Chapter 202 Reverse Proposal

Sigh, I'm drained. Gonna take a break for the week.



Chapter 202 Reverse Proposal


The plan was supposedly to attack the bewildered Demon Kings who was caught in a surprise attack, but because the Hero put on a thoughtless act of giving that declaration of war kinda thing, he may have ended up giving the Demon Kings time to prepare instead.

Or maybe, they judged that because of my and Arusha’s existence here, it caused the World Alliance to be agitated and making it full of openings.

“Corpses who have naught but regrets, I shall bestow you a new path. Drag the fools who dare to invade my lands into the hades! Hades Magic – Metropolis of the Dead!” (Neferti)

The desert is trembling. All over the place, something came jumping out of the earth. It’s not mere one hundred or two.

No matter where one lay their eyes on, skeletons soldiers of great variety from  humans, deminumans, demons, and magic beasts appeared.

“Captain, something’s coming!”

“This is, the skeleton soldiers are coming from below the desert! All troops, get ready to engage!”

The warriors that have gathered here are trembling before the emergence of the lifeless soldiers.

For those who don’t have experience in fighting against Yami Demon Kingdom, this must be quite the bizarre sight for them.

“O’ ten thousands unliving soldiers! Bestow punishment onto those fools who disturb your eternal sleep!” (Neferti)

There was no shout filled with any kind of heat resounded. There was not even any fervor nor passion.

The corpses merely move, for the sake of plucking off those who shout for justice and future.

“They’re coming, so those guys are the undeads we only heard about!”

“Like hell we’d lose, we’ll win our future!”

“That dead defiling Demon King! Go and receive our light of justice!”

Their enthusiasm are flooding over. They’re drunk on the war and their own justice, making them feel as if power is gushing out.

They knew what exactly what they need to do, I knew really well how much power one can muster from having made one’s resolve like that.

At the very least, those guys now are simply unstoppable.

Be it the land battle, and more importantly the battle in the sky too.

“For making my serene country in a cacophony.................. Come forth, Beelzebub of the Seven Deadly Sins!” (Neferti)

A war is the place where people clash their ardor. However, what has raided this place at this moment is an overwhelming amount of heat.

“Sky Formation!”

“Cover the humans!

“Believe in the Ten Heroes, Holy Knights, and Imperial Princess Ligantina that they will pierce their holy sword of justice onto the Demon Kings, and we will defend this place till our last with every ounce of strength we have!”

Even with the Seven Deadly Sins they can’t be stopped huh, those guys.

I have to say this but no matter the number and what kind of monster corpses were used, it is still Yami Demon Kingdom, the one called weakest country among the Seven Great Demon Kingdoms.

Being on the receiving end of the surprise attack with an all out power of the World Alliance, there’s no way they can flawlessly intercept it.

“Tch, all of them are such go getter.” (Velt)

“That’s just how much everyone is longing for the world peace!” (Forna)

It is true that this isn’t a situation where I can look away.

 “Velt, I won’t hold my hand! Engrave the holy light of god? into your body and obey!” (Tyler)

 TL note: dunno why there’s a question mark over there

The wings formed of magic power bellowed, the way too huge pillars-like six spears behind him lined up.

“Shining Brionac!” (Tyler)

With energy running through the whole parts of the spears, the shining and sparkling spears are pouring down like expressing the true wrath of the god.

“Fuwa Fuwa Change of Direction!” (Velt)

“Wha, what the!” (Tyler)

If this is just a little while ago, this amount of tremendous energy will push away and repel my interference magic with it’s force.

But it’s different now.

“Where are you aiming at, Tyler!” (Forna)

“No....... this is impossible! Their trajectories went against my will!” (Tyler)

Tyler doesn’t know. He only knew the me of two years ago.

He doesn’t know the me of a few hours before, the me of a few minutes before.

“Fuwa Fuwa Laser!” (Velt)

“Fast! What are these lights that came from all directions!” (Forna)

“Don’t dawdle around Forna. I still have some affection for you. I don’t really wanna put scar on your body.” (Velt)

“Will you not look down on me? As if I’d break from something of this degree!” (Forna)

To think that you people who always took care of me to not know anything about me at all........ really, this is ironic.

“Arusha, I knew that in this desert environment with lacking amount of water, you who use ice magic will experience a severe amount of magic power consumption. Therefore, if I put a bit of vigilance against Velt Jeeha, I will be able to plenty evade against you with my reaction speed!” (Forna)

Hm? Having that said against her Arusha slightly clicked her tongue.

Now that I remember, she’s a user of ice magic. Then it’s true that in this parched up desert......

“Velt-kun.” (Arusha)

“Yeah.” (Velt)

Exactly because of that there won’t be any problem with me around.

Seemingly thinking the same thing as I do, Arusha sent a wink to me.

Now that I think about it, when I was a kid I did co-op with Ura, and now I’m doing it with Arusha, though I never do it with Forna.

As I was thinking like that I concentrate my nerves.

“I once dug up a hot spring by coincidence. I can feel out the underground water vein and...... do this!” (Velt)

An earthquake in a desert. The world trembled. And then, something came out from the underground.

Like a flash flood, water came gushing out becoming a gigantic pillar of water from underground

“This is, ...... Velt Jeeha! Could it be, you’re making an oasis!” (Forna)

Who knows? What was it again? Oh here your present, Princess.

“Nice assist, honey!” (Arusha)

“Stop saying honey!”  (Velt)

That gigantic pillar of water coming from underground, despite it’s still hot, it was manipulated by Arusha’s will then turned into a gigantic ice dragon.

TL note: maybe you noticed but the author uses 巨大/kyodai (huge, gigantic) in almost everything related to big size. I tried to change it many times to make it more varied like when it’s described Tyler’s Magic Armament. It should have been gigantic wings, gigantic pillars of light, gigantic etc. Well, should I make it be varied or should it be kept as original? You guys can comment.

“Surpassing the Ice Age, let out your roar in this scorching land! Ice Dragon!” (Arusha)

“This kind of thing! Charge of Thunder Beast!” (Forna)

Sanne and others were still crying over our confrontation just now.

And so, in the same manner, it won’t be strange for it to spread to other warriors who are in the midst of fighting nearby us.

It’s because Forna and Arusha. Both of them who are the hope of the human race are fighting.

From the point of view the Great Human Alliance Army, they’re the ones who fought alongside them, answer to them, and stake their lives on them, will they be able to endure it?


No, it’s not like that.

Different from their compatriots who are fighting on the front line, the guys who are on standby on the back have a slight free time to be witnessing this fight dumbfoundedly.


“It’s not enough, Velt-kun!” (Arusha)

“Aight! I’ll interfere with the cold air on the surroundings, gather them up and give it to you!” (Velt)

“Fufu, see, as I expect we are so compatible with each other.” (Arusha)

“Huh? What now? Next you’re gonna try applying us for a social dancing?” (Velt)

“Ara, different from Japan, in America having a dance party is a common sense.” (Arusha)

After all......

She’s the empress of ice. The Ice Empress of Miracles. Anyways, she’s one of the Ten Heroes, renowned in the world with many amazing names attached to her.

“You sure are so relaxed in the middle of the battlefield with your chattering! And that proves to be fatal.” (Forna)

As the Yellow Comet, she’s one of the Ten Heroes of light that there’s even no one among the various races who doesn’t know her,

The clash of these two is so ferocious that it can even wipe out the sad feelings

“Thunder Spear Fierce Rain!” (Forna)

TL note : 雷槍暴雨 (Raisou Baku’u)

“Aegis Ice Shield” (Arusha)

Forna is relentless. In no time she rained down storms of lightning? down onto me and Arusha.

However, like a fish that’s swimming in water, Arusha’s heart heated up but she fights in a cool way instead.

“Kuh............. I knew it, you’re strong Arusha............... as expected from one who is the pinnacle of balance between attack and defense among the Ten Heroes. Well then......” (Forna)

Having judged that she’d be at disadvantage in a long distance fight, Forna instantly amplified her lightning energy in an explosive manner and using that energy she comes thrusting in a straight line.

“Thunder Emperor’s Advent!” (Forna)

Arusha wasn’t affected, she erected a dome of ice as a roof for a shield but Forna who is concentrating her attack in a single point has the higher power.

With the ice dome shattered and falling down Forna charged through and fly towards Arusha.

“I’m waiting for this, the moment when you use magic power explosively!” (Velt)

“Fuwa Fuwa Cast Off!” (Velt)

At that moment, a huge lightning far in the sky spread out and exploded.

And then,

“Eh........ what!” (Forna)

The magic armament that’s wrapping around Forna’s body was stripped off and exposing her body, as she’s still in the sky like that I stopped her movement and captured her!

“Th, this is, what’s going on! Why!” (Forna)

“Princess Forna! ....... Velt.......You!”  (Tyler)

Tyler became agitated. Can I do it if it’s now?

“Fuwa Fuwa Cast Off!” (Velt)

“Huh, this, guh, .......tsuoooah!” (Tyler) So it can’t? As one would expect of Tyler. There’s no way things could go that easily.

“What’s going on! Is there something happening? Princess Forna’s magic armament got cancelled?”

“No, but, I saw it! The magic power that’s wrapping around Princess Forna suddenly got fished out into the sky and then ruptured!”

It’s as what Ship said, the hint was [fished out].

In the fight against Chirotan, I learned to interfere with my opponent’s magic and strip them off it.

It’ just, up till now I’ve attempted it so many times but it got noticed and they forcefully broke off the restraint.

However, I finally got the knack of how to do it.

It’s similar to fishing. No matter how much you try to grab a fish swimming in the water, you won’t be able to do it with bare hands. However, it’s a different thing if the fish is full of opening when it’s about to eat their bait. It’s the same as the moment when Chirotan was about to explode, his consciousness went astray for an instant. Because Forna’s whole body is overflowing with magic and she’s concentrating solely on attacking, I managed to be able to strip her magic off wholly.

“Kuh, m, my body. Let me go!” (Forna)

As I slowly lower Forna who’s struggling about without able to move I walked closer.

This feeling of her showing her bare hostility to me, despite she already showed it when we first met it still makes me sad.

However, at that moment, I ended up seeing it.

“Hm?” (Velt)

On Forna’s hair, a cheap looking ribbon is being tied to this Princess’ hair.

“...................what, so you’re wearing quite the lame ribbon huh.......... ain’t you seventeen already.” (Velt)

“What, th, that’s none of your business! This is my treasure! This is, this is........ this is...... I received th...... no, I’ve forgotten about it but it has accompanied me through joys and sorrows since I was little, it’s my treasure! I won’t let you insult it!” (Forna)

My existence is no longer inside your mind.

But, I wonder why.

Despite all that, the proof of me that I once had actually together with you is really right here.



Tyler approached from behind. He held high the sword of legends and then swung it down.

As I turned my head I condense and focus my magic power and stop him with the two batons that I have taken out.

“Ku, hahahaha, ha.” (Velt)

“Guh, ghnhgg, Velt.......” (Tyler)

Heavy........ but, it’s not something I can’t take on!

“How is it, Tyler.......” (Velt)


“The me right now won’t even lose against a Hero. I even able to stop a legendary sword....... I wasn’t able to do it two years ago............ but I can shoulder it now.......” (Velt)

Tyler opened his eyes towards my words.

Yeah, that day, at that time, I wasn’t able to bear the all too heavy truth of the world, left to rot without able to affirm or reject to Tyler.

But, it’s different now.

“Tyler......... I won’t turn away anymore. Even if I got overwhelmed at times....... there are those that gonna stay close to me, and also those that I have to beat up.” (Velt)

“Stop it....... if you’re going to do it........ detest me more! Don’t look at me like that Velt!” (Tyler)

Tyler’s sword became rough and forcefully repelled me away.

It lacks sharpness and composure, it’s as if a kid is wielding it.

“Daddy! What’s happening to you!”

“Shit, us too......”

Looking at Tyler who’s like a mess, even my heart feels hurt.

“What’s wrong with you now? You’re feeling guilty because you keep on lying? Because you’re being torn between the fate of humanity and your guilt to me, so you’re at your wits end to somehow make yourself able to endure through it? I wonder why........ I keep seeing that....... kind of adults these days.” (Velt)

“What are you saying, what are you talking about Velt!” (Tyler)

At that moment, when I looked at Tyler, I was reminded of a certain man.

“But, even when he’s being crushed by feelings of guilt and ended up ruining himself, despite all that he still wants to live and see tomorrow....... that Auriga guy.” (Velt)

“!” (Tyler)

The sensation that’s being transmitted from the touch.

The moment he heard that, Tyler was so surprised that he’s almost dropped down his weapon.

“Velt....... you....... why, do you know Auriga>” (Tyler)

“That guy, he’s alive even now. Well, when we first met him he all he wanted was to die but wasn’t able to though, he was simply rotting over there.......  but still, now he doesn’t think of dying anymore. He said to us that he’ll continue living.” (Velt)

Yes, Mama and Tyler once heard about Auriga in their younger days.

That’s why Tyler also knew about Auriga and he became surprised with me knowing about him.

“I don’t know what kind of past he went through but....... still, I knew that his heart is being crushed by some kind of sin........ that time he was......” (Tyler)

“Yeah. It’s not like I’m trying to say it doesn’t matter ...... it’s just, I don’t even feel like saying my grudge to you right now..... and hey, you’re feeling guilty of what you’re doing all this time. At least, go and do it openly. Instead it’s you who shouldn’t look at me with those eyes like you’re drowning in guilt! Don’t look down on me! Tyler!” (Velt)

His huge sword, armor, spears, all of them contains colossal amount of concentration and magic power.

If one were to fight it, it’s gonna be an invincible weapon but to maintain it’s shape it’s gonna need a serious amount of work.

“To think that you’d break it to pieces..... you’ve really became strong.......Velt.” (Tyler)

With his weakened heart being stabbed, right after I swung down my batons, Tyler’s equipments that can’t be sustained indefinitely was smashed into pieces.

“Daddy! How, daddy is a Holy Knight!”

“I can’t believe this..... shit, shit! How!”

Shout, Barts, everyone.

They’re baring hostility to me but they can’t quite just fly over here.

Despite right now Tyler’s armor got smashed apart like this, they’re still confused on the unknown reason they’re shedding tears.

“I won’t forgive you Velt Jeeha! Even if I have to exchange my life I will stop you!” (Forna)

Despite that, Forna was able to broke through my magic power restrain and once again got in a fighting posture.

And, so that I don’t show a pathetic look on my face, I made a brutal smile as best as I could.

“Lightning Speed!” (Forna)

TL note: 疾風迅雷 (Shippuu Jinrai) the translation on dictionary literally said with lighting speed.

“Fuwa Fuwa --------“ (Velt)

However, the moment I’m about to strike down Forna that’s plunging straight at me, there’s a shadow that came forcing in.

That shadow stopped Forna’s fist.

“Please, stop it already Forna.”

“A, Arusha!”

“No matter how much you try it you won’t be able to win. Both against him and me too.” (Arusha)

The two of them exchanged a strike of ice sword and fist of lightning.

Arusha stood in between me and Forna, and then declared that to Forna.

“Arusha.......... what do you mean?” (Forna)

“It’s exactly like I said. The you right now can’t win no matter what. Both against him and me. Absolutely.” (Arushsa)

“Do you mean to insult me? Have you forgotten the battle records you and I have? In the mock fights at the military academy, it was me that have the higher winning rate!” (Forna)

“..............Yes......... that’s right. The you at that time was the strongest. But........... you can’t win despite that. No, the you right now won’t be able to win even more. Absolutely.” (Arusha)

She absolutely won’t be able to win. As Arusha emphasized that, she made a faint smile and looked up to the sky.

“Hey, Forna. There was once this strongest rival of mine. She was so obsessed with all lewd stuff but she was the strongest. At every opportunity she’d always boasted about how she had a lover, or something like how many times she had kissed before. But you see, despite that she was the strongest. She was always shining, she who knew what’s her most important thing in the world was really the strongest.” (Forna)

“So what are you trying to say! It has nothing to do with me! Do you understand that we’re in a war now? If someone have to kill their own heart, they have to do what they need to do! Have you forgotten that it was our duty?” (Forna)

“............................The one who has forgotten, is you instead....................Forna!” (Arusha)

Originally, in terms of attack power Forna is stronger.

Forna who was able to exceptionally elevate her physical power is overwhelmingly stronger in close quarter combat.

However, that Forna is now being pressed

“Kuh, ............that’s, this power is, from where.........” (Forna)

“I will tell you! You who don’t know of love..... no, you who have forgotten love will never be able to defeat me!” (Forna)

She’s being pressed in strength, body, and heart.

Forna also undauntedly threw out her punch but Arusha’s movements have risen a class better.

Originally, Forna knew Arusha better than anyone else but now she’s being pushed by a power that she herself doesn’t know the source from.

I can tell instantly that Forna was shaken also how the Great Human Alliance Army on the surrounding are trembling.

“That’s, Princess Forna!”

“Strong............ Princess Arusaha........ since when did she...”

“Roa! This is bad! Look at Forna over there!”

The energy of those two became a tornado that even reached the sky.

And as one would expect, with how much the power being unleashed, the warriors that are scattered around the battlefield unintentionally stopped their hands and feet without even needing to look back to the source.

“What in the world is going on! General Tyler? It can’t be, he was defeated?”

“Hey, what do we do? Do we keep advancing?”

“But, our duty is............”

I’m sure Roa who already has advanced forward and is somewhere around this battlefield has already grasped the current situation.

That whirlpool of intense power as well as the two Heroes fighting in it. They’re Forna and Arusha.

And then, the equilibrium of that power cracked and seemingly about to swallow Forna.

In the midst of that battle that everyone paid attention to, I felt as though that the words that were being conveyed by the atmosphere around them as they clashed could be heard resoundingly in my head.



Even as she got cornered, Forna kept on enduring till the very end.

However, she’s at her limit. In just one more push........

“What’s with me not knowing about love.......... Arusha! What kind of connection does that have with being strong! Saying that kind of lukewarm words here, don’t get carried away with your mocking of battle!” (Forna)

“You should also not get carried away with your mocking of life, Forna! Just like the person I admire, I want to live with love and justice standing together!” (Arusha)

The whirlpool that formed from their fighting mercilessly tear scars to their skin.

However, inside that severe condition, Arusha smiled.

“Forna. Then I’ll teach you. About how much love can give someone strength! This is the energy that can make someone find hope inside a world that has come to ruin you know?” (Arusha)

“Wha, what do you mean?” (Forna)

“Love is lukewarm? How come that is the case? Love is fight, love is war, realize that yourself!” (Arusha)

Hm? Oh my?

“Velt—kun! There’s something.......... I wanted to tell you!” (Arusha)

For some reason, Arusha is turning to me and shouted.

“I originally wanted make you say it to me and pursue me just like Princess Ura did but I will make the first move here instead! I will declare it myself!” (Arusha)

Wha, what?

“You’ve already known this but I will say it once again. I....... cough....... Ayase Kayuki, is in love with Asakura Ryuuma-kun!”  (Arusha)

Ooh............... I already knew that but why she’s talking about things from previous life......

“Also, Arusha Arklein is in love with Velt Jeeha-kun!” (Arusha), .......why is she saying it in this situation?

Hey even everyone here got petrified by that.

Maybe even Neferti got surprised since all the undeads are also stopping in their operation!

“In short, it means something like this! Even before when [ I ] was born, I’m always loving [you]!” (Arusha)


“That’s why, in this world, from now on, I’ll always be at your side!” (Arusha)

No well, wait a sec. Yeah, I understand that it’s a confession.

But, is this turned into that? She’s trying to propose me now?

Moreover, I just married today you know? With Ura. Look, ain’t all the guys here knew about it?

Right at the same day of the marriage ceremony? Despite the bride herself is listening to this? Right in a gathering of those who knew of it? Furthermore right in front of Forna?


Moreover, the most heartless one here is me who isn’t giving any reply and just listening instead.

TL note: Uh the sentence could be wrong. I feel it could have different interpretation but I chose the one that feel connected with the following sentences instead. I have to say I use guesslation quite often.

In this situation, I can’t say something like [I’m sorry] or [eh, pardon, I didn’t hear you].

Hey, aren’t your big brother and subordinates are crying now?

But, the cry that first reflected in my eyes is..........

“Eh........... why, am I..........”

It was Forna’s tears.


The flash of light was repelled, Forna got pushed away from the whirlpool and tumbled onto the desert.

She doesn’t seem that injured. But, her expression doesn’t have any strength in it anymore.

“Princess Forna!”


Forna tried to rise herself up as she got supported by her comrades that came rushing.

At that moment, Forna who has risen up met her eyes with me frailly, however after she stared at me she madee and even more pained expression.

“Why................. with just that............ Asakura Ryuuma’s name.........” (Arusha)

“Huh?” (Velt)

“Why is my heart feeling like this! What is wrong with it! Who are you! Why are you appearing in front of me! Right now, the world, the human race, are in their critical moment, why! Why do you have to appear now! Velt Jeeha!” (Forna)

Forna no longer knew about anything and held her head as she writhes.

Even with Sanne, Galva and others have rushed to her side and supported her, she’s already at her limit.

Those eyes who’s glaring at me so sharply, for a moment turned like a frail little girl.

“Forna......” (Velt)

Yeah, this is that huh.

The Forna I met the first time.

Having ran away from the castle, she became lost and about to be crushed by loneliness and cried, it’s like that time.

“If you can’t be honest even after coming this far..........”

At this moment, Arusha came descending slowly to the ground and looked down on Forna, she then finally turned her back.

“Even after coming this far you still can’t be honest, you’re no longer my rival or anything, Forna. You can live and hold onto that empty justice of yours. There’s no way I’d hand over Velt-kun to you who I don’t even have long time to keep to myself with.” (Arusha)

Arusha told Forna those severe words that could also mean of parting.

It became the strongest attack against Forna who’s exhausted, breaking  her will to fight.


What can I say to her right now?

Perhaps it’s nothing at all. But, whether it’s from sympathy or pity, still I’ll tell her that........

[Why are you losing sight of yourself in this worthless farce, Princess Forna!]

At that moment, a woman’s angry roar resounded.

From where? From where did that voice................ hah?

[A battle is the history of one’s life! Ambition itself is the heart! There is absolutely no need for a man in it! Know that, that kind of thing is what pigs and monkeys that want to copulate will have!]

Along with that terrifying voice, we lifted our heads up.........

“Wait, what’s that!”

“Wha, what the, a giant man made o clouds!”


The soldiers surrounding us all ran away simultaneously and scattered.

A monster that even one’s field of vision can’t accommodate appeared.

It’s whole body is made of billowing clouds, it’s a pure white monster with two hands and feet.

The heck it’s multiple folds bigger than that damgun!

“A monster made of clouds as it’s material. Cloud Giant! ............... Imperial Princess Ligantina...........”

Towards Forna’s words that she muttered as she looked up, I can only laugh with a [haha].

That humongous mass came without any notice and already landed in front of us.

It has the impact that as if can blow away all the fighting currently happening.

We can’t see any person on it. But, from inside the cloud monster, the belligerent voice of a woman from before once again heard.

[Princess Forna, you’re not wrong at all! It’s Princess Arusha who is wrong! There’s no need for any man in our lives! Even without them the history of the world will continue, we the sky people are the proof! That lecher princess is a female dog in heat, what she said can’t even be fed to the pigs, never listen to it!]

She’s not just belligerent. I can feel she’s overpowering. Despite she hasn’t showed herself her words already carried that much pressure.

It made me suddenly remembered Mama, making me unintentionally hold my butt.

Who is this Imperial Princess who just got to the battlefield now...

“In the first place I don’t like that man! What’s with that marriage, stop messing around! That kind of thing have no meaning! Men are selfish existences! I hear that the men on the surface always have uncontrollable sexual desire and that they will go mad over beautiful woman and become monkeys in heat, despite I went out of character and walked the streets nervously, there’s none of them that asked me out! Was I too strong willed that they got scared? My aura was too intense that they hard to approached me? Ain’t they just some herbivores! Then how about if I, with an open heart, shamefully be the one to move first instead? When I found the man I liked and called him over, the man’s mother instead said he’s still a child and stuff like that! Stop joking around, for how much longer did he wanna wean now! To begin with, she said love is war? What are you saying! If I were to forcefully took him away, I’d be branded as kidnapper you know!  That’s why men are so selfish! And despite that you still said things about love between man and woman? That’s just a scam!”

........... anyways, there’s one thing........... that I can understand........

[Imperial Princess Ligantina, please calm down. What you said was heard by everyone outside.]

[What made those men from the surface unable to call you over was because Imperial Princess, you are too beautiful, also, the man that you asked out and wanted to abduct was still a little child after all.]

[That’s right, there’s an age difference...........]

[To begin with, when the first time we went to the surface, we might be able to get married with them despite us being the sky people! They also looked so cheerful for it!]

[The other day she also grumbled and said ‘I wanna get married~ while drinking alcohol.]

Inside the monster of clouds, her sky people subordinates are probably trying to calm her down, this Imperial Princess......

[You all, what are you saying all those craps for! Age difference? I’m still twenty two years old! Our difference is only around ten years! In the first place I’m the one who asked them out so why am I have to ask out those fat middle aged men that already smells like dirt! A man is limited to fifteen! Also if they have hair around their dick that’s also no! Other than that all of them are middle aged! Well, I never saw that dick thing though.]

This Imperial Princess, she is a pervert! Perhaps she could get along well with Chii-chan!


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  1. please take a rest, thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the chapter!
    This chapter is wack lol
    Have a good rest, any stories in Japan?

    1. Sadly the restaurant i applied to cancelled the request for employees. They said they need them for August but the processes needed for immigration gonna take some time longer. Sigh

    2. how is the process to live and work in Japan? do you need a workplace to guarantee you first before living in Japan or is it other ways like student visa?

    3. Hmm well i definitely heard that you need to find a job first before going there.

    4. from what i know its like that too


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Table of Content

Chapter 182 Lamevelt

Chapter 183 Yet Another New Family