Chapter 186 First Day of Infidelity (Big Revision)

Written as Big Revision by the author


Chapter 186 First Day of Infidelity (Big Revision)


She’s so drunk that she staggers.

This is my first time seeing such a drunken teen.

And more important than that, to think that the upright and cleanhanded princess of the Empire who’s supposed to be the representative of the human race is actually the one in this condition?

This absolutely can’t be shown to the citizens of the Empire duh.

“Velt-kun. Imperial Princess Eljela, Just when I thought I was unable to see you both, what are you doing in this place where no other people’s eyes are looking? You must have thought that with only the three of you, parents and child here with no outsiders present, you might have thought that you’ve been away from any hindrance but what are you actually trying to do when holding this pure and innocent, lovely child of yours? Surely, it must be something like kissing....... or maybe something even more than that, isn’t it?” (Arusha)

SO, what are you doing? KORA, try and answer it. Arusha said that glared with somewhat still eyes, she’s so annoyingly spiteful.

“Umm, Princess Arusha........ I understand with kissing but, something even more than that is....... as I thought......” (Eljela)

“You’re asking that specifically to me, are you perhaps really oblivious? Or maybe you’re perhaps using sarcasm to me instead! Well of course, what I mean IS the act that can make a child!” (Arusha)

“....... Th, that’s.......  to have another one from me and Velt-sama......... just thinking about it, I, I feel as though I’d melt in happiness......” (Eljela)

“Kuh, and just like that you’d, become tantalized to pervy Velt-kun........ to the horny Velt-kun right? Gulp gulp gulp.............. puhah.” (Arusha)

Arusha became slightly irritated by Eljela’s reaction, and despite Eljela being embarrassed she’s still doing things at her own pace.

But Arusha just won’t lose to it you know? And as she’s being pressured by her opponent, she holds the wine closer to her mouth and........... heck, so even a princess can drink straight from the bottle huh.

This absolutely can’t be shown to the Empire’s citizens.

 “But, yes........ despite we’re being pappa and mamma.......... I, still, haven’t able to love Velt-sama’s dick.” (Eljela)

“BBHOOOOOOH!” (Arusha)

Ah, deep red liquid burst out of Arusha. Depending on the situation, it could be seen as if the princess is vomiting out a great amount of blood, it’s so horrifying.

I mean, she hasn’t give love to it but before she lost her memories she had embraced it already though.........

“Ve, Velt-kun.” (Arusha)

“Well, heavy drinker should go over there. Well as expect, to do it in this kind of place, even I too think........ that’s, well. There’s also Cosmos too.” (Velt)

“Then, are you trying to say, if Cosmos-chan isn’t here, then you’d do it? Is it like that? Just the previous night, you were together with a woman in an alluring situation, and then the next night you’re about to go and embrace another woman, this gigolo Velt-kun!” (Arusha)

I can’t say I won’t do it....... this kind of thing, it just can’t be helped.

“No, well, it’s that, going by the atmosphere right now it’s already went down, so for today, let’s just call it a day and relax.” (Velt)

“R, relaxing the night with Velt-kun..........while snuggling close to each other......... th, that’s just so enviable..........” (Arusha)

“Aah? Then, what should I do? Cosmos is right next to me right now, if Eljela isn’t here then Cosmos gonna get unsettled.” (Velt)

“......................what’s with that passive attitude, this lecher Velt-kun. How pathetic.” (Arusha)

“Hey just how many Velt-kun am I!” (Velt)

Maybe because she’s considerably drunk, for some reason, at the end of her severe complaints Arusha sat on the opposite side of me and Eljela.

And then once again she gulps down her bottle....... hey.

“Oi oi, you should stop it a t that. Just how long are you going to keep drinking. You make me remember of a person that became a failure because of drinking from previous life.” (Velt)

“Can you stop trying to gloss things over and over like an eel? Lame Velt-kun. It’s just still the second bottle, it’s no problem at all. Can you think how much I’ve gone partying with my comrades on the battlefield?” (Arusha)

“Princess Arusha, it could ruin your body you know?” (Eljela)

It’s no good, she won’t listen. And I ever heard about this. That when a person who’s drinking is saying things like [no problem] and [I’m not drunk], is when they will all get arrested.

Now that I remember, even dad and Galva went partying in the middle of the day, and all me and Forna can do was being exasperated......... but as I thought that Arusha hit my head with a bang.

“U, ugh, why did you hit me!” (Velt)

“What, your face looks like have a longing look to it, are you perhaps feeling nostalgic? Nosvel-kun.” (Arusha)

“.................Well whatever, you can just go be dead drunk like that and knocked out somewhere. But go vomit at another place.” (Velt)

“Ufufufufufu, ara ara. I feel envious, Princess Arusha and Velt-sama. Even in a unreserved quarrel, you both are so fitting.” (Eljela)

“Velt-kun, do you mind if I hit this Imperial Princess who has zero cynicism but a hundred percent purity?” (Arusha)

I mean, when Cosmos is sleeping so nicely, what the heck we’re doing in this kind of place?

Despite Kishin, Mackey, and others are still singing and partying in an open space away from us, we’re glued to each other in a place where not even other’s shadow could be seen instead..........


At that moment, for some reason Arusha let out a deep sigh.

By the quite oppressive smell of her breath, I somehow feel dizzy but then with a slightly calmed down face, Arusha asked something to me.

“Velt-kun........... am I................annoying?” (Arusha)

“Hah?” (Velt)

“Does it feel heavy? Or maybe feeling off? .......Or does it make you feel drawn aback instead? For you, it must be something like a woman you don’t actually like to coil around you right?  ......Althea-san and Mackey-kun both teased me about it previously but, still, I ended up thinking; isn’t things are actually like that?”(Arusha) only realized it now? .........I feel things gonna turn bad if I said that............ I gotta pick my words.

Well, how to say it? Since you’re asking me as you please like that.......... if you were to ask me to become your lover, then I feel I’m gonna refuse the feelings........ but, no, well I don’t think you’re being annoying or anything. I was saved by you from various things too, well if you’re ugly then it’s another story though, your face is pretty, I don’t have any misgivings myself as a man............. huh?” (Velt)

“Hic, u, uh, ..............UEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN” (Arusha)

Huh, this is weird! I thought I was telling her softly, but for some reason she’s crying out loud while hugging her knees now!

“Velt-sama, that’s so cruel! Do you mean Princess Arusha won’t make a little brother or little sister for Cosmos? “ (Eljela)

“What’s you’re warning about feels off but, I mean, you just shut up!” (Velt)

I mean, despite her being called a cool beauty, to think that she actually can cry this much?

The honorable princess feel is getting further and further away you know?

“You, that’s really cruel. You’re the worst.” (Arusha)

“Hah?” (Velt)

“You see, my big brother is very popular among girls. He already got confessed to so many times that it felt rotten. And, despite that, my big brother was fully cool about it you know? For example he’d say [A human who have a sullied blood like me, doesn’t have the right for love], or something like [you may ended up become sullied too], or [for the sake of the mission I have to accomplish, right now I am unable to love anyone], that’s why it’s so nasty. With that way of talking it, the girls will understand that it’s not them who are lacking, and that’s why, the rejected girls will get unnecessarily love big brother even more. They keep having hopes where he will turn their way one day.” (Arusha)

Is something like that really cool? It’s way too much chuuni that I could laugh my ass off with chills.

“What’s that face? You....... yourself, are able to say ‘I don’t like you that much’ with such a cool face to a maiden in love! You’re usually dripping with lingering affection all over, but at the end of it you went and got yourself to become a daddy, then you just say ‘well whatever’  to me!” (Velt)

“Like I care about that. It’s your fault to ended up liking that kind of guy!” (Velt)

“That’s right, my bad, it is my fault! So what you got to say about that!” (Arusha)

As she said that, Arusha once again drown herself with drinking. Isn’t it gonna be bad if she doesn’t stop?

“Princess Arusha, please stop drinking more than that...............” (Arusha)

“I’m okay, I’m still haven’t drunk.” (Arusha)

I agree with what Eljela said, but she just won’t listen.

A princess of the Empire got to become an alcoholic, people gonna laugh at it you know?

However, the stimulated Arusha, even as her eyes turned even more dangerous, she glued herself next to me and entwine herself.

When I’m about to escape, Eljela is pressing me from the other side, and when I’m about to act violently I could make Cosmos awake.......

“Despite you’ve kissed................... despite you’ve  kissed, me............... why, didn’t you just get married with Forna and Princess Ura right away............ despite you’ve kissed them despite you’ve kissed them.” (Arusha)

“Aah, geez, shut up, I mean, I even haven’t kissed you yet! If it’s something done by accident then it doesn’t get counted.” (Velt)

“AAH? What are you saying I wonder? Do you really think you can dismiss a kiss by saying it was an accident? It’s still acceptable if the girl says so, but for it to came from the guy, that in itself is a unappealing speech!” (Arusha)

“Like hell I care about that! From my point of view, it’s something to be dismissed, no count, no count!” (Velt)

However, that statement seems to have lit a fire to the drunken Arusha.

“Ara, is that so! It must be. Hmph, it must be so. I understand. Then, I don’t mind that one became a no count.” (Arusha)

And as she said that, when I feel that she’s glaring at me so terribly...............

“Ah, I drank so much, my head is spinning now.” (Arusha)

With that terribly monotone voice, she strongly grabbed onto my head, then towards my lips she..................

“Nnnnn!” (Velt)

My lips were........... devoured............

“Puhah!” (Arusha)

“...........Y, you............” (Velt)

“My! Princess Arusha......” (Eljela)

It was so sudden that I wasn’t able to react, and Arusha, she said [how’s that] like as if having aimed her gun.

“That was an accident. So it won’t be counted.” (Arusha)

“B, bastard, stop messing aro-----------“ (Velt)

I got devoured again.

“MM! Haa, haa, ...........this also won’t be counted.” (Arusha)

“Hec-------------------------“ (Velt)

“MM................. fuh.............this one too, still on zero count.” (Arusha)

“Goh--------------------------“ (Velt)

“Geez, just the worst! This one too, mm, this too, mhm, also this, mm, and this! All, aaa~~~~~ll of them, still no count! Zero count!” (Arusha)

My mind is completely blank right now.

This sensation, for this too many times, it’s not accident or shit, compared to Forna and Ura’s rapid attacks from that time................  heck unexpectedly I’ve already experienced this kind of thing, well that’s also from when I was a kid.

Since she’s doing this at the peak of puberty, therefore ti’s conduct is by no means a matter that is of outlandish, bizarre, or surreal by itself, oh crap, even the words inside my head got jumbled.

“Haah, haah, haah, serves you right! W-w-w-w, what I mean is exactly that! It’s the same be it once or ten times. You were using an outrageous reason for making it doesn’t count you know? If I don’t make you understand just how much I got hurt by that, that’s what will happen! That’s why, don’t make that kind of face! It’s as you wished, I’m saying that it is fine if you just take all of that as no counts! But, in exchange, you need to understand this!” (Arusha)

Me who was so blank just like a white sheet of paper, is now as if being encroached by Arusha’s color,  my head is in a tight hold like that of an eagle, but this time I’m not being devoured.

“MM~~~~~MMMMMMMMM! MMMMM!!” (Arusha)

I’m being violated.

Ardently, she is sticking together our heads as if trying to press them together,  we even got to get a taste of each other’s saliva...............

“Puhah.............................. and this................ is count one..........................” (Arusha)

“....................................thi................................this is..................” (Velt)

“Well anything’s fine.............. something like this being our first, despite it doesn’t have any shred of romantic in it.......... it’s the worst...... but, I never thought I’d be taking steps toward something like this.” (Arusha)

It’s as if she just done some kind of marking kiss, ...........I’m, now feeling so scared that I’m twitching.

I ended up remembering the day when that accident happened...............

“-----------Mhh, Velt-sama!”

“Ah? .....................................................?” (Velt)

“Wait, Imperial Princess Eljela!” (Arusha)

When Eljela who was suddenly called by Arusha looked back, she’s already sticking her lips to mine without any prior notice.

She let go my lips after several seconds passed and then laughed just like a little girl having done mischief. Even Arusha got surprised by this.

“I’m also going on count one.................. fufu, somehow, this makes me feel even happier.” (Eljela)

“Wait................... just, wait a minute you guys......... my head hurt now, things are getting to feel bad..............” (Velt)

Sorry, I’m, no longer able to tell anything about this counting stuff.

“Fu, fufufufu, despite I borrowed the booze’s power to get it done, as I would expect from Imperial Princess Eljela. But, I won’t lose.” (Arusha)

“Princess Arusha. I don’t think this is about victory or defeat. Isn’t it already fine like this?” (Elejela)

“Yeah, the opponent I need to face is already here after all.” (Arusha)

What the heck are you both talking as if being worthy rivals while squeezing me in between.

“Imperial Princess Eljela............. Cosmos-chan is.........” (Arusha)

“It’s fine. She is sleeping so tightly.” (Eljela)

“I see............. then, ..........” (Arusha)

“It feels a bit embarrassing isn’t it?” (Eljela)

“............Velt-kun................I absolutely won’t let the things about to happen now being treated as no count alright............” (Arusha)

“Velt-sama, please be at ease.” (Eljela)

The feelings of these two are on the brink of flooding over, same goes with me, about to get flooded out.

“It’s the continuation from yesterday.......... so if you want more of it, I’ll give you as much as you want............. but only this time, alright?” (Arusha)

“Velt-sama.............. thank you for having me. I’m still inexperienced, please take good care of me.” (Eljela)

“....................You guys, what are you........” (Velt)

The moment I about to ask what they’re going to do..........

“Velt-kun............................... Even if you’re reborn and change I’ll still love you..................... Really love you.” (Althea)

“Velt-sama......................I’m, I’m your Eljela.”( Eljela)

Aah, it’s..................... it’s fine then........................ if they’re going at it this much, I’m too............... Forna, Ura, ...................................!!!!????



At that moment, in front of my eyes, no in front of our eyes, an expressionless and astonished silver haired princess of the demons is standing.

“Ura................” (Velt)

“Eh? Ah, kyaaah!” (Arusha)

“My, Ura-san. What’s wrong?” (Eljela)

Only Eljela was able to be calm so nonchalantly like that. And despite Arusha still drunk, she seemed to have regained her soberness and hid her half naked body under the sheet.

“Um.................... I was about to.............. ask about things for tomorrow......................” (Ura)

As she’s standing while being dumbfounded, Ura seems unable to form her words well.

I’m unable to think anything myself too. I mean, is this that? This feeling as if bringing your lover to some place but ended up being seen by your wife, is this something like that?

“............................ I’m sorry.................... Eljlea........... I’m getting in your way.............” (Ura)

As she said that with trembling shoulders and lips, Ura quickly separated from us.

And then...................

“I’m sorry............... I really................. I don’t remember anything about you but................. I ended up misunderstanding so many things instead.” (Ura)

 Were those words directed to me, or something for herself to hear, I don’t know, but as Ura muttered that, she said something as if trying to push me away.

“I’m sorry. ...................I won’t appear in front of you anymore.” (Ura)

This is, bad!

“Heck, wait, a -------------------!” (Velt)

“Don’t come near me!” (Ura)

I hand over Cosmos to Eljela, and then try to catch Ura right on the spot, but for some reason I got a direct hit from a back spin kick and then completely lost my consciousness at that instant.

When the morning came, [Everything feels awful now. I want to be alone], Ura only left that note behind, she already completely disappeared from the Island.

With no one noticing, Ura’s escape was being pardoned, and as we look at the Royal guards breaking down into crying, an unpleasant atmosphere are floating around us.

Arusha who was sexually aroused is now collapsed in a hangover, she’s blaming herself for going out of control, she’s feeling quite responsible for this it seems.

And, I who broke the promise with Sensei so very instantly like this, is feeling my spirit got dented quite a lot.

Right after I got that back spin kick, the split second when I was able to see Ura’s face as she cried will always cling inside my mind.



TL note : Got a big test next month, so I'm gonna take a break for a month.


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