, it’s about the damage done is more than you predicted it to be.” (Yubamensch)

Maman is the only one able to understand what Tyler said in this conversation. However Maman, as if sneering at Tyler, shrugged his shoulders.

 “Still, it’s unlike you Tyler. Because there’s a gaping flaaaw in that plan of yours. I should say, it’s stretching it too fwaaar.” (Yubamensch)

“Tsk...” (Tyler)

“The fourth great faction. To make an organization without walls that separate races, an existence that no one can ignore is needed. As long as that doesn’t exist, even if we and the cyclops cooperate, we won’t be able to make such kinda of organizahsion .” (Yubamensch)

Maman has pointed that out. And regardless whether Tyler understand it or not, he made  face as if had eaten bitter bugs.

A gaping flaw? What does it mean...

 “That is, someone that able to earn tremendous amount of trust from the three races, the existence of a leader is needed. Not a president like one that runs a company but one that we are willing to offer ourselves to follow and genuinely guide us, a true leader.” (Yubamensch)

Leader.... aaah, I see. That’s right.

 “A person that is not bound by the wall between races and history, and despite that won the trust and confidence of all the races, the humans, demons, and demi humans. If someone like that isn’t the leader then this all is impossible. To find someone like that, it’s even far harder than the Ten Heroes of Light, the Four Divine Beast Guardians, and the Seven Great Demon Kings becoming friends with each other, you knoww.” (Yubamensch)

That kind of guy... there’s no way he exists in this world. Even Tyler seems understand what Maman was saying, he was left speechless.

However, at that moment.

“And along with that we have ~~~~~ Mackey’s message~~~!” (????)

She destroyed this strained atmosphere, turning it into one that seemed like joking around.

“Its, it’s her” (Velt)

“Wait, ahahahahaha, the heck is that! A rip-off  from neverland? Kagami you stupid!” (Althea)

“That bitch” (Farga)

“She’s coming here after all degozaruka!” ( Musashi)

I heard she has broken out of prison but she has come to here after all. Love and Money’s vice president, Mannie Mouse.

“Ara, Mannie-chan. It’s been a while eehn. And what do you mean with Mackey’s message?” (Yubamensch)

“Hey Mannie. What’s the meaning of this? I haven’t heard anything about that Mackey’s message.” (Tyler)

“Yes. You see~ Mackey said~, .....  If it’s about leader, he wants to tell everyone about it. He said [I’ve found the leader] back then. To tell you guys that, I escaped from the prison ” (Mannie)

With those words, Tyler, even Maman and all everyone in this place felt shocked.



Translator: Thousand Vangs

Editor: Thousand Vangs




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  1. Thank you very much for the translation!

  2. Lolol I got confused, the next button is on the left :D


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