Chapter 136 What The Heck Is Happening


Chapter 136 What The Heck Is Happening


Their numbers were far too many. As expected if I have to bring thousands of them, I won’t be able to make all the troops float off. Then, I won’t be making them float! I will make the world float instead!

“Fuwa Fuwa Wall!” (Velt)

I clumped together the sands, rocks, and the earth itself and risen up a defense wall, repelling the attack of the rage driven soldiers all at once.

“Wha, Velt! You, how did you do it!” (Howe)


“Amazing! As expected of the person chosen by Forna-sama!”

Relieved expressions appeared on the backline troops that were about to be mowed down when I raised up a defense wall. However, our enemy has outrageous numbers of thousands of troops. We won’t be able to defend against them forever.

“Hey, while I’m at it you guys should call reinforcements or move out or just someone do something! I can’t hold out for long!” (Velt)

For how long are they going to be like that? All seemed just useless. At this point everything was already impossible.

“You seems doing quite well!” (Rumba)

TL note: Actually Rumba also has her own talking style but I just can’t figure out how to integrate it since it isn’t that distinct from normal. She adedd arimasu at lots of ends of her sentences.

A gunshot sound echoed over.

That sound was transmitted over by the air, making me able to react faster than anyone else..

“Fuwa Fuwa Air Current!”

I manipulated the flow of the air and shifted away the attack’s direction.

“Wha! So you’re able to defend against my shot!” (Rumba)

“Hoh, you able to evade Rumba’s shot despite just seeing it the first time, impressive-nari!” (Bardo)

“Five years already passed ain’t it. The times always progress forward ain’t it!” (Jonga)

It’s not just one person but three.

They passed over the five meters high earthen wall I made, and finally the three most troublesome foes made their appearance.

“Hi, hiiii! The, the Three Royal Guards!”

“Let’s, let’s protect Velt-dono! Should he died, Princess Forna won’t be able to fight anymore!”

“UOOOH, let’s protect him till our last!”

No well, I’m fine. You don’t have to do that, we don’t have anywhere to escape after all. In that case, we have to either beat the crap out of these guys or buy enough time for reinforcements to come.

“O spirits of the earth, take my anger as your nourishment and be awaken! Sand Golem!” (Bardo)

Crap. A summoning magic? A ten meter class giant golem appeared.

“Brat, it’s not the time for you to look away ain’t it! I’m your opponent ain’t it!” (Jonga)

TL note: uh, yea Jonga supposedly always add でしょうが (deshouga) in the end of all his sentences. Deshouga could mean though, after all, isn’t it or similar. I didn’t really realize it at first but I will try to make it relatable in the translation somehow.

“Tch, don’t mess around with me! I don’t give a shit about your Royal Guards or anything, you guys are... weaker than Chirotan after all!” (Velt)

Fast. Moreover his dash was strong. This guy with rattan blind like hair, is he a barehanded fighter?

“Makyokushin Karate. Lightning Pillar Fist of Justice!”  (Jonga)

 “Keh, Fuwa Fuwa Warding Away!” (Velt)

Still, it got warded off. The air I manipulated was smoothly telling me of the opponent’s movements, and then by using the air flow I made his fist stay away from me.

“What? It felt like there’s an invisible wall of air here ain’t it.” (Jonga)

He must be flustered. Then, I shall stab into that opening. I forcefully rotate the air all at once then condensed it as my foot technique.

“Fuwa Fuwa Air Turbulence!” (Velt)


He withstood it!, This guy, his martial arts techniques was way overwhelmingly above from me. I won’t say he didn’t get any damage but he was able to defend against it with his fighting spirit.

However, I can see it from above his guarding, there were bruises on his arms.

“Jonga! Don’t let your guard down! Double Shot Impact!” (Rumba)

“Fuwa Fuwa Change Direction!” (Velt)

“Wha, eeeh!” (Rumba)

I instantly made the gun point turned to above. I see, so it can be used like this as well.

“Rumba! Jonga! You wretched, don’t get too carried away-nari! Trample him, Sand Golem!” (Bardo)

“As if! Fuwa Fuwa Air Bomb!” (Velt)

It made a sound as if a gigantic balloon exploded, the shockwave impacted the enemy’s giant golem and made it slightly tilted.

“Oh so it’s like that, I thought it would turn out quite so so but unexpectedly I’m quite good huh.” (Velt)

Oops, I shouldn’t be acting all smug and ass. If I were to go over my head again I would ended up getting the rug pulled off under my feet. I’ve been expensively paying for that tuition fee for the whole of my life.

I won’t let my guard down at all cost.

“This kid... has some skill.” (Rumba)

“I can’t say he has a gap, he has the strength to fight against the three of us all at once-nari.” (Bardo)

“But this isn’t the time for us to be wasting time around ain’t it!”

No well, I’m hoping you guys to waste more time you know. Well, I’m not that naive though.

“Tsk, that Velt, that dropout Velt has become like this.” (Howe)

“Shit, are the reinforcements still not here yet? Velt-sama is already fighting so hard!”

“We should raise our weapons and provide support!”

“Hey, this is bad! The wall, the wall Velt-sama has made got destroyed!”

Aah I knew it, It won’t last if I don’t concentrate on it. At first I was concentrating on solidifying the dirt, sand, and rocks but I can’t do it since I got to face those three.

As holes appeared here and there around the wall, with their breathing roughen demon folks came out one after another.

“Aaah, shit, this is hella troublesome!” (Velt)

“You are quite strong yourself. But we need to rescue our princess, we can’t stop here!” (Rumba)

“Shut up, like I care about that! Even for me, if I were to die there will be many princesses crying for me!” (Velt)

“For our grudge to humans, the enemy of our king and princess, the humans shall be cleared away from this very place-nari!” (Bardo)

“Now, it’s time to end this ain’t it. You were strong ain’t it, you nameless brat!” (Jonga)

Keh, they’re underestimating me. It’s perfect then. I won’t be taken down easily myself.

“UOOOOOH, let’s help Velt-sama!”

“Let’s crush them!”

And then the reinforcements from the backline came at a good timing.

This is good, I will fight you guys. So that I can keep on living!

“Hah! This is perfect ain’t it, human bastards! I will reap your souls and send it over to my mentor, our Demon King Sharkryuu sama!” (Jonga)

“The hell I care, here I come koraa..... huh?” (Velt)

“Makyokushin Karate, Hidden Fist!” (Jonga)

.... these guys, who are they again?

They were imprisoned by the Hell Demon Kingdom and their nation got destroyed by the humans. It seems their demon king and princess already died five years ago.

The demon king that died five years ago? To save his daughter? His mentor? Makyokushin Karate? Sharkryuu sama?

“Hey, you only said that just now! The heck is this, these guys are Samejima’s underlings!” (Velt)

“Die brat!” (Jonga)


“Stop this! Ura is extremely healthy right now!” (Velt)


Along with my scream, the suicide troops that had been maddened by anger suddenly stopped their movements, their countenance seemed to calm down.

Because the demon folks stopped moving so suddenly, the Great Human Alliance Army also stopped right before clashing despite not knowing what actually happened.

“Aaah, that’s right. Haah, you know, it’s like this.”

Aaah, somehow, I’m gradually able to understand it, the overall picture of this.

“He, hey, what, what do you mean by that?” (Rumba)

The gunner named Rumba, with her face seemingly flustered she came close to me. The same happened for the other two.

“Hey, bas, bastard, you just now, said Ura, is, is that name refer to Princess Ura? Why, did you say Princess Ura’s name nari!” (Bardo)

“Answer it dammit! Depending on your answer, we might not even spare every single one of you!”

It’s different from their previous anger. Those adults were searching for the answer from the bottom of their hearts, it’s can’t be helped that they were desperate.

“Tsk, let go of Velt-sama!”

“Please step back, Velt-sama!”

I don’t mind. I signaled my allies and told this to them.

“You might not believe me but I’m buddies with Sharkryuu.” (Velt)

“.... Hah? Don’t blabber bullshits ain’t it! A human like you, why Demon King-sama being friends with you ain’t it!” (Jonga)

“But that’s the truth. Five years ago, Sharkryuu that was being cornered by the Great Human Alliance Army and also Ruuga, they entrusted Ura to me. (Velt)

That’s right, it’s not only Samejima. He fell because of protecting Ura in exchange for his life, I should not forget about him.

From Samejima it was as the Demon King also as a father that wanted her to survive and then Ruuga, he was someone who demonstrated his loyalty to his king as his warrior.

It didn’t matter even if they were demons.

“You, You said Ruuga! So you do know Ruuga?!” (Rumba)

“Yeah, I know him. And then, in these five years Ura has been living in Elfarshia Kingdom with me. I’m not lying. I will tell you everything. Even something like what panties she was wearing even her bra design I can tell them all.” (Velt)

“I, I can’t see him telling any lies at all-nari.... However! However! The Hell Demon Kingdom and Sudou said that Princess Ura was imprisoned in the Empire’s Great Prison!” (Bardo)

“Aren’t they lying to you? It can make them easier to use you, and you guys been in imprisoned for five years, you guys have no way to ascertain that. ....Ah, that’s right. I received these from Samejima and Ura as a thanks, these rings. Take a look.” (Velt)

“These, wait, these, these rings! These rings are the Emerald Ring and the Scarlet Gem Ring! These are the rings that have been passed over in the Vesparda royal family ain’t it! (Jonga)

And, other thing, don’t I have something else? A proof that I’m a part of Ura’s family... uhm, a physical proof... ah, it’s this!

“That’s right, I have this too. This, I just took this recently. It’s the thing that’s in trending in demi humans world recently, it’s something they called purikura.” (Velt)

TL note: purikura is photos made in a special photo booth where the photos can be printed right away and have cute effects and stickers  applied to it like heart marks, cakes and stars.

Right, I made this to be sent along with the letter to Sensei, to show that we were doing well and healthy, ....its that, a lovey dovey couple photo.

“This, this is, ah, aah, aaaah, uwaaaaah! Ura-sama, Ura-sama! Ura-sama!” (Rumba)

The moment Rumba saw it, she fell down to her knees, shedding big droplets of tears.

“A, aah, so she, she has grown big.... so splendidly... she looks exactly similar to the Queen-nari.” (Bardo)

“And she looks so happy ain’t it.” (Jonga)

The two of them were amassing tears in their eyes as they looked at the image of Ura inside the purikura. Just by seeing that I was able to understand well just how much they treasured Ura.

“However, even so-nari, you are inside the picture with the Princess and then you also received those rings, an inheritance from the royal family.” (Bardo)

“You, could it be, .... you are unmistakingly a human ain’t it, Princess Ura’s....” (Jonga)

“Yea, that smile on the Princess, it isn’t just a smile from happiness. She is also making a face of someone in love.” (Rumba)

This is embarrassing.

Well, I can’t deceive them if they already understood that much, they must be feeling conflicted with having a human as her partner, but well, things should be fine if they think that there has been a lot of things happening in this five years.

“She is my important family member. Of those who I should protect in this whole world, of course she is one of them. Things about her being a demon race or anything, I don’t put any mind to it.” (Velt)

Now that I’ve said it, what will they do?

“Will you tell us your name-nari?” (Bardo)

“It’s Velt Jeeha.” (Velt)

They asked of my name, turned to the soldiers behind them, and then shouted out loud.

“All troops! This person is our greatest benefactor who has saved our Princess, to Velt Jeeha-sama who has gone beyond the walls of races, present our utmost bow!” (Bardo)

“ “ “ “ “ “ OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! ” “     “ “

The demon folks who were about to destroy everything driven by their rage, including these three and the soldiers behind them, suddenly bowed with all of their might to me, their eyes filled with sparkle.

“Oo, oooh, kuhahahaha, amazing!”

“This, this is, no way, what is happening?”

“Ve, Velt-sama, you, who in the world are you?”

“The demon race, those demon folks, they are lowering their heads to Velt-sama”

Howe and the others were flabbergasted, unable to tell what was happening.

But to me there is nothing more important than this. We were able to conclude this matter of life and death without even shedding a drop of blood.

“Isn’t this good, Howe. Let me handle these guys.” (Velt)

“Velt!” (Howe)

“They are my family member’s... most, most precious people after all.” (Velt)

And, more than anything, I wanted Ura and these guys to meet as fast as possible. I wished for that from the bottom of my heart.

 Forna, we’ve somehow settled the things over here. The rest is for you guys. Don’t worry about us at the back. Fight on without reserving anything....

“UOOOOOOOH, everyone, we shouldn’t forget this anger ain’t it! We’ve fell into the scheme Sudou has made, not only we spent this five years meaninglessly, but we also almost bared our fangs against Velt-sama who we owe a great debt to ain’t it!” (Jonga)

“We should never forgive that-nari! Who is our enemy? Is it the humans? No, it is the enemy of the one chosen by our Princess and Demon King, the enemies of Velt-sama is our enemies-nari!” (Bardo)

“To bury Velt-sama’s enemies into oblivion, we shall unleash this anger we have been piling up!” (Rumba)


  “ “ “ “ “ UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH” “ “ “ “

....What? Why these guys getting all fired up now? Aren’t we just supposed to believe in the heroes and wait patiently after this?

“Now, Velt-sama, let’s go!” (Rumba)

“Golem, bend down-nari! Come come, Velt-sama, please ride on top of the golem’s head-nari!” (Bardo)

“We shall become Velt-sama’s arms and legs, it’s time for the ogre hunt to begin ain’t it!” (Jonga)

What? Wa, wait, wait wait wait wait------!

“Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!”

TL note: in the anime you might hear people yell wasshoi wasshoi wasshoi when carrying big and heavy stuff in festival. That’s the heave-ho stuff.

“Velt-sama banzai! Velt-sama banzai!”

“Let’s go! Together with Velt-sama! We shall devote today’s victory for the Princess!”

Why! Why the hell these guys got so fired up? And why the heck am I got carried around?

          “ Ve, Velt-sama got abducted---------! “  “ “ “  “ “

And then, the golem that me and Rumba’s group of three rode on the head broke into a run.

Where are we going? Heck, this is the overly crowded area of the bloody battle isn’t it!

“O, oi dammit! What are you trying to do!” (Velt)

“Come, Velt-sama, this is the time for you who inherited the will of our Demon King to demonstrate your power and guide us all-nari!” (Bardo)

What the hell are these guys saying! I’m supposed to guard the base at the backline! Welp, why are these guys raising me so high and wanted me to start rampaging around?

Hell, if they wanted to rampage around they just have to do it themselves against those ogres, why are they trying to make me join the mess?

Look, the Great Human Alliance Army troops around us all got dumbfounded. Ah, moreover we were getting closer and closer to the location of the guys I know of.

“Members of Ten Heroes of Light, don’t get close to these guys!”

“Six Great Ogre Generals, I will shoot down all of you!”

“We won’t let you even lay a finger to our leader!”

“Leave this place to us!”

Ooh, it’s the main force of Shout and others.

“Gehahahahaha, so it’s Shout the Flashing Wind, Barts the Roaring Flames, and then [Doremifa the Swordsman of Other Dimension], also [Solasido the Wing of Empire]. Interesting, so you are all the young warriors who shoulder the new era. However, it’s unfortunate but you guys have no chance of winning at all.”

He was the ogre whose body was clad in an armor with thorns all over it. He looked like a needle pin cushion huh.

“The reason for that is the soldier’s strength. Moreover, the Mad Ogre Corps that Sudou has brought in. Not just that, you should witness it yourself behind your backs!”

Following those words, the Great Human Alliance Army turned to look behind, and then their eyes met with the troops who were vigorously pushing forward like surging waves.

“This can’t be! They already got the support troops at the backline!”

“This, this is bad! Velt and Howe are there!”

“This is terrible! There’s no stopping that kind of hella energetic golem!”

“But if we don’t stop it here, those troops will get to where the Princess is!”

Surely they must be thinking that they got trapped in a pincher attack by enemies.

But, calm down. I lightly waved my hand so that message can be transferred over.

“Hmm? .....are, are my eyes has gotten bad?”

“I must be hallucinating.”

“Oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi!”

“What, what is happening right now?”

Ah, everyone has realized it seems. That reaction appeared in their faces. The ones who haven’t realized it yet are just those Six Great Ogre Generals who were laughing with stupid face and that spiky thorny ogre, they were just making racket without knowing anything.

“Fuhahahaha, you demon folks, trample over these foolish humans!”

“The ones with most active roles will get released you know?”

Go go! Do it do it! As the voices of the ogres shouting like that reached us, the remnant troops of the former Vesparda Demon Kingdom finally started their big rampage.

“ “ “ “ “ “ Hell Demon Kingdom troops, prepare yourselves!!!” “ “ “ “ “

Having let down their guards, the ogres were sent flying as if getting hit in a traffic accident.

“Ugh, wha, what the hell! The demon folks seemed got confused!”

“Could it be they are betraying us, those bastards!”

“Impossible, why they should be allying themselves with humans!”

As the ogres got into panic they still unable to understand the situations, they didn’t have the means to stop the demon folks who were attacking in high spirits.

“How dare you deceive us all, bastards!”

“You can’t understand the depths of our anger! And how relieved we are when knowing that our Princess is safe!”

“We will change those feelings into strength and fight till the end!”

“That’s right, alongside the one chosen by our Demon King and Princess, our new king!”


“ “ “ “ “ Together with our new king! Demon King Velt-sama!” “ “ “ “ “


This is wrong! It’s not like this! I, I haven’t said anything like that at all!

Shout! Barts! Don’t make that idiotic stiffened faces please!

I actually haven’t done anything!

I mean, what is this? I was just asked to guard the base but now I’m a Demon King!

And as they saw me like this, Barts and others shouted simultaneously.

“ “ “ “ “Wha, what... what the heck are you doiiiiing!!!” “ “ “ “ “

What, what’s going to happen to me now?

I don’t know what will happen but, I unwittingly got participated into the war.






I moved these notes since they're long

1.       魔極神カラーテ・正拳電刹!(Makyokushin Karate Seiken Densetsu) could be translated into Divine Demon Pole Karate Lightning Pillar Fist of Justice or maybe the pole part could be changed into Pillar in this case to suit the coolness better. Or maybe it could be Extremely Demonic Divine Karate? It’s awesomely confusing lmao. Anyway Seiken Densetsu here is a reference to a game series in Japan, while other parts of the world known is as the Mana Series. Well I played Legend of Mana in Ps1 when I was junior high that’s why I got the reference, didn’t manage to finish it though.

     Anyway try these two themes from Legend of Mana, Nostalgic Song and Hometown Domina lmao.

2.      Another thing I just noticed, demon race (魔族/mazoku) is the demons as a whole while 魔人 (majin) I translate it as demon folks is the sub race Ura came from. Hmm, it could be translated as demon man for more literal translation ig.


Gonna take a break so no chapter next week.


 Translated by : Thousand Vangs

Edited by : Thousand Vangs

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  1. Hahha, thanks for the chapt

  2. Nice, thanks for the chapter!

    eh i can't use my google account

  3. Tnx for the chapter as always 😇

  4. Btw i forgot to ask
    the author made a "revamped" version of nagai koto depicting a more detailed version that inputs all the classmates in the novel

    are yours continuing the past version or the latest version?

    1. I think the one I'm translating is the unrevamped one? I'm just continuing where the previous translator left it. Is this version is unfinished?

    2. Yes, the Original Version is Completed

    3. Ooh, then I'll keep translating this one then

  5. Eh, don't tell me the next world war in this series is about who gets to have a schedule with Velt among the bigshots of each faction xD

  6. thanks for the chapt


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