Chapter 211 Charge


Chapter 211 Charge


“Velt................ Velt.........................ah..........................” (Forna)

“Princess Forna, what’s wrong, Princess Forna! ........ no good, she has lost consciousness............., things happened one after another, what the hell is going on!”

Forna fainted. Galva who could only support her body and bite his lips as he shouted, frankly no one was able to answer him.

It’s not because of the demons. Nor do demihumans. Not even humans. Also not sky people.

Then what are they really?

“Onii-chan! Kuh, ...this is......” (Lagaia)

“Velt-kun, Velt-kun, Velt-kun! No, don’t, you have to stay strong! Th, this is unforgivable!” (Arusha)

“Call Imperial Princess Elejala-zou! Princess Yuzuriha, quick-zou!” (Kaizer)

“Uu, trash....... Velt, Velt is going to die, Velt is.........” (Yuzuriha)

Now then, what’s gonna happen? I can’t move my body, I can’t speak too.

Power has left my whole body, isn’t this driven into dead corner feels like?

No, I can’t. if I stop here, everything will over.

I still haven’t done anything yet!

“Mannie.......... this is............. what do you mean with this?” (Roa)

I got straddled ontop Yuzuriha’s back, everyone is trying to get me as fast as possible to Eljela, no one was able to foresee this situation from happening.

It’s natural. There’s no one was able to understand this situation.

“Hey, why are those machine dragons..... also, there are some looking like gryphons, even pegasus too....... hey, Shout, did you hear anything from General Tyler?”

“I didn’t. These forces....... also, who are those guys that suddenly appeared from the earth?”

“Princess-sama, please stand back for a bit. The situation seems to have become strange.”

The steel monster swarms are cramming up the sky. While on the ground there’s this mysterious hooded group.

Are they enemies? Or allies? She must have known everything, that costume wearing girl is laughing.

“Aha, ahahahaha, ahahahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” (Mannie)

Mannie is laughing. The only sound that could be heard in this battlefield that has turned silent.

“Mannie!” (Roa)

“Aha, ahahaha. Geez, don’t be angry now, Roa-kun. Why are you angry anyway?” (Mannie)

“Please answer seriously! I’ve never heard of something like this before! Is this the arbitrary action of Love and Peace? What are these machine monsters, and who are they?” (Roa)

Roa only has a single question. [what is this]

However, as if finding the question humorous, Mannie laughed again.

“Geez~, Roa-kun you’re really a dolt.” (Mannie)

“........Eh?” (Roa)

“It’s because you all keep thinking that you are the ones who could decide the world’s fate. Roa-kun, you haven’t heard anything right? Why, does Roa-kun need to know everything?” (Mannie)

“Why you asked, it’s because in this war I am the supreme commander of the Great Human Alliance Army. There’s no need to hide anything to me.........” (Roa)

“Nope, you’re wrong Roa-kun. That role isn’t anything important you know. Something like the Great Human Alliance Army and the supreme commander.......... they’re just a front after all~.” (Mannie)

“What do you mean....... A front?” (Roa)

“Yes. Roa-kun’s only has one role, for the......... Holy King............. and for [us] too.” (Mannie)

It’s as if a truth that the world shouldn’t know.

As if it’s something that those who idolize Roa, hoisting justice, and fight risking their lives together shouldn’t hear.

However, it was at that moment.


“Hm? Iya~~~~~~~~h, scary~, eh, ei” (Mannie)

A wind magic was shot aimed at Mannie. Mannie showed a taunting attitude but she quickly extended her hand and cancelled the magic.

However, who was the one who shot that? That is......

“Mannie..... this is, what are you intending to do! Are you betraying us?”

It was Tyler who fought me and lost his consciousness before.

“Fuu, fuu........ what’s the meaning of this.......”

And the one who dragged his ragged up body and destroyed armor, exuding a strong killing intent, it was the Holy Knight who Kishin insta-killed.

 “Gufu........  depending on your answer, you won’t be spared.”

Ah, a pig! I mean, if I’m not mistaken, he’s one of the Holy Knights.

We met at the hot springs, Minster Olbando! Ain’t it Kimomen’s dad!

And then.......

“Does this mean you planned for everything?”

Standing next to Tyler, no, standing in the middle of them, the guy wearing black hood from earlier!

If I’m not mistaken, he’s the guy named Wold...

“Ehehehe~, Wold real sorry.” (Mannie)

“............Mannie................” (Wold)

It speaks clearly that he’s the mysterious person who appeared on the battlefield before.

“Mannie.........I knew you hated the world. I have considered that you would betray us one day. But I didn’t think that it would be at this timing.” (Wold)

“I wonder~? Wold. Can you guess why?” (Mannie)

“I thought that the moment you’d betray us is the moment when you have all the keys. I don’t think Clonia will become your ally. So what’s going on? You still haven’t earned the [Crest Eyes of Life] .” (Wold)

“Ehehehehehehe, that’s right. That’s really true. I still need the Crest Eyes of Life.

 Their situation and conversation, there’s no one that able to understand them.

Roa who originally supposed to be the center of this war, is now like being kept out of the event and lost his words.

“But you see~, Wold~, this is a what if you know? What if with the [Crest Eyes of Truth], we [fully analyze] the subterranean race, and using the tendencies of the second Crest Eyes as the base, we use the [Crest Eyes of Creation] not for awakening them, but to [create] them instead what would happen?” (Mannie)

It was something that everyone could say, a talk about possibility.

Yes, it’s the worst possibility that Neferti said in the previous meeting.........

“The subterranean race..................., Mannie! Could it be, you!” (Wold)

At that moment, the black hooded Wold raised his voice, and in the next moment Mannie once again laughed madly and raised both of her hands.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It’s already too late! Onee-chan and Wold is too slow! It’s because you didn’t look for the Subterranean World despite this world being so small! Let this small world be destroyed! The surface should be annihilated!” (Mannie)

Subterranean race. if I’m not mistaken it’s one of the unfound world.

Along with Sky World and the other........

“Now, be destroyed. Those who pollute the surface, the rubbish of god.”

I didn’t know who said that.

However, the moment that lone voice was heard, the hooded group that appeared from the earth raised their arms into the sky.

The thing that equipped on their arms, no, it looks as though has already fused with their body, the whirling drill with sharp pointed tip.

There are those with drill only on their left arm, right arm, or even on both of them,  also those who have drills only on their fingertips.

The moment these guys’ drills which have fused with their body violently spin, the scenery of war between the demons, humans, and the sky people instantly changed.

“Wha, who the hell are these guys! Kurai Demon Kingdom? Or instead soldiers from Yami Demon Kingdom?”

 “They’re coming! All troops get into battle formation!”

“Don’t break from your formation, our numbers are overwhelmingly larger than them! Surround and destroy them!”

Even with them not knowing the identity of those guys, it’s clear that they’re baring their hostility.

They can only kill before they got killed.

It might be as expected of the troops to not fall into panic, at times like this to firmly switch over the target to deal with the problem in front of them.


“Helix Law – Spiral Staircase”

TL note: 螺旋法・螺旋階段(Rasenhou - Rasen Kaidan)

In the center of the formations of the Great Human Alliance Army’s troops, the desert exploded and from it’s bottom a spinning drill is poking out it’s head, the spin draw in great number of humans and the tear them apart.

“What............... the....................”

The whirl around the drill rolled up then raised up into the sky, consequently it got pulled down by gravity and sending back those that got blasted up onto the surface.

It turned into a rain of great amount of blood, pouring onto the humans and the beautiful sky people.

“Wait, thi............ this is...........”

“I don’t know what are they but.............. this is an emergency-dazou!” (Kaizer)

It has started.

Get as much farther away from the battlefield as far as possible, in front of our eyes who are heading to where Elejla and company are taking shelter, the gong of hell rang out even more.

“Aah, ah, so dazzling. So this is the sun............... this is the sky............this is the surface.............”

“It’s a boundless wide world. But despite that, in this kind of world people are fighting over the lands, just how narrow is the heart of the surface people are?”

“Right. At the end of things, it seems they are scheming to search for our Subterranean World and take over it after all.”

“I don’t care what will happen to the surface. But, I won’t stay silent if they want to lay their hands on our world.”

The hooded man that appeared, all of them have a powerful and sturdy sounding voice.

And then, they removed their hoods at once and threw them to the sky.

“Let’s go, all you bastards! Charge out!”

Literally as it means, the mysterious group uncovered their veil.

They’re wearing baggy deep blue pants like the carpenter of blue-collar workers usually wear, something like a knickerbockers.

 On their feet, rather than wearing shoes, are those tabi instead? And above they’re wearing collarless shirt with long sleeves.

Their body aren’t artificially well buffed, they have a naturally tough body build.

Something like working helmet nestled on their heads.

Their skin is white and they look inferior than human but there’s a certain trait that human, demons, and demihumans don’t have that they have.

That is their drills.

Other than their arms and fingers that are drills, there’s another one. Their mouths are long like the beak of a bird, but when one look closely it’s another drill.

Yes, they have a point of similarity where all of their beaks are actually drills, a trait that’s different from the races of the surface.

“ “ “ “ “ “ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” “ “ “ “ “

And so, the rough voices of men rang out all at once.

The mysterious drill bastards scattered from their place all at once, jumping into the collapsed formation and disordered Great Human Alliance Army’s troops.

Some of them dived into the ground, some of them flew into the sky using their spinning drill.

“Wha, what the hell are they!”

“Eeeei, don’t panic! Quickly send reinforcement to places with damages! Surround them!”

“Surround......, no good! The moment we surround them they quickly ran away inside the earth!”

“Hurry assemble the earth element mages! Control the underground and round them up!”

“Reporting in! We tried to manipulate the underground and formed a hard bedrock, but it was broken through. By something like a spiral!”

Those drill guys, the moment they got released to the wide surface world they ran around freely as if they’re aroused.

“Surface dwellers, try to dive into the depths of the earth for once! Take this, the power of helix that devours the earth. Helix Law – Hellmail Storm!”

And then, that drill mercilessly pierced through the humans, opening up a windhole.

These guys............. are strong!

“Shit, these guys, how dare they!”

“I’ll chop you up!”

“Take this sword of justic, GUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”

Be it swords, spears, all the weapons that come to kill them, all were destroyed by the spinning drill.


“Ice Shot!”

“It’s not working! What are those weapons! It crushed all those magic!”

Even when they try to attack using a ranged magic, they got diffused the moment those magic pierced through the drill.

“What are you doing! There are only around one thousand of them! With our power of tens of thousands none of them will----------“

“One of the commanders right?”


If they’re surrounded they’ll escape underground, but once that happens they’ll elusively suddenly appear in the center of the troops and opened up holes to commanders and people that look like leaders.

No matter how much difference in their numbers, this will be hard to handle.


“These pesky moles. They smear blood to my pure white wings, how insolent........ Gold Fever!”

Though there are those who won’t keep silent.

The gold machine gun is pouring down, shooting at the drill bastards.


“This....... it’s that woman there! You dare huh.”

“Hmph, so there’s also someone who got backbone in the surface.”

The one who looks down from the sky is Ligantina. With sharp eyes she looks down to the surface, calling out to her disordered brethren on the surface.

“Don’t falter you pigs! If they dive underground then you shall look down from the sky. To this incompetent group, go and smash them once they show up their mole face!”

She won’t panic and fall behind with only this degree.

Ligantina was as though scolding the humans and sky people, giving them stimulus, the troops moved as if in concert and raised their morale.


“Don’t take us lightly!”

The humans too, with Barts and Shout from the Ten Heroes as the center they cornered those drill bastards.

Those guys who at first making chaos all over the places at first because of their unknown strength, soon got surrounded, cornered, and dwindled in number little by little.

This is a matter of course. You can’t so simply step on the Great Human Alliance Army and the sky people and showing off like that.

However, despite knowing the situation took a sudden turn, the drill bastards don’t seem to be agitated at all.

Instead, .......

“Ooh, ooh. Amazing amazing. I knew it, you’re strong.”

“Keh. They’re already blessed with the surface, sky, and sea, but they still don’t get satisfied and now trying to take over other people’s land, kill, and pillage them, bringing destruction and keep on multiplying, what a rubbish.”

“Since they keep on killing for hundreds of years of course they’d be strong. Just, ..........these guys still no good.......”

“Yeah, if it’s them they won’t be able to surpass [Moa]........... or [Harmagedon].”

“I bet so. Anyway, the greeting is only up to this far. The following action, we’ll wait for Princess Mannie’s signal and secure [that princess].”

“Well I understand that. But still to think that the Princess would change the target herself.”

“I know alright. That small Princess right? Geez, I wish they don’t change the plan right before it’s put in practice.”

They’re laughing?

I can’t see them clearly but they exchanged glances and quickly dived underground.

All troops also quickly turned their sight below and being alert but they can’t sense any presence of them jumping up again.

“Hey, ...............”

“Ah, they won’t come at us? So they’ve escaped.........”

“Kuku, hahhahhahha! These guys are so light on their feet when escaping, bastards, they got scared of us and ran away.”

The enemies have escaped? The moment I thought of that, the troops’ expression lightly loosened, and simultaneously raised a roar of victory.

“So Mannie...................... those guys are.................” (Wold)

“That’s right, Wold. They are the subterranean race that Wold kept on searching but unable to find you know?” (Mannie)

“......................So they got involved.......................” (Wold)

“You see once Mannie told them the truth without any lies, they willingly cooperate you know? Mannie has the same bloodline as them after all” (Mannie)

As Wold, the Holy Knights, and Mannie kept on continuing their conversation, the Great Human Alliance Army and the sky people didn’t pay attention to them and raised their voices because they made the enemies retreated.

“Mannie! You’re........ what have you done............. at this time when both armies of the World Alliance and Demon Alliance have exhausted themselves....” (Tyler)

“Ehehe, amazing right, Tyler? The dark elf country that was destroyed seventeen years ago. The high elf country that the former Love and Money destroyed. They’re the [legacy of the divine race] that lay asleep in the [Shrine of Sealing] of the cryptids you know?” (Mannie)

“Impossible! There should be nothing that can be used there! Isn’t it should be used like Dorauemon the machine dragon, using the power of the Crest Eyes of Life that Princess Clonia has!” (Tyler)

“Ufufufu, it’s not like the legacy of the divine race at the Shrine of Sealing can’t be used, but it’s actually has more seal to it you know? They sealed them so that they couldn’t be used, using magic power see. After that, you need to [recharge] it. You didn’t realized it because you thought it was junk right?” (Mannie)

“What.......... what did you say? Recharge?”

“Yup. I was told by a subterranean person that I got along with He said this stuff’s [battery] is empty.” (Mannie)

“Bat, ............battery? What do you mean?” (Tyler)

“You don’t need to know, Tyler. The Seven Deadly Sins was taken by onee-chan though, anyway, the machine monsters are Mannie’s. Next is.......gather up all those eyes, [create] holy magic for six people portion........ then it’s the revival of divine race!” (Mannie)

And right above her, it’s as if a preposterous hell is opening it’s mouth........

“All troops, withdraw at once!” (Tyler)

Those are words that Tyler conveyed to all personnel on this battlefield.

Everyone craned their neck to those words. Withdraw? Why? All enemies should have been chased away........

“Do it quick! Escape from this place as quick as possible! This battle is over!” (Tyler)

In a hurried manner, Tyler shouted to escape at once.

Just what is.......... the moment I thought that, everyone remembered.


The hundreds of huge steel monsters that covered the whole sky looking down on them.

Those monsters as if having estimated the time when those drill bastards to leave, all simultaneously flapped their wings and coming down.

“Target confirmed”

“Begin the extermination plan.”

“Subterranean people has moved outside the area confirmed. Fire element skill, lifting ban on Eternal Palm.”

Something like pipe came out of the mouth of the machine monsters.

What is that? Those are something that I often see at the movies in my previous life.............


Despite it being a desert,  a wall of flames now running around it’s circumference, the battlefield that was soaked red with blood is now burning red with fire.

Agonizing throes from the lives being engulfed in flames are spreading out.

“No............. something is.......................happening, I can’t.................” (Velt)

“Don’t talk, Velt-kun! Imperial Princess Eljela will surely.............. so please, stay calm!” (Arusha)

“There she is, over there! Just a bit more, hang in there onii-chan!” (Lagaia)

“Tttttrassshhh, I won’t forgive you if you die, I won’t forgive you trash Velt!” (Yuzuriha)

I don’t know anything anymore. I was placed on Yuzuriha’s back, then we forcefully broke through the wall of soldiers and flames, turning our back from the screams of dying lives, to a rocky area slightly further away from the battlefield.

“Velt! What, what happened?” (Ura)

“Velt-sama.......... Nooooooooooo! Velt-sama! My Velt-sama!” (Eljela)

“.............papa................ pa..............” (Cosmos)

“Guh.............. oi oi, what the hell happened here..........” (Chirotan)

“H, hey! You’re in quite the bad shape Velt!”(Althea)

“Husband-dono!” (Rumba)

They poked out their faces from the rocks, upon one look at my situation Ura and Eljela were shaken.

Cosmos was muttering with her voice almost unheard. And then Chii-chan is lying down with his body battered up.

Althea is flustered and panicking.

I’m glad, they’re still fine ...........

“Please calm down, Imperial Princess Eljela! Velt-kun’s condition requires urgent treatment! Please, do something with your ultrasensory divine perception!” (Arusha)

“Ah...............Velt, sama................... no, I absolutely won’t let you die! Velt-sama, please don’t leave me and Cosmos behind! No matter what!” (Eljela)

“Stop messing around, Velt. Don’t you ever die on me! I still haven’t introduce you to Melma-san and family, don’t play jokes on me!” (Ura)


I felt the place where I was wounded got slightly warmer.

While my sense of pain has completely gone, honestly I don’t really know if it’s already healed or still being in the process of healing instead.

It’s just, Elejla is crying while trying to heal me, Ura is shouting non stop as she is holding my hand tightly, and Cosmos is losing her smile.

I won’t let this become the last scenery I see.

“Aah.......................It’s..............................mostly.” (Velt)

Like hell I’d die. I only, able to keep repeating that over and over inside my mind, but now even that is............

“Extermination plan is on progress. Extermination plan is on progress.”

In this kind of situation, why are things keep happening one after another.......

“What, even in this place!”  (Arusha)

“Hell, what are these guys!”(Althea)

“Impossible, that is Dora!’s different?” (Ura)

“Now they’ve done it............. stop messing around! Imperial Princess Eljela, you stay and keep healing onii-chan!” (Lagaia)

“You shall not pass, even a single step-zou.” (Kaizer)

“Cosmos, you hide inside!”

Regardless it’s a place a distance away from the battlefield.

“Extermination plan is on progress extermination plan is on progress.”

Above me are machine dragon, machine gryphon, and machine gargoyle.

“Hmph, extermination. How preposterous-zou. These fools say extermination with nay any spirit or anything in front of me............ it is you who will be exterminated-zou.” (Kaizer)

“I’ll lend a hand, Kaizer. I will protect onii-chan no matter the cost.” (Lagaia)

“The ones fighting right now aren’t only us. Arusha-san, I worry for your comrades.” (Barnando)

“It’s alright........... They won’t feel despair to any disasters coming their way. We’re........... in a war after all.” (Arusha)

A war huh................ is this a war? The human race? The sky people? How about Neferti and her group?

Seriously, this war is............. no, wrong.

“Now then~, it’s alright here because Mannie is working hard~, but how about on the other side~? Roa-kun and Wold too, are you curious~? ............The war between Jigoku and Yavai........ Ufufufufu, maybe right now, they’ve already got devoured by the vortex of the sea depths” (Mannie)

What’s going on with the world right now?

I can’t help but getting worried.


TL note: i added this after I uploaded the chapter but my ass hurt for these past few days, gonna take a break next week


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  1. thanks for the chapter

  2. Whoa, what a development
    Thanks for the chapter!

    A small question, do you read JP, KR, CN novel?
    Which one do you like more?
    What do you like about them?

    1. Well i mainly read isekai or medieval fantasy style stuff. Here's what i found and my impression from them

      Japanese, some are really good, but well, the cover where literally said harem right off the bat and the super long titles made me drawn away from them. These days i saw many titles with using unique powers or gimmick as the base of the novel, well i stay away from those too. Makes me feel the world limited. One that really fit with me was Reincarnated As A Sword, Mushoku Tensei, and Death March. Mushoku Tensei took a very gradual approach while Death March felt really wide. Oh and of course also Overlord, felt unique for me. Also you'd almost always find japan related things somehow found their way into different world in any isekai novel.

      Korean, hmm, from some that i read the wolrd build feels solid, the characters too, but don't you notice how the mc all looking the cool type capable of all things from the cover? Too many stuff about game knowledge and regressor too. I also stay away from those. I also find it a bit rare for Korean novels to be just about exploring the world, there's always this theme to them. But there were some that made me felt awesome regardless, like Reincarnated as Demon Prince, Overgeared, Legendary Moonlight Sculpturor and Praise the Orc. Really, i remember reading Reincarnated as Demon Price last year, it was really good, could read it without ever feeling sleepy, Overgeared too, always managed to rev me up.

      Chinese, I don't really read cultivation so maybe i miss the best of the genre. Some about fantasy world that I read were really the best in terms of world build. With no gimmicks or stuff too, though there's the brain chip in some lmao. I do found some things i don't really like. Like maybe repeating patterns if the story, some were so blatant that i skipped some parts chapter. Really need those maguc world stuff more though, like Age of Adepts, Warlock of Magus World, Wizard World, City of Sin, none of Korean and Japanese novel i read ever go the length of these novels. I'd also like tou to try Legend of Great Sage if you're interested in cultivation. Even being my not preferred genre it really in my top 5 maybe 3.

      Well, overall, i gotta hand over it for Japanese novels for the vibes of the adventure that i prefer, at least as far as what i already read. In terms of world build, it's Chinese. For Korean well, i found the amazingly cool mcs too repeating lmao, though i didn't even read those.

    2. While I kinda expect you to have good recommendations, you sure have good taste, the ones you list here are also on my "have-read" list and "great novel" rating

      I do get burned out by the common troupe sink holes where

      JP MC are too naive and did not learn from their mistakes, a novel where emersion is broken because of how thoughtlessly helpful the main characters are and how their mental age is that of a 12 years old.
      I cant believe a working professional of an adult not having common sense at all

      KR MC are too stoic, not even respecting anyone weak or strong(even though they have been in the position of the weak), rest of them are too greedy, money hungry to the point that it disgust readers

      CN MC are... Hypocrites, they blame the heavens when their family is murdered by a n arrogant young master and ruthlessly destroy a whole country, the babies to elderly to cut off the flow of karma(thats just an excuse, the real reason is the heroine's panties)

      and many more lol

      Now here are my recomendations
      KR - SSS-Class Suicide Hunter - the name rattles me out at first, i am afraid that its too OP, too gimmicky, cut and paste main character, predicable story. But I plead myself guilty and this is none of the above and is a genuinely well made novel, my top liked novel, and even re-reading it every year. The author is a genius at philosophy and his words are too good. Do tell me what you think about it!

      JP - The Lazy King - completed in 2015 by yoraitranslation, S-tier novel, Unique power system, a complete open end arc and left readers wanting for more

      KR - The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide - Academy novel where all the top talents of the era gather and faces world-ending threats while in school. The best one i have read so far where the MC believable ability growth, a story where the MC gets things wrong because of butterfly effect and MC that actually gets tired and sick
      (many KR novels make their MC a supermen that always grow their muscles when they push themselves harder each time, even those 'terminally ill' characters have better fitness than that of a warrior or smth)

      no time to write other reviews but I highly recommend each of them, give them a try!
      JP - The Girl Who Ate a Death God, The Girl Who Bore the Flame Ring and other series from the author

      EN - Original western novel I know, but it is too amazing to be left out, If you haven't heard of it, Mother of learning, the absolute favorite of many readers, I do put down the novel twice because I cant get into the novel, but third time the charm and also a novel that I re-read from time to time. Beautiful mystery, high stakes, a disaster with no solutions and the world is very alive. Very recommended. Free read on Royal road
      This is SS-Tier

    3. ooh, I've read most of what you said other than Mother of Learning and Academy Survival Guide. Strangely Mother of Learning been sitting in my laptop for years lmao. Well I have recommendation list for web novels tbh. Gonna add that to the table of contents later ig.

      I found example of what you said for Japanese novel in Shinkano Mi. I literally quit reading it because the mc seems just never learn. As for Korean, lmao i didn't realize that kind of flow. Maybe i haven't been reading a lot lately. As for Chinese, yeah heard that kind of story a lot in cultivation case I kinda read the comments a bit on novel updates. Like literally the staple.

      well this is my recommendation list

    4. *Thumbs up*
      Solid taste my friend, have read 90% of these and might try the rest
      Thanks for the rec

    5. Aye, anytime 🫡


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