Chapter 138 Ogre

The chapter is a half  longer than usual


Chapter 138 Ogre


One general of the enemies has decreased, the enemy troops also has been shaken to quite a large extent. However, it is too early to determine on the victory or defeat with just that much it seems. In the first place, the difference of the military strength between the two forces was more than double after all.

Even with the same extent of military strength with ogre demons as the enemy our odds to win is nil, that much of a difference is definite.

Once the enemies regain their order, the situations will change again in one go.

“Oi, Shout. By the way how’s the numbers?” (Velt)

“Great Human Alliance Army is 70,000. Hell Demon Kingdom army is 160,000.” (Shout)

“I shouldn’t have asked.” (Velt)

“What, we don’t need to defeat all of them. Right now, they are also mobilizing all of their troops, the inside of the castle is in short of hands, and using that, if seven of the Ten Heroes of Light able to defeat the Demon King who resides in the highest floor of the castle, it’s our win.”

Ooh, it’s really similar to a game. A group of heroes infiltrated into the Demon King Castle. Well, even inside the castle there are still that many of soldiers, isn’t that quite the problem?

“One of the Seven Great Demon King, Kishin huuh. I don’t know how strong he is but when I think he is in the same class as Isamu it makes me worried.” (Velt)

“Velt, our duty is to tie up the Six Great Ogre Demon Generals as much as we can. Once they got back from the castle, if Roa-sama and the others were to fight, they will be needlessly exhausted. In this condition the lord heroes need to preserve their stamina as much as they can, they have to fight against Demon King Kishin after all.” (Shout)

I bet so. It won’t be funny if they finally reached the Demon King but they’re already completely exhausted.

Especially, when the heroes have been defeated by the Demon King previously, of course they would better to preserve themselves even a little bit.

“Incidentally, what’s the strategy they’re using? Forna and the others have already entered the castle right?” (Velt)

“Yeah, it’s simple. Firstly there was news about the execution of the captured commanders right? To rescue them, the Princess and members of the Ten Heroes of Light will scatter the many soldiers there, they will slip through the sides of the enemies’ formations then do a surprise attack to the castle from the four directions. The moment the enemies about to react to that, we will attack them right from the front. While the enemies were inside that pincher attack, the Princess’ group will beat the Demon King, that’s the gist of it.” (Shout)

“I see. Then, right now we’re right on track huh.” (Velt)

However, I’m supposed to be guarding the base, why am I in the frontline now?

Well, it’s fine already.

“Aah, other than that, why am I became something like the heroes’ sidekick. Don’t you think? Barts. You too, actually wanted to go fight the Demon King too, right?” (Velt)

“Don’t make fun of me, Velt. I well understand the extent of my current strength. It’s fine if I’m not the one who ends these dark ages. I’d be satisfied if I can help out a bit.” (Barts)

“Why, that’s not cute. Weren’t you always bragging wanting to be a hero back then.” (Velt)

“I don’t want to hear that from someone who has become a Demon King” (Barts)

Barts’ mind has quite matured it seems. To become mature in this place, there’s nothing I can pick on about that.

“Hmph, worthless.”

And then, Howe came pouring cold water on our banter.

“Wha, what’s that for, Howe.” (Barts)

“Barts, you’ve been always like that from the past. Despite already experienced war yourself you can still say that. Defeating the Demon King can end this dark age? You’re so shallow.” (Howe)

“Tsk, what did you say, Howe! This is the era where war keeps on continuing, what’s wrong with fighting for the sake of ending this war!” (Barts)

Hey hey, don’t fight among yourselves.

“Stop stop, you guys are noisy. I mean, Howe. You too shouldn’t say something like that.” (Velt)

“It’s nothing, I’m just stating the truth. Even if the demons, or humans, or maybe demihumans, were to be destroyed, this world will still ended up being destroyed. Nobody understand that. No, even if they understand they will still fight. That’s why I only can see this as a farce.” (Howe)

Huh? What? This feeling...

Why I feel like I’ve heard something similar to this just not long ago?

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about! Despite you always keeping shut but now you suddenly say something like that!”

“Can you stop, Barts. Howe too you be silent. If we fight among ourselves, what will happen?”

“That’s right, stop this! Finally... despite we finally able to work together like this, just to end up fight ourselves.”

“Howe, you did wrong just now, apologize to Barts.”

That’s right, this isn’t the time to quarrel among ourselves.

It’s not just us who were getting riled up, the enemies too...

“Hey, here they come, time for next round.” (Doremifa)

“All troops get ready!” (Solasido)

Doremifa and Solasido both stood. When we looked at the front, there was a large scale army formation spreading out horizontally, the ogre demons were protecting their Demon King castle, Hannyala.

It appears their troops have done readjusting themselves.

“That’s a strong protection huh.” (Solasido)

“Can you see the flag?” (Doremifa)

“Yeah... General Togeni’s flag and, ....that’s quite the bother huh, and then that flag is.... !!” (Solasido)

At that moment, the expression of Solasido who was peeking through the telescope hardened.

“Tsk, that, that flag is....! As expected we can’t avoid it.” (Solasido)

“Oh, we hit the jackpot? Solasido.” (Doremifa)

“Yes, Doremifa, we hit it. That general is here.” (Solasido)

“I’m glad as heck, Princess Arusha and Prince Roa managed to get into the castle safely, if they were to fight against the Demon King and those two generals at the same time, they’re gonna be at disadvantage.” (Doremifa)

“Fufu, in exchange we must face them here.” (Solasido)

Hey hey, it’s bad isn’t it.

In other words, there was a very strong guy person that can make you guys having cold sweat huh.

“Oi, Shout.” (Velt)

“Velt. Look closely, That flag with blue ogre on it. That is precisely, the chief of the Six Great Ogre Demon Generals’ and the Great General of the Hell Demon Kingdom’s Chief of Army. The person Demon King Kishin put most of his trust to, the strongest ogre. He is the one called [Zetsuki the Blue Ogre!].” (Shout)

I can’t see him alright. Do you think how far we are from him. Despite so,

“Wha! That’s Zetsuki So Zetsuki is fighting here?” (Rumba)

“Shit, despite it’s already five years so he is still going strong-nari” (Bardo)

“It’s a matter of course ain’t it.” (Jonga)

Even Rumba’s group also got cold sweat.

Aah, it’s not something I need to ask anymore. It’s clear as day he is truly a bad news. And then, it was at that moment.

“Hey, hey hey, Barts, everyone! Someone, someone came out to the front!” (Sanne)

When Sanne said that we looked to the front, from the middle of the ogres’ military formation somebody came out. It was quite a distance away. Despite that, step by step as that person walked forward, as if it’s very natural, the Great Human Alliance Army stopped their movement.

No, it’s not only that.

“Wha, why? It’s hot... this is sweat?” (Velt)

I’m sweating.

With only walking forward, my heart is beating so fast that I can hear it myself.

“Tsk, Shout!” (Velt)

“Wha, what is it? Velt.” (Shout)

“.... The Six Great Ogre Demon Generals included this geezer right?” (Velt)

That means, there are five more people around the same level as this geezer right? Well, just that already making things so much inconvenient.

“.... Six Great Ogre Demon Generals have existed even way before. However, once in a certain war, there were two people even more terrifying than the Six Great Ogre Demon Generals in the Hell Demon Kingdom, or so I heard.  They are, [Kishin and Zetsuki]. Because Kishin was still at a tender age and hadn’t been crowned yet, the two of them who were raised together later on went out to the battlefield and became so peerless that they became a tale.” (Shout)

“Velt-sama, that is the truth. In the Demon Continent, there was nobody that doesn’t know of [Kishin and Zetsuki]’s name. And by the common understanding of the demon race.... Zetsuki was put into the same class as the Seven Great Demon King.” (Rumba)

In a single country, there were two people of Demon King class? That’s already on the realm of absurdity. ‘This is absolutely not an exaggeration’, the atmosphere made me understand that message, making me felt troubled. And then,

“I, am Zetsuki from the Six Great Ogre Demon Generals!!!!” (Zetsuki)

TL note: he uses 吾輩(Wagahai) as the way to refer himself. It is a more arrogant way to refer oneself.

I thought a squall just run past me. I felt my eardrums just torn. It just took the voice of a single person. That person’s voice exceeded tens of thousands people and reverberated around the humans, making them lose their composure.

“Despite your previous crushing defeat and frail as a human you are, your current struggle is truly admirable!!!!” (Zetsuki)

Huh? He is praising us?

Carrying a giant metal rod on his shoulder, isn’t this ogre a bit too small? Even if I said that, he is around two meters tall, he stood out amongst other ogres who have red or reddish black skin color, as he is a blue colored ogre.

He wore no armor, his skin was bare and only wearing a yellow black shorts with lightning patterns on it. His face was similar to human with short black hair and refreshing look on his face, I only can see him as an athlete for a moment there.

“The hope of you people, the Ten Heroes of Light have done splendid, they have entered inside our castle, and surely is fighting against our Demon King, Kishin-sama at the moment!” (Zetsuki)

Hearing those words, the humans made a big chatter. What? That news is supposed to be the best news for the humans isn’t it? So why is he telling us that? And though he knew about that, why doesn’t he protect his king? Why doesn’t he appear flustered at all?

“However! If you are expecting of them with that much of hope, then you are greatly mistaken!” (Zetsuki)

Indignation. It felt as if when one was a child being scolded by the adults with all their strength, the child shriveled as the adults scolding  are them from up above, what the hell is this overwhelming pressure!

“Why we aren’t flustered by it? It’s simple! Kishin-sama is stronger than anyone else in the Hell Demon Kingdom, there’s no need to protect him in the first place! That greenhorn you called Neo Hero Roa is the humans’ biggest hope you said? Don’t make me laugh! Just the other day, a battle the very same like that was unfolded, those Ten Heroes of Light bunch challenged  Kishin-sama, have you forgotten they got beaten back instead! Have you forgotten that they can’t even lay a scratch to Kishin-sama!” (Zetsuki)

It seems what he said is the truth. Even the newspaper stated that two of the Ten Heroes of Light has died after all.

“This time the reason the Ten Heroes of Light has infiltrated our castle isn’t for the sake of bringing it down! It is because Kishin-sama has personally extended his invitation for their own death! At this very moment they are surely being sent to netherworld itself!” (Zetsuki)

He told us that we have lost..... though, no one said anything about it. If this ogre said so, everyone will think that it’s truly like that. This ogre has the persuasive power that able to make people think like that.

“But even so! To you who we thought as mere leftover small fries to be able to land a strike against us, I give you my honest praise! It is because you were able to defeat one of the absolute Six Great Ogre Demon Generals despite not being a hero after all!” (Zetsuki)

Hey, why all of my allies staring at me now. I’m gonna get noticed oi.

“And to reward the great efforts you all have made, I shall bestow you a gift that you can be proud of even after death! I myself shall personally consign you to oblivion!!!!” (Zetsuki)


Wha, what did he said just now? Personally?

“You should be proud! It’s been ten years since last time I’m able to let out without my aides around! If you and your tens of thousands troops can claim my neck then it’s your victory! Of course, you may be hesitate to drag your whole troops into this, and even anxious to get your allies involved.... It is because they must think this very personage is the hell itself after all!!!” (Zetsuki)

It was at that time. The blue ogre, smashed the ground with his gigantic metal rod.



“Wait, the, heck!”

“The, the ground split apart!”

The ground? It’s not as simple as that. The earth, no, it’s as if the world itself split apart! The sudden gigantic earthquake and gigantic splitting of the earth unleashed upon the Great Human Alliance Army and assaulted them.

“Now then, here I come! Weaklings of the monkey continent! Taste the eternal hell! Magic Armament One Hundred Ogres Earth God!” (Zetsuki)

TL note: 魔道兵装・百鬼地神( Madou heisou * hyakki chishin) Magic Armament One Hundred Ogres Earth God, anyone has better translation for this?

The blue ogre ran forward. His whole body was enveloped in a blue glow. And then, the ogre troops behind him was truly only able to twitch, unable to move. By just one person... just one person is actually capable to overwhelm tens of thousands of people!

“He, he’s coming! Start the attack!”

“Our enemy is just one person!”

That’s right, this isn’t the time to get cold feet. The Great Human Alliance Army has resolved themselves. Among them are those of veterans that exude general class dignity, they raised their swords.

“Great Human Alliance Army, our enemy is [Zetsuki the Blue Ogre]! We will bring him down! The one who defeated him will be given a reward that won’t be used up even with their entire lifetime and once the war ended will surely be given the tremendous title of a hero! No matter how many of our allies died, don’t ever falter! Put your all in this battle! We will definitely defeat hiiiiiiiim!”


They have do it. Hoisting their weapons and spirit, the Great Human Alliance Army started attacking Zetsuki.

“Earth mage unit! Rob him off his foothold!”

“Water mage unit! Seal his movements!”

“Wind mage unit! Take away his field of vision!”

“Fire mage unit! Incinerate him!”


It was a simultaneous bombardment of thousands of magic attack. It enclosed the vast battlefield, the gigantic explosion soared up to the skies. It was a concentrated fire that can even make one’s ear torn apart. Surely there won’t even a piece of his flesh remained with that.


“Kukukukuku, guhahahahahaha! Lukewarm, that’s far too lukewarm humans!!!” (Zetsuki)

The blue ogre laughed. And then he flew up, and swung down the gigantic metal rod in his hands.

“Ogre Star!” (Zetsuki)

TL note: 鬼星(Oniboshi), by dictionary” Chinese “ghost” constellation (one of the 28 mansions). What mansion it is I don’t know

It was, truly, a meteor!

“This, this is bad! Fuwa Fuwa Wall!” (Velt)

It was meaningless.

The moment when Zetsuki who was soaring up to the skies descended and swung his metal rod down, it created an extensive shockwave, the explosion created something like a mushroom cloud. And then, it was a sight that makes one doubt their eyes.

“Th, tha that, kuh, what!”

“Thi, this is im- impossible...”

“Mo- mon, monster....”

What was the sight that makes one even doubt their own eyes? What was the thing spreading before their eyes? The answer is nothing at all.

A crater with diameter around one hundred meters. And, the great number of soldiers who were originally there were all annihilated.

“Ha, haha, th- that’s what he meant by dragging our allies.... he, hehe, wha- what the hell is this.” (Ship)

There was no one who can answer to Ship’s question as his legs went limped, I too was like that.

“Wha- what the heck is that!”

The one who went limp wasn’t only Ship. Sanne has fallen to her knees as her tears streamed down, Hawk was also so dumbfounded that he even dropped the weapon he was holding in his hand.

“Haaaaaaaaaaah, everything feels so stupid with all that’s happening.”

That kind of destructive power. I’ve seen it somewhere. It was similar to Isamu. Zetsuki. I now fully understand that his strength is the same class as the Seven Great Demon King.

And Forna’s group is now at the summit of that Demon King castle and is fighting against someone more powerful than him?

Stop joking around.

“Shit, don’t be afraid! Prince Roa and Princess Arusha are now fighting against an even more powerful foe! Us who are fighting together right here shouldn’t feel afraid!”

“That’s right, we can’t lose here! No matter what, even if this body should perish!”

Doremifa and Solasido raised their voices. In accordance with that, the dazed Great Human Alliance Army also raised their voices.

However, right now the majority of them have already lost their fighting spirit. At this rate we are really going to be annihilated by a single person.



“As if we’d lose!”

As they were prepared to die, the Great Human Alliance Army launched a suicide attack. From the bottom of the crater, Zetsuki Bellowed.

“Your bravery is admirable! You can be proud of it in afterlife!” (Zetsuki)

With just one swing twenty people turned into minced meat.

“Gahahahaha! Take this!” (Zetsuki)

With another swing twenty more people scattered away.

“Why why why! Why you can’t even put single wound on me!” (Zetsuki)

Third swing, fourth swing, fifth swing, with that hundreds of people has vanished. In just a short time, the robust chosen warriors of the Great Human Alliance Army from the Human Continent in mere few seconds became so mangled that they can’t even be identified anymore.

“Shit, shit bastaaaard!” (Doremifa)

“It’s time for us to go too!” (Solasido)

It’s impossible right? He’s on a different dimension already.

“Hey, wait! Doremifa! Solasido!” (Shout)

“Kuh, let’s go too guys, Shout!” (Barts)

As Doremifa and Solasido jumped out, Shout and Barts followed and jumped out too.

“Tch, those guys...”

Only four of them went to face him. Ship, Hawk, and Sanne who have completely lost their will to fight can only cried as they murmured [Don’t go] to Shout’s group.

“Velt-sama, what should we do?” (Rumba)

Rumba’s group was waiting for my decision it seems. Of course they are. After finally having the chance to meet with Ura, they will only die in vain if they stupidly go and attempted suicide attack.

“Hey... in the time as we talk like this one hundred people have already died.”

What should I do? What the hell can I do?

He is the strongest ogre who has always win for countless years in this warring world, where there are monsters that doesn’t even know what a limit is, you know?

Even if I were to act, what can I accomplish?

“Shit, Shout! Barts!” (Velt)

Why do you stand and face him, you guys!

“Fuhahahaha, what’s wrong! What’s wrong! You bastards are too weak! With just this much, with just this much and you dare to fight against the Hell Demon Kingdom and hoping to defeat us, laughable!”  (Zetsuki)

The humans were scattered over without even having the chance to scream. With that amount of speed and heat, even the blood which should have been splattering around got evaporated.

“Don’t get over your head, Zetsuki!” (Doremifa)

“We will stop you!” (Solasido)

Doremifa and Solasido chased him over

“Activating Hyper Other Dimenson!” (Doremifa)

“Hm? Hoh, the space got distorted and blurring the vision. I see, so you are that young warrior from the Empire. Other Dimension Swordsman Doremifa huh.” (Zetsuki)

“That’s right! Inside this space all the senses will get blurred. No matter how strong you are, if your perception abilities are driven mad you won’t be able to act like normal! I’ve been used to it so I’m an exception to this power!” (Doremifa)

Inside the warped space Doremifa raised his sword overhead and swung it down. However,

“Don’t talk about my perception ability with your human senses! With just you thinking like that already makes my senses went mad!” (Zetsuki)

With his sword shattered into pieces, Doremifa got sent flying as his whole body was drenched red.

“Doremifaaaa! Bastard, die you ogre! Combustion magic, Explosion!” (Solasido)

“Hoh, so you’re the genius wizard I heard about from rumor, Solasido huh.” (Zetsuki)

Solasido who instantly appeared from the shadows, shorten the originally long chanting and set out an explosion from under Zetsuki’s feet.

“Though you’re enough to be called a genius, your fire power still isn’t enough!” (Zetsuki)

He hold his hand out and released something like a fighting spirit, Solasido was blasted off tens of meters and rolled away on the ground.

“Kukukuku, to be able to take one of my attacks with flesh still intact furthermore still breathing, it’s quite commendable. In four or five years maybe you can stand against three of my attacks?” (Zetsuki)

Doremifa. Solasido. Maybe there’s no one in the Great Human Alliance Army that doesn’t know their name. And because of that, the fighting spirit of the Great Human Alliance Army that was recovering once again smashed apart by that overwhelming might.

“UOOOOOOH, Element Sword Cyclone Saber!” (Shout)

“ORYAAA, Element Sword Flame Saber!” (Barts)

Sto, stop...


I don’t need to read the air. They aren’t their opponent at all.

“Hohou, talented ones come once again. Pitiful... is there no one else other than young warriors that want to face meeeeee!” (Zetsuki)

The result was the same. Shout and Barts too, their swords were smashed apart as they rolled on the ground smearing with blood.

“A, a, what the hell... what the hell is he.”


“Shout has.... Shout has....”

There’s no one to stand against him anymore. No, they can’t . It’s not because their heart has been smashed apart. It’s because they already smashed to pieces and fallen apart.

“Even if we throw ourselves at him all at once, the thousands of people that throw themselves from before were finished in just an instant. Who’d want to face him when everyone knows that gonna happen.”

Someone ever said, don’t mistake bravery with recklessness. Right now is exactly like that. Overwhelming number of people has been smashed apart by just one person.

“Kuh, what a monster he is.” (Velt)

I couldn’t come to there at all.

At the moment I was thinking that, Zetsuki once again unleashed that meteor like technique, making a mushroom cloud and crater to appear once again in a far place. After that, it was like a catastrophe. A great chaos and screams happened at various places among the tens of thousands of Great Human Alliance Army, it was already too late to regroup.

I was only able to look at that, unable to do anything at all.

“..... Doremifa, Solasido, just before those two got beaten, I tried to somehow take away or change the direction of Zetsuki’s metal rod using my Fuwa Fuwa technique, but it was repelled.” (Velt)


“The distance is a bit far but his muscle strength, and then that magic armament that wrapped around his body like Forna’s, they tear apart my magic power and flung away both of them.”

In other words, it’s impossible to do anything to that ogre from a far place. I must get closer like   I  was when with Chirotan when we were at the Sky World.

“Huh, I’m... thinking about how to fight him now?” (Velt)

No, it’s impossible. There’s no way I can win. That’s already so obvious.

“It’s impossible. It’s better to escape from here.” (Howe)

“Huh, Howe!” (Velt)

At that moment, as if cutting away my doubts, Howe said that.

“It will be bad if you die here. That’s why its better to escape.” (Howe)

“Hey, what’s wrong so suddenly, you’ve been talking a lot ever since coming here.” (Velt)

“It’s nothing. It’s just, you should have understand that it would be bad if you die here. Zetsuki is stronger than Ten Heroes of Light, that’s as clear as day.” (Howe)

So she’s saying that she understand that I would be dead if I were to fight. That’s right. I clearly understand that. I’m just a small time delinquent who can’t even do evil things.

“Yeah, it’s like you said. If you were to die here you won’t be able to meet Ura and others anymore. At any rate, you need to retrieve Forna from up there, so running away is a smart choice.” (Howe)

Then, why am I keep moving my legs forward while staggering?

“Tsk, Velt!” (Howe)


I’m stupid huh. I understand that.

“That’s true huh. I won’t be able to meet Ura and others. But, if I don’t do anything here at all I won’t be able to raise my head.” (Velt)

“You can’t? To who?” (Howe)

“To a certain someone!”

To who? That kind of thing, it’s only to one person.

“While her father was living as he pleased, the small kid who was told to marry with me has always been fighting against that kind of monster in this world right next to each other. Because she understood that she has expectations being put on her, without running away, without even complaining, she... she, just keep on fighting! For whose sake? For all of us sake!” (Velt)

That’s why, I can’t not do anything.

“Fu, fufufufu, Velt-sama, where are you going without taking along your subordinates?” (Rumba)

“We are the soldiers who follow under Velt-sama nari.” (Bardo)

“If it’s the place where our King is going, no matter which death zone it is we will accompany you ain’t it!” (Jonga)

Haha, then I shouldn’t just merely do something but all the more to keep surviving. So that these guys can meet Ura once again.

“Aight, let’s gooooooooo!!!” (Velt)

“ “ “OOOOOHHHH!!!” “ “

A delinquent and demonfolks,  going on ogre hunt!




Translated by : Thousand Vangs

Edited by : Thousand Vangs



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