Chapter 212 Tempestuous

Dang, my laptop battery busted now. It was already bad but after I rest my ass for a week it literally need the charger plugged in to function, the charger also has problems too lmao. Imagine moving a bit then suddenly the power got disconnected. Like the saying, when it rains it pours, all things could go will wrong go wrong, misery loves company. 

 Caught up with Lord of The Mysteries too, need more than 2 months maybe. Around 2200 chapters.


Chapter 212 Tempestuous


Even with no one telling them what the current situation is, all of them understood what the thing needed to be done.

That is to live. To protect. And to fight.

“Let’s go-zou! Senzou Daitoppa!”

TL note: 戦象大突破(War Elephant Great Breakthrough)

It’s a forceful charge with his huge body devoid of any trickery.

If one is nearby they can feel the pressure and weight that make the earth tremors.


“Switching to interception mode. Continue the extermination plan and eliminate.”

“Nh, nhg!” (Kaizer)

Kaa-kun is attacking the steel bodied gryphon.

However, even though an intense metallic sound was heard, the gryphon is able to withstand Kaa-kun’s charge.

“What the, it could stop Kaizer’s rush! It’s considerably tough!” (Barnando)

“Tch, so annoying, despite there being not that many of them over here!”

“I will stop their movements! Everyone, aim for that time!” (Arusha)

This time Arusha stepped forward. Both of her hands are blending in cold air, and released them all at once.

“Even if they’re tough, if their joints were to be frozen then they won’t be able to move aren’t they? I don’t know what are they but I don’t have the time to mind about them!” (Arusha)

“Detecting ice element magic. Switching body to heat mode.”

“Do something with that machine tone of yours! Raging of snowstorm, Blizzard Drive!” (Arusha)

An explosive cold air was released, instantly enveloping the dragon, gryphon and gargoyle.

“I will destroy them! Here I come, Makyokushin Karate – Heel Descent Strike!” (Ura)

TL note: 降臨踵堕(Kourin Kakato Otoshi) Uh actually not direct translation.

Ura’s heel strike was s similar to Forna’s lighting strike, she drew up lightning and then swung down.

However in the next moment, an abnormality happened to the machine monsters who are encased in ice.

No, it’s not abnormality. Instead there’s nothing happened to them.

“, that’s! They aren’t frozen!” (Arusha)

Not only they aren’t frozen, they look lively instead.

The ice enveloping them was as if getting a fever, once it touched the body of the machine monsters it melted into vapour.

“Checking fuselage, no abnormalities. Activating long arm.”

“What, the---!”

And then, the moment the single gargoyle turned it’s arm to the sky, it shot out with a rope attached to it.

That arm moved as if being propelled by jet, it grabbed Ura’s ankle that was about to descend as she was jumping up.

“Stay away from Princess Ura! Magic Shooting!” (Rumba)

“Detecting magic power. Analyzing attack power. No problem detected.”

“Eh...... hah? it was repelled!” (Rumba)

 Without any delay Rumba took out her magic gun and rapidly fired at the gargoyle to save Ura.

However, despite her bullets hitting squarely, the gargoyle wasn’t reacting at all.

It didn’t suffer a single injury, it then swung down the hand gripping on Ura and then hit Rumba using her.

“Ah, aaaa, gah, ah, P, Princess!” (Rumba)

“Ukh, it, it’s alright....... but this piece of junk, how dare they! I thought they’re the same race with Dora and being kind to them but look at what they did!” (Ura)

“Still, what are these guys, really!” (Rumba)

“I don’t know. But, there’s no mistake that they’re enemies! I will absolutely protect Velt. Rumba, don’t let me turn into a widow!” (Ura)

“By your order! I won’t let them even lay a finger on husband-dono!” (Rumba)

Even with our side glared at them strongly they give no reaction.

They’re clearly different from Dora who was full of emotion.

They’re completely like mechanical puppets devoid of interest, coming closer without any expression or soul in them.

“Miyamoto Kendo – Zankouken!” (Barnando)

TL note: 斬鋼剣(Steel Decapitating Sword)

“Attack. Activating Chainsaw Tool.”

“K.............Kuh!” (Barnando)

The moment Barnando rushed about to cut it in one go, he immediately stopped and hurriedly jumped back.

What was that?

“What’s wrong, Barnando?” (Lagaia)

“That one, it’s fangs were as if they’re spinning....... spinning like a chainsaw........” (Barnando)

“What did you say? What is that che, chainsaw?” (Lagaia)

“If I were to kept on cutting, it’s my sword that will be cut through instead....... this fellow........” (Barnando)

“It also repelled my magic. Just how hard is it made of!” (Lagaia)

Barnando clicked his tongue and once again sheathed his sword.

It seems these machines have ample battle power to give these guys quite the hard time.

No, rather than saying it as battle power it might be more apt to say force of arms.

“Proceed extermination plan. Multiple Magic Shell Launcher fire.”

Hey......... why, is that.......

“Wait!” (Arusha)

“EEEH! What, are you serious!” (Althea)

“What’s the meaning of this!” (Barnando)

The machine dragon stood up, it’s chest opened up like a double doors.

And then from it’s inside, instead of rib bones, something like protuberance appeared, two holes vertical and six holes horizontal. 

And those aren’t boobs.

However, there’s no way for the people of this world to know it. But us , we knew.

Even without directly seeing it in the previous live, we can somewhat tell what those things are.

It’s something often came out in a war. The multiple rocket launcher.

“NUOOOOOOOOH!” (Barnando)

“Like hell I’ll let you!” (Arusha)

“Wait, I, what should I do!” (Althea)

Arusha and Barnando who understood that stepped forward.

The flame propelled cylinders of magic shells were released all at once heading toward us.

“Miyamoto Kendo – Senka Ryouran!” (Barnando)

TL note: 千華繚乱 (Thousand Flowers Profusion)

“Big Ice Pick!” (Arusha)

Against the missile-like attack, Barnando dismantled them with a consecutive slashes, Arusha pierce them with huge icicles, making them explode before they can reach us.

The moment explosion happened, a sonic boom like attack assaulted our bodies.

But, we weren’t able to shoot down all of the missiles!

“Kuh, damn it!” (Barnando)

“Someone! Stop that thing!” (Arusha)

This is bad!

“Shinra Banshou!” (Kaizer)


“A desert needs no blood, corpses, nor weapons. What it needs is greenery-zou.” (Kaizer)

A huge tree filled our vision and extended into the sky, its so large and unshaken, stopping the incoming missile.

As expected of Kaa-kun.

However Kaa-kun doesn’t end it at that.

On the forehead of the gentle Kaa-kun, it’s so clear that there’s a vein popping out.

“It seems the power of gentleness is unnecessary here-zou. I will........ massacre them all here-zou!” (Kaizer)


“Take a bit of distance-zou!” (Kaizer)

Kaa-kun took a big jump unbelievable to his huge frame.

Kaa-kun ascended above and overlapped with the sun up high, machine monsters looked up and just like with Ura earlier, they extended their hands as if to capture him.

“Long Arm. Activate.”


“Hey...... who are you touching so familiarly?” (Kaizer)



“......This goosebumps.....”

In exchange to the lack of reactions of the machine monsters, Barnando and others reacted instead.

It’s as if the air was frozen in an instant, making their whole body turned rigid.

“War Elephant’s..........” (Kaizer)

This sensation is just like from that time. When I was a child and having done bad thing, that stiffness that came when a large bodied adult was swinging down his fist from high above.

In reflex to the incoming pain, whole body was stiffened.

It’s impossible to ward it off nor avoid it.

“Crushing Death Knuckle!”

TL note: 圧殺拳骨(Assatsu Kenkotsu)

Kaa-kun’s arm is clad in a huge aura that’s even visible to the naked eye, it created the form of a huge elephant’s foot covering even tens of meters radius, trampling the three machine monsters altogether under it.

“Hyo, HYOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, th, that, that was dangerous! Hell, awesooomee, they got crushed into pieces!” (Althea)

The machine monsters were crushed into the desert, hollowing out a gigantic crater.

Althea who was timidly peeking to inside the hole was so surprised that her eyes jumped out.

Haha, as expected of Kaa-kun...... however, Kaa-kun’s expression as he descended onto the surface was still tense.

“One of them is getting away-zou!” (Kaizer)

What? ............Ah........

“Avoidance succeed. Shooting down.”

It was the machine dragon, it’s on the brink of getting away.

It flapped it’s wings as though nothing happened and flew towards Kaa-kun.

“Magic Vulcan Breath activated.”

And, it’s eyes flickered, it opened it’s mouth with a sharp deafening sound.

Then something came out from deep inside it’s mouth ...... o, oi oi!

I ever saw that one too!

“What the! How is that possible!” (Barnando)

“Haaah? How? Seriously how it can be? Why is that thing!” (Althea)

Yeah, it’s as Althea said, how the heck is that thing exist.

What came out from the machine dragon’s mouth were round tubes. As it spins it shot out small bullets at once.

“Ma........... machine gun! This is bad!” (Arusha)

Yes, a machinegun. It could shoot countless amount of bullets within a second, a weapon that could erase human’s flesh in an instant.

It aimed at Kaa-kun who can’t move in midair and shoot him!




This isn’t magic anymore.

It spins as it shoot, the bullets aiming at Kaa-kun.

Those bullets were like rain, no, a wall, it pierced Kaa-kun’s solid body one after another, dyeing his body with.......

“......................What are....................” (Kaizer)

However, at that time, the moment everyone was about to go and save the groaning Kaa-kun, the earth was pulled up and shielded his body.

Something overflowed from Kaa-kun’s wounds, an oppressive killing intent like aura.

“These things....... what kind of fight is this........  no heart, no soul, even no willpower, just a mere unveiling of a weapon could do this to me.......” (Kaizer)

The haze like space got slightly distorted, it was an intense feeling of oppression that make even his allies lost for words.

And then......

“What...... what are you trying to show!” (Kaizer)

Kaa-kun’s nose extended. In an instant, it restricted machine dragon’s whole body, the angered Kaa-kun strained it intensely so fast, and then.......

“Fool......... these junks that don’t even know the basic of a fight, don’t even start to mess with me-zou!” (Kaizer)

Inside his constriction, it was crushed instantly!

“Strong! .........big........big brother........... he did well winning against him.......” (Arusha)

“Kaizer calm your temper....... it terrifies your allies......” (Barnando)

He made even his allies frozen up, Kaa-kun ended up smiling bitterly having showed his emotion that pulverized his enemies.

The power that made him bathed in fresh blood, it’s the very dignity of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans.

“Fuuh....... I was, a bit too angered-zou.....” (Kaizer)

“As expected of you, Kaizer. But, your wounds......” (Barnando)

“No, I am fine-dazou. Rather than that Velt-kun is......”

Kaa-kun slowly descended to the surface. But as expected, his injuries seemed heavy.

His body was perforated with so many holes, a large amount of blood is flowing out from him.

Even as he said my treatment too priority, Kaa-kun himself seemed to be exhausted, he got into one knee and slightly increased his breathing.

“Are you fine?” (Barnando)

“No need to worry-zou. Since I had a blank time of seven years, I was just lacking in exercise-dazou. However.......” (Kaizer)

Kaa-kun sat next to me taking a rest. As he looked at me worryingly, his gaze next turned to the battlefield that was still engulfed in flames.

“With mere three of them we turned like this....... just what was that-zou, these things. I have been long in the battlefields, this is the first time I’m seeing these strange creatures.” (Kaizer)

And, the level of power those guys have too.

To think that they’d be this unimaginably hard to handle, and there are hundreds of these guys rampaging around.

“Princess Arusha.......bear with it for now-zou. They have Hero Roa, the Ten Heroes, and Holy Knights there. What we must prioritize now is Velt-kun-zou.” (Kaizer)

“I............. I understand........ I understand okay........” (Arusha)

She bit her lips, from her tightly grasped hand blood was flowing out.

On the face of Arusha who silently stared at those machine monsters rampaging on the battlefield, tears were trickling down.

I knew it....... of course she would.......

“Geez, what was that seriously? Seriously really! We were having a blast with Velt and Uraura’s marriage just now, how the hell things turned out like this, seriously!” (Althea)

In the midst of us, Althea who lives the furthest away from war finally unable to stand it anymore and turned agitated.

“Calm down, Althea-san. It’s not good to move around at a time like this. Chii-chan and Velt-kun are wounded, also Mackey-kun is missing too.” (Arusha)

“But...... .... now, I’m, seriously give me a break already...............” (Althea)

It’s not like I can’t understand her.

It’s natural for anyone who fell into this kind of uncertain situation to think [what the hell gonna happen now] and [I had enough of this]

Those guys over there too, even they can’t help but think about those......

At times like these....... I wanna give a break to my ability that can read many things in the air.


“Barts! Kuh, hang in there! ...... that pebble like thing pierced his foot........ Sanne hurry heal Barts! I will take command of Barts’ unit!” (Shout)

“This is terrible, Shout! Captain Koze, Captain Yowa, and General Ska have died in battle!”

“Ship, hurry and give reinforcement........ Chetto, behind you!”

“Where’s Captain Galva? I saw him carrying Princess Forna before but......”

“No, we shouldn’t scatter. We can’t look for him under this situation.”

Aah, I can hear the voices of my childhood friends inside my head.

But why can’t I move.......

“Shit, all of these guys are too robust....... moreover, what the hell are those weapons! This is too one sided!”

“Doremifa, stick close to the injured Hyule. I will once again bring my unit to mess them up! The second unit over there, follow me! We will break through this fire net and secure an escape path!”

“Reporting in, Solasido-sama! Leville-sama and Gyanza-sama are being encircled by the enemies!”

They still somehow fighting. However, they aren’t winning.

Missiles, machinegun, fire emission,  they possess weapons out of norms, humans and the sky people can’t act like they’re nothing against these huge rampaging monsters.

“Quick you pigs get into the cloud! If you can’t escape because of the flame wall on the surface, then get as many people as possible into the cloud and get out of here!” (Ligantina)

“Ligantina-sama, but still the enemies’ weapons are too powerful we shouldn’t get near them......”

“Eeei, how annoying. To think that the legacy in a small shrine could have this much power..... I will take command. Come with me!” (Ligantina)

It’s no longer a fight for the sake of winning. This is a fight for escaping.

However, unable to escape from the threat of the shooting of fire spewing magic guns, the World Alliance is already in a state of partial destruction.

“This is bad! We also need to hurry and cover them! General Tyler, General Gazer, Minister Olband!” (Roa)

“Wait a moment, Prince Roa! Leave this to us. If by chance something happened to you, the Great Human Alliance Army would be finished.” (Tyler)

“Why are you saying that! If we don’t do something here, it’d be the end of the Great Human Alliance Army. I can’t stay silent seeing my comrades getting injured!” (Roa)

Mannie is floating up in the sky seemingly enjoying the tragedy as she sings a song with a hum, the Holy Knights are facing against her, as well as Roa, and that black hooded Wald.

They understood that if they stay unmoving at that place then everything will be destroyed.


“Ehehenoehe~....... I won’t let you okay~?” (Mannie)

“Move away, Mannie!” (Roa)

“Gee~, you’re so impatient huh~, Roa-kun. You’ll be playing too, shortly.” (Mannie)

As if standing in their way, four machine dragons came from behind Mannie.

“Mannie...... so you already could control them that far.” (Wald)

“Wold~, don’t worry, I won’t kill you guys, you know? Since I want you to regret all the things you did after all. Everything begun because of you guys’ stupidity after all.” (Mannie)

“...................hmph....... .. how dare this little girl.......... but, will things go as smoothly as you think?” (Wald)

“Hm~? Hm? What do you mean~?” (Mannie)

“Don’t play dumb. No matter how many machine monsters you control, and how many thousands or tens of thousands you killed, do you think you can capture Prince Roa and Imperial Princess Ligantina?” (Wald)

Even if she were to win the war, she won’t be able to have what she wants.

Roa and Ligantina, can she actually obtain the two Crest Eyes?

Wold inquired as if testing her out.

“Pu, uff, ufufufufu, ahahahahahahaha, that’s why you don’t know anything Wold. Uh-huh, maybe you just still don’t know? Whoops, pupupupu, I shouldn’t say it right now~.” (Mannie)

However, despite Mannie trying to restrain her laughter, she ended up unable to hold herself back.

“You see this is~, won’t tell though~, but well, actually Mannie was surprised too. Uh-huh, maybe everyone in the world never expected it. You see the word known as Crest Eyes, Roa-kun, Imperial Princess Ligantina, and onee-chan, they must be only imagining three of them to exist. But actually............ upupupupup!” (Mannie)

What does she mean? Just what is she hiding that she laughed about it?

Wald, Roa and company weren’t able to find out that answer, they made a frown on their face.

And then........

“Now then, Roa-kun.” (Mannie)

“................” (Roa)

“I’m going to abduct you okay” (Mannie)

Mannie said something absurd as if saying she’s asking Roa to play.

However, it was neither messing around nor a bluff.

I could tell.

Because I’ve been abducted by Mannie once myself after all.......

“Ma, nie is............... is............ cough, is, ah!” (Velt)

“Velt-sama, please, don’t speak! I will definitely, definitely won’t let you die! Therefore, Velt-sama you must survive!” (Eljela)

No good, as expected I can’t talk.

What I can do right now is only lying down like this, and listen to the situation transmitted to me on the battlefield as I watch Eljela’s swelling face because of her tears.

But, I need to do something about this.

I have no idea what Mannie is scheming, that power of hers is the worst.

If she’s abducting then it could be done in an instant......... abduction?

What the? What is this feeling, this uneasiness......

“Hm, something’s coming-zou!” (Kaizer)

“Haah? Another enemy? Damn, will they cut it out already!” (Althea)

At that moment, a presence of something coming closer was felt, and everyone naturally got themselves prepared.

And then.......

At that moment, there’s something coming down from the sky.

It came falling down with a thump, a person smeared with blood....... no........!

“You’re, Prince Jarenga!”

“.......Guh, gah, .....tsk, so, so noisy? Huh, no........ I can’t move anymore.”

Having exhausted himself and accumulated damage so much that he can’t maintain his dragonification, Jarenga looked as if turned into a rag.

Which means......

“Haha, real glad I’m tough. Haha, how about ‘nother round Jarenga-han?”


So it’s already ended on his side.

He also had undone his dragonification, having done the fight his face is covered with bruise and bleeding nose but Jack still laughed like a kid, he put a bit distance and landed on the desert.

I mean, these guys, so they were still fighting in a situation like this!

Seemingly not noticing anything, Jack laughed proudly with his triumph, he turned back to his comrades and once again flashed a grinning smile.

“Haha, ..... huh, uooh, ain’t it Yuzuriha, what, why are ya cryin’? Ooh, Velt made ya cry again?” (Jackpot)

“Uu, brother........ brother..........” (Yuzuriha)

“Geez. Still, hehe~, what a mysterious feelin’. You over there is Miyamoto ‘ight?” (Jackpot)

“Murata-kun.........” (Barnando)

“That dirty gyaru is Biyama ‘ight~?” (Jackpot)

“Hah? Heck, what do you mean with dirty gyaru! I’m a real freshly packed, super clean alright!” (Althea)

“And next, class rep Ayase....... huh, class rep why are ya lookin’ down like that? Since ya can finally flirt ‘round with yer beloved Ryuuma ya should smile more. It’s real funny when ya fell fer him so much that ya even put his photo on the student notebook. Ya were freakin’ so much when I picked dat from yer notebook back when ya fell down at classroom. Moreover it was a whole class photo that ya cut off ‘n forcefully stick together to make a single photo of two....... rather than charmin’, I’d say it’s scary.” (Jackpot)

“Wait, why are you remembering that! I told you to forget about it didn’t I! Why are you talking so much now? Is it because you’re from Kansai? Huh, now it’s not the time for this!” (Arusha)

Uwaah....... Arusha that’s heavy......was it because it’s from previous life that it’s lapsed? Nah, for some reason that part of her maybe still doesn’t change .....

“Really now, Ryuuma..... aah, Velt ‘ight? ......... huh, Velt, ye, wat happened! Ya lookin’ ‘bout ta die!” (Jackpot_

“ “ “So you only realized it now!” “ “

“Heck, now that I think about it, wat da ‘eck  are those weird robots! Are those Demon Kin’ weapons?” (Jackpot)

“ “ “You.......” “ “

Everyone was astonished as they let out a sigh towards Jack who only realized things after so long.

Well, it’s good that he’s fine......

“Extermination plan continue.”

“ “ “ “ “-----------------------------------------!” “ “ “ “

At that moment, the atmosphere that has softened for a moment once again turn strained.

It’s because, the broken parts of the machine dragon that Kaa-kun crushed with his trunk a moment ago is gathering up by itself and is being restored.

“Haaah? Wait ,wat da ‘eck is this! Disgustin’!” (Jackpot)

“What the, to think this junk has a resuscitation ability, how astonishing-dazou!” (Kaizer)

The crushed apart gargoyle and gryphon aren’t repairing themselves but the dragon that has comparatively better parts condition is repairing itself and even now it’s about to move.

Is it still hasn’t over yet? The moment I thought that, Kaa-kun and others once again take a stance.


“Rock n’ Roll!”

“Super Oscillation Wave!”

The next instant, those two appeared like a comet and pulverized the machine dragon into pieces.


Evens as our eyes went wide seeing that sight, Jack was the only one that has his eyes shining in excitement instead.

“Pheew, good timing

“Kaizer-shi, it’s unfortunate but they could keep moving so long as their inner core isn’t destroyed or their battery run out. If you want to destroy them you need to destroy them thoroughly.”

The two who just appeared are......

“Hey, that’s very problematic for this chaotic time. What’s with this situation really?” (Kishin)

“I never thought Princess Mannie would come this far. It can’t be helped but let’s have a truce here for now.” (Lucifer)

You guys, for how long you still wanna continue fighting!

Don’t smile with those ragged clothing, unkempt hair, and dirty body alright.

Well, I’m glad he’s  returned.

“Aah, Lucifer-san? You’re still alive?” (Jarenga)

“Haha, Jarenga-shi, you seem to don’t have quite the good result, aren’t you?” (Lucifer)

“Nahahaahahahahahahaha! Kishi~n, dat’s quite the blazin’ entrance ya did!” (Jack)

“Ooh, Jac...........k? Hm? YOU are Jack...... right? Your atmosphere feels different from before......” (Kishin)

Kishin and Lucifer.

I don’t know how much fierce their fight was but they seem to put it to a close for now.

At that moment, everyone including Kaa-kun could sigh in relief.

“Kishin-kun. I’m glad you’re fine. I’d love to have a pleasant talk with you along with Jack-kun who has his memories returned, but well.” (Arusha)

“Yeah, me too was amazed. Mister Lucifer. Do YOU understand why things turned out like this?” (Kishin)

“Naturally. However, for now, let’s do something with the current situation. I’m sure Neferti-shi too has already evacuated her countrymen and aborted from her country. Let us safe the talk for when things have calmed down.

Yes, it’s as Arusha said, she actually wanted to talk happily about this but right now isn’t the time or that.

“Of course. We also still haven’t find Mackey and besides, if the Great Human Alliance Army were to be let like this..................... huh?” (Arusha)

Mackey still hasn’t regrouped with us and Arusha can’t leave alone the Great Human Alliance Army and escape like this, but at that moment, Arusha seemed to look around restlessly as if realizing something.

What’s wrong with her?

And then......

“H, hey...............................Where’s Cosmos-chan?” (Arusha)

We turned rigid as if the time itself stopped.

But, why was I, able to grasp the battlefield that my eyes can’t see but didn’t realize anything was being done to my family within my arm’s reach................


Stop fucking around!  I loathe my weak and unsightly state to the point of wanting to kill myself, losing myself in my scream.



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