Chapter 185 Wedding Night

Geh, got things to do yesterday.


Chapter 185 Wedding Night


I won’t go. I understand about the situation of Arusha, Barnando, and Althea but all these stopovers have been too much already.

From now on if we’ll be doing what we have to do in the earnest, then of course we should just ignore that kind of stuff.

“Ah, but still, Velt-kun. If we were to take those big shots of the world into hostage or get rid of them all at the Summit, won’t we be friggin’ close to the world conquest then?” (Mackey)

“Bastard, what the hell you’re saying so casually! It’s a place where all those important people of the three races are gathering, as if you can go and raid them just like that!” (Velt)

No well, despite I said that myself, it’s scary that it seems doable with these members.

“Well, indeed that if you’re going to proclaim your name to the world then maybe that way will work but, I personally against it-dazou. With that kind of event, it’s not only the famous heroes that will gather, the number of the soldiers also won’t be nothing to be scoffed at.” (Kaizer)

“It is as he said. At the very least, from the demihumans it would be our Shinsengumi and Erosvitch’s troops, furthermore Yubamensch will also be there-noja. The soldier count will be on the several tens of thousands.” (Barnando)

“Jigoku Demon Kingdom will send the Six Great Ogre Generals, furthermore Zetsuki will surely attend.” (Kishin)

“Onii-chan, from Makai Demon Kingdom probably, fa........ no, the [Demon King Noppera] and the [First Prince Selros], they should be going to attend.” (Lagaia)

Like I said, I won’t go. Why the heck are you guys starting this kind of battle power analysis.

The reason I’m not going to so recklessly jump into there is right here alright.

“You see, guys, just think about it. As if I can do that kind of terrorist shit stuff. Look, I’m now taking my child along you know?” (Velt)

I hug Cosmos and pull her up. Yeah, so long as she’s here, I won’t be able to do that kind of dangerous stunt.

What we should do is, make a base at the Divine Race Continent, and then widen up it’s territory.

“What we’ll do right now isn’t about rising up our names or go rampaging around, it’s to make a base and expand our power aight.” (Velt)

“My, Velt-sama! Making a base......... that’s , what you mean is to make a place where we can stay, a house where we can live in right? It’s so lovely! See, Cosmos, pappa said he’s going to make a house. What kind of house you want to live in?” (Eljela)

“Pappa, is it true! You see, Cosmos wants a garden with a swing and flower bed!” (Cosmos)

Well, if it’s that much I’ll make it for you. Leave it to pappa........ not that.

“No well, it’s not going to be that much of out of context like Eljlea said. Anyways, I’m not interested with that [what should we do so that we can befriend each other] kind of meeting. We can’t just idling around indefinitely, anyways we’ll make a base and think about what to do from now on.” (Velt)

“Gyahahahaha, stop idling around he said! This Velt has gotten quite mellowed down! Is it that? That one when someone got a child then they’ll try to correct themselves? Despite being a virgin you’re trying to act all grown up huh.” (Althea)

“Shut it, Althea! I know it’s out of my character, it’s because I don’t know what you guys gonna do if I just go and left you all on your own, aren’t I already speaking with enough common sense here!” (Velt)

“What, bro. So ya won’t goin’ around doin’ more stuff eh. What a bore. So ya went and think more about stability after havin’ a family?” (Jackpot)

“Like I said, I’m right now, saying something that’s exceedingly obvious alright!” (Velt)

“Hmph. Playing a make believe leader, stop fussing around, this trash.” (Yuzuriha)

“Bring out your ass, Yuzuriha!” (Yuzuriha)

“No need to worry. Cosmos’ exclusive playground equipment will be personally made by this me.” (Chirotan)

“You’re fine with that? Chii-chan, do you really fine with that? Heck, playground equipment made by a Demon King, that’s just so scary.” (Velt)

These guys are just so random. No, I mean, too free.

Crap. If it’s fighting then there’s no one else more dependable than these guys, but for everyday life, all of them are so painful to handle that it’s just impossible.

Can I really do it like this from now on?

“Aah, Arusha, you try and say something too. I mean, you’re the most decent among these guys........” (Velt)

I was thinking that I won’t be able to keep everything at hand with myself alone, but when I look at Arusha, she’s now holding her head........

“They’re all are probably in so much worry right now. That’s right, to Doremifa, Solasido, and Gyanza, and to everyone else too, I must have seemed like I just went and disappeared without saying anything. This body which was dedicated for the sake of the world, for humanity, and for the empire, now only move for the sake of her own personal justice, I didn’t even tell anything to big brother and others.......... Leville too, Hyule too, for the sake of not letting the death of our comrades to be in vain, we have promised to keep fighting till the very end, but despite that........ then as we keep going down that path and we now finally, set our sight for the Summit that will open up a new age and we have put our plans for it. It may be a still just the beginning and still have a long way to go, but despite so, it is something that is intended to be the first step that will lead the world to finally begin to move, but just what am I doing now? But still, it is true that I can’t just keep playing friends with Holybote, because I ended up knowing the truth of the Holy King. That’s why, even without me loving him, I feel that I’ve already made the right decision on approving the activity of Velt-kun’s group. However, even with that, if I were to say if it’s fine to just neglect the coming Summit, then that in itself will become something complicated. Moreover, Barnando-kun and Althea-san are both important for the demihumans. If even they don’t participate, it will cast down an ill shadow to the Summit. And the same could be said for both big brother and father. There’s a possibility those two worrywarts would be unable to concentrate with me still missing, So, should I go and go there even just for the sake of informing them that I’m alright? Yes, it is also for the sake of telling my brother and father that I’m healthy and now have a fiance. But, with both Imperial Princess Eljela and Cosmos-chan around, I wonder if I can just declare it so openly? My? But, of course the content and situation of this Summit will be known to everyone in the world right? Then, I wonder what will happen if in this situation I were to precede it myself and announce it? It is true that, with Imperial Princess Eljela and Cosmos-chan, I will be the third person in Velt-kun’s family. However, it’s not like it has been formally known world wide. Yes, it ended up being known by a part of the sky people, Makai Demon Kingdom and Love and Peace members who were at the scene but, it will take time for it to be known to the whole world. Therefore, what will happen if I were to act before that could happen? If were to do that then it won’t be about Imperial Princess Eljela, or even someone else’s child. It will be the declaration of Arusha Arclein’s engagement and the existence of her fiance itself that will be spread across the world. And if I were to let myself be greedy, it would be best for me to thrust a physical evidence at that place, right? But, no matter how much I try my best right now, there’s no way I would have a child or be pregnant when the time for the Summit comes. I can easily prepare an engagement ring but, as I expect it should be a child. A child........... if possible, a boy! If it’s a boy then he can be the successor of the future generation and.......... no, it would be a luxury at this juncture............!” (Arusha)

TL note: ........sigh

And so, Arusha stiffly raised her head and then looked at Mackey.

“Mackey-kun. You made lots of things right? And among them............ something that can......... a child..........” (Arusha)

“Arusha-chan, who do you think I am? It’s just so scary at the end so I won’t listen. I mean, you’re an idiot right? It’s really impossible alright? It’s friggin’ scary you know? I’m friggin’ stepping back you know? It’s friggin’ heavy you know? You’re friggin’ being yandere you know?” (Mackey)

“GORAAAAAAA, you ugly! Just now, I heard you said you wanna give birth to a son huh, what kind of nonsense you’re prattling! If you’re gonna give birth then give birth to a girl! If you do so I’ll help out with all my might! I’ll tie up that shitty brat to the bed so he won’t move around and give him to you as a present!” (Chirotan)

These guys are no good. Gotta do something quick.

“Hey, is Princess Arusha actually someone like that? My bad but I’m worrying about the Empire’s future like this. I thought she’s a princess of intellect and beauty with no blemish whatsoever.” (Ura)

“Yeah, I’m surprised by that too.” (Velt)

Ura murmured with quite the astonished face as I wholeheartedly agree with her.

“Well, let’s put aside all the serious talks and have a blast today! First turn is Kaa-kun, second’s Cosmos-chan, come! Today we’ll have a blast till morning, this is a kickoff party for the beginning of our journey tomorrow! We’ll part with Althea-chan and Barnando-kun tomorrow after all, so we gotta go at it with all might! You’re going too, Arusha-chan?” (Mackey)

“Wait, I’m not going anywhere!” (Arusha)

My comrades have completely forgotten all the stuff about that Summit, now they’re entering the second night of their spree.

“I got a ton of alcohol from Love and Peace’s guys! Then, let’s kick it off right away!” (Mackey)

And before anyone knows.....

“Princess Ura, for some reason our subordinates are all starting to dance themselves, what shall we do?” (Rumba)

“Haaaah, whatever. It’s not like it will take that long to get to the meeting place, the day is late. We’ll depart tomorrow.” (Ura)

The sun has started to set, with this here being primarily a truce, other than us, Love and Peace also the Sky People starting to take a rest and begin the preparation for their emergency meal.

Above the Smoky Island that’s already rid off trashes, we use the tents provided by Love and Peace to make a camp.

“Fo~r I, fo~r I, have a loooong nose-zou, thaaat’s right, even my mother’s too, loooong-zou~.” (Kaizer)

“Co~smos, Co~smos, who~ Cosmos love~, yes, Cosmos loves~ pappa~ and mamma~”  (Cosmos)

The alcohol already out too. With the fire lit around this light camp fire, songs and laughter are flying about matching the sound of Kishin’s guitar.

The noisy night continuation of the last night is ongoing again, this gonna be a good annoyance to the island’s residents I’m sure.

“UOOOOOOOOOOOHH, Cosmos~! You’re also genius at singing!” (Chirotan)

“My, Cosmos. Mamma also really loves Cosmos.” (Eljela)

“Hihahahahahaha, can’t believe it~, it was only that one time when Kaa-kun sang this song. As expected even Kaa-kun can’t refuse with Cosmos-chan pulling his hand. “ (Mackey)

“Aight, I’mma go next! Kishin, we’ll be blasting it out right after a children’s song! Let’s go at it with spirit!” (Mackey)

“Ah, no fair! Its me next!” (Jackpot)

“Oi, trashes. I allow Cosmos but I won’t allow your  trashy voice to sing trashy song because it’s not cute. Therefore next I will sing the song I got taught yesterday, Beloved Fortune Chocolate.”  (Yuzuriha)

These guys, how dare they, they went and make this much of a mess.

They’re so energetic that one can’t think that they just fought against the cyclopes and damgun at this noon.

“You guys are sure energetic huh.”  (Auriga)

“Don’t just so casually let it flow like that.  That broken princess, in a way she’s the princess of the country you once served right?” (Velt)

“Haha. I think she’s already quite the grown up comparatively when she was child at that time.......... right now she is acting as one would at her age, being troubled by love and having fun, ............ I think she is more fascinating right now.” (Auriga)

“Since you said something so irresponsible like that, then you go and do something about it.” (Velt)

Auriga said that as he looked at our exchange.

He narrowed his eyes,  and as he’s looking at us with a somehow pleasant face, Auriga spoke.

“I’ll stay here, Velt-kun.” (Auriga)

It was as if something he himself has decided, those words held no doubt in them.

“What are you saying, you’ve just got back on your feet and all. Isn’t it better if you go out into the world more?” (Velt)

“I’m thankful for it still......” (Auriga)

“Hey, it’s not like we’re.......... well, fussing about the stuff that happened at the previous life,  so isn’t it better if you just stop worrying about it?” (Velt)

“.................................” (Auriga)

“That idiot Mackey too, it’s not like he’s gonna keep on complaining about the stuff that happened before he born too after all.” (Velt)

“You’re........ despite being a ruffian, you’re quite the sensitive child huh.” (Auriga)

I was thinking it would be good if he come together with us. And that we’re able to be reunited like this, is already something of a fate.

However, Auriga shook his head despite that.

“Velt-kun. I’m a man who had already finished. I will welcome the people who have arrived to this place, those who have tired of their lives and looking for a place to be at ease, and then I’ll protect them, I’ll accompany them in their fates.” (Auriga)

“I don’t know what to say but, is it really necessary? This kind of place I mean.” (Velt)

“Who knows. But, it isn’t necessary for you to understand it, I want to walk on this unknown way of life. Even if it turned to be painful, I want to stand back up on it.” (Auriga)

Quite the lonely thing to say.

Going by age, he is still young compared to Kishin and Barnando, but despite that he is saying something like an old man that’s already retired.

Well, it just means he’s always living while having that much pain in his heart, guess there’s really nothing I can do.

And then, Ura said in a heavy voice.

“I offered them that we would shelter the island’s residents who are taking refuge here but, all of them chose to stay instead. The ones who are leaving from here are only Chirotan and Lagaia.” (Ura)

It’s not only Auriga. To these guys who don’t have any will to live in the outside world anymore, I’m sure it must be their true will for them to be not being involved in anything.

“Despite you guys were so easily able to make Lagaia to get back on his feet, we weren’t able to give any new hope to even one person. I’m really.......... powerless huh.........” (Ura)

“Ura?” (Velt)

“In the past, my mother was murdered, my father died, and then I was separated from my comrades and ended up being left at the Human Continent, we were the same, probably. If I, at that time........” (Ura)

Ura narrowed her eyes and make an expression as if looking far away as she talked about the past,

“Yeah, if at that time............. I didn’t meet............ who? Yes, if at that time, ............ it is because I met with that certain someone that I didn’t die............ hmm, well fine I guess. It’s not anything weird.” (Ura)

For a moment Ura trembled as she pinned down her lips. It seems, her lost memories were getting jumbled up.

However, the terrifying part of this magic is that, one wouldn’t feel it’s strange or doubtful about the contradiction of their past.

Just this day, the magic was put in a weird place by Cosmos’ existence but, in case with mine and Ura’s personal memories, it became something like this.

It’s a bit of a lonely thing but, since there’s nothing I can do about it I need to keep clear about it.

“Yeah, it’s fine right? In the end, standing back on one’s feet all depends on the person themselves. Be it you or Lagaia, you both stood up on your own will. So it’s fine like that.” (Velt)

I cut off that topic as if trying to gloss it over.

Ura also make a complicated expression and then sank into silent.

At that moment, upon seeing Ura’s condition, Auriga whispered something to me.

“Velt-kun. It’s about Princess Ura............ could it be she........”  (Auriga)

“Hm?” (Velt)

“..................Could it be that her memories of a close person has been sealed away?” (Auriga)

“Yeah, something like that. It’s the Holy Knight’s magic.” (Velt)

“What the, then right now, in the world.............. I see. I didn’t realize it despite it has been activated. That magic...........” (Auriga)

Spontaneously, he got taken aback but, it’s true that this guy once worked under the Holy Knight.

Therefore, it doesn’t strange that he knows about that magic.

Because I can’t talk about it, I nodded in exchange.

And then..........

“I see. To think that, that magic............ has now once again being used.” (Auriga)

..............Once again.............?

“Can I ask you a bit? Auriga.” (Velt)

“What is it?” (Auriga)

“Once again? What do you mean? Are you saying that the Holy Knight’s memories erasure magic has been used in the past?” (Velt)

I can’t just ignore it.  I turned my back to Ura who was in deep thinking and then pull Auriga with me.

I go to a place away from where everyone is and asked him.

“Yeah. It was done once around twelve years ago. The world has forgotten the existence of a certain human......... ah yes.” (Auriga)

“Ah yes?” (Velt)

“Since I was active as the right hand of a Holy Knight, I was able to hear about the story. That magic, it’s only usable three times in one’s lifetime after all. It’s the first person to be used on.” (Auriga)

So it wasn’t only me and Kishin?

Then, who? Does it mean there’s another person who’s existence got forgotten by this world just like me and Kishin?

“The one they did at that time had a strong implication on being experimental, the target also seemingly wasn’t that much of a famous person too........ how should I put it............. at that time, it was the last child of around the fifty prince and princess from the almost a hundred concubines the Balbadie Kingdom had, or so I heard..........” (Auriga)

“Balbadie? Balbadie again?” (Velt)

“Yeah...... I also didn’t inquire about it back then so I don’t know who it was............. besides, right after that, it was discovered that Princess Clonia had the Crest Eyes so it became quite the mess.” (Auriga)

Because it’s already more than ten years ago, Auriga’s memories had gotten unclear so he can’t quite remember.

“Still, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s quite the sorrowful magic. For both the person who’s being forgotten.......... and for the people who forgot that important person but not even realizing it.” (Velt)

“Yeah.” (Auriga)

Despite it being an important matter in a way, it instead making the mysteries about it became deeper, besides it concerns about the same thing.

I’ve had enough of it, be it being used by other people or using other people myself.

Even myself, without leaving anyone, including Mackey and Arusha,I might be unable to get back on my feet if they were to forget me.

I nodded as I thought of that.


At that moment, Cosmos who was supposed to be dancing around the fire jumped toward my feet.

“Pappa~, funya~, sleepy~!” (Cosmos)

Seemingly tired after singing and dancing, she repeatedly blinks her eyes and droop onto my feet.

“My my, it appears she has grown sleepy.” (Eljela)

“Eljela.....” (Velt)

“Many things has also happened to this child today. Please, let her be pampered a bit.”

In a place slightly away from the center of the island where Kishin and others are partying, as I gazed at the fire I leaned my back on a rock and sat.

“Velt-kun. You should rest now. Relax yourself, let your heart rest, and tomorrow, depart for your journey. It’s already over for me, but for you, it is where it starts.” (Auriga)

Auriga said that and then left.

I wordlessly nodded to that, as I hug Cosmos on my chest.


“Pappa~..........” (Cosmos)

“Ah, yes Cosmos, there’s something I wanna ask to you, about that onee-chan you said before......” (Velt)

“Hm~, luv~.” (Cosmos)

“......Haah, well fine. Tomorrow I guess.” (Velt)

Cosmos clings onto my chest as if she’s trying to bury herself inside it, in merely a few seconds she sleeps deeply with soft expression on her face.

I gently clapped onto her back matching the rhythm of her breathing.

“Ara ara, this child.” (EljelaO

“Geez, just who is she resembles to. At least, I’m not this much pampered you know?” (Velt)

“Fufu, then.........” (Eljela)

As she smiles, Eljela sits next to me, nestling closely.

“She might be resembling me.” (Eljela)

Seemingly being provided by Love and Peace, she spread out a long bed sheet, Eljela puts on the bed sheet covering me and Cosmos also herself.

With three people being covered by a single bed sheet, Eljela rests her head on my shoulder.

“......................It’s because............ we’re a family, we should........get along well right?” (Eljela)

“Ye, yeah..............” (Velt)

She seems to be shielding her face with her blonde hair so it won’t be seen by me but I can tell that her face is turning red right now.

For a moment my heart roared so loudly.

“Just now, I heard you talked with that person. Something about memories....... is that, possibly connected with me and Ura-san forgetting about you?” (Eljela)

Under the bed sheet, Eljela said that as she entwines my right arm with her own arm as she jammed close, this made my throat also got jammed. How far has she listened to?

However, Eljela doesn’t ask further, keeping it inside her mind.

“I’m sorry. Be it us or you, we all might be being considerably anxious about this. We don’t know about what actually happened in the past and also how just much I feel about you back then. But............ from now on...... I want to spend more time together with you, even more than before I lost my memories.” (Eljela)

She can’t remember......... but, from now on she’ll make new memories......... well, there’s also that way of viewing it I guess.

“I’m sorry for being so inconsiderate but,  just like what that person just now said, right now at this place, from this moment on, please let me and Cosmos begin everything with Velt-sama once again.” (Eljela)

I said yes, that’s fine, and then nodded.

“Fufu....... ufufufu, how embarrassing.......... however, it is very joyful, it feels like having dreams come true........ it also feels like how the way things  should be.” (Eljela)

Embracing my arm even stronger, Eljela’s warm breasts are pressing against my arm so strong that they molded their shape.

“I have a small dream.......... in a small house in the middle of a field...... we’re by no means wealthy, but despite that, we’re still very happy........together  with this child........ and........ with pappa........ forever.....” (Eljela)

Ah, this is bad, so sof....... ah, this heavy heartbeat sound........ so it’s the sound of Eljela’s heart.

And as if in concert with it, the beat of my heart also got increasingly fast.

“E, Eljela............” (Velt)

“Ah...... Velt-sama........” (Eljela)

It’s bad for the kids any more than this! And as thing was about to escalate to that, Eljela raised her face at the right time and we met our eyes in an intimate distance.

“Um......... Velt-sama.............. will you tell me this...........” (Eljlea)

“Wha, what?” (Velt)

“Before I lost my memories, how much did I have loved you? Because, despite I have lost my memories, with just knowing that you’re pappa, I feel this much......... Velt-sama..........” (Eljela)

“Well, I don’t exactly know that........ y, you were....... how to say it, you were like the personification of motherhood itself...... you have no idea about the world, much less about the relationship of man and woman........” (Velt)

“Not having the relationship of man and woman......... it is true that this body is still virgin but....... still, right now.......... this feeling of longing for Velt-sama is........” (Eljela)

“Eljela....... Cosmos is.......” (Velt)

“This child, she sleeps really well. Once she asleep, she absolutely won’t awake........” (Eljela)

Her eyes were so clear that my reflection can be seen in them. Her breath she leaks out even reaching onto my face.

“Because the child won’t awake? Now that you’re sure she's asleep................ what are you trying to do now I wonder? You both. Could it be, you won’t be trying out to make another one, I imagine?”

I thought my heart was about to escape from my mouth.

For some reason, the blue haired princess who’s holding onto a wine bottle is now standing imposingly with her face redden.

Ara? Arusha-san? Though your eyes are still, are you possibly drunk? 



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