Chapter 135 Something I Can Do

So I tried to get a job two weeks ago and took a test, dang still a miss. Sigh, what an empty feeling to fail over and over. Lmao, madao stays true.


Chapter 135 Something I Can Do


The plan was exceedingly simple. There will be an execution of the human race’s general right below the Demon King’s castle Hannyala. They will attack right the instant the execution was about to be performed. And then, taking advantage of the confusion caused by it, Roa, Forna,
Arusha, and everyone else in this place including the Ten Heroes of Light will penetrate inside the Demon King’s castle thus defeating him.

TL note: Hannya is another Japanese words for Noh mask like face.

Other soldiers will be tasked to deal with the advance forces. There will be an all out war between the two armies be it inside and outside of the castle. A person stationed at the backmost line of the supply and logistical unit like me wouldn’t be really in the know of the details about the situations in the frontline though.

Betting the entire human race on the line, the battle that would be the turning point in history has unfolded its curtain.

              “ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CHAAAAAAARGE! “         

“Right wing, attack! Left wing, take advantage of the collapsed central soldiers and go around and cut in!”

“Don’t fall back! Know that us losing is just your imaginations! Believe in the lord heroes’ victory, and we just need to do what we have to do!”

“Don’t let the countless sacrifices we’ve endured till now be wasted!”

“Shoot at the same time! Aim for those ogres eyes!”

“Tsk, this is bad! The [Ogre Cavalry Corps] about to plunge into battle!”

 The sky was dyed black. This was already incomparable to the battle in the Empire, the scent of blood and flesh being rend and crushed, the roars and screams of people, and then the ever expanding death that being spread all around. 

The enemies that stood in our way were just like the cyclops, with heights of around 4 to 5 meters, they rampaged around with their massive frames. Their skins were dark red and their whole bodies were hard as if having their muscles made of steel, the very symbols of an ogre. I’ve seen them in a picture book when I was little, they are the [Ogre Tribe] great horde.

And the other, despite their form and size being more human like, they had incredible intelligence and magic power far exceeding normal ogres, they were called the [High Ogres].

Bundling them up together, they were called the ogre demon race. And they called the realm they live in as the Hell Demon Kingdom.

“It was a truly horrifying place you know.”

By Forna and co’s arrangement I got put into the safest place being the house sitting. Even so, I can still hear the spirited screams of both allies’ and enemies’. It was the world where one might die in merely the next few seconds.

Aah, so this is what you call a real battlefield is like.

“Don’t be dazing off. Some stray arrows might be coming.” (Howe)

“Howe. I mean, why are you here?” (Velt)

Howe also got rotated into logistical support duties. Wasn’t she supposedly someone with more skills than that?

“It’s an order from the Princess and Roa-sama. With you being here the Princess’ mood peaked but if you were to die she won’t be able to fight anymore after all. So I’m guarding you for in case something to happen.” (Howe)

“O, ooh, I made her troubled huh.” (Velt)

“You really are. It is exactly because of this kind of big battle people can make merits and rise up in rank easily.” (Howe)

“Huff, you said that despite you don’t have interest in it yourself.” (Velt)

“Yup, true that.” (Howe)

Being sent here to guard me, Howe coldly gazed to the battle happening at the front.

What could it be in her mind?

“Hey, Howe. What’s your reason to joining the Great Human Alliance Army?” (Velt)

“What is it, that’s so sudden.” (Howe)

“Nah nothing, just looking for some topic to talk about. When you keep hearing someone’s scream or their death throes, it’s going to make one’s mind went nuts after all.” (Velt)

That’s right, if one were to see a scenery where people keep on dying to the point of abnormality, their mind would go insane. Blood splattering everywhere like a fountain and torn people’s bodies laying around as if they’re scrap papers.

That is true for the ogres too. Be it enemies or allies, hundreds and thousands have died, washed away in this place named Divine Being continent.

“This is bad! The formation has fallen apart! The ogres’ number and strength have exceeded our expectations!”

“Shit, don’t falter! The lord heroes will soon enter the demon king’s castle! Even if you have to die here don’t fall back!”

“Keep attacking! Offense will be our strongest defense!”

However, inside that scenery, unexpected words came out of Howe’s mouth.

“I already said it didn’t I. I joined only for some stupid reason. Be it when I was still a child or now. I just..... wanted my voice to be heard and receive praises from people... from my father.” (Howe)

Howe’s father? I think I’ve met him a few times before, he was part of Elfarshia Kingdom’s knight order wasn’t he?

 “My father has done it for me, for the world, for human race... I didn’t know about his predisposition back then. The only thing on my mind was that if I do as I was told I would get praised...” (Howe)

“Isn’t it fine? Even Ship joined just so that he could become rich and popular with girls.” (Velt)

“Aah yea. But you see, he has changed now. Maybe it’s because Shi and Gau died... they became unable to laugh, even among our classmates Barts can be said to be something like mood maker in a different sense.” (Howe)

I was caught in a slightly weird feeling. Howe, I thought she was just some cold kid. But when I looked at her eyes and listened to her talk I can feel something different. She isn’t just cold, there’s something different in what she was seeing. There was something fundamentally different and out of place separating her from Barts, Shout and the others. Something so unexpected and beyond my thought.

But, this wasn’t the place nor the situation to ascertain that.


A vulgar and eerie laugh echoed in the middle of the battlefield. It sounded like the sound made by a machine, then enlarged. From where is it?

“What the heck?” (Velt)

“Tsk, look above!” (Howe)

At the part of the sky where Howe pointed her finger there was someone hovering in mid air. Wearing a wizard robe, two ogre horns grown out of his head, some kind of short old man?

TL note: Before I forget again, ogre here is oni from Japanese folklore instead of the western ones. Japanese ogre has horns and usually depicted using iron club, one of the famous stories about it is about the blue oni and red oni.

“One of the Six Great Ogre Generals, Sudou the Phantom Ogre!” (Howe)

“Six Generals? Aah, so that old man is one of them?” (Velt)

“Yeah. He uses foul schemes and cruel tactics against the Great Human Alliance Army, causing great number of casualties over and over, he is like a flea.” (Howe)

“He has the face of someone that looks like doesn’t have many friends huh.” (Velt)

The ogre named Sudou appeared in the sky above the battlefield. The Great Human Alliance Army can’t even turn their eyes away from that short stature ogre old man. To the point that even if they have to turn their eyes away from the enemies in front of them, they won’t let the old man get away from their sight, that’s what I think when seeing them.

And then, Sudou opened his mouth.

“Dehyahyahya, you foolish humans, your level of intelligence are  truly as low as the demihumans, do you think you can win against us the esteemed and proud ogres? Laughable!” (Sudou)


“Hey, can I just blow away that geezer?” (Velt)

“You’ve been told to not do anything, remember?” (Howe)

Six Great Ogre Generals huuuh, just how strong is he actually? What will happen if I use my Fuwa Fuwa Panic to him now?

Well, if I were to fight an enemy without knowing their strength first, like how it had been so far I would be in a painful time, as expected it would be bad if I were to cause trouble to other people at a place like this.

“Shall I tell you imbeciles what despair is?  As it appears, the heroes are trying to get inside our castle at the frontline now, but that possibility of that happening is nil! Why? Because the three of our strongest Six Great Ogre Generals are there waiting for them!”

Why, so he is quite the kind geezer huh. He gave us the information about the war progress.

“More to be said, the other two generals other than me is fighting against that Yellow Jaegers greenhorn of a corps and that Barts the Roaring Flames and Shout the Flashing Wind are merely brats, their experience in war can’t even be compared to us! They don’t even qualify as our enemies!” (Sudou)

So it’s like that, our bigshots are fighting against the enemy’s top brass. Not bad at all.

“And then, the rest are only you bastards! You small fries won’t be able to stop us, the ogres! I now will finish you all! Come forth, the corps I raised myself, [The Super Mad Ogre Corps]!”

At that instant, one can even see them from the distant, giant ogres flew over from the enemy’s castle, they made the very earth shaken.

“Hu, huge!” (Velt)

They’re huge. Must be around ten meters tall. And they’re not just huge. Their eyes were bulging out, drools were also dripping out of their mouth. They are obviously abnormal.

“From demon race’s secret formula, the muscles reinforcer also known as the mind liberation drug, this is the strongest corps I’ve developed myself! With your present troops number where you are even less than half your previous strength your ends are already decided! And one more thing!” (Sudou)

Another one? The moment I thought of that, from nearby of our position in the battlefield’s edge a tremor surged forth.

“Tsk, what the hell!”


I turned to look behind. From the rare of the place we once thought as the backmost line, countless iron cages sprang forth from under the ground. The moment those cages got opened, demon race people wearing an outfit with stripes pattern like a prisoner came out.

“Who, who are these guys!”

“Wait, they aren’t from the ogre tribe! De, demonfolks?”

Their hands and feet were being shackled. But, in the next instant those shackles were all broken then fell over to the ground. And below these guys that have just broken free, swords, spears, all kinds of weapons laid, they just fell over from the sky in a large quantity...

“Those people are the remnants of the countries you humans had destroyed before! As their countries got destroyed we suspect they would rebel against us later on so we imprisoned them.” (Sudou)

Hey, these demonfolk guys feels like, their eyes were all red and full of rage, they were bearing hatred and killing intent against us.

“Some years ago, you Great Human Alliance Army bastards destroyed their country and killed their king, these few years of anger and sadness can’t be vented on and on as they were locked up inside the jail, they be our suicide troops. I tell you that very anger isn’t anything soft!” (Sudou)

Crap, we’re sourrounded.

“Dehyahyahyahya! From your rear the suicide troops! And from the front the invincible Hell Demon Kingdom Troops! You won’t have any means to escape from this deadly formation anymore! Now then.... All troops commence annihilation!” (Sudou)

Tsk, there’s only support troops in this back most line. There’s completely no one that can fight, they were all terrified and went limp.

“Son of a bitch!” (Velt)

“Tsk, we’re escaping Velt! You mustn’t die at all cost! Even if you have to abandon all the people here only you must survive!” (Howe)

Howe in a hurriedly grabbed my hand then tried to get away from where we were currently. But, where could we go to?

The front was...



“Left wing, attack! Don’t let them get the back of lord heroes!”

“Shit shit shit! Like I’m gonna die here!”

“Rear unit do support!”

“Idiot, if we move away from here they will get the lord heroes!”

The front was in the middle of a messed up fights. It’s impossible, we don’t have any place we can escape to.


“Revenge revenge revenge revenge revenge revenge!”

“It’s our revenge for our Demon King! Revenge for our Princess! Die, kill all the humaaaaaans!”

The suicide troops immediately rushed over towards us. Their eyes were all dyed red with rage. Their breathings were all ragged wanting to rip us all apart. Even amidst their rage the suicide troops still able to start preparing their formation. So even with all their anger they still able to use their heads? That’s too much terrifying.

“Thi, this, how many people are there?”

“A few thousands? That’s too much.”

“Tsk, it’s not that, hey, look at the three people in front of the suicide troops!”

The faces of the support troops members got stiffened in fear as they pointed their fingers. At where they were pointing at there were three people that gave off different feel despite they were also wearing the same prisoner clothes.

“That’s impossible! So they managed to survive! They supposed to have died in the fight against the lord heroes five years ago!”

“But it’s real! They are [Rumba the Magic Gunner], [Bardo the Summoner], and [Jonga the Karate Fighter]!”

“They are those that had spread their names far and wide in the war at the Divine Being Continent, they are, by war records, stalwart veterans!”

“There’s no doubt about it, they ever served one of the Seven Demon Kings before, as the royal guards!”

That’s right, those three were letting out a strange atmosphere around them. The demonfolk doesn’t differ in appearance to human race by much. At most their ears became pointy at the end, even so the air they gave off were overflowing with evil.

“It’s been five years since we actually feel the air outside right. As the fools who weren’t able follow their master to his death, we need to drag along even one more human to accompany us to our death.”

Her clothes were in taters, her hair too was in taters, despite so she looked fascinating as if radiating the light of evilness.

Though wearing prisoner clothing, she was a woman that wore a cowboy hat on her head with red hair and freckles on her face. She was taking a stance with a gun that has a very big muzzle on both of her hands.

“Rumba. I know how you feel-nari. But-nari, I don’t mind if you go rampaging-nari, but don’t forget what Sudou said before-nari.”

TL note: ....I don’t really know how to translate that kind of speech guys so I’d just leave it at that... I also don’t remember which character I can use as reference....

He was a demon man with bald head like a monk. I can’t even tell whether he was closing or opening his eyes with that kind of narrow eyes. He was holding a staff taller than his own body with goblin like crest on it.

“Bardo, that’s something we all know. If we were to go rampage right here and get enough achievements, the Hell Demon Kingdom will go right to the Human Continent’s Empire and start to attack them. That’s what Sudou promised us.”

His traits was, long bangs that hid his eyes. But his sharp ears were able to be seen, he was a man with medium build.

“Jonga, we know that. By what Sudou said, five years ago our Demon King was killed by the humans, our princess was captured and imprisoned in a big prison in the empire.” (Rumba)

“That is exactly-nari. Though our revenge is important-nari, right now the most important thing for us to do is to rescue the princess-nari.” (Bardo)

“We were unable to protect the princess despite being the Royal Guards, but now with the queen’s knight order’s strength, we will definitely rescue the princess! For that we must wreck havoc here to the fullest of our strength!” (Jonga)

They’re coming! Those blood thirsty demons are coming!

“Sigh, dang it can’t be helped...” (Velt)

“Velt! What are you trying to do!” (Howe)

There’s no other option. I won’t do anything unnecessary but this isn’t something unnecessary. After all, this is something only I can do now.

“You’ve promised Forna, do you intending to die!” (Howe)

I will do what I can do. In this situation, I wanted to do to my utmost. I thought of that without knowing that things would get stuck later on.



Translated by : Thousand Vangs

Edited by: Thousand Vangs



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  1. Aw, yeah baby! New chapter!
    Thanks for the chap, will comment often!

    1. Oh, and +1 prayer so you can get a good job from the other side of the globe

  2. Thanks for the chapter.
    Getting a job is always tedious isn't it. Wishing you the best tho.


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