Chapter 144 Can’t Agree To It


So I make a translation of this song quite a while ago. They're the band that also sang Naruto ending song Ima Made Nandomo. Well, check the comment in the video for the translation. Very inspiring song lmao

Chapter 144 Can’t Agree To It


A declaration of the end of war determined by the discussion of the leaders was made.

However, as both of the armies were still in a state where they still have power to spare, voices that spoke against it risen from both enemies and allies.

 “I can’t understand this! Why couldn’t we charge with all our troops! If we let the enemies slip out right under our own nose, the dead comrades that have fought with us until now won’t rest in peace.”

Why can’t we fight? Those words leaked out of a large number of soldiers.

Against those many voices that spoke of criticism for the leader, Hero Roa answered in a calm tone.

“Our purpose is isn’t to defeat the Hell Demon Kingdom. But it is to prevent the destruction of Great Human Alliance Army, and to safeguard this territory. The noble death of our comrades is by no means futile.” (Roa)

However, as if they were able to be consent to it with just something of that degree, the feelings of the Great Human Alliance Army hanging on this war weren’t half assed at all.

With a big part of the army knowingly ignoring it, they let explode their irrepressible feelings.

“If we let go Demon King Kishin here, the same thing will just repeat! If we don’t exterminate them this conflict will span for eternity!”

“That’s right! We can’t agree to it! To just let the enemies slipped away right before our eyes...  How can you just say it’s for protecting the territory!  If you said it like that, my old man and big bro who were killed won’t ever come back!”

“They will definitely advance again! However, if we can defeat Kishin and Zetsuki here, that means we can avoid that!”

“That’s true! With the lord heroes from the Ten Heroes of Light, and also with the new hero Velt-sama, we can surely make it!”

Hey don’t put my name there as you please, the state of mind of these guys right now aren’t calm enough to make calculated judgment.

They only wanted to smash everything with their will to fight. But then, suddenly the war got stopped without deciding who the victor and loser were. Making the enraged soldiers only able to shed tears and shouted out their frustration.

And of course, the same thing happened with the Hell Demon Kingdom.

“Velt-sama... what kind of discussion happened back then?” (Rumba)

In a place a bit separated from the Great Human Alliance Army, the former Vesparda Demon Kingdom troops were watching. As I was surrounded by Rumba’s group, the enraged troops and the heroes trying to soothe them can be seen from afar.

“It’s nothing... it’s just.... something like every one of them was amazing.” (Velt)

We didn’t win. We also didn’t lose. We also were able to stop the casualties to the minimum. Despite so, why the hell these guys can’t just calm down. Why are they want to fight again more than this?

Despite I’ve finally participated into war, in the end I still can’t understand it.

“Roa-sama! Enemy’s Six Great Ogre Demon General is in peril! Moreover, that very Sudou was captured by Velt-sama’s strength! At least we should use him to....”

“No, if you’re talking about that geezer, I’ve returned him you know?” (Velt)


Because their topic was slightly connected with me, I came closer to join in their quarrel.

“Velt! Wait, what actually has happened? You, you captured Sudou from the Six Great Ogre Demon Generals? And moreover, returned him?”

On the side of the Hero, Forna was surprised while trembling. Ah, she still doesn’t know about lots of things. For now, I stroke her head to tell her not to worry.

And then, there were guys who have [It’s a lie right?] [Why?] [You returned him] expressions sticking on their faces.

“I was the one who captured him. So it’s up to me how I should handle him. It’s not like I can do anything even if I were to hold onto that geezer, and as I didn’t want to get strangely glared at by the ogres, Zetsuki immediately sent me back” (Velt)

And then what happened? At a moment there was some who pondered [Impossible], but then it turned into angry bellows soon after.

“Wha, what have you done! Velt-sama, did you understand that you just make a mess out of yourself!”

“Do you know how many people had become the victim of his foul tactics! Do you know how much the war results will differ with him being alive or not!”

“Velt, why did you act as you please... at least you should consult with us once...”

“That stupid bastard....”

Being told off with something trashy like that of course I’ll get irritated.

What the hell. I’m not even a soldier in the first place, so it’s up to me as to what to do to with the guy I caught myself.

“No no, wait a minute! You, having caught that Phantom Sudou, why the hell are you saying it so nonchalantly like that! You also appeared together with one of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans just now, Forna, what the heck is wrong with your boyfriend!”

“Asakura-kun... you’re really...”

“Unbelievable. This man....”

“Haha, some amazing dude has appeared.”

Even the heroes were gazing at me with astonished look.

Aah, shit, I shouldn’t have said it.

As I’ve made a [mistake], I clicked my tongue unintentionally.

“Sharkryu... Princess Ura.... and now even Kishin? Boy?” (Gyanza)

Aah, this atmosphere. It’s from that person who has that eerie atmosphere to the point of disgusting as always.

Just with hearing that voice and seeing that form, I’m being filled to the brim with coldness and discomfort.

“What, you wanna complain? Ah? BIg Sis Gyanza. Do you want to say again that I got brainwashed?” (Velt)

Gyanza. Once I murmured that name, an absurd amount of killing intent leaked out from some other place.

“Gyanza! So it’s that woman!” (Rumba)

“Kuh, guh, tsk, she is Sharkryu-sama’s and also Princess’ enemy-nari” (Bardo)

“That woman.... it’s that woman ain’t it!” (Jonga)

The overwhelming hatred was being exuded, starting from Rumba’s group then to the remnants troops.

By turn of events, they should be the enemies that were part of the Hell Demon Kingdom’s army that were sent to mess up with us, the Great Human Alliance Army, that point shouldn’t be forgotten.

“Aah, boy... just how much you’ve... such a misfortune... you’re still being used by the evil demon race....” (Gyanza)

The woman who killed Samejima.

Each time I’m seeing this woman my insides feels like boiling and churned.


“Stop it, you guys! Things gonna get complicated!” (Velt)

“Please stop, Gyanza! Asaku.... not only you’re being prejudiced to him, I won’t forgive you if you lay your hands on the former Vesparda Demon Kingdom Army! It’s because of him that we can save many of our comrades you know?” (Arusha)

Me and Ayase shouted at the same time.

And then, as if remembering my fault from before, Forna glared at Gyanza as she came to my side, holding my hand strongly.

However Gyanza just won’t change. No, she is that kind of woman in the first place.

Then, she explained her very own opinion.

“Prince Roa” (Gyanza)

“What is it? Deputy Head Gyanza.” (Roa)

On top of the pedestal Gyanza uttered her words to the soldiers as she faced Roa, giving an advice.

“As expected, I consent with what the soldiers here are wishing...I think we should strike the retreating Hell Demon Kingdom Army from behind.” (Gyanza)

Her words were not only enough to test on our patience, but also more than enough to stir up the soldiers who were in a condition as if suffering indigestion.

“Deputy Head Gyanza, this matter has already been decided! The authority to decide it is in me.” (Roa)

“However, we should take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. We’ve already understood that it was a bad idea to fight against the Hell Demon Kingdom and Demon King Kishin from the front. That’s exactly when the enemy’s army was letting their guard down we should strike them in the back, this will become a big progress for the human race.” (Gyanza)

“That won’t happen! Deputy Head Gyanza, you should stop your pretension. The ones who were let to escape were us. If it were not because of Velt-san and the people of Vesparda, it might be us who were getting exterminated instead.” (Roa)

“It is, that is exactly why we have to use this chance. Even if we have to left behind our names as cowards in the history, if it is for saving the innocent lives of human race then it is cheap in comparison. And for them, they might be trying to deceive us, isn’t it possible that they would make a surprise attack on us from somewhere?” (Gyanza)

Oi oi oi oi oi oi oi.

This woman..... isn’t it better to just kill her here?

“You can’t, Velt!” (Forna)


“Please, you are a hero! Please just leave things to Roa-sama here. Please, stop doing more things arbitrarily.” (Forna)

As I was stepping forward spontaneously, Forna let off my hand she was holding, but then embraced my arm strongly. As she was trembling, her tears flowed down her face.

However, just when the words asking to believe in Roa came out, unexpected words came from other place.

“No, Roa. I also approve of Gyanza’s opinion in this.”

Those words were coming from the one Dark Swordsman Leville, one of the Ten Heroes of Light.

“Leville!” (Roa)

“Roa, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re a threat to the human race. And, once they turned their fangs again, the human race will definitely suffer great loses. However, right now not only they are letting their guard down, but also have their army’s power halven. If we attack now, the big threat to human race will disappear.” (Leville)

He said his sound argument with such a cool face, wait a damn sec hey.

So, why the hell is he trying to stir up the thing that has already ended!

“Leville, my brother has said it! We are the ones who were let escape. Having fought against Kishin and Zetsuki, shouldn’t you already well understand that?” (Arusha)

“That’s the problem. Princess Arusha. And also, Velt Jeeha was it?” (Leville)

At that moment, Leville glared at me and Ayase coldly.

“Do you have some connection with Kishin? Princess, I’m not doubting you but, I can feel you two have some kind of unusual connection with Kishin. So long as you don’t explain that, be it Gyanza or us, we can’t agree to this.” (Leville)

“Oh my, Leville. You’re normally such a cooly fighting knight, but now you’re sure talking quite a lot. But still, that’s a bit impolite.  I don’t mind if you’re doubting me but... it doesn’t change the fact that Velt Jeeha-kun has saved us. And then, you should already aware that the way you’re trying to sneak attack the enemy will become futile and ended up disgracing us.”  (Arusha)

Ayase undauntedly stated her opposition, this is sure quite the unpleasant atmosphere.

Just when one thought the war finally came to an end, now it’s the inside that’s starting to dispute. Furthermore, it’s the members of the Ten Heroes of Light who were clashing their opinion. What the heck’s gonna happen now?

“Won’t you all stop? Leville, Arusha, and Deputy Head!” (Roa)

At that moment, Roa fired out strict words.

“Leville. As my rival with the sword we’ve sharpen ourselves and able to reach new heights together, you’re my most reliable comrade. I wanted to be on equal terms with you that’s why I told you it is unnecessary to use honorific and be concerned of me. However, right now the full authority of this army lays with me. I wish you to understand that.” (Roa)

“..... Roa.... But!” (Leville)

“Arusha. You and Velt-san also Kishin, once things settled down I want you to tell me about them.” (Roa)

“Big brother...” (Arusha)

“And, Deputy Leader Gyanza.  Ever since I was small, you’re like a teacher and also an elder sister, as well as a great hero, but right now I wish you to please hand me over the full responsibility.” (Roa)

“Prince... even so as expected, I’m still against this.”

Aah, these guys’ not good. They have needlessly high comrade awereness, It is exactly because each one of them are equally heroes of the same degree that they can equally clash their opinion.

Before the war this is exactly the one thing that make the army fall apart.

“Geez, these guys, they’re... really such a pain in the ass...” (Velt)

“That’s why, please stop it, Velt! Please just endure it!” (Forna)

Endure it? Right now Milco must be being showered with blame, even so he kept on forcing through it and keep absurdly straining himself.

At that moment, as if guessing my feelings, the person who was the one and only in the truest sense interposed.

“Realllly, it’s such a pain in the ass eh~, the human race who always supposed to shield themselves behind justice and great cause.”

And that is Maman.


“That’s right, why is this monster cut into our conversation in the first place! Why, is he participating in this war!”

“Boy. Are you also being used even by the demihumans?” (Gyanza)

Maman who was completely unable to read the situation, with his wriggling walk jumped onto the stage.

He, hey hey... it’s to the point that’s even fearless...

“My~, you’ve been chirpy chirping since a while ago, hu~h. ............... it’s noisy, shut up a bit, Ah?” (Yubamensch)


“Ah...... wha.... Maman?” (Velt)

Let’s say it straight. Since I was born in this world, there were three times where my whole being got assaulted by terror.

First was when my Pops and Mom were killed.

Second was when I met with Gyanza.

And third was when Isamu’s hand was about chop me off.

However, my trauma now increased to four.

“Ve, Velt...” (Forna)

Even Forna was shaken.

Had she didn’t hold onto my arm she would be falling to her knees. 

The army that surpassed tens of thousands, got overwhelmed with just one threatening voice of a single demihuman, the ones shouting to do pursuit since a while ago got silenced instantly.


Even without speaking, his face was showing it all.

The Dark Swordsman Leville, and even Gyanza, they have their faces pallid and from their foreheads sweat gushed out without pause.

“Ufufufu~n, just joking. My~, don’t make such an uncivilized opinions, it’s no good” (Yubamensch)

And then, he back to become the usual maman, but that’s just made the terror to be felt all the more.

“Well then, Leville-chan, and also Gyanza-chan, I just want you to remember this. My purpose is only to save Vel-chan and also to stop this war. Howevver, should you want more than this, after I take Vel-chan out of this place, I will stick with the Hell Demon Kingdom.” (Yubamensch)

“Wha, what did you say! Why do you siding with the demon race!”

“Yaa see, things like wall between races, is just something outdated in front of love and friendship you know” (Yubamensch)

Those were effective words that repressed the soldiers who were still making objections, wanting to fight.

These guys can’t possibly understand what Maman was meaning.

So, at the same time they fight against the demon race, they also want to make enemies out of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans?

As that thought passed over their minds, hesitations started to appear.

This can happen with just one word from Maman?

Forna was glaring at him intensely though, well maybe that’s just a joke so let’s calm down.

I got relieved unknowingly.



They were ten ordinary soldiers raising their voices.

The ones in charge as messengers.

And then, as they were out of breath after rushing to here, they shouted the report that would  make a complete change out of this situation.

“This, this is a report from the scouts. The, the enemy army, inside the Hell Demon Kingdom Army, there was a large scale criticism rising against the decision of the Demon King! A part of the army has went against the decision and seemingly about to set out!”

“Wha, whaaat!”

It’s understandable if you think about it. It’s not limited to this side that can’t agree to the decision, the other side can have their own disagreement too.



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  1. thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the chapter
    Well done as usual

  3. Thanks for the chapter. I know it's a bit too late but You mistaken gyanza gender, she's a female not male


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