Chapter 133 Irreplaceable


Chapter 133 Irreplaceable

While feeling anguished because of being stopped just before doing it, having received Howe’s report, Forna and Ayase were showing expression befitting for being inside a battlefield.

“Tell us the report.” (Arusha)

“Yes, according to the transmission using magic mirror from the headquarters, they declared that they will execute the prisoners of war within a few hours.” (Howe)

Tl note:Howe’s name,  ハウ・プルンチット, romaji: Hau Purunchitto. So I translated her name into Howe Prunchit

“It’s finally come isn’t it. How about my elder brother’s condition? And then, regarding the arrangement of surviving soldiers, has it been done yet?” (Arusha)

Instead of soldiers, she used surviving soldiers? Just by that I somehow able to understood the current situation. So they are being cornered?

“So this already isn’t the kind of situation where things might be happening anymore dammit.” (Velt)

Good grief. Well, it was to the point that her heart wouldn’t be able to endure if she didn’t do that, I guess it’s a way to manage exhaustion.

“Then, Velt. Why are you here in the Divine Continent?” (Howe)

“I don’t have any business here but well a lot has happened. I mean, Howe. Why are you here? Barts and Shout too, you guys are new recruits so why did you get dispatched so suddenly?” (Velt)

“It is not like that. Everyone has already graduated and even passed through their first battle. There were tasks about logistics and helping out with the princess’ routine duties, but we are already soldiers being sent to the battlefield.” (Howe)

So these all has happened in this short time.

In that battle at the Empire, a lot of these guys got frightened and cried, but now they are already splendid soldiers huh.

“Those guys have gone through a lot huh.” (Velt)

“Yea, exactly.  We are not like you, where you can live as you wish, and when your sex drive got pent up you can just embrace some woman. Living as we please isn’t something we can do.” (Howe)

“Aah, I can see tha~t. But isn’t in the newspaper Forna and others didn’t get to participate in the war?” (Velt)

“It is like that. However, the enemy’s sweeper force was way too fierce so we had to be dispatched as reinforcement. Well, even so the enemy’s number still overwhelmed us. Right now, we the surviving troops are gathering up what we can, defending our base till our last breath, biding our time for just a chance.” (Howe)

I was being glared at with eyes stuffed with scorn.

Uwa~h. I’ve always not good with her even from back then. Though, we didn’t talk that much at all, even in the past she always look down on other people and always glared at me eyes showing disgust, as if having her stomach revolted.

Well, she also felt like that to other guys though.

“Howe. We don’t have spare time for idle talks.” (Arusha)

“Let’s go.” (Forna)

Those two excitedly put on their clothes.

Somehow, they grandly put on their white laced underwear right before my eyes. I only felt it was quite the delicate situation I was in only when they are already done.

And then, Forna and Ayase put on their cloaks. The coat of arms of the Sun of Hope engraved on it, a proof of the Great Human Alliance.

Their dignified figures and bearings made me wanted to salute without even realizing it.

“Velt” (Forna)

“Ye, yeah” (Velt)

“Since you are already here, I will protect your well being. Please come with me.” (Forna)

Forna said that and then proceeded into the forest. A side of her that I haven’t seen before, to think I would see it in this way.

“However, in case of the worst to happen we should protect our own lives. If something were to happen to us... you should absolutely try to survive.” (Arusha)

Even Ayase was like that too. To these girls, maybe it’s me who’s the princess huh. Well, in a way you can say that’s just how much power and experiences they have.

“Just relax. I will just be quiet so that I don’t get in your way.” (Velt)

After that I kept my mouth shut then chased after them.

After a few minutes of traversing the forest, there was a part of land where the trees has been cut and the soil tidied. The place was wide with great number of tents spreading out, and in that area a lot of soldiers wearing armor and helmet also magicians loitering around.

The numbers wasn’t merely in a hundred or two.

“Oh, OOooh, so in a place like this” (Velt)

Thousands? No, a greater number than that. However, even that many of tempered soldiers the moment they saw Forna and Ayase with a snap they stood to attention then parted to left and right to open up a path.

“Tell us the situation report.” (Ayase)

“Ha! Suddenly the enemy’s army sent a magic mirror to the headquarters, and there are words appearing inside the said mirror.”

Magic mirror? Forna then continued to proceed deeper inside. In the middle of the base there was a slightly strange open space, over there a rectangle mirror as huge as a two storied building being put on display.

On the upper part of the mirror there was a skull with horn protruding out, this is truly a demon race-like design. Furthermore, there were letters in blood like red color written inside the mirror.

Hell Demon Kingdom Army

Demon King Kishin Ouga

Announcing to the Great Human Alliance’s army.

We as the lords of the Demon Continent, have started this war that has been engraved into history.

In the next battle, The Great Human Alliance’s army as well as humans as a race will perish from this world.

We will no longer allow any negotiations nor show any mercy.

We will put an end to wars between us and the human race, along with the hundreds of years of unfolding human race’s history.

Therefore, for the last grand battle opening sign, the Ten Heroes of Light’s [Meteor Bow Gaje] will do us the signal. As for the captured commanders and others, every one of them will be put on public execution.

Your destruction is already the heaven’s will, may you find eternal rest in becoming the very dirt of this Divine Continent, dirt of this world.

Forna and Ayase gave the text a read. Honestly, what the hell is this? I thought war is supposedly a gloomy thing, no well the atmosphere here is dark alright, but why are they doing this kind of stupidly honest declaration?

“Let’s, let’s go and save them! Princess!”

“That’s right! The princesses has come to reinforce us, the surviving troops will soon bring back the Yellow Jaegers and then Gyanza-sama too will be returning.”

“This time, along with the lord heroes, Princess Forna, Princess Arusha, Gyanza-sama, Levilal-sama, and Hule-sama, please guide us to victory!”

“Indeed! Those bastards must be thinking that we are already half dead, they are making light of us!”

However, the letter that should have brought us despair instead raising up the morale of the Great Human Alliance Army.

“Of course, this is unmistakably the enemy’s trap. However, we still have to go. In either case, if even with doing nothing we will still be destroyed, then we should hit them with all our might.” (Forna)

“By your order! All troops have already finished their preparations!”

“Alright then. In order to do that we need to renew the unity of the whole troops! At once when my elder brother has awoken, he will command us all!” (Arusha)

“Ooh, that is most brilliant idea! He is truly the hope of the human race! He will surely bring up everyone’s fighting spirit to the heights!”

So it has begun. The war that won’t ever end.

Especially, when comrade’s execution like word got mentioned in there, everyone (I too) will stand up, then step up with courage.

“Hey, Howe. By the way, how did we lose the previous battle?” (Velt)

“You really just went and asked that with so much ease huh. What else to say, it was total defeat. The troops got routed, six generals was representing the enemy’s troops [The Six Ogre Great Demon Generals], the Ten Heroes of Light fought against them but suffered two deaths and one got imprisoned. And now those important lord heroes want to fight against Demon King Kishin, seems they’re in for a big defeat.” (Howe)

“Hah? Oi oi, heroes are them right? One was called by that, the Young Hero. I don’t really know him though. But, even when he was a kid he defeated one of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans, and Samejima... Demon King Sharkryu wasn’t he?” (Velt)

“That’s right, now he is called as Neo Hero, human race’s biggest hope. But, even so the strength of Demon King Kishin seemed even more incredible. When he was brought back, he was unconscious and heavily wounded. Well, seemed like his life was still there though.” (Howe)

The newspaper only said the names of the dead members of the Ten Heroes of Light and something like, for now human race had lost, nothing else.

And that Neo Hero, even as a nickname it sucks. Ah, maybe better than Remote Control though...

I see, at any rate, the human race has somehow being cornered in the truest sense huh. Tyler was saying that he ‘didn’t have enough time so please, I somehow able to understand now.

“Anyways, come with me.” (Howe)

“Huh?” (Velt)

“I want to show you what we are fighting against.” (Howe)

As Howe said that, she brought me along, weaving our way out by the gaps in the crowds. Now that I realized it, this is maybe the first time I actually talked with Howe alone.

I mean, to think she actually have this much talkativeness, it’s the first time I know it.

“You can see it clearly from that cliff over there. Then you will understand everything.” (Howe)


As I kept going further inside just following behind Howe, my eyes suddenly got taken to a sight.

After passing through countless tents and soldiers the place I arrived at was a cliff. From there I was able to see a grand mountain range, with glittering stars inside the dark sky the beauty of the grand nature spreading far and wide on a bit too excessive scale.


My eyes weren’t captured by the grandness of mother nature nor the beauty of the starry skies, it is can be seen even in countless kilometers away from here in the distant, even grander than mountains, piercing through even the clouds, my eyes were being robbed by a gigantic stone structure.

Well, is it really a building? It’s like, I can see that it has a human shape though.

“It’s the Hell Demon Kingdom Army’s [Mobile Demon King Castle Hannyala]. As you can see, it seems they brought it out from the Demon Continent. Inside that castle is tens of thousands of soldiers and a great number of ogres, the castle itself is capable of unleashing magic bombardments for defense.” (Howe)

 It’s not on the level of mere huge. I can only see mountains at its bottom only have the height of above its knees. While it’s whole body looked like as if hardened rocks, It stood on its two gigantic legs, arms crossed, and the head looked similar to a noh mask that I’ve seen in the previous world.

“You, you’ve fought against that and lost, and now you want to challenge it once again?” (Velt)

“Now can you understand? This is kind of world we and the princesses are fighting against with.” (Howe)

I have to think that the world they face against is too different than what I know.

That kind of thing, I bet even if you to shoot it with cannons the damage done will only leave some small scabs on it. In addition to that, facing at least tens of thousands ogre tribe demon race?

Haha.... Forna.... You, in that kind of place you wanted to throw away your virginity, I don’t know what went through inside your mind.

“Ha, hahaha, somehow, you made me understood in just one go.  This isn’t just the level of mere tiresome.” (Velt)

As my walking became unsteady I no longer able to see things. It is too different from the world I’ve known up till now, the out of place feeling is too much. Soon after that we departed from that pace.

“Don’t wander around too much. If something were to happen to you, the princess won’t be around to fight for you.” (Howe)

“Yea I know that. I won’t make trouble nor be a bother to you guys.” (Velt)

Howe and others had their first campaign around this time. But, Forna has been fighting “that thing” for a few years already. By seeing what the empire has been fighting against I’ve come to understand some things.

“Why, are you fighting?” (Velt)

“Hah?” (Howe)

“No matter how you see it, there is no chance to win against that thing at all. Isn’t everything going to end when you died?” (Velt)

When I realized it my mouth already blabbered out.

“You’re such a fool. If we were to die the next ones to die would be.... you should already know that. Isn’t the reason we are fighting is to protect them?” (Howe)

“..... Geez. That’s quite the exemplary answer you gave. At least, I know you don’t have that kind of character.” (Velt)

“..... I guess so. It is as you say....” (Howe)

“Howe?” (Velt)

As if to push away the words she said before, Howe said in a low voice.

“Me and the guys here, like Barts, we don’t have that much of a high aspirations. Even our reasons to join the Great Human Alliance Army were worthless. We actually can’t even make fun of you.” (Howe)

“Then, why. Why do you keep fighting then?” (Velt)

“........... who knows, we will keep fighting still, until the feeling that make us live our lives as we are so far says the otherwise, that’s all.” (Howe)

It was a way of living life that I can’t understand.

Well, in the first place I thought of this war as worthless. In actuality, when the time I was Asakura Ryuuma, terrorism might actually happening somewhere, or maybe even war was happening in the Middle East, the effects of them to my daily lives was none.

So long as I don’t jump into that world by myself, it will eternally be an unrelated thing. War was something like that for me.

However, right now it is different. The blades of war is now pursuing the world I’m living in, as if it’s  just right before it’s very edge. And that blade is about to cut down my old friends and family.

“Ah, I see. It is because they exactly understand that, to prevent that from happening they are now fighting in this war.”  (Velt)

Whether their reason is for fame, honor, or money, or even they simply like war, even if they only have a single reason to go, they will embrace it and fight on. There are those kind of guys too.

Ahh, even so its truly tiring.... real pain in the ass....

“Huh, what?” (Velt)

I was thinking while spacing out at that time, when I realized it I was already out of the camp and kept walking inside the forest.

“Ah, this is bad, I was told to not wandering around.” (Velt)

Well, can’t be helped. Inside that atmosphere I’d be feeling self-loathing or thinking so many things that it felt difficult to stay. If it’s like this, in a bit detached place inside the silent forest, rolling around under the starry sky doesn’t feel bad at all.

I found a suitable rock, sitting down on it then looked up.

“H, uuh, kuh, ugh”

Hmm? Someone’s voice?

“Uuugh, uugh! Damn! Dammit!”

It’s the sound of the ground being hit and, somehow I also can hear a person’s voice that I can’t tell if the person is suffering or being angry.

It’s a man’s voice. Who is it?

“Huh, who are you?”

Having sensed my presence he turned around.

It was dark so I can’t see that clearly, but somehow he was wearing something like a sick person’s white clothing. He seemed to be above my age a little bit. Despite his still child-like face he looked frail, his whole body and head were pitifully wrapped in bandages.

“Hey I’m not someone suspicious.” (Velt)

“Ah, is that, so? Huh?”

At that moment, the boy saw my face and made a surprised reaction.

“Huh? If I’m no mistaken you are him! That’s right, I saw you in that image in the sky! You are the one that saved Princess Forna and The Empire, Velt Jeeha-san!”

Whoa, strangely I have become a famous person?

“Why are you here?”

“Well, you see, a lot happened, I was flown away to this continent you see.  Forna and the others were busy, so it felt kinda hard to stay there so I ended up loitering around.” (Velt)

“I see, so its like that.”

“And, how about you? From what I can see, you’re a kind of newbie soldier? It seems you’ve went through a lot painful times these days.” (Velt)

“Ah, uhm, I’m.... uh... what? You don’t know me?”

“Hah? Well, I don’t know duh, are you a famous person? I don’t really look at things other than Forna and co in the newspaper you see.” (Velt)

“Ah, ahahaha, well, okay, Its alright.”

Somehow he suddenly became flustered and tried to covering it up, what’s up with him?

However, the guy suddenly nodded several times and then made a small laugh, after that he sat next to me.

TL Note: The man speaks like humble sociable classy youngster would. Hmm my impression is he speaks like Kiba Yuuto from Highschool DxD.

“I ended up showing you something disgraceful didn’t I”

“Ah? I mean, what did you do? Did you hit your head or something?”

“Hahaha, as the rumours said, you are quite the direct person aren’t you. But that kind of undecorated directness might be the thing that makes you attractive isn’t it?”

What the hell, it gives me the creeps hey. The face kinda looks like a girl but it’s a dude right? He has the hair color similar to black tea and his arms and legs are of the length fitting to be a model. Somehow, when I look closely, he looks uselessly good looking, just like an idol would like.

“Say, how old are you?” (Velt)

“Eh, I’m seventeen years old, why?”

And you’re older than me! Well, though he is of same age as Asakura Ryuuma but why are you speaking so politely like that.

“Well, it’s alright I guess. Anyways, I will be going now.” (Velt)

“Eh, ah, wait, wait a second please!”

Well I don’t really have anything to talk about, as I was about to leave that location the cuff of my trousers got pulled.

“Uhm well, we are already here after all, why don’t we chat for a little bit?”

“Hah? What are you going to talk about? You wanna complain about things from the war or something? (Velt)

 “Well, It’s... it might be something like that.”

“Ha~~~~h, I don’t really want to listen sigh.” (Velt)

Honestly, if it’s the usual I will just end things right away since I don’t have any interest. But, right now I feel a bit different. Forna and co’s condition. The words Howe said. And then human race’s fate, having heard them all, my feelings somehow got shaken.

And at a time like that, maybe it’s because I met this unknown injured soldier, somehow I got in the mood for a bit of talk, so I got back sitting.

“I was, in the previous battle, got defeated by an overwhelming strength that I just can’t do anything against no matter what I did.”

“Hey, it’s not like it’s only you who were losing, everyone is the same isn’t it?” (Velt)

“It is. But, to me I need to win no matter what. Everyone’s expectations, their trust, their hope, because of me everything have become destroyed.”

Hey hey, what kind of person is he really. Despite being this young what the hell is in his mind?

It’s not like the winning or losing a war is decided by him alone, that’s a war is. Or maybe I am wrong?

Well, if it’s a one on one showdown between generals than it might be possible.

“Fuu~h, so you were unable to bear with it ran away, then be pained by it yourself, is that it? I see, well, your sense of responsibility is strong I suppose. From someone who lives his life freely like me, I am feeling grateful to you.” (Velt)

“Is it that, are you praising me?”

“Yea, I am praising you. Or do you want me to pat your head? Well, I don’t have the hobby of doing that so I’ll pass though.” (Velt)

Somehow, this gave the feeling of as if he is the younger one despite being older isn’t it. However, suddenly that man turned toward the front with serious face.

“I.... no longer understand it. Since long ago the braves and heroes were so cool that I’ve always admired them. But when I grew up, I finally learned that the war is isn’t something that can be glossed over with just that. But still I met with everyone, fought with them, received their expectations, being thanked over, then I wanted to protect them, we joined our strength together, so that we can win.... but we didn’t win! Kishin’s strength is far beyond what we can even imagined.... and now they want to put their hopes in me again, everyone will be fighting, if this goes on those precious people will.....”

For now I will say a word.

“Too long! Just get to the main point!” (Velt)

“Huh, eh, what?”

“Like, why do I have to listen to the complaints and ramblings of some person I don’t know of. If you are scared and don’t want to fight then isn’t it fine to quit doing it!” (Velt)

It’s no good. As I thought, it’s impossible for me to be someone’s consultation partner. That kind of thing is Sensei’s work after all.

TL note: well I don’t know if he is referring to sensei/teacher as a job here or as a person, Velt’s teacher in previous world. Eh, well I’m more inclined to the later. Anyways the teacher’s name is Melma in this world and Kobayakawa in previous world. He runs ramen shop now.

“I, so, what you mean by ‘isn’t it fine to quit doing it’ is, ‘it’s not like you can’t quit’ isn’t it. If I were to lose, everything will be over! It’s all depends on me! Therefore, I can’t quit!”

“Can’t help it then. The me who ran away  can’t blame the you who is already fighting till got worn out so much, I can’t even say to keep on fighting either.” (Velt)

“Eh, uhm, I, don’t know what’s what...”

Why despite when under normal circumstances my feelings usually on the cool side, why am I now saying these dark words unnecessarily?

“Hey, you see, despite you saying those things as if there is no one to replace you, unexpectedly the world isn’t something like that you know? Even when you are thinking that you don’t have someone to replace you, when push comes to shove those people will just appear you know.” (Velt)

That’s a good question to ask. Even if there is no one else that do the same thing as this guy is doing, when the situation comes that he needed to be replaced someone else  will just have to step up.

“Therefore, isn’t it fine? You don’t have to do it yourself, you have been cornered this much, someday someone will surely replace you and take the baton off. It’s okay to just leave it to that person.” (Velt)

“Huh, tha, that’s, that’s just being irresponsible!”

“Yeah, that’s right. You can be freed with just being irresponsible. It’s easy. Taking it on is even easier than farting.”

Ah, somehow, the despair filled face of the man suddenly turned into a face that looked dumbfounded. He looked as if can’t even utter anymore words. Well, if you were to consult with me, this is the exact thing that what would happen.

It’s just,

“Honestly, five years ago, when Forna went out to war, I thought I won’t be able to see her ever again.” (Velt)

“..... eh?”

“She is someone that has gone to the world where my hands no longer can reach anymore.  It’s exactly because of that, it could be some nobles, the braves, or maybe heroes, those people fitting for her will be next to her and surely make her happy... as a replacement of me... that’s what I always thought.” (Velt)

That’s how it is. So, the parting when we were ten years old was, the farewell that separated our world. That was what I had prepared myself for. We can’t go back to just being childhood friends anymore, that’s what I selfishly thought by myself.

“I realized it when we meet once again in the Empire. Whether I participate in the war or not, there are still countless people who will take my place to fight. But, to Forna, the person who can replace me doesn’t exist.... or, so I thought. Something irreplaceable, is probably something like that.” (Velt)

Woah, just now, I said something pretty embarrassing huh. I bet Forna would jump in joy if she were to hear that.

“So like I said, how to say it, the you right now, despite now you are feeling the worst isn’t it fine, to be someone that is irreplaceable just for the one you want?” (Velt)

To Forna, someone who can replace me doesn’t exist. Probably, Ura too is thinking like that. And then, the person in this world who would look for Kamino, there is no one but me. Not Samejima, Miyagi, Ayase, nor Kagami. Now that all our classmates has scattered apart, the only one who fell in love for her was me.

“Anyways, the me who isn’t fight in the war already said what I can say here, now I just want to do something for Forna as much as I can. I will do just that for now. I will pat her head, I will also listen to her stories, if she wants some reward I will give her something rich.” (Velt)

That’s right, the answer has already came out. I will do something for Forna. Even when we were at the Empire, I participated in the battle because of that.

“Even If I died there will be someone to replace me. However, instead of being someone like that, what I should do is, to do it for someone, not for the world....right  now, I have to do something that only I can do for them.... is it that?”

“Well, I don’t know what you can do though, but rather than being all jumbled up, it’s more simple that way isn’t it?” (Velt)

Anyways, they must be worrying about me now, let’s get back. Let’s talk a bit to Forna, shall we.

“Time for me to go.” (Velt)

Somehow I get to feel refreshed a bit myself, then I departed from that place.

At the same time, I tried to look back for a bit, that man still hasn’t move. He just kept on gazing some place. And then, carried by the wind, the man’s murmur was heard.

“The me.... right now, something that only I can do right now.... that something... Didn’t I already know it all along!”

Seems like he already has his answer, I can hear his voice carried quite the aspiration. Now that I remember, who was he? That man.




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Translated by: Thousand Vangs

Edited by : Thousand Vangs


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  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    Nagai koto always have a special place in my heart

  2. Hero will definitely push for Velt to be his bro in-law now lol


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