Chapter 179 Pappa-dao

Well dang, since I finished the chapter I got the urge to post it and be done already lmao.

This dao in the title isn’t dao as in daoism..... well you should be seeing some child characters in anime say it, it’s a kind of baby talk I think.

The translation of this chapter kinda feel gritty I think


Chapter 179 Pappa-dao


Jackpot, he doesn’t take out his fists but instead a single dice

“Heya, yer called Steroi-han ‘ight? How ‘bout a game with me?” (Jackpot)

“What did you say?” (Steroi)

Huh? I thought they’re gonna duke it out but what’s happening now?

“It’s simple. We roll out da dice, and we’ll getta hit as many times as da dice tells. And once ya done with the hittin’, it’s da opponent’s turn to roll da dice and hit. Ya can’t dodge yer opponent’s hit. Ya lose once ya surrender or can’t go on. How ‘bout it?” (Jackpot)

It’s quite the savage game. Is there any meaning to it?

Moreover, the opponent is like a sumo wrestler, just a glance and you’d understand that he is a rippin’ power type. And now you want to take on that kind of opponent’s attack without defense?

“It’s the Manly Dice! Game on?” (Jackpot)

Oi, for once, are you really haven’t gotten back your previous life’s memories? But, at least from Steroi’s point of view, it’s the first of it’s kind proposal in his life.

And unexpectedly, seemingly riding on the suggestion, Steroi made a belligerent smile towards Jackpot’s proposal.

“Kuku, fuhahahahahahaha! Hitting each other you said? To this me?” (Steroi)

“How ‘bout it? Well, if yer chickened out then guess we stop?” (Jackpot)

From Steroi’s outward appearance, it’s like he’s a guy with only a single brain cell. It’s a simple provocation but, as a warrior, a royalty, and as a man with pride, he nodded his head to that simple invitation just like that.

“Kukukuku, interesting! Hitting each other directly from the front, there is no one stupid enough to do that with me in the Demon Continent, you know?” (Steroi)

“Nahahahaha, can I take that as a compliment? I’m just bad at fight with good manners.” (Jackpot)

“Hmph. Fine then, bastard, I’ve taken interest with you. I too am in sorrow with how the fights in the world turned out right now.” (Steroi)

Steroi does a useless pose and making a show off of his muscles as he laughed.

“Each and every one of them just keep going about, special power this, magic that, or something like sword, it’s just so sorrowful. What measures our true strength are, only the crown bestowed by father and mother, and also this very body that we have raised! Fine then, I’ll accept that Manly Dice!” (Steroi)

“Aye nice spirit there. Yer a failure as a big brother but, ya got a passing mark for stupidly honest! Now ‘ere, since yer a newb’ with this, how bout ya go n’ roll first? Ya need to yell this when throwin’ the dice, ‘Manly Dice, one two, three!’” (Jackpot)

“Hou. You’re seemingly more stupid with how you so unwaveringly letting me go first but, I like that!” (Steroi)

Jackpot threw the dice and Steroi caught it. Steroi rolls the dice inside his hand for two – three times then shouted.

“Manly Dice, one, two, three!” (Steroi)

Maybe, this is the first time since this world’s creation that, a cyclops actually yelled like this huh.

For some reason I kinda feel like this cyclops’ hatred had gone away there but, look and behold at the number he got, it’s [six].

“Kukukukku, haahhahhahhahha! Even fate is with me! Now then, prepare yourself, dragon-man!” (Steroi)

At that instant, as if hearing [put some spirit, opponent still stands], Steroi unleashed his strikes in slapping attacks.

TL note: [put some spirit, opponent still stands] or in raw [hakkeyoi, nokotta] this is a sumo reference, the net said it’s something the judge shouted when the sumo wrestlers are at a standstill. Steroi’s attack too seems to be a sumo reference.

Dossei!” (Steroi)

“Buhwoah!” (Jackpot)

“Nnnh, dossei!”

“Guoah!” (Jackpot)

The slaps he unleashed made sounds like explosions! I mean, that Jackpot, he actually doesn’t dodge!

“Kukuku, not yet, take this, this, and this!” (Steroi)

“Buoghhuah!” (Jackpot)


“Ooooooooooooooi! Bastard, are you idiot! What if you actually die like this!” (Velt)

The power is no joke. If that kind of stuff were to hit your body, you’re gonna ended up as minced meat!

No matter how much of a dragon’s tough muscles you have, if you eat something like that it’s gonna be bad right?

“Nahahaha, ya can do it huh........ Steroi-han. I dunno how many of my teeth broke ya know?” (Jackpot)

He’s quite brought down to his feet, is this guy really stupid in it’s truest meaning? However, Jackpot who managed to hold on till the end does not fall down, with his face smeared with blood he smiled ominously.

“Huh, wha, how, could you receive my attacks........ and survived through it?” (Steroi)

Seemingly shocked by Jackpot’s eerie toughness, even Steroi showed a flustered expression.

“But, we ain’t no finished yet. I’mma freakin’ break you down aye?” (Jackpot)

Even as he slightly limping on his feet, Jackpot slowly walks forward and picks up the fallen over dice.

“It’s ma turn now......... fuuuh......... Manly Dice, one, two, three!” (Jackpot)

Jackpot opened his eyes wide and rolls the dice. And then, the eye of the dice that shows on top of a place with unstable footing among the trashes is, what the, it’s [one].

“Ku, fuha, fuhahahahaha, how, how unfortunate of you dragon-man! You can hit me but only once. Well, it is indeed that fate is also one’s strength!” (Steroi)

With the eye of the dice only showing one, Steroi pats his chest as if feeling relieved.

However, Jackpot doesn’t show any vexation. Instead, he unnecessarily wells up his fighting spirit, and inserted strength into his fist.

“Nahahahaha, Steroi-han. I’ll tell ya this.” (Jackpot)

“And that is?” (Steroi)

“A truly strong guy, isn’t someone who is given many chances. It’s all about able to do it with just one mere shot he has!” (Jackpot)

“What the!” (Steroi)

“Here I go! My sure kill punch! Ultra Great Bomber Special Galactic Hyper Power Burst.............”

Well, it’s so stupid that I’ll just write it off as if I’ve never seen it.

Anyways, rather than me got interested in something like that, I got something else I need to do.

And that is in the sky.

“Hi, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik, sa, save me!”

“It, it’s too high! People won’t be able to survive from falling this height!”

“Someone! Please calm Cosmos-sama!

Ten battle ships are floating in the sky with pukapuka, they’re unsteadily floating up and down.

Towards that too much of a bizarre thing, the sky people who are around it can only circling around and don’t know what to do, they seem to be tense.

Among them, the only ships who manage to maintain calmness are the sky people’s ship, also Love and Peace’s ship.

“Must be Love and Peace’s ship huh.” (Velt)

Looking at the situation, I’m sure that Cosmos is most probably at Love and Peace’s ship along with Ura and others.

“Velt-kun!” (Arusha)

“Ooh, Arusha. You also got left out with no opponent?”

“That’s, things don’t seem to be calming down, it’s because of Cosmos-chan right?” (Arusha)

“Yeah, seems so. I mean, it’s just so unbelievable huh.” (Velt)

“..........Can you do something with your magic?” (Arusha)

“I ever lifted up one ship but ten is out of question. It has the same usage with my magic but, it’s fundamentally different in principle.” (Velt)

Sky people, they don’t use magic, but something called extrasensory divine perception.

And that’s different than my fuwa fuwa technique that makes things float, it’s something like a special ability that can make living beings float and even blow them away.

Probably, that power is something of a kind huh. I mean, things seems to getting worse.

“Eljela and Ura said it right? There’s no other way other than to calm Cosmos.” (Velt)

“Then, do you mean to leave things here to Imperial Princess Eljela and Princess Ura?” (Arusha)

Her beloved mother or her beloved onee-chan, those two maybe could, or possibly...........

As I thought that, I look up to the sky, Eljela flies over to Love and Peace’s ship right at that timing. And being held along in her arm, Ura is also there.

“Please stop, Cosmos!” (Eljela)

“Hey, Cosmos! It’s us, please don’t be angry anymore! We’ll play upsy daisy later, and also eat cakes!” (Ura)

Eljela and Ura shouted loudly as they face the ship.

However, in the next moment.

“Wha!” (Ura)

“Huak!” (Eljela)

What the, they’re being repelled back by a wall.

“Th, this is!” (Ura)

“No way! This is....... Barrier!” (Eljela)

No way

“Ba, Barier? Cosmos-chan, to think she can even make it!” (Arusha)

“Aren’t things getting worse now?” (Velt)

Heck, the surrounding of the ship now has a sphere shape energy enclosing it, and makes Eljela and Ura unable to come even a step closer.

“Kuh, this is....... there’s no other way than to destroy.......” (Ura)

“No, wait a moment, Ura-san! If Ura-san and me forcefully tear open the barrier, the shockwave caused by it will affect everyone inside including Cosmos!” (Eljela)

“S, so it’s like that.......” (Ura)

They can’t get pass through the barrier. And if they break open the barrier with force, the shockwave because of the barrier breaking open could inflict a large damage to the ship.

If it’s like that then what of the crews’ and Cosmos’s life?

Then, what should be done........?

“Geez.” (Velt)

“Velt-kun, be careful!” (Arusha)

 For now I’ll fly there too.

Fly to where Eljela and Ura are.

“Hm? O, oi, why are you here!” (Ura)

“You’re......... is there anything you need?” (Eljela)

In the midst of this family crisis the [enemy] me is drawing closer, making the two’s expression to stiffen.

More than anything, this place here has both my comrade, and also my daughter.

Honestly, this isn’t the situation to make me out as an enemy alright.

“Wait. Right now....... isn’t the kind of time for us to be your enemy...... please, just wait......” (Ura)

“Please. For now........... please just wait! That child is...........” (Eljela)

Both of them showed their sorrowful expression and implored me. Saying [don’t fight now]. With both of them showing me that expression, it makes me also feel suffocated myself.

“It sure is difficult huh. Single mother with a useless husband.” (Velt)

“Eh...........?” (Eljela)

“But, even if me and you guys are being separated as enemy and ally, that girl is different. She doesn’t have any sin. So just calm down.” (Velt)

When I said that, both of them make a mystified expression and got stiffen.

“Why is this........ just why, you! When I see you........ my chest feels so stirred...... these tears.....” (Ura)

“You are........ why.......... who are you?” (Eljela)

Can’t answer that. My bad.

After I saw them like that, I turn my attention to the deck of Love and Peace’s ship that’s being surrounded by barrier.

And on the deck there are Ura’s subordinate who are looking for help.

“It’s, it’s no good, Princess Ura! Cosmos-sama won’t get out from her room at all! We tried to get into the room but we got blown away by something like a shockwave...... There’s nothing that we can do!”

But, Ura and Eljela also can’t do anything. At least they can try to soothe Cosmos from here with their voices.

Of course me too, since I’ve already here, I can try to do....... as I was thinking of that and try to somehow extend my hand to the barrier.........

“Hm?” (Velt)

What the, the barrier suddenly got melted off.


“Oh my?”

“What the?”

We got befuddled tilted our heads in wonder but in the next moment, the barrier once again activated.


“Eh, eeh, what the?”

“Wha, what’s happening!”

“Just what is the meaning of this!”

The barrier, it slightly spread out to the surrounding and once again activated.

Just how wide is the scope of it? It’s enough to get me inside the barrier, and just right to leave Ura and Eljela outside of it.

“I, I got inside.” (Velt)

Is this a coincidence? For some reason, I’m the only one who got inside the barrier you know?

Eljela and Ura got dumbfounded without knowing why for a moment there but, they quickly went into panic and starting to strike the barrier.

“Wa, wait! You, don’t move even a step from there!” (Ura)

“Cosmos! Cosmos! Please cancel the barrier quickly! Cosmos!” (Eljela)

Why those two are panicking now? Well it’s simple. It’s because inside the barrier where they can’t lay their hands on an [enemy] has managed to come in.

“Hey, you all! An enemy has infiltrated! Guard Cosmos!” (Ura)

Ura shouted as she got panicked. The crews then come out to the deck in groups and then look at me.

“Trespasser bastard! I won’t let you proceed not even a step further!”

“If you cause harm to Cosmos-sama  I’m gonna tear you from limb to limb!”

Everyone of them, they all directed their hostility to me, the spirit in their eyes telling that they won’t let me take even a step further.

Aah, when I look closely, aren’t all of them the demons I met two years ago?

“Hey! Hey, only Cosmos......... don’t lay your hands on Cosmos! You human over there! Oi! If you ever try to lay your hands on her, you will.......... this is unrelated to Princess Arusha! But I will never forgive you!” (Ura)

“I beg you, please, please! I will do anything! Please, show mercy!” (Eljela)

I, just how do these other races see me? Is it because the looks in my eyes seem bad?

Since a while ago they seem to be sensing something towards my existence, but then they lost the color on their faces and shouted at me.

But, it was at that time.


An immature shout was heard.

And at the same time as that, the soldiers on the deck all got blown off to the wall.

“Wha, what, is this!”

“My body, no good, it can’t move!”

“What the hell is this!”

As all of them are sticking onto the wall, no matter how much they struggle they just can’t move. There are some that are sticking onto the hull. Some also on the floor, it’s as if they’re being held down by an invisible strength, everyone except me got their ability to move incapacitated.

“This is....... can it be......”

This situation. And, the immature voice that was heard just now.

Could it be this too?

“No, no way, Cosmos! What’s happening over there! And more than that, no one else but him is able to move!” (Ura)

“Cosmos......... what in the........ what are you trying to do?” (Eljela)

Just what is happening here? Both Ura and Eljela don’t understand that.

However, I somehow able to understand

It’s just a possibility but, could it be she’s trying to protect me?

Rather than that, is she inviting me now?

“Could bit be...... that Cosmos......” (Velt)

Going from Eljela and other’s talk, she got teased because she doesn’t have a father, she grew timid, then become sulky and out of control was because [she herself doesn’t have a father].

But, looking at this, it’s as if; [despite I have a father, they said I don’t] was being said to her and she got upset.

The moment I thought that, something like a conviction was born in me.

“Could it be, that Cosmos, she knows my existence?”

Does she remember me? But, she was just a baby. But, what if it was because as she was a baby that she didn’t recognize me as [Velt Jeeha] but instead a [father]? My old friends, they didn’t recognize me as [Velt Jeeha] but instead as [Asakura Ryuuma], that seems to be why they didn’t forget about me.

“What the heck is this now........” (Velt)

When I thought of that, my feet naturally moved.

“Wa, wait!” (Ura)

“I implore you, please wait!” (Eljela)

Without turning back towards the shouting Ura and Eljela, I quickly get to the inside of the ship.

The ship’s inside is wide and gorgeously decorated, having so many rooms. However, mysteriously my feet just can’t stop.

As if being drawn to something, I keep going forward without any hesitation, and then I arrived in front of a certain door.

Even in this wide ship, this door conspicuously giving off a profound feel, the room beyond it most probably one for quite the VIP.

From the other rooms around, there were those that’s seemingly trying to get in here but got repelled instead.

I don’t pay any mind to their voices at all and put my hand on the door, then about to slowly get in.......


“Whoa!” (Velt)

The moment I put my hand on the doorknob, something made then door burst open and made me crashed my back onto the wall.

“Guh, o, ooogh, it, it hurts....... bastard........ despite you called me here yourself......” (Velt)

However, it’s only once I got repelled back. I don’t get my movements being repressed like everyone else.

“Geez, what the heck you’re trying to do...... hey, I’m coming in, this rascal.” (Velt)


And inside, table, teacups, books, and many else are all scattering all over the western styled room, and right in the center of the room, a small girl stands there all alone with her eyes red unclouded.

“ it’s you....................” (Velt)

She wears a white one-piece blouse.

One characteristic of her is her emerald green pupils.

And her blonde hair smoothly stretching down all the way to her waist like silk, inherited from her mother.

She is really like the miniature version of Eljela.

I can understand it with a glance.

“You’re Cosmos huh?” (Velt)

I approach one step at a time, then bent over slightly and asked that.

The child looked at me.

I unintentionally reached out my hand.

And, it was at that moment.

“-------------yah!” (Cosmos)

Cosmos’ eyes opened slightly wider, and as if surprised, she quickly turned her back and escaped.

“Wha?” (Velt)

She helter-skelterly ran away.

What the? I thought she’d surely jump at me, what am I to do with these arms that I already spread a bit?

I slightly got confused towards this unexpected reaction.


Stareeeeeeeeeeeeeee” (Cosmos)

When I thought she’d already run away, she a hid on the shadow of the cupboard, and just stares a me without any words.

But, despite she’s trying to hide, her body is completely visible.

“.......He.” (Velt)

“!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~”

“y........” (Velt)

I approached. But then, she ran away from that place with a whoosh, this time she bent her body to hide behind the bed.

Staaaaaaaaaare” (Cosmos)

But, despite that, half of her body is completely seen, I don’t really know whether she’s trying to hide or not now.

What does she want? Are you some kind of a reindeer on a pirate ship or something?

TL note: One piece reference

I mean, did she got scared of me?

Somehow, with how the flow of the story till now, I thought that she’d for some reason able to realize my true identity despite not remembering about me, and Cosmos is still silent, she just observes me while being nervous.

“He, hey....... I, I’m, not a scary guy you know?” (Velt)

And so I said, but doesn’t seem she’d come out from the other side of the bed.

Somehow, this feels like trying to soothe a pet that’s been escaping around but I need to bear with it.

Staaaaaaaaaare” (Cosmos)

“No well, everything’s fine so just come out. Well, I’d be happy if you could cancel this magic.......” (Velt)

“Uh, nnnnnnnnnnnnn!” (Cosmos)

“Gah.......” (Velt)

Somehow when I tried to just slightly shorten the distance, she once again escaped.

This time she hides inside the bookshelf’s shadow.

Heck, oi! I don’t come here to play tag or hide or seek you know!

“He, heeey, Cosmos. Look, can you cut it........” (Velt)

“Uuuuuuuuuup...... a.....’.........a?” (Cosmos)

“Like I said, what do you want! Pua’a? I don’t really understand it but here, come closer.” (Velt)

“Uuuuhhhhhhh” (Cosmos)

However, rather than trusting me, for some reason Cosmos make a face as if really about to cry and once again about to run away.

Geez, nope. This will take too much time.

“Fuwa Fuwa Retrieval.” (Velt)

“Ah.......” (Cosmos)

That’s why I forcefully capture her.

I pull Cosmos closer with magic, as Cosmos struggle around I pull her into my arms against her will, and hugged her......

“Yo. You ran quite much huh.” (Velt)

“!!” (Cosmos)

“....oooh........ somehow you’ve grown heavier.....” (Velt)

“Uuuuuuhh, no!” (Cosmos)

“Hah?” (Velt)

“Nooooooooo! Dooooont!” (Cosmos)

She wriggle and struggle rampagingly then cried.

Huh? Why? Somehow, rather than feeling irritated by this rampaging child, I feel saddened for some reason instead.

No, it’s not particularly wrong, since I’ve neglected her for two years, trying to put up the face of a father after all this time is like, well is she at that rebellious age where she doesn’t even want to call her father?

Well, in a way I think it’s something that can’t be helped in itself, for some reason it makes want to cry.

“G, got it , it was my bad, I’ll let you go now, so.......” (Velt)

“!! No! .........ah............” (Cosmos)

“Hah?” (Velt)

Er, since I’m quite hated I’m about to let go of her and put her down but, in the next instant, Cosmos reacted with a terrifying velocity and grabbed my neck.

Wha, what the?

Moreover, Cosmos herself, it’s all fine that she grasped my neck but, for some reason she’s flustering.

Does she has something to say?

“Wha....... what’s wrong? Cosmos.” (Velt)

I try to be as gentle as I can so to not scare her, and also make myself smile as best as I can.

It’s feels like somehow my own character got crumbled apart but I put all my effort to be careful and talk to Cosmos.

And then.........

“............Paa............a” (Cosmos)

What? Repeat again.

For some reason Cosmos went [uuuh] and bashfully murmuring something, I strain my ears towards that and somehow able to hear what she’s saying.

“” (Cosmos)

Paa? Pa? Pa, pa? Pappa?

Pappa....... aah...... so it’s that.

“Pappa?” (Velt)

Despite she wanted to ascertain it, she didn’t know what to do, she became shy, kept escaping, and just can’t be honest herself.

Of course she’d be like that. She’s still at the age when she doesn’t have that much of a clear awareness of things, I’m sure she’d question herself [should I call him like that?] when a guy suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She’d be full with anxiety, and ended up taking this kind of attitude.

“......Pappa?” (Cosmos)

For Eljela and Ura, the me right now is just somebody else.

Despite we didn’t have any distance between us since she was born, I myself is the guy who neglected her for two years.

But despite all that, she still wants to call me as [father]?

“Are you pappa?” (Cosmos)

I don’t have any qualifications to...... hell, like I care!

“Yeah. Call me that as much as you like.” (Velt)

I just nodded with a smile.

And then, what’s next? Cosmos looks down and became fidgety, but then she suddenly opens her eyes wide and looks up.

Then, with trembling lips she said it once again.

“Are you pappa?” (Cosmos)

She already asked that but I once again nodded.

“Yeah, that’s right, Cosmos.” (Velt)

“......pappa?” (Cosmos)

I once again naturally stretched my hand to Cosmos’ head.

And then, Cosmos also doesn’t run away anymore. She meekly let me brush her head gently.

“Pappa?” (Cosmos)

“Yeah, you’ve grown big...... Cosmos.” (Velt)

“Pappa!” (Cosmos)

The next moment, with a bright smile as if flowers blooming, Cosmos jumps up and down with her eyes sparkling.

“Pappa, pappa, pappa!” (Cosmos)

“Yeah, I’m pappa.” (Velt)

The next moment, Cosmos hopping and skipping as she celebrates, running around all over the room.

“It’s pappaaaa! Pappa! Pappa! Pappa-nano!” (Cosmos)

“Yup, I’m Pappa.” (Velt)

“Pappa-nano! Cosmos, pappa! Cosmos, pappa!” (Cosmos)

“Yeah.” (Velt)

“~~~! Cosmos’ pappa!” (Cosmos)

“.......Haha...... yeah, I’m your pappa.” (Velt)

She is Cosmos, and the one in front of her is pappa. She is Cosmos. The one in front of her is pappa.

She is Cosmos. And the person in front of her is pappa.

Over and over, Cosmos confirmed that while looking so happy, and when I nodded to that, she does a grand jump at the very end.

“Uuu~~~~~~~, yaaaay! Pappa! Cosmos’, pappa!” (Cosmos)

And then, finally with her own will, Cosmos got into my arms and vigorously jumps into my chest.

“You see, Cosmos! It’s Cosmos, pappa!” (Cosmos)

“Yeah....... you are Cosmos, and I’m your pappa.” (Velt)

“~~~~Unyu~~~~~, pappa! Kyaaah-hoo!” (Cosmos)

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and rubbed her cheeks against mine for so many times. And this time she slightly let go and when I thought she’d stare at me, she quickly leans onto me while grinningly laughing.

“Pappa, you see! Cosmos, she can fly!” (Cosmos)

“Ooh~, I see. That’s really amazing.” (Velt)

Right at this moment, she’s doing something even more amazing than just flying though.

“And mamma, she’s pretty!” (Cosmos)

“Glad to hear that.” (Velt)

Well, she’s an angel after all.

“Grandpa and granny and sis Hanabi, food! Delishious!” (Cosmos)

“I know right? They’re pro after all.” (Velt)

Sensei and Camy-san, she’s treating them as grandfather and grandmother huh? Despite they’re still young......

“Musashi is, big stupid!” (Cosmos)

“.......Musashi~~~~, y, you!” (Velt)

How pitiful, that Musashi. For some reason she seems to be crying!

“Mhmh~!” (Cosmos)

“Hm?” (Velt)

“Pappa! Is Cosmos’ Pappa!” (Cosmos)

This is bad, I feel I’m about to cry more.

When Hanabi was younger. She was so cute and adorable, she made me and Ura lovestruck with her cuteness.

But despite Cosmos has the same cuteness, and adorableness, I wonder why. She has her own kind of adorableness.

I don’t know just what is that but, I continue to indulge myself in Cosmos’ warmth till I satisfied.




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