Chapter 208 There Is A Meaning Even In Meaningless Things


Chapter 208 There Is A Meaning Even In Meaningless Things


The world where flesh and blood being crushed, the world of war took on a complete change, feeling as if it has turned into a simple clash of unleashing power and one’s heart.

“Geez, to repel this much mass with using repulsive force will require absurd amount of energy alright? Well I’m not really enthusiastic about it but shall I use that one?” (Jarenga)

“Haha, wat’s wrong. When we gonna start da brawl out!” (Jackpot)

There’ no bloodthirsty or gloomy atmosphere over there, they both very flashily revving things up.

“Blood Bite!” (Jarenga)

“ATATATATATA! Heck, wat da hell are ya doin’ dumbass!” (Jackpot)

The sharp cuspid of the vampire dragon bit into the neck of the lion dragon.

Even though it doesn’t got bitten off, the flowing blood make it so very painful.

However, it’s not Jack if he whined because of it.

He took a nose dive even as his neck is being bitten! He crashed into the earth just like that, the impact caused Jarenga’s mouth to open making Jack able to escape the bite.

“W, hy, hah, y, ou’ve done it now?” (Jarenga)

“Kaah, dat was yuck, only bitch gonna bite like dat, if yer a man, a dragon, do it with yer fist!” (Jackpot)

“Don’t you find that uncivilized pride worthless? Also, you’re already finished now you know?” (Jarenga)

“Haah?” (Jackpot)

“Don’t you know what will happen to a living being that was bitten by a vampire? From the bite, I injected a special kind of magic power into your body, and that magic power will eventually fuse with your blood making you become my subordinate that moves by my will you know?” (Jarenga)

Having crashed into the earth, Jarenga flashed an evil smile even as his head was still dizzy.

However, despite what Jarenga said, Jack doesn’t falter even for a moment.

“Hah, so wat of it! Yer subordinate? I ‘ave dashed off ma country ‘cause I wanna live free. I want a life filled with thrill ‘n freedom, da only one who can rule me is ma self!” (Jackpot)

Jack got fired up. An energy unique to the demihumans ran across his whole body, burning up like a red flame.

“Wh, what? The amount of heat even making the body turned red hot, and it evaporated my magic power?” (Jarenga)

“Nahahahahaha, boilin’ like a magma. How ‘bout ya eat this boilin’ hot blood once in a while!” (Jackpot)

It was a terrifying attack that make one reflexively avert one’s eyes away.

“Dragon Knuckle!” (Jackpot)


It was a punch in the form of uppercut.

“Geh, e, eeeeeeek, wha, what was that.”

“What a horrifying sight! I can’t stand seeing it!”

“So this is, the duel of dragons.......”

The hard punch didn’t aim for Jarenga’s jaw or face, but the fangs that were baring out at him.

The punch was thrusted out with the opponent’s teeth being the target. Making the opponent taste pain like on the death’s door, but as a result the fangs also dug into himself, that looks so damn painful!

“Guuh, ga, nahahahaha, ORAAAA!” (Jackpot)


Jarenga didn’t activate the Moonlight Eyes. No, maybe he can’t because he’s exhausted?

No, having eaten that attack, he probably got his jaw dislocated but Jarenga smiled instead, seemingly thinking of it as a chance.

With his both empty hands Jarenga grabbed the wrist of Jack who just punched out his right uppercut, he unrelentingly not letting go his fangs, still sticking them into Jack’s fist.

“Ah, ha, hihao, da, hio, aiei, adeiao”

Since his mouth can’t be closed, what he uttered was unknown.

However, it can be seen that he’s aiming at something.

That’s why he’s letting his magic power flow in even more this time.

It seems he’s intending to inject magic power exceeding the capacity of how much Jack can evaporate.

“Hahaan, so dat’s how it is. I ‘nderstand now.” (Jackpot)

He figured out his aim. Then, despite his opponent is pinning his wrist with both of his hand, Jack’s left hand and fangs are still left untouched.

He can both punch him or spit out his breath.

But the bastard Jackpot doesn’t do that.

“Ain’t this nice, how ‘bout a bet, Jarenga-han” (Jackpot)

“?” (Jarenga)

“We’ll have a match whether ya can control me or not!” (Jackpot)

Jack won’t attack Jarenga. However, he will burn up his life energy once again, erasing Jarenga’s power from within his body.

But that kind of thing won’t be able to last for long . If he went further with raising his temperature, even with his body Jack won’t be able to escape it unscathed.

Though, I bet he already knew that.

“What do you think, Roa. My pal is stupid right? From another person’s point of view, that way of fighting doesn’t have any meaning. But, despite it being meaningless, there’s even a time when it’s necessary to have your obstinacy and man yourself up to get through! Even if it’s for something that’s meaningless in this world!” (Velt)

“Kuh, each one of his attacks are........ heavy, strong!” (Roa)

“Even if no one in the world would praise it, persist with the way of living you take pride in yourself. That’s what our life is!” (Velt)

I can’t hold my laugh welling up from seeing Jack’s fight, I said that as I hammer in my batons to Roa.

However, even when being astounded by the battle next to us, Roa was able to ward off my violent hammering with his sword, as expected of him.

But, in opposition of Roa’s calm counter action, the expression of the Great Human Alliance Army’s troops in the surroundings are in a state of panic.

“What’s going on, what should we do! At this rate Roa-sama will!”

“D, don’t say something stupid! We’re talking about Roa-sama here! Roa-sama has even defeated one of the Four Heavenly Beasts Demihumans over there and Sharkryuu from the Seven Great Demon Kings!”

‘Should they assist Roa? No, let’s believe in him! But, that’s!’ they gave of that kind of feeling.

“Now now, that’s as far as you can go-dazou.” (Kaizer)

“I’ll say this firsthand but if you ever try your hands then we won’t be stay silent, no?” (Barnando)

“Beyond this point is onii-chan’s fighting zone. You shall not get through okay?” (Lagaia)

As those kinds of words fly about, Forna and other’s expression as they chew on their lips thinking whether they should go and jump step forward to it or stay right there entered my eye.

“Don’t think of me as naive!” (Roa)

“Whoops!” (Velt)

However, Roa isn’t that much of a half ass himself. He didn’t miss the moment when I slightly looked away, he inserted strength into his sword and repelled my batons.

“There’s no other way, I will have you sleep momentarily!” (Roa)

“Hah?” (Velt)

“Fenrir Lance!” (Roa)

Upon making my posture collapse, his sword tip glowed and pierced forward at a single point.

It wasn’t for the sake of finishing me off but stop my movement instead.

In other words, he’s looking down on me.

I’ve already saw through his thrust even from several seconds prior by the flow of the atmosphere.

There’s no way I can’t avoid it.

“Fuwa Fuwa Change of Direction.” (Velt)

“.............huh?” (Roa)

Anyone would be confused by this. It’s natural.

The stab that should have thrusted into me went against the prediction of Roa and the soldiers, it turned slanted downward and stabbed into the ground.

“Wha, what are you doing, Roa! Are you showing him mercy!”

Even if the cool looking Leville who is also known as the Dark Knight is rebuking him, he won’t understand the confusion Roa is having.

“There’s no way that, m, my sword was.....!” (Roa)

I manipulated Roa’s sword and made it change direction.

Then to the perfectly timed defenseless and exposed Roa’s face, I landed a soccer kick right into it!

The kick was unleashed onto his handsome face violently, and at the same time, I strike down the crown of his head right from above with the handle of my baton, two consecutive strikes!

“Ga.......h.....” (Roa)

“Ain’tcha slightly became the ikemen I prefer now. Here, let me put one more bruise on your face aight?” (Velt)

“Flame Magic – Fireball!” (Roa)

“Slow! Fuwa Fuwa Sand Wall!” (Velt)

“Shielding it using sand......!” (Roa)

“Fuwa Fuwa Air Bullet!” (Velt)

Although he instantly casted fire magic, I made a wall of hardened sand to guard against it, then returning fire with air gun without a moment’s delay.

“How versatile..... also, without any incantations.... what magic is he......” (Roa)

Perhaps having his tooth chipped out, Roa spat out a clump of blood and took a back step to gain distance.

I won’t let you escape.

“Fuwa Fuwa Random Lasers!” (Velt)

In all around 360 degrees, my laser beams could reach any angle from where he’s located at.

They all aimed at Roa and fired. However, my prediction is off this time.

I thought it’d hit but Roa is avoiding all the fired lasers from dead angles as if he’s dancing.

“Ooh! You dodged it all!” (Velt)

“........These magic beams, the moment they were unleashed, I can feel the sign of magic power within the space where they’re about to attack at being converged. Since I can understand it, there’s no way I can’t avoid it!” (Roa)

Hoh, he’s good. I see, there’s that way of avoiding it.

Certainly, this laser will converge and focus the surrounding magic power, it need time to amass before unleashing it.

Having known me possessing this kind of power, as long as he keeps an eye to his surrounding, noticing a surprise attack of this level and avoiding them won’t be that difficult.

“Also...... you’re not the only one capable of employing magic armament! My original magic armament, synthesized out of the all eight elements!” (Roa)

Eight elements? Now that he said it, I learned about that when I was a kid huh.

The representative eight elements of magic. Fire, earth, lightning, wind, water, dark, fire, and neutral. He is synthesizing all of them?

TL note: uh maybe it was void before? I don’t know void element sounds very advanced so I prefer neutral.

“Prince Roa, that power is !”

“That Roa, he’s using the trump card similar to Crest Eyes..... no, it means that guy is that much of an opponent.”

“Velt-kun, be careful! It’s a battle technique he learned in these two years!” (Arusha)

The representative eight elements of magic. Fire, earth, lightning, wind, water, dark, fire, and neutral. He is synthesizing all of them?

TL note: yeah the paragraph is repeated for some reason.

In conclusion......

“Here I go! This is my Ultima----“ (Roa)

“In conclusion, not interested. Fuwa Fuwa Cast Off!” (Velt)

That magic armament was diffused into the air before it even activated.

“.............huh...... th, that was......” (Roa)

“And now, my Magic Armament – Fuwa Fuwa World Revolution is about to be activated......” (Velt)

TL note: 世界革命(Sekai Kakumei) read as Velt Revolution.

“!” (Roa)

“Don’t get yourself crazy inside this Fuwa Fuwa Time now! Fuwa Fuwa Light Speed Kick!” (Velt)

A middle kick of light. The feeling of having pulverized his ribs was transmitted from Roa as he became faint in agony and vomited out gastric juice.

The him right now doesn’t even strengthen his body with some simple magic, let alone magic armament, his body is in a completely defenseless state.

“Hmph, since you’re like this, it might be a fluke when you defeated Sharkryuu and Kaa-kun. Rather, before all that....... do you even put any spirit into this?” (Velt)

Roa who didn’t even raise any voice when he was sent flying by Jarenga is now groaning upon got hit by my kick.

“Gah, a, aaaaaaaagh! Guh, uuuuugh!” (Roa)

Roa rolled on the ground, he hit on ground so many times as he pained. His whole body shivered, a large amount of sweat flowed out, blood drained away from his face.

In the end, his body composition is of a normal human. If he got his ribcage and ribs broken, the broken bones could stab into the internal organ, making a fatal wound.

And then......

“W, wait a sec.............”

“Is this a dream? What kind of dream is this............”

“Roa-sama has....... a, against another human, just like us,....... for it to be this much one-sided....”

Despair spread out in the battlefield, so much that it could be called fatal.

“That guy...... this is a nightmare.......... he’ll be killed....... Prince Roa!”

“Hey.........., P- Princess Arusha, why are you stopping us!”

“This is a battle to warn the Great Human Alliance Army and the troops of the Demon Kings. Why are you trying to disgrace it?” (Arusha)

“Wha, what are you saying! Prince Roa is....... he might be killed! What are your intentions in this, Princess Arusha! Why are you putting that man in such a regard!”

No well, I won’t kill him. Though, for these guys who got different common sense from me, [one on one fight] = [death match], I bet they have that kind of equation in their mind.

“My big brother won’t be killed. Just........ Velt-kun is trying to convey him something.” (Arusha)

“Something? Then, tell us what that something is!”

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s that something.” (Arusha)

“That’s...........then, are you meaning to say you’ll just let him die, Princess Arusha!”

However, towards Doremifa who spoke as if representing the feelings of all the troops present, Arusha only responded coldly.

“Like I said, he won’t kill him. In the first place, it’s a mistake for you to apply that kind of common sense to Velt-kun. After all he’s.......... despite he has witnessed so many deaths, he himself still hasn’t killed a single person.” (Arusha)

Towards Arusha’s words, all troops of the Great Human Alliance Army were stirred as if they received another shock.

Well, I’m not a war monger or some killer alright, there’s no need to be that surprised.......

“.................Despite I was filled with so many gaps all this time........ you didn’t deliver the finishing blow, it seems what Arusha said is true...........” (Roa)

“Huh?” (Velt)

“Despite being this strong, the reason why I couldn’t understand you no matter what I did was because the world you have seen and lived in was different from us, is that the reason?” (Roa)

As he is holding in his rib, Roa seems to have calmed down and slowly standing back up.

He already recovered a bit? No, even as we talk like this his palm is using a kind of recovery magic and repairing his injuries.

Actually, I’d like to follow up another attack at this time but anyway I nodded instead.

“I still don’t understand what kind of person you are. But at least, I understood how you fight.” (Roa)

“Huh? What are you saying..........” (Velt)

“I’m not talking about your attacks, by using the Crest Eyes to observe you, I have finally understood it. Object manipulation, converging magic power to use it as a cannon, making bullets out of air, sand manipulation, creating magic armament......... your magic that has done all of that chantlessly, what kind of element you have........ and how many magic you could use, I have been pondering about it before but the answer is simple.” (Roa)

His face looks as if having solved a riddle and finally arrived at one truth.

Roa slowly pointed at me and declared.

“The Crest Eyes of Truth cannot be deceived. The true form of your magic is....... levitation.” (Roa)

At that moment, I was reminded of the past.

About the many fights that I have battled on. Now that I think about it, there has been no one who able to see through my magic.

“What do you mean , Prince Roa. Levitation is a fundamental magic but what does it have to do with fighting?” (Forna)

“It literally means that, Princess Forna. All his moves are developed from the levitation magic that even children could use.” (Roa)

“” (Forna)

“By applying levitation on enemy’s weapon In the midst of a fight, he could then change it’s direction. Using levitation on the air, sand, the magic power existing in the atmosphere,  also even the magic armament and magic armor, he could use it to forcefully tear them off. That is how his magic works.” (Roa)

Now that I think about it, this is something that even Forna before she lost her memories didn’t know anything about.

The source of my style of fighting, all of them came from a single magic.

“Th, that’s impossibe! In the first place levitation is a magic only for something like floating and carrying things up! Interfering with opponent’s magic, weapon, even using it for attacks among many things, it’s something that has never been heard about!” (Forna)

But, so what if he found out?

“Yeah, that’s right. My magic all of it are levitation. I only have that magic.” (Velt)

That’s why I casually admit it.

However, seemingly being shocked by me being too easy admitting it, everyone was at a loss for words.

Except Roa.......

“This is shocking. To think you’d confirm it that easily.” (Roa)

“It’s not something I’m hiding about after all. I didn’t go around telling everyone about it, and they also weren’t able to see through it. I mean, so what if it get exposed. That Neferti guy also shocked though.” (Velt)

“......Fufu, I really can’t understand you. Even me myself who discovered it still can’t believe it, look my hands are trembling like this. This is something that will overturn the combat understanding of magic of the entire world you know? After is not about the magic that are near strongest of this world, the peak of the eight elemental magic, but instead the basic magic that is being used in day to day life is reaching it’s peak here......” (Roa)

“This sure is an honor to be praised this much. Though, I never thought I’d keep progressing this far myself. I simply didn’t have any talent with magic, the only magic that I able to learn after desperately studying at magic school was only this. It’s just, I realized that I could do many tricks in battle using it, that’s why I thought I’ll keep on refining it.” (Velt)

Putting aside him being the Hero and this war, Roa only expressed his honest feeling as fellow someone who practices magic in this world.

However, there’s still something that Roa has still yet to understand.

“But now things will be quick, with it being magic, with the inception of this way of thinking, and with the magic at hand is levitation. My Crest Eyes could dissect and analyze all kinds of magic, thereby making me able to use them.”  (Roa)

Roa has misunderstood something.

That is, he thought he could do the same thing I could.

But, in reality he couldn’t.

“Magic Focus Convergence Cannon!” (Roa)



There’s no way he could.

“That’s...... huh? Why, why can’t I do it? I can’t focus the magic power?” (Roa)

“I knew it. Aah, that got me surprised. You got me a bit scared there, but it’s as I thought. After all, even if you knew how to activate magic, you still don’t know how to grasp the world right?” (Velt)

Roa’s smile took a complete change into a flustered face. This guy is also troubled by many things huh.

However, the reason he can’t do it is simple.

“In the first place, before talking about whether you could or couldn’t, you don’t really use levitation right?” (Velt)

“Eh?” (Roa)

“I the end, you can only activate magic, you can’t use the activated magic like I do, it’s only that.” (Velt)

It’s natural. Like hell he could so simply do it.

“For seven years I always used without missing a single day, I also didn’t learn any other magic at all, that’s the amount of time I devoted to it. Furthermore, only with this levitation magic, I put my life in the deadly fights against that crackhead female general, bandits, monster master, even also against one of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans, Demon Kings, and Holy Knights, I’ve overcame all of that and finally got to the place I’m in, knowing how to grasp the world.” (Velt)

Can you bastard do it? I fought against that Isamu from Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans with this magic that only could float things up.

Gyanza too, Kleran, Mackey, Chirotan, Zetsuki, all of them are fights that put me at the edge of life and death.

I learned to grasp the world because of that. As if he could do it so simply.

“Way of fighting? What are you going to do by knowing that? Isn’t it because you only can see something like that with those eyes of yours that you failed to notice the real important truth?” (Velt)

“!” (Roa)

“Open your eyes wide and look closely. The way to grasp the world is like this! Fuwa Fuwa Laser!” (Velt)

The laser I shot took a straight line forward.

However, Roa doesn’t attempt to avoid it just like before.

He wanted to get hit directly by that? No, it’s not that.

“Evil Magic – Absorption” (Roa)

Ah, isn’t that the absorption magic Althea used before?

I see, since the laser is magic power so he could do it like that.

To be able to instantly use the Crest Eyes power and activate Evil Magic, that’s so characteristic of him.

However, despite having defended against my technique, his expression doesn’t change at all.

“You are really a troublesome person........ with this kind of power........ you might actually able to save the world.....  but despite being like that, you have been able to look at your own feet and leave your mark on the path you have taken so far.... I was able to understand that the moment I tried to imitate your technique. That it is something that can’t be felt unless having reached the end of your extraordinary effort, your out of norm deadly encounters, and the culmination of miracles.” (Roa)

TL note: I felt very confused when translating that. Could be mistaking something in there.

“What is it now, you’re vomiting praise like no end.” (Velt)

“This is the exact reason that I want to speak to you again. Velt-san. You’re fighting me because you think there’s something wrong in me right?” (Roa)

 It might be the doubt he has because he already knew about me slightly.

However, I don’t have the answer that could satisfy the doubt he’s feeling.

It’s just, I don’t like his guts. That’s all. I can’t ever know if that kind of thing would be something correct in the world at large.

But, exactly because of that I have something to say.

“Why the hell are you only separate matters into two options, the right and the wrong? No way you can live your life with only those two options, there are many bothersome things but there’re also things to be enjoyed alright.” (Velt)

For us, even if we knew the right choice, we’ll still choose something that’s completely different.

It could be summarized like that.

Despite it’s wrong, not only with just two options, even if there’s a third one we will still choose something out of those options.


What the, at that moment, a strange voice filled with pain and agony was heard.

When I turned back in question of what’s happening, over there Jack is holding his head and rolling over the ground as his whole body is being covered by black tattoos that’s devouring him, he seems about to become a minion of a vampire.

“Huh, Jack, what the hell’s happening to you! You’re like about to become a vampire!” (Velt)

His eyes are repeatedly turning red and back to normal, his consciousness looks as if getting interrupted over and over, he’s in quite the serious situation.

Oi oi, is he alright?

“Aren’t you looking at this! Once you lose won’t everything lost it’s meaning! What meaning is there in something like this!” (Roa)

Roa can’t help himself but to retort towards this idiotic turn of events.

If he lost like this, it’d turn into something meaningless in it’s actual sense.

However, at this point, both me and Roa still haven’t realized it yet.

That this meaningless thing will become a trigger.

“Ahahahaha, Velt-kun, aren’t your comrade stupid? He actually went and tried to break away from my bloodsucking with just his will power and inner strength you know? I mean, he has that many opportunities to strike but can you look? He’s so stupid right?” (Jarenga)

He’s looking down on Jack who is rolling over on the ground and said [Now then, be at ease, be my puppet] such words evilly.

“Oi, Jack!” (Velt)

I spontaneously raised my voice. However, at that moment, I realized that Jack is laughing amidst his suffering.

“Ha, haha, no, no need, ta worry......... I, right now, I’m storin’ up a super power......” (Jackpot)

No well, when you said it with such a roughed and pained breath, it can’t convince anyone you know?


“In a gamble......... no matter ‘ow much one lose midway, if they draw out a big win dat could 'ipe off previous loss then it’s a win.  ......It is because it’s a gamble..... that ya needta always aim for the grand slam, I said that long ago....... ‘ight? .....Ryuuma......” (Jackpot)

For a moment there, I was about to ignore what I heard but I really have heard it.

“Haha, wat to say, a weird magic po’er is runnin’ across ma body, ma head, heart, ‘n body is frantically fightin’ against it.........  but loo’ and behold, I now remember forgotten stuff now, Ryuuma.” (Jackpot)

Just now, Jack called me what?

“I won’t, lose. E’en when things turned so confusin’ like this....... Milco will...... I will....  do stupid things ‘n accomplish stupid things together, like hell I gonna go ‘n shame ma self!” (Jackpot)

Jack? No, it’s different, you’re.......

“Whoops, right now ye guys are Kishin and Velt huh!” (Jackpot)

I unintentionally almost said it, the name [Juuromaru]

However, before I managed to say it, Jack already laughed.

“I will win the final bet! Ya gonna be in pain if ya look down on da gamblin’ devil!” (Jackpot)

He went and spiritedly shouted the name.

Like he has awoken from his sleep, Jackpot whole body is burning up, erasing the gnawing power Jarenga inflicted him.

“Th, that’s, now way right? My magic power has eroded him so deep, but it got destroyed in that depth instead?” (Jarenga)

His expression said that he knew something happened but for some reason can’t figure out why.

The only ones who knew are only me and Arusha.

“No way...... could it be..... Kimura-kun......!” (Arusha)

The others from the Great Human Alliance Army also don’t know, Roa also opened his eyes wide just like Jarenga.

I then said without a moment’s delay.

“There’s a meaning right? At least, even for something this world deemed as worthless, right now something that made me and my comrades are so happy that we could cry has happened you know.” (Velt)

“Velt.........san......” (Roa)

“Whether something has a meaning or not, don’t judge it all by your standard bastard. A useless stopover ain’t something bad.” (Velt)

Jackpot stood up and roared, right now, I’m feeling happy so much that I can’t hold it seeing him finally opened his eyes completely.



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