Chapter 147 But Still, I Didn’t Do It

 Geh, I felt it that I have slim chance of passing the test. I mean, I don't even buy any books to learn Japanese lmao. All just from the internet and dictionary.

Anyway, I'd like to ask. My laptop's battery only hold for a bit more than an hour these days. Should I buy new battery? How long do you usually take to replace your old battery with a new one?



Chapter 147 But Still, I Didn’t Do It


The war ended at once, and now Tyler and Maman are facing the emissary from the Jigoku Hell Demon Kingdom in a meeting regarding the money payment, territory concession and etc.

TL Note: aah, welp I ended up just sticking with the literal name Ig. I remember there was a note from the previous translator saying something about the author made some names are weirdly isekaied Japanese name.

In that kind of meeting of the top brass, isn’t it better for me and this one to be excluded from it?

“Hey, For---------“ (Velt)

“Be quiet. It is you who should answer to my questions.” (Forna)

The war between humans and ogres has ended. But why there’s still an ogre full with wrath in front of me?

“Now, please explain what exactly happened clearly!” (Forna)

Ah, it’s not an ogre. She’s my cute childhood friend....?

“Velt, in the time I’m unaware of you became quite acquainted with such a beautiful lady, and become quite i, intimate aren’t you.” (Forna)

“Yeaaah, well, like I said a lot of things happened?” (Velt)

“What do you mean with ‘a lot of things’? What do you exactly mean with ‘things like that happened and since it became like that it ended up like this’? In the first place, that woman is looking at you with loving eyes! Just how deep did you got intertwined that you both got into that kind of relationship?”

“No, well, it’s like kinda something deep, kinda accident, kinda helping out....” (Velt)

Inside a certain tent in the military camp built on the lands in the foremost battlefront where the ogre has left behind, despite not understanding why, I was made to do Seiza. The ones inside are, me, Forna, Ura, Biyama, and Ayase.

“Wait, Forna. There were circumstances behind Velt, Eljela, and Cosmos....” (Ura)

“Ura! Be quiet! In the first place, how can this happen when you’re around, that, bi, big, big, c, che, ch, big chested woman is keep hanging around Velt you know! Moreover, a chi, ch, chil, uuh, uu, a child....” (Forna)

 It’s been repeating like this since a while ago. Despite I was about to explain, she started her preach in a flash and then cried.

“I, I, making child is... no, even without aiming to make a child, the fruit of our love.... even since ten years ago for Velt my chastity is... even despite that, even despite that! Despite I’ve already conceded very big with Ura, but his first time was with some woman from unknown origin...... to, to think that he even ended up with a ch, child, how could that happened? Just, just how much I’ve.... Just how much I’ve done!” (Forna)

“No well, like I said, just calm down. Despite Cosmos keeps calling me Papa, it’s not like between me and Eljela we have done that.... what is it again? He isn’t a child I have by doing intercourse.” (Velt)

“Calm down? What are you saying? Despite it hasn’t been that long since we parted at the Empire, you’re now being surrounded with a lady from sky race of the legends and a bewitching dark elf, and at the top of it even having a child, what exactly are you trying to say!” (Forna)

Ah, this is bad. I thought things gonna end a funny story where I got beaten up but Forna’s eyes right now are.... they’ve lost their lights.... why is it, rather than being beaten up those eyes felt like stabbing into me instead.

“Uraura, Asakura....  I mean, Velt’s wife totes very scary. I mean I’m glad~ I didn’t even try to persuade her.” (Althea)

“Hey, black princess. This isn’t something to be joking about. If you don’t even think to risk your life to be at Velt’s side, it’s something you better step aside from, you know?” (Ura)

“Haha, I totes absolutely gonna do that. Aa~ h. It was nice back then with so few people contesting.” (Althea)

Biyama and Ura are sneakily talking but, since when did those girls get along well with each other?

While Biyama was being Biyama, Forna was getting a bit self-conscious, she looked at me with eyes half pitying and half astounded.

“Ara, Biyama-san, few people contesting for him you said.... the way you speak it’s as if you have much lead, isn’t it?” (Arusha)

“Hah? Hey hey, you also don’t get to do anything at all, right? I mean, why totes you ask?” (Althea)

“Ara, isn’t it fine. I have task to do with both Forna and Asakura-kun. Moreover, that imbecile, vulgar, and rude delinquent has been fooling around while not even knowing my comrade in arms Forna’s feeling, I was thinking that he should at least got a scolding or two.” (Arusha)

“Uwa~h, that haughtiness never changes huh. It’s not like it got anything with you, ain’t it?” (Althea)

“I do got things to do with it. Besides, it’s you that never change, you always have that lacking in morals appearance on you.” (Arusha)

Then, for some reason Arusha or you can say Ayase, folded her arms as if sneering at Biyama. It’s as if the gong sound signaling an end.

I mean, you guys, since it’s a meeting between fellow same classmate girls, can’t you guys get along a bit more...

“Do you hear me, Velt!” (Forna)

“Yeah, I’m hearing. I’ve said it right? It’s not like I’ve done it with Eljela!” (Velt)

“So, how come you have a child then! Is a stork carrying a baby over? Or maybe she came out from a vegetable?” (Forna)

“No, it’s not something like that! Eljela is from sky race, the sky race can birth a child from just a single person, but when she was giving birth to her child she exhausted her strength, and I was around by chance so I ended up helping her out with substituting her magic power!” (Velt)

“Is it really just that? If it’s like that, then it’s just something similar to childbirth support, there’s no reason for that lady to call you her husband and her child to call you Papa!” (Forna)

“Like I said, they’re the weird ones, not only Eljela, those guys around also got into it and ended up keep on talking like that!”

Well, in short. So long she understood that me cheating her is just a misunderstanding then everything’s fine. Fortunately, I’m not lying or anything, I don’t even thinking of cheating her. Since I don’t have anything to feel guilty about I can just be unreserved about it.

Even Ura knows about this. Therefore I’ll just let Forna make racket as much as she wants, later on I’ll tell her the truth carefully.....

“Velt-sama, is your talk has already over? Cosmos seems concerned about you and keeps being unsettled.” (Eljela)

“Pa! Bunpa! Bunpa! Byun!” (Cosmos)

Along with a smile that as if not sensing any conflict at all, she carries the difficult faced Cosmos in her hands, the main culprit has entered.

“Fuu! Fuu! Fuu! Fuu! Fuu! Ara, oh my my....” (Forna)

“Ah, I’m very sorry, so you’re still in the middle of the talk. .... Ah, but.... that, I still haven’t done my greetings yet, have I?  I was listening to your conversation. You must be Velt-sama’s legal wife, Forna-sama, correct?” (Eljela)

“.....ahem.... eh, uuh, that’s right! I am Velt’s legal wife, Forna Elfarshia! It appears that there are many things have happened in the time when I wasn’t around with my husband, isn’t it.” (Forna)

With Eljela so quickly declaring Forna to be the legal wife, the poisonous atmosphere instantly got cleared up from Forna, however she immediately fixed her posture then greeted back with slightly strong tone.

However, Eljela doesn’t concern it at all.

“Fufu, it’s very wonderful, isn’t it? The form of love from the surface world. ” (Elejela)

“Eh, what, what do you mean?” (Forna)

“The sky race is composed with nothing but women, we don’t have anything like lovers, husband, wife, or marriage in our culture. Therefore, I think that the intimacy just like between Forna-sama and Velt-sama, the culture of you having connection not from blood but from the soul to make a family to be very wonderful and very beautiful.” (Eljela)

She said those pure words with eyes filled with not a speck of impurity.

Forna who has turned into a demon shriveled in a blink of an eye. She somehow looks vexed and about to cry, her expression is one of sulking with cheeks swelling.

“’s unfair.” (Forna)

Forna managed to wring out a word at last.

“You’re always like that Velt! Ever since you brought along Ura... . despite you should be my only Velt.... despite me being only for Velt, Velt is.... Velt never will be my only Velt, in the time I didn’t know he went and brought another people I don’t heart is filed with jealousy, it is ugly and distorted.... but, even so I always think that I want to be the number one for Velt.... to think you would look at me with such pure eyes, it’s too cruel!” (Forna)

Forna cast her eyes down. At that instant, Ura and Ayase kicked my butt.

“Rather than giving out excuses... for just today.... go and flirt around with her.” (Ura)

“Hey, explain it clearly Asakura-kun. If you not, I will despise you for my whole life.” (Arusha)

Rather than explaining things out clearly, all of this is just caused by slight misunderstanding.

So that I can soothe Forna, I carefully tell her the story.

“Forna. It’s all just misunderstanding.” (Velt)

“..... misunderstanding? What do you mean by misunderstanding at this late hour?” (Forna)

“You see, I didn’t do those kinds of things with Eljela. In other words, I didn’t have sex with her. .... Yesterday, if things kept on going like that and we ended up doing it.... that means it’s gonna be my first time.” (Velt)

“..............?” (Forna)

Don’t go and went blank like that. What I mean is, I’m still virgin! You guess it yourself!

“Eljela, you say it too. That, how to say this? That, it’s just something like going with the flow that I ended up becoming Cosmos’ daddy, well, it was something that can’t be helped, and because of that Forna ended up with lots of misunderstanding. It’s that. I ended up impregnated you.... then you giving birth to Cosmos....” (Velt)

That’s right, I didn’t do anything, things gonna be fine as long as I clearly explain that.

I was begging Eljela to say that...

“Impregnate? Misunderstanding..... imp..... impregnate? Aah! I understand. Is that how the surface world say sexual intercourse?” (Eljela)

“I’ve already troubled myself to make it subtle, don’t just go and be so direct about it!” (Velt)

“Ah, that, I’m sorry. That, uhm, a sexual intercourse is.... uhh, with someone.... that’s right, I knew it! It is to admire penis isn’t it?” (Eljela)



And she blew it up.

“It’s true... I’m still inexperienced. I’m still so far from Forna-sama and Ura-sama.... I still only know the warmth of Velt-sama’s penis for only once.” (Eljela)

....................What the

“Asakura...... y, you, aren’t you just totes better off dead?” (Althea)

“It’s a truth that can even cool off the love after reincarnation. You’re the worst and most disgusting man in history from now on. I want you to be annihilated from this world right this instant.” (Arusha)

“Eljela! Yo, you, don’t say it like that! Ve, Velt’s pe, th, the wa, warmth of it is....” (Ura)

I broke through out of Biyama’s and Ayase’s absolute coldness and was about to escape before their cold gaze and words reached me.


“Fuwa Fuwa--------“ (Velt)

“Lightning Palm Strike!”

The lightning strike robbed me off my strength in an instant. That lighting strike evokes something like a flashback, making my entire life as if flowing away inside my head like a revolving lantern.

“Velt-sama! Why, why did you do this Forna-sama!” (Eljela)

“It’s, it’s your fault.” (Althea)

“No, it’s Asakura’s fault.” (Arusha)

“Poor Forna... why am I even fall in love with this kind of guy?” (Ura)

When I came to I pierced through the tent and violently tumbling over the ground, when I realized it my field of view was filled with beautiful starry skies in a magical world.

Aah, because things have never came to how it is like right now so I never thought of it but... I unexpectedly the bastard from a romcom huh....

“Velt.......... you should reflect for now. Lightning Sealed World!!!!” (Forna)

TL Note: 封雷世界 (Fuurai Sekai)

“Heck, uooooooh, that was close!” (Velt)

A low stab. Forna swung down her fist towards my face like a roof tile breaking. She doesn’t hesitate at all! Do you want me dead!

“Kuh, it’s just a bit more!” (Forna)

“Shut it! I mean, what the hell is that technique!” (Velt)

“You mean Lightning Sealed World? Velt, do you know that a person’s brain let out electric signal to order the body so that it could move? This technique is made to forcefully intercept those signals. In other words, without you being unable to think of anything you won’t be able to even move your body, this technique is used to seal an opponent like that.”

“No well, why the hell are you so nonchalantly shoving that fiendish technique to me!” (Velt)

“To be precise....... it is for your genital. For the sake of perpetuation of our descendants in the future, I can’t afford for them to be cut off. That’s why I will be sealing it for now. I won’t let even a drop to be wasted on another woman but me.” (Forna)

So it wasn’t to kill me. She seems just wanting to seal me huh.

Hey, I’ve heard about guys went killing and beating up the person they love but sealing is really new.

“I mean, if you use that technique on the Demon King won’t you be able to win?” (Velt)

“No, this technique is still incomplete. However, if from now on I can confine you near me..... I mean, putting you under my watch and putting collar on you and train you.....  No I mean, if I can use it whenever you need to be scolded then it would be perfect!” (Forna)

“It’s scary. That’s hella frightening. I mean, you should really spare me from that. It was just by chance that Eljela touched my thing..... Yeah, it happened just to save me when I was about freezing to death!”

“If you say so, then why it has anything to do with your genital?” (Forna)

“That, it’s because for some reason I was naked, and Eljela was naked too....” (Velt)

“Why did you two need to be naked!” (Forna)

“Wait!” (Velt)

It was as if my whole body got pierced straight, my strength left me. What I thought in my head was unable to get carried over to my whole body. Even when I’m trying to use my fuwa fuwa technique I can’t tell the mana flowing at all.

Oi oi oi oi, isn’t this technique unbeatable? It’s kinda weird to say that this is the cause it got completed.

“What the hell are you doing? Stupid little brother?” (Farga)

“Ara ara, little brother-kun, you got into lover’s quarrel straight away?” (Cleran)

“In this case, I as lord’s right hand. Hick, I will support lord for my entire life-gozaru~” (Musashi)

“It is wonderful, Musashi-dono. Along with Princess Ura you will be supporting Velt-sama. Come come, have a sip.” (Rumba)

“Big sis, it’s not good to drink alcohol~”

Ah, I only can hear voices in the surrounding. A lot of my senses are being sealed, my head feels kinda refreshed. Farga and Musashi’s bunch for some reason are eating and drinking alcohol with the guys they get along with, they don’t have any intention to help me at all.

“Velt, you’ve been too much on your mischief. Even in our meeting yesterday, you seem to can even embrace a passing by woman, isn’t it?” (Forna)

“No, wait, it’s different! I seriously thought you’d gonna be my partner for yesterday.”

“If you say so, then you must be feeling it even when Arusha grasping your genital yesterday!” (Forna)

I can’t do anything about that! We were just about to go to war, it instead even more weird if you don’t react when a woman grabbed it with her hands.....

“Hah? Ayase, you, erm, totes really did it? Asakura’s.... do you, stroke it like this...?” (Althea)

“Wait! Sto, stop it! There were a lot of things happened yesterday.... So please stop that obscene act! Forna you too, ple, please calm down! You’ll also get me implicated with weird rumors!” (Arusha)

With cramped face, Biyama moves her clasping fist up and down. You, no matter how much of a gal bitch you are, doing it in front of public like this....

“Uwa~h, Velt sure is amazing huh.”

“He did those when he’s out of our sight....”

“Yeah, it was yesterday. He, with Princess Forna and Princess Arusha, got naked inside the hot spring and doing it.”

 “Doing it........ EEEEEEEE! Howe, wait, what do you mean! Tha, that bastard, even did it with Princess Arusha while Princess Forna was there!”

“You, you are the worst, Velt-kun!”

The once my childhood classmates are looking at me with eyes as if seeing trash bug. Why is this? Till a bit ago you guys were making merry  by my actions, weren’t you!

“Aah, Velt Velt Velt Velt Velt Velt! I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you I  believed in you! “

Wha, what the? Dark clouds are drifting about in the starry skies....

“Ah ah ah ~as I thought, even if I have to force it, I should have done the deed when we were in the Empire. It should have made me able to perfect Lightning Sealed World even faster too. My second growth period should have been completed when the time we got separated at ten years old. We should have done our wedding ceremony the moment we met again. I should have done it faster! I should have done it faster! I should have done it faster!” (Forna)

Bla, black lightning?

Wha, what the? Forna is being enveloped by ominous lightning for some reason.....

“Forna, what’s happening to you!” (Velt)

“Hm? This is.... little sister’s attributes, it should be the lightning, light, and void attributes’....” (Farga)

“This atmosphere is painful.... Forna, what are you doing!”

Is this the lightning from hell? I felt like hallucinating seeing a yaksha with it’s horn and fangs. It’s like Forna has somehow transformed.....

“Velt....................” (Forna)

“Right here.” (Velt)

“...................Please take off your clothes.............” (Forna)

“...................................................................What?” (Velt)

I will confirm whether you actually do something with other woman or not. From a single strand of hair all the way to the last of cells, I will look through your brain for every woman you come into contact with, without missing a single one.

.............I think....... she won’t listen to anything, should I make a wrong choice I’d be dead.

Forna’s condition right now is as frail and as tense as glass. Adding more impetus than this gonna be dangerous.

No, I should do it brazenly, me. Even if she checked it, it’s not like I’ve done anything to be guilty about. Even the thing with Eljela was just an accident....

“No, wait. Rather than that, that Velt, I can still consent to it if it’s just Forna, despite he also has me, how dare he also did indecent things to Princess Arusha!” (Ura)

“Please calm down, Princess Ura! It was, he appeared in the hot spring by accident..... and, I was....... may, maybe not feeling guilty because of it?” (Arusha)

“Uwaaah, what is this, you keep on calling people bitch but actually despite you being so diligent you’re actually the slutty one. I mean, you too Uraura, despite him knowing that you love him, based on from what I heard, aren’t you the one who have the least progress?” (Althea)

Ura, Ayase, and Biyama are talking but why the heck are they talking about those suggestive stuff?

“It, it’s not like that at all! Even I have done a lot of things with Velt.....” (Ura)

“I mean, Eljela, Ayase, and his wife have done various things while naked you know? According from what I heard, you only ever had kiss when you were kids right?” (Biyama)

“Uh..............n, no, even Velt has done many things with me! Even at that time! When we’re having futsal tournament, Velt touched that spot and made me felt very good!” (Ura)

................................................Forna gonna finish her strongest technique today it seems..........


And thus, this day’s topic of investigation would be the mental state. With me preserving Forna mental state by being on her side, she apparently can become the strongest.

But, is it really okay for her becoming stronger and awakening a new power by means of me cheating on her? Is this kind of investigation actually safe to do in the first place....




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  1. wahaha, thanks for the chapter

  2. Yep JLPT is hard. If you end up wanting books I found Genki 1, 2 being great foundations and grammar explainations. After that its just vocab and kanji. I really should've taken it when I lived in Japan.... I was working via JET program in rural japan. If you have a degree that is a pretty swank job.

    1. Dang, first time i heard that program. Sounds tough to me. It requires N1. I was testing N2 a few weeks ago and it's very doubtful if I can pass lmao.


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