Chapter 214 Reunion With The Golden

 Hmm, seems your phone is spying on you is true. I typed a certain word to discord gif search but some hours later I ended up also finding the thing I searched in discord in my Youtube recommendation videos.


Chapter 214 Reunion With The Golden


All of them are the same.

Tyler, Mackey, they all said sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry over and over.

“If just apologizing is enough the world won’t need any police! If you’re going to apologize from the getgo then don’t do it in the first place!” (Velt)

Situation is the worst. But, we still can make it.

No matter if Mackey betrayed us, Maman got brainwashed, and what kind of ace Mannie has in her sleeves, we absolutely can’t let them escape from this place!

“Trash Velt, are you going to move?” (Yuzuriha)

“Keh, I thought my intestines were about to jump out before but instead it’s boiling now, just gotta do it!” (Velt)

“Then, get on. We’ll kill that scum.” (Yuzuriha)

Kishin and Kaa-kun will hold back Maman.

Rumba and Barnando will stand guard the stumped Althea.

It’s enough. The rest of the members have sufficient strength to beat them up altogether.

“Like I said~ no is no. Now that Mannie and Love will be lovey lovey lovey lovey~, it’s a big no to get in our way.” (Mannie)

“Hihahahahahahahahahaha. It’s useless Velt-kun. You’ve already forgotten about the machine-kuns right?” (Mackey)

Shit! The moment we were rushing, leopard and bear machine monsters came from our flanks us!

“Exterminate exterminate exterminate”

“Extermination mode on progress.”

They aren’t that big. Though not quite the same size with their original counterpart.

However, all of them are.......

“Onii-chan, watch out!” (Lagaia)

“Lifting ban on magic flame emitter.”

Where the hell is magic in that! With a sharp whizzing sound, what came out from their mouth aren’t just your usual flamethrower alright!

“Those kinds of things have no sway in front of my ice!” (Arusha)

“But, this is bad. Along with their attack power, they’re also very hard!”

“Secure path to Mannie by any means. Then I will break her apart with my fist. Magic doesn’t work on her but my fist will do!” (Ura)

“Please move! I won’t show any mercy to anyone until cosmos is rescued!” (Eljela)

“Ain’t good, they’re really comin’ non stop, damn annoyin’!” (Jackpot)

I wasn’t conceited, I really thought that if we all gather our strength like this then there’s really nothing to afraid of even if we make enemies out of the whole world.

But, the world isn’t that sweet.

Within our team that I thought has been perfected at that Smoky Island now a seam could be seen.

We’re fatigued and exhausted because of the fierce battles. In the first place all of our members here have just fought against the Seven Deadly Sins and went across the desert, our condition were already bad.

To make matters worse, these machine monsters that came one after another......

“Aah, shit, why, Kagami! Are ya really betrayin’ us!” (Jackpot)

“Ah~, didn’t we promised to not use that name anymore? Jack-kun. You’re friggin’ forgetful” (Mackey)

“.......... as lon’ as we alive, ‘ere will be tiresome stuff and stuff dat can’t be done anythin’ about. For you to be gettin’ to dis situation, ‘ere should be situations behind it. I won’t blame ya for yer situation! But, ain’t it wron’ with ya not sayin’ anythin’!” (Jackpot)

“Eeeeeeh~, you’re friggin’ hotheaded eh~, Jack-kun. But you see~, did we.......  friggin’ that close before? We just did that bit of a trip together, there’s not that much to it right~?” (Mackey)

Against Jack who shouted out his helpless feeling to Mackey, he only smiled like he did back then and didn’t stick to talking to him, only giving words of provocation in return.

However, while it’s similar to how it was in the past it wasn’t the same.

“Keh, then how ‘bout I tell ya one thin’? ..............dat smile......... it’s crampin’ up ya know?” (Jackpot)

“!” (Mackey)

“What, yer unexpectedly delicate ain’tcha, eeh? Love-chan?” (Jackpot)

He’s right, Mackey. The you right now is so much pain to look at.

Despite you’ve already resolved yourself your regret to us still appear every now and then, it’s clearly visible that you’re playing the excessively callous character to completely cut ties with us.

“Ahahahaha, all of you are so fussy! Despite you not knowing anything about Love, you’re all so bothersome bothersome!” (Mannie)

At that moment, Mannie hugged Mannie’s neck from behind and flew.

“Love is, you see, he has already accepted everything. He accepted Mannie and others! Love is done playing with unknown people who don’t know anything you know?” (Mannie)

“..........Is that so? I knew him more than you do, don’t you know? Besides you yourself don’t know why he gone out of control in the past aren’t you?” (Velt)

“............... That kind of thing doesn’t matter anymore, isn’t it?” (Mannie)

Oh, I got a bit of reaction? It seems, despite she’s the kind of ojou-chan that’s crooked in many ways, her feelings for Mackey is unexpectedly the real thing?

“Velt-kun you see, Mannie actually didn’t sit well with it. Ever since that day two years ago.” (Mannie)

“What?” (Velt)

What does she mean? I think didn’t do anything particular to her though.

“Since that day when Love didn’t look at Mannie anymore.....  but you see, Mannie was having fun. When Love was about to do something, he will always stays close to Mannie. But you see, after that day....... the day when Love reunited with you....... that day, Love’s happy face, his anger, everything....... everythiiiiiiiing, was the Love that Mannie doesn’t know!” (Mannie)

“..........Like I said what are you talking about?” (Velt)

“It was the same when Love was arrested. Despite Mannie was about to make him escape from prison, Love said...... [it’s okay like this for now. Besides, Velt-kun will be dragged into it. For some reason I feel things seem gonna get friggin’ interesting]...... he said something like that you know? Rather than staying with me, it’s all about you! That time, despite I had things I wanted to tell him..... still, I already knew it..... that time, even Mannie were to tell her secret, he’d still remain indifferent...... everything, all of it is your fault Velt-kun!” (Mannie)

Now, what’s with this logic of uncertain meaning of her?

“Oi oi...... what do you mean? You’re aiming your jealousy as a girl to me? That’s very funny alright. Look, Mackey, I’m gonna say one thing to this yandere-chan of yours.” (Velt)

“Ahahahahahaha, geez~, Velt-kun oh you, it’s because you don’t understand Mannie’s feeling at all~.” (Mackey)

“I understand alright. We aren’t gayfriends, so why she has to be that jealous. Well, there ain’t something like that between us, but at least remember this alright? With a wife that doesn’t understand the friendship between men, you’ll have to give up on her sooner or later.” (Velt)

Well, she’s been so unclear from the get go. What I can slightly understand is that, the brain this girl has for love is weird and twisted, and Mackey wanted to take responsibility for that?

No, but still, isn’t that a bit too weak for an argument?

Mackey taking responsibility? For some reason, there’s something else that made Mackey became so serious like this in his decision.......

“Well, whatever. Return Cosmos this instant. If you can accept that, you two mad couple can flirt around as much as you want.” (Velt)

“Ehe, that you see, Im~~~~possible~~~.  Because Cosmos-chan is now moving down way way way way below the surface, she’s heading to a distant world after all.” (Mannie)

“If that’s the case then I’m gonna kill 9/10 of you, and have the 1/10 to show me the way down!” (Velt)

“Like I said, it’s impossible Velt-kun” (Mannie)

“Still I’m gonna try it.” (Velt)

“Like I said it’s not about that~........... eh well, fine” (Mannie)

In the end, what we need to do doesn’t change.

It’d be the coolest if I could save everything but, what take priority right now is Cosmos, I can’t dabble on anything else.

That’s why I don’t have the free time to try to save Mackey and Mannie.

But, maybe I really am not understand about them.

“I’ll send another one” (Mannie)

I misread how unfathomable the hands Mannie could play.

“Moonlight Eyes.”

The moment I ran to her, I was repelled by an invisible wall and as if something pulled us from behind, we ended up getting scattered away.

“What, the, what happened!”


“Shit,........... dammit.... huh UOOOOOOOOOAH, what the heck is that!” (Jackpot)

What just happened, that’s what we all thought as we raised our heads from the desert.

And what’s over there made us unintentionally dwarfed ourselves, a huge humanoid shaped monster is standing imposingly in front of us.

“......Be annihilated......”

Huge. On the same level as the ten meter class cyclops I saw at the Empire.

But, if it’s only that I won’t be afraid. What’s problematic is the atmosphere that creature is giving off rather than it’s size.

It wears a black tuxedo paired with red cape. It’s skin is unhealthily pallid.

All of it’s golden hair is ruffled up, it’s aloof head stretched out for meters.

What? Un, unbelievable........  are me all..... is seeing a dream right now?” (Kishin)

Even Kishin turned stiff, just who is this giant gentleman?

“The king of Yavai Demon Kingdom........ the Vampire King........ the Dreadnought Demon King Venbai.......”

Even when one hasn’t seen him before it’s a name that everyone knew, even among the ranking of the strongest beings in the world, he is among those who could be counted on with a single hand right from the top.

Our knees spontaneously turned weak.

The Demon King who looks down at us from high above.

And also, the abnormality he has.

“And so, wat ‘appened ta him? Ain’t he all beaten up.....” (Jackpot)

Yes, because of his presence we weren’t able to see it at first but the Demon King Venbai that stands in front of us has his suits torn in so many places, swollen in all parts of his body, even blood is flowing out too.

It’s as if he just had a fierce fight like Maman......

“Also, he has those black tattoos just like Maman on his body...... and his eyes clearly have lost their light......”

At that moment, we were unable to believe it but we can’t help but comprehend something.

“Mannie Mouse..... you, could it be, made the Vampire Demon King to be in the same state as Yubamensch!”

“Pinpon! Arusha-chan’s correct~! That’s right, you see, Demon King Vembai also got brainwashed The Wonder Beast Yubamensch, Lust Beast Empress Erosvitch, Eyeless Demon King Noppera, Blue Ogre Zetsuki, Hard Shelled Demon King Kiroro, he fought against all of these people all at the same time after all, they’re really amazing huh, these vampires~.” (Mannie)

TL note: Uh 鬼カワ(Onikawa), onikawa meant hard shelled in the dictionary. Though maybe a reference to oniwaka?

In another battlefield, a death match of legendary class equaling this place has happened.

Unrestrained, it’s supposedly a fight that used up everything at their arsenal.

And to it, this woman has........

“Ehehehehe, everyone are big idiots aren’t they?” (Mannie)

With no hesitation she butted in, and not only ruined everything, she even did this disgustingly evil thing.

Pheew....... to think me’d meet again with Mister Vampire like this.......” (Kishin)

“How is it-dazou? Do we can win? Kishin.......” (Kaizer)

“.........It’s impossible........ originally, he’s someone that me has qualms to win over even in best condition, and with this bad condition........ moreover, right now is......” (Kishin)

“Indeed-zou. To think that, even Yubamensch.......” (Kaizer)

It made even Kishin has his smile cramped as a line of sweat trickled down.

I understand that. This situation is one where we’re cornered in despair.


“Also~ , for being able to make Prince Jarenga, Velt-kun and co, the Holy Knights and Prince Roa this exhausted...... geez~, to think that I’d be capable of doing so much, Mannie is really amazing amazing!” (Mannie)

When I noticed it, there’s something coming down swayingly from the sky.

That is, with body soaked in red, he is at the death’s door because of having bathed in bullets.......

“TYLER!” (Velt)

Also the insta-killed knight and Kimomen’s dad!

“Minister....... b, big brother!” (Arusha)

And in the sky, with not even a twitch could come out of his body, Roa is being held in the mouth of a machine dragon.

“Ufufufufufu, ahahahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wonderful, this is Mannie’s age! Mannie’s everything! Mannie’s world!” (Mannie)

What the hell happened. I reflexively grabbed on sand and hit the floor.

Up to this time, I’ve had my share of close to dying and being cornered.

But all of them were something from two years ago.

After I escaped the prison and met my way too dependable comrades, I didn’t feel fear against anything.

However, right now, despair is presenting itself to us one after another, making me feel it in it’s truest sense.

“Shit.......” (Velt)

We’re being cornered.

“Now then, machine family, Yuu-chan, Ven-chan, all of you it’s time to punish them!” (Mannie)

Shit, the hell is this!

The surroundings are being trampled down by the machine monsters, and over there we got one of the Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans and the strongest Demon King.

To make matters worse, the circumference is being surrounded by napalm flame, furthermore we, the Great Human Alliance Army, and the sky people are already exhausted because of the prolonged fierce fight.

“Dokkaan” (Mannie)

At that moment, Mannie who was floating in the air took a sudden descent.

Stomping on Tyler who is gasping on the verge of death.


“Aha, aha, ehehehehe, you’re still strong huh, Tyler~” (Mannie)

“...........Mannie..........” (Tyler)

She stepped on, abused, and furthermore she gouged on the wound with her foot to further his pain.

“Stop it, this psycho woman!” (Velt)

“Ee~h? Velt-kun why are you trying to stick up to Tyler? You lost everything because of Tyler, so why why?” (Mannie)

“Shut up, all those things are our problems. You got nothing to do with it.” (Velt)

“Got nothing~? Oh there is~. After all, by Tyler and his group’s magic, everything about me was forgotten after all.” (Mannie)

What she said, I’ve heard about it before.

At Smoky Island, we got to know a bit of Mannie’s past.

“They’re really cruel right~, I got no say in it at all. It’s for the sake of awakening the power to be the [agent] that will allow the divine race to be revived, and from then on Mannie’s existence became nothing at all! Tyler and others themselves said it you know? They really said it’s to protect me from those who knew my power! They erased the memories of me from the world to protect me you know? To protect me, they made me walk the life of a dead person, what the hell is that!” (Mannie)

That smile was as if it had broken, so clearly being filled with anger and killing intent in it.

“Mannie was no more........ even if she were to slip away and return to the palace, there was no one who remembered Mannie. Not only that, they’re talking in worry about onee-chan who ran away from home you know? See, why Mannie has to protect that kind of world? What has justice and the world has given Mannie?” (Mannie)

In the end, I was able to meet with [everyone]. And more than anything, there are also those that remember me. That’s why I’m able to endure it.

“Everything should be destroyed...... this world......... be destroyed.......” (Mannie)

Her resentment knows no bottom. She holds absurd amount of hatred to the world and justice.

“But you see, Tyler and Wold made me able to meet Love. I’m thankful for that you know. Ever since I met Love......... [peace]-chan exists.” (Mannie)

Even as she’s the victim of the same magic as me, I probably unable to understand the hell that she has went through.

“That’s why, so that Tyler doesn’t despair to the suffering that he’ll go through from now on, I’ll make him at ease nowbut can’t do that with Wold. I’m thankful of him but I really hate Wold. That’s why, I’ll make him suffer, suffer, and suffer more.” (Mannie)

At that moment, Mannie once again stepped onto Tyler as hard as she can.

“Princess Mannie............” (Tyler)

“Now, no good no good~, don’t say princess~ ei!” (Mannie)

“............guh.......” (Tyler)

Despite feeling agony and suffering, Tyler’s expression doesn’t show refusal to the situation.

It’s as if, he has already prepared that things would turned out like this.

“............With things turned like this...... I....... don’t mind that....... you and....... Velt to kill me........ no, maybe I also feel the same for Velt’s friend Kishin.....” (Tyler)

“Aha.......... un, then, time for you to dieEi ei ei!” (Mannie)

“Khhhhhhhh! Guh........” (Tyler)

Shit, I can’t stand seeing this.

“Tyler! Shit dammit......!” (Velt)

“Don’t moveveveve~~~, no means no!” (Mannie)

At that moment, a huge shadow that covered my surrounding appeared.

When I look up, there was a black ceiling. No, that’s a shoe.

“Huh......... no!” (Velt)

The moment I was about to get crushed underfoot by Demon King Vembai.........

“Velt Trash!” (Yuzuriha)

“Yuzuriha!” (Velt)

That was close, had she tried to save me a few seconds late then I’d be crushed flat!

I shuddered looking at the huge shoeprint that surfaced down on the earth.

But, this is reality. If I didn’t move I’d be killed!

“Tch, are you for real.......... then, Fuwa Fuwa Laser!” (Velt)

“Don’t try to scavenge through my trash! Dragon King Cannon!” (Yuzuriha)

Me and Yuzuriha fired a simultaneous attack.

However, we have completely forgotten.

The power that the Demon King of Vampire has shown just now.

“Moonlight Eyes Double Reversal.” (Venbai)

The special power that could control attraction and repulsion force.

The moment those eyes that depicted the moon shone, the attack that we launched came back with their power increased!

“Hell, this is bad, dodge it Yuzuriha!” (Velt)

“~~~~~~!” (Yuzuriha)

A huge crater formed that was unimaginable coming from our technique.

Heck, wait a sec. Even with the technique that has so much power among our arsenal, it could actually be bounced back without much effort like this?

Does this mean not only we can’t touch him, we can’t even get close?

And yet, the difference in might is this much. Once we take his attack we’ll be out for good.

“Crap, it’s the same eyes as Jarenga-han! All of ya, don’t stop movin’! Once ya got sucked in by his attraction force ya won’t be able to stop!” (Jackpot)

“This is no joke! Why are these legends keep popping out one after another!” (Arusha)

Really that’s exactly it.

As I ride on Yuzuriha’s back, we nimbly circle him around so that we don’t get caught.

If we don’t come up with something to turn things around, things gonna be seriously.......

“Spiral Hallway”

TL note: 螺旋回廊 (Rasen Kairou)

“Eh..............” (Velt)

“Ah...........ah, au..........” (Yuzuriha)

A giant drill appeared as if wanting to gouge out the torso of dragonified Yuzuriha.

The drill penetrated out and appeared next to my face, making Yuzuriha’s blood to burst out like fountain.

“What, the, Yuzuriha!” (Velt)

“..........n, o, nooooo, it, it hurts, hurts, it hurts, it hurts!” (Yuzuriha)

Of course it hurts. Yuzuriha was inflicted with so much pain that her dragonification undone, her tears are bursting out.

“Eljela----!” (Velt)

“Yuzuriha-san! Velt-sama, please take Yuzuriha-san here!” (Eljela)

“Yuzuriha............ you...........! I’mma crush yer neck KORAAAAAAA!” (Jackpot)

What just happened? As I hugged onto Yuzuriha and descended, at that moment, from the desert surrounding us those guys appeared once again.

“Ahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahaha! Could it be, you thought all of them have gone back~?” (Mannie)

It’s as Mannie said, we thought they had.

“The subterraneans!”

“These guys, these guys--!”

They took the space in our surroundings, rotating the drill in their arms intensely as to intimidate us, the twenty subterranean people then opened their mouth.

“Hmph, these pitiful rubbish. Same goes for those tempted sky people. You have been corrupted by the air of the surface and degraded.”

With a crack, something inside me snapped.

“I don’t understand what you are trying to say! But, please return Cosmos! Where is she now!” (Eljela)

“Our brethrens have already extended their hospitability to her and escort her to our world. What, no need to worry, we won’t kill her. We only will use her a bit.”

“Stop! Please don’t get her involved in this! She doesn’t have anything to do with all of this!” (Eljela)

“Now we can’t do that, woman of sky people. By strange coincidence, the daughter of a rubbish didn’t turn out as a rubbish. It would be dangerous to put her in your hands instead. Besides, this is the war that you the surface world has been scheming for. You are being unreasonable pointing your resentment--------“

At that moment, the subterranean person who was about to say that got grasped hard by iron claw.

“Someone who abduct children ain’t have no right fer talkin’ about stuff like that, this fiend!” (Jackpot)


“Bastards, I’mma slaughter y’all!” (Jackpot)

Jack! Seeing Yuzuriha got injured, his anger went over the limit and now he’s snapped.

But, he is absolutely right.

“Yeah, bastards, I’m gonna massacre you all!” (Velt)

I’m gonna kill them and take back Cosmos. Unreasonable? Like hell I know that!


“Magic Gatling Fire”

The moment when we about to move our feet, countless bullets then came pouring down from the sky.

 “GUAAAAAH!” (Jackpot)

“B, bastards!” (Velt)

Hot! Our feet that were shot are like being engulfed by boiling heat making us suffer, we pull them back by our own will and with a twitch we fell down to the sand.

“Velt, Jack............! Bastards!” (Kishin)

“How dare you did that to onii-chan and Jack!” (Lagaia)

“Velt......sama......aa.........a......” (Eljela)

“M, my goodness........ at a place like this........” (Arusha)

We were reminded of the current despairing situation, at the same time as our anger.

Subterranean people are encircling us on the surrounding and underground.

In the sky we’re besieged by machine monsters.

And behind them, the legendary Demon King and Heavenly Beast Demihuman.

“Eheheheheheheh, what do you think~ Velt-kun. Did you perhaps thought you’d have an easy win against Mannie?” (Mannie)

This is bad, the wound from before still hasn’t fully........ my eyes....... getting blurry......... Cosmos........

“You’re such an idiot Velt-kun. Had you just still in the jail you’d be really safe........ but....... it’s already over! Ven-chan crush him!” (Mannie)

Aah........... why............ why.............why!

“No.... Velt-sama!” (Eljela)

“No! Someone, save Velt-kun!” (Arusha)

“Avoid it, Velt! Shit, move away, you subterraneans! Machine bastards!” (Ura)

“Onii-chan!” (Lagaia)

My comrades are far away........ they’re being surrounded by the subterraneans and the machine monsters......

“Eliminate eliminate annihilate annihlate-yon..... Lady Boui Furenren!” (Yubamensch)

TL note: 暴威不連怒 (Tyranny Discontinued Rage) Uh, kinda bad. I don’t get it myself.

“Guh, nkh, ngh, NGOOOOH!” (Kaizer)

“Mister Kaizer!” (Kishin)

Kishin and others are in a terrible condition.

They won’t make it.

I will be crushed. It happened when I thought that.


At that moment, a dazzling light rushed in front of my eyes, it dragged me along and avoided being stomped on by Venbai.

“Eh.........” (Velt)

It was so fast that it didn’t register in my mind.

Just what happened?

Why am I flying in the sky........

“Ah.....” (Velt)

I was being held by someone and escaped into the sky.

And that someone, despite holding my waist so tightly, won’t turn their face on me.

Keeping on to casting down their face, but still won’t letting me go.

“.......Hey....... why did you do that........” (Velt)

But ,I able to quickly knew who it is without even seeing the face.

It’s just, I don’t know why they saved me now, I spontaneously asked that.

“....................Even if I resent you, shun you, disdain you, and hate you......... despite all that I still don’t want to lose you..........”

Perhaps she can’t raise her face to see me is because she has no face to do so.

“Blood is....... coming out from your head you know?” (Velt)

Her beautiful golden hair is now dyed with blood, and the blood turned into something like bloody tears and descending down to her cheeks.

“It was so painful that I felt my head and chest about to be destroyed, and with lightning kept flowing inside my brain...... at that moment, the haze that shrouded the inside of my head disappeared...... and then I managed to remember everything...... even the days from two years ago and things up to now..........” (Forna)

Her voice, her back, they looked so weak that I have never seen her like this before, she frailly trembled, looking so small that as if she’s about to disappear.

But despite that, she has now knew about me.

“Forna.............” (Velt)

But, I wasn’t able to find words to say, I haven’t prepared my heart for this.

The magic that casted curse on the princess, it wasn’t broken by the prince’s power but by her own strength instead.

“.............What’s going on~?” (Mannie)

“Princess Forna......... Princess-sama...... could it be, that’s...... impossible...... to break the holy magic that, we Holy Knights casted....... had you did that poorly you will lose your life..... did you know you could make your brain impaired?” (Tyler)

Mannie showed a look of surprise and confusion for the first time as we look at her.

And similarly, Tyler opened his eyes wide as he trembled.

“Forna...... you...... your memories has......” (Arusha)

Forna supported me as we descended down, Arusha ran ahead of everyone else and very timidly asked, while faltering Forna then nodded.

“Yes......... I have awaken from the nightmare....... and I understood that, the reality is far crueler than nightmare....... Before I awoke I felt I was about to die but now, instead I......” (Forna)

And then, Forna passed me over and made me lean to Arusha, the moment Arusha touched me Forna took distance from me and turned her back.

“Forna.....” (Velt)

“Please don’t look.” (Forna)

“.........” (Velt)

“I don’t have the right to call your name..... and to see your face......” (Forna)

I knew it. I knew just how much she has thought of me even when we were kids.

That’s why, when she recalled the time when she lost her memories, her confrontation against me, and the words she threw at me, just how much pain did those things bring to her heart now.


“Right now those stuff ain’t matter alright, you stupid!” (Velt)

“........Vel....t.........” (Forna)

“Wait  Velt-kun! Forna has remembered everything you know? Do you understand how much pain she is going through right now? You could at least try to understand how she is feeling!” (Arusha)

Like I said, it’s not about that, Arusha.

Right now, there are more things that should be done.

“Now, do you understand that as a parent the daughter that he values heavier than his life was abducted, and to Forna she’s in a situation where her comrades are keeping on dying. Me as a parent, and you as a Hero, the thing that has to be done right now is clear as day!” (Velt)


“No matter if she forgot about me, she herself has the correct thing she needs to do. And that even if she has regained her memories about me, this isn’t the time to feel despondent to it.” (Velt)

Yeah, it ain’t the time for us to do something like that.

Right now I can’t prioritize anything other than Cosmos.

“Really now~, Forna-chan, you must be shocked~.” (Mannie)

At that moment, Mannie smiled as if making fun of Forna.

“It’s impressive that you remembered everything but isn’t it better that you don’t remember instead~? For Justice? For the world? You were trying to kill Velt-kun because of that after allYaay! Not only that~, Velt-kun has completely forgotten about you and being lovey dovey with other girls, he even has a child~ Everything turned for the worst. Right? So what do you think? I wonder, how are you feeling right now?” (Mannie)

“...............I’m.....” (Forna)

“Yaa~y, Forna-chan, he-art bro-ken yaa-y, heart broken! Despite two years ago Mannie did a service for Forna and get Velt to be at the place you were, ever~rything turned into a waste waste.  Forna-chan’s love was happy ever after~! But now it all turned into waste! See, what do you think? What are you feeling right now?” (Mannie)

“I’m...............” (Forna)

At that moment, the Golden Comet exploded.

“This feeling, it makes me want to kill myself!” (Forna)

This explosion, it only shined for an instant that eyes weren’t able to see it. But it could be felt that she had exploded.

And, that explosion knocked Mannie down making her tumbled on the sand.



“Mannie-chan!” (Mackey)

No one was able to react.

Her fist was extended, trembling, clenched, the sound of her grinding teeth could be heard, the blood of her whole body is boiling as it flows, I can tell.

“When did you........... Forna-chan........... you hit Mannie........... you hit Mannie!” (Mannie)

The fist clad in lightning, the moment that lightning hit Mannie it disappeared.

But, because it was clad in lightning, it’s accelerated velocity and the weight of the fist weren’t erased.

It’s power was way more than sufficient to send flying Mannie who is inept at hand to hand combat.

“Don’t vent your anger on Mannie! Because the reason Forna-chan turned like that was the fault of Tyler and his group! Besides I really hate you making a show of that kind of tragedy! It’s so teeny tiny, itsy bitsy after all!” (Mannie)

Mannie’s voice trembled and turned rough.

“Geez, go get her, machine family go go!” (Mannie)

When I was wondering what she’s trying to do, she’s driven to anger and raised her hand, at that moment, from the machine monsters scattered across the battlefield, four of them came and surrounded Forna.......

“.......How noisy.” (Forna)

.......They surrounded her and....... the moment Forna launched her lightning to the four directions, sounds of destruction came from the insides of the machine monsters, and with sputtering noise they came to a standstill as smoke floated out.


“Da heck! In, insta-kllled! Who da heck is dat onee-chan!” (Jackpot)

“To take down those machine monsters in an instant...... Forna, what did you......” (Arusha)

“Who is that rubbish!”

“Someone from Great Human Alliance Army? A mere rubbish and her unsightly resistance!”

“We’ll pierce her with our spiral!”

Even as they got shaken, the subterraneans moved to skewer Forna......

“...........Land Lightning Depth Charge”

TL note: 地雷爆雷 (Jirai Bakurai – Land Mine Depth Charge)


“Did you not hear I said how noisy?” (Forna)

and were zapped by the lightning that was emitted from the ground.


All of us were lost for words. Looking at the fallen subterraneans Mannie couldn’t hide her trembling.

Just what did she do?

“Mannie Mouse........ You’re right...... I’m venting my anger. All of this are for venting. The one who I hate, resent, and want to kill in the whole world....... is myself.” (Forna)

No, more than that, this way too calm atmosphere is like the harbinger or something, is this the calm before a storm?

“For the sake of justice, human race, and peace...... I forgot the thing I most treasure in the world just like that..... I disparaged him, injured him, only showing him how unsightly I am.....” (Forna)

Forna calmly spoke her words one by one......

“Despite I loved him....... despite I loved him this much....... despite I always wanted to be by his side...... by merely losing my memories....... just by that I ended up wanting to destroy the one I treasure the most in the world, it’s making me wanted to kill myself so much that I can’t help it!” (Forna)

And gradually, the calm atmosphere brewing up a big wave......

“I won’t make any excuse. Even if he were to forgive me, I still won’t forgive myself. It’s just, still...... I’m..... Forna Elfarshia........” (Forna)

“So what? So what’s with that? So what do you want with that!” (Mannie)

“As a Hero, for the sake of justice, human race, and peace...... and, for that.......! For the sake of protecting the world where those I love living in! That is I, Forna Elfarshia! Even if I were to be unable to live in this world any longer...... I’ll never again!” (Forna)

And then that wave turned into a very transparent light, it enveloped Forna’s existence itself and then exploded.

“I’ll never again! Let any family of Velt to be taken away! For that sake, I will fight! Return my beloved......  return my beloved family now!” (Forna)

What came out of Forna’s mouth was her determination to fight along with the indignation she felt to herself.

It was something far more personal than the justice and human race she spoke of earlier, it was also something that might not be suitable for a Hero and a princess.

However, that is Forna.

It’s because she always put her personal feelings as the first when fighting, that everyone was able to smile to her, and the reason that she could boast about her unrivalled strength

All the ill feelings won’t be so easily be water under the bridge. And Forna herself won’t let that happen.

However, I now finally able to reunite with Forna.

“Forna........” (Velt)

“!” (Forna)

The first word that I will say to Forna is only one.

It isn’t the word of gratitude. Neither about pardon nor disparagement.

Just a single thing.

Having her name called, her whole body trembled seemingly from fear, but what I’m going to say was already decided.

Just like the time when I was reunited with Sensei at the Kingdom, those words he said that brought me with the most joy.

“Long time no see, Forna....... welcome home.” (Velt)

“.......................Yes........” (Forna)

At the next instant, along with tears, the Golden Comet rushed to the battlefield.



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  1. Thanks for the chapter
    It is true, even sometimes i think they are spying on our convos as things i havent search online come out as ads

    We actually live in a dystopian world ruled by greed and capitalism, causing our provate information to be traded here and there

    1. Yeah, literally. Privacy is only for those who actually run the world behind the shadow


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