Chapter 215 Dark Count Down


Chapter 215 Dark Count Down


“Um, Velt-sama.... that’s, actually that isn’t something to say under this kind of situation but..... that’s......” (Eljela)

“Look, Velt. You know, that’s............ And Forna you too..........” (Ura)

Now that I think about it, these guys don’t understand the situation right now.

As I was thinking of how to explain things to Eljela and Ura, Forna didn’t mind it and said.

“Here I go!” (Forna)

TL note: might be late but Forna spoke in uh, -desuwa manner.....  should I add it?

Forna didn’t mean to ask for my forgiveness.

However, Forna who is filled to the brim with anger toward herself exploded even more and rushes to the battlefield.

“O’ Goddes of Lightning, wear your tears and turn it into strength, boundless roaring lightning, shine upon the world! Magic Armament – Thunderclap Autarch!” (Forna)

TL note: 迅雷烈覇 (Jinrai Retsuha/Reppa) by kanji per kanji Lightning Speed Violent Hegemon? Jinrai really means thunderclap though.

It was like a real comet rushing through the sky. She disappeared along with the flash, and in the next instant, a far off machine monster exploded.

“Flashing Heavy Thunder Foot!” (Forna)

TL note: 閃脚万雷 (Senkyaku Banrai).... am I should change it into Japanese name here....

The moment we realized it, another machine monster on the entirely different side of the battlefield exploded. And the moment we thought that, one after another machine monsters on the battlefield are getting destroyed and stopped functioning.

“O...... Oooooh!”

“It’s Forna-sama! Forna-sama has returned!”

“That’s right, we still have Forna-sama! The Golden Comet Forna-sama is rushing throughout the battlefield!”

A hope in the midst of despair came to their sight, the World Alliance was filled with great joy and simultaneously cheered.

Their eyes glittered, their mouth loosened, all of them were shedding tears.

However on the other hand, just what kind of expression the Golden Comet-sama is making?

.........but hell, she’s amazing.

“It’s amazing-zou! Those machine monsters that made me have so much trouble are being dispatched so quickly!” (Kaizer)

“No, I understan’ dat onee-chan is amazin’ but it ain’t only dat. Onee-chan’s attack is way too ‘ffective on the machine monsters!” (Jackpot)

Certainly, Forna is amazing. But, isn’t she a bit too amazing?

No matter how much Forna goes on a rampage after her awakening, could she really do it this much?

“This is friggin’...... lightning is coursing through the machine monsters and making them overloaded.....” (Mackey)

The one who answered the cause of that was Mackey.

Perhaps Forna doesn’t realize it herself but what she’s doing is way more effective than she imagined.

“Then you mean....... Lightning is effective on those machine monsters?”(Velt)

“I don’t really understand but that means to those machine monsters, Forna is their natural enemy isn’t she......” (Ura)

And this is could be a big miscalculation for Mannie who uses those machine monsters as her main war force.

“Geez~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geez! Really, Forna-chan idiot! Annoying! Then I’ll have Yuu-chan and Ven-chan crush you!” (Mannie)

At that moment, upon receiving Mannie’s order Maman’s and Venvai’s eyes ominously shined.

That’s right, there’re still these guys..... rather, these outrageous guys are still here!

Kishin, Kaa-kun, and Jack are still quite exhausted, and I’m also in this kind of state.

Roa, Tyler and his company also can’t fight.

If Forna has to deal with them alone.....

“They are..... Heavenly Beast Demihuman Yubamensch. And Dreadnought Demon King Venbai aren’t they.” (Forna)

“Exactly! There’s no way Forna will win against these two alone after all! Be terrorized by the fear and die!” (Mannie)

However, Forna made a slight smile.

“It’s impossible to make me feel fear.” (Forna)

“You’re acting tough!” (Mannie)

“Ara, I’m not acting tough, though? Because for me, there’s nothing I fear more than being hated and losing Velt than anything in the world!” (Forna)

There’s nothing she’s afraid of. She won’t run away either. That’s why there’s no way she’d become negligent.

“Thousand Lightning Spear Rain!” (Forna)

TL note: 千雷槍雨 (Senrai Sou’u)

She created countless huge spears made of lightning. All of them are launched simultaneously aiming at Venabi.

However, she won’t be able to defeat him with that.

“Moonlight Eyes Double Fold Return!” (Vemvai)

“!” (Forna)

That’s right! My technique also got sent back by that!

A repulsive force was activated and rejecting all of the opponent’s attack.

“No good, it can’t be broken through, Jack, how did you defeated Jarenga?” (Velt)

“Hah? Well, I did it without dat troublesome thin’ and broke through from the front......” (Jackpot)

“In other words?”

“Just spirit.” (Jackpot)

“......... no good, we can’t use it!” (Velt)

I knew it, we need to do something about the power of those eyes but no method came up to mind.

But, what should we do now?

“It doesn’t matter. In short, it should be penetrable by using physical force exceeding it’s repulsive force.” (Forna)

Like I said, how the heck are we gonna dish out that kind of physical force.....

Good idea, Princess Forna!” (Kishin)

At that moment, Kishin came running parallel to the flying Forna, getting closer to her.

And naturally, to Forna he’s a fated enemy in a way.

And for a slight bit, Forna showed a saddened eyes.

“.......Rock Demon King Kishin.......” (Forna)

“Fufu, so you remember me. But, this isn’t the time to be having talks about past.” (Kishin)

“....Indeed..... I understand. However, I have lost everything after the battle of that time, I’m just feeling emotional right now.” (Forna)

“Me understand your feeling. But, we need to cooperate now.” (Kishin)

“Certainly that is the case. But, can I put my trust in you?” (Forna)

“Me is Velt’s best friend.” (Kishin)

“Those are the most dependable words, thereby I have no problem.” (Forna)

In the past they tried to kill each other with the fate of their races at stake.

However, for some reason at this moment, with just a few words the two’s past seemed as if had turned into a lie as they smiled.

With Forna regaining back her memories, isn’t her way of thinking became quite flexible now?

“Then, what should be done? Do we attack at the same moment?” (Forna)

“No. With me’s current energy it’d be impossible to break through Demon King Venbai’s Moonlight Eyes. That’s why, me will pull out maximum power out of you right now.” (Kishin)

“My power? What are you going to do?” (Forna)

“Hey, Mister Kaizer! Me will enter a live performance now! Me will have no guard for that time! Me want you to stop those two with your power!” (Kishin)

Since we don’t have the time to explain things slowly, they’re talking about the strategy as they’re moving around so that Venbai can’t catch them.

Princess Forna. You right now is turning the [anger] towards yourself into power,  making yourself able to pull out power more than you normally could. Anger is a negative emotion. It’s not quite the good thing. But, although temporary, it is certainly a trigger to pulling out your latent powers. That’s why, we will put it into use.” (Kishin)

“Turning anger into power? Though you said that I’m.........” (Forna)

“That’s why me will perform a song for YOU. it’s a song that amplifies the attack power of anger, sadness, and other negative emotions. That’s why, me will make you even more angry. Enraged. Jealous. Dark! With the you right now, you will give birth a super power.” (Kishin)

This is something too pitiful. Forna is making quite the difficult face herself.

Arusha and others too, they have guessed Forna’s current emotions but didn’t raise their voices.

However, with Kishin’s power, if she really can turn negative emotions into strength, then the current Forna will......

“The anger to myself........ I, I understand. It’s a bit too incomprehensible but since you have said that it’s possible, then it must be the case. Then, I will fully exert my negative emotions!” (Forna)

OK, Are you ready? Yhaaaaaaaaaa!”  (Kishin)

Kishin’s performance started.

It felt different from his rock that we heard all this time.

“That’s.............. this song....... where did I?” (Velt)

“Yer right, I have ‘erd it too. In previous life...... it played on TV ‘n movies as BGM...... aaah, I dunno the title but I really did hear it!” (Jackpot)

“Yes, me too. This is...... isn’t rock, a classic...... if I’m not mistaken, a requiem..... It’s The Day of Anger......” (Arusha)

TL note: 怒りの日 (Ikari no Hi), dunno if it’s real song or not.

Yes, I remember ever hearing the song Kishin is singing. In the previous life. That’s why, it’s natural that it’s only us who ever heard of that song in this battlefield.

However, amidst that, Forna closed her eyes without minding it, clashing her anger inside herself.

“I want to kill myself..... at that time, I put Velt into confinement and...... lived so carefreely all this time! With that face looking as if all knowing about justice, human race, and peace, and on top of all that, I insulted him, injured him, and....... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” (Forna)

As Kishin’s song played on Forna shouted expressing her anger, above her head a black and spherical lump of energy is floating about.

That sphere is cladded in lightning as it sparked, as Forna is abusing herself, the sphere gets larger and the power of it’s lightning raised up.

“Black Lightning......” (Velt)

Aah, I see...... so that’s how it is.......

But, won’t this gonna take time? When they’re doing this, our enemies will.....

“NUOOOOOOOOOOOOH, Shinra Banshou!” (Kaizer)

“Mister Kaizer!” (Kishin)

“Good grief, this is a good time to try the impossible-dazou! Kishin, I won’t be able to stop them for long! Quickly do it-zou!” (Kaizer)

A gigantic forest was manifested, Kaa-kun plotted to stall Maman and Venbai.

However, Maman and Vembai able to easily lumber through the huge trees and proceed.

This is really bad!

“More, Princess Forna! More, bring out your negative emotions!” (Kishin)

“I was about to kill Velt who I loved the most....... I treated him like a criminal...... I didn’t even wanted to listen to the reasons he has, and then, I was remonstrated by Arusha...... and ended up losing in such a disgrace....... what’s with Ten Heroes! What’s with Golden Comet!” (Forna)

Yes! More! More!” (Kishin)

I mean, it’s all about me huh.

Forna amplified her anger so, so many times.

However, will it be enough like this?

At this rate Kaa-kun will......

“Oi, Velt!”


At that moment, Ura pulled my sleeve.

“I don’t really understand but Forna has always loved you even way before and now to defeat Venbai, she’s accumulating the power of her anger on herself, I get it correct here right?” (Ura)

“Yeah, that’s right. Since a while ago she’s been tormenting herself like that to amass power.” (Velt)

“I see.......... then............!” (Ura)

And then, Ura’s face turned slightly red, while looking strangely fidgety she shouted after she steeled herself.

“Forna--------!” (Ura)

Ura shouted to Forna, the moment Forna who is in the midst of tormenting herself glanced here.....

“Velt, hn, smooch~~.” (Ura)

“............................................................................” (Forna)

She restrained both of my hands and then pushed her own lips onto my own, she proceed on and infiltrate her tongue inside my mouth and devour it greedily........

“------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!” (Forna)

Ah, Forna opened her super wide.

Arusha and others all forgot about current situation and stiffened seeing Ura’s deed.

“Puha, look, Velt. Umm, today is the celebration day of our marriage. I want you to pamper me a lot in the bedroom as quickly as possible. Love me the most in the whole world.” (Ura)

“!” (Forna)

“And after that, once we got back to Elfarshia Kingdom we will have another round of marriage ceremony. This time with Melma-san and family, an official marriage. You have been officially recognized in the Demon Continent but not yet in Human Continent after all. This is for us to be official husband and wife.” (Ura)

“! ! ! !” (Forna)

“Let’s make our residence in Elfarshia Kingdom. We will open the second Tonkotu Ramen and serve up food. You will be the shopkeeper and I’ll be the proprietress. Ehehe, and one day, we’ll have kids.” (Ura)

“!!!!!!!” (Forna)

“The one who you will think of the most in the world will be me, your wife. I will bring you happiness, so you have to bring me happiness me too.” (Vura)

“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (Forna)

At that moment, the black sphere above Forna’s head grew much more enormous.

Yes! Keep it up, Princess Forna!” (Kishin)

“Alright, it seemed it’s effective. I was thinking of things that would make me angry if it were done to me but it seems effective. Ah, Velt, while it was part of the strategy, it was all my true feelings.” (Ura)

While I heard the pleased and excited voice of Kishin, Ura is whispering with her face that can’t be any further redder than she currently is, Forna seemed to have realized something and once again the sphere got bigger.

“If this can save Cosmos........................., then me too!” (Eljela)

At that moment, Eljela seemed to be discontent for some reason as she slightly puffed up her cheeks, with a thud she rushed at me and cling to my arm.

And then, she slowly turned to my front, holding my right hand  against her chest, right after she slowly reached to my abdomen and............... the heck!

“Velt-sama! Before you have your first night with Ura-san...... p, please, please continue what we did the previous night!” (Eljela)

“!” (Forna)

“P, ple, please don’t think of me as an improper woman. When Velt-sama touched my body last night it turned so hot....... and, didn’t you promise to make a little sister or a little brother for Cosmos?” (Eljela)

“- - - - -!” (Forna)

“We will definitely take back Cosmos...... and then, we will make a modest, happy, and warm family....... we as papa and mama, living together with the children we love........”  (Eljela)

“----------------!” (Forna)

“The one who you will think of the most under the heavens will be me, your wife. I will make you happy, therefore...... no, please always be by our side.” (Eljela)

“----------------------------------!” (Forna)

It was so terrifying that I can’t look up.

However, I was able to hear her voice.

“Gh, - , t, to me, I, I don’t have any right to be angry........ the right to be jealous........! N, none, at all........ I, don’t have, such, rights.........” (Forna)

Pheew, wonderful! The voltage is still climbing higher!” (Kishin)

As I heard Kishin’s voice who seemed to be enjoying himself, I glancingly look up.

“.....................Geh......” (Velt)

The sky, its being dyed black.

There’s a black sun in the sky..........

“Ah, gah, a, a, o, ooooo” (Forna)

When we realized it, our teeth are already clattering and shivering.

It made all the hair on our bodies stand on end, the astronomical amount of energy has far exceeded what knowledge human has.

 Oi, isn’t it  enough already!

“Hey, it’s good idea! Hey, Miss Althea! Miss Yuzuriha! All of you try too!” (Kishin)

He still plans to stuff in even more! I mean, it’s impossible right!

“Althea-san, you must feel pained with Yubamensch but can you come up with anything?” (Barnando)

“N, nothing. I’m really......... I only ever flashed him my panties.....” (Althea)

“------!!!!” (Forna)

“Yuzuriha, ya gotta came up with sumthin’! Yer injuries ‘r bad but it’s ‘mergency! Try think sumthin’!” (Jackpot)

“Gh, a, no, way............ right.......... he touched my butt........... and we kinda combined.........” (Yuzuriha)

“------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (Forna)

That girl........

Heck, this is bad, what the hell is this coldness that’s shrouding the world!


Fo, Forna? For some reason, Forna looks like has became much more of a demon than Kishin who is an ogre......

“Hihahahahahahahahahahahaha! Shit, real shit! SHIT!  This is friggin’ too interesting.” (Mackey)

“Hieeeeen, Love~! It’s so scary! Scary! Forna-chan is really scary!” (Mannie)

And as one would expect, Mannie is clinging tightly to Mackey who is laughing so hard as if he forgot that he betrayed us.

Well, it’s not like I can’t understand his feeling.

And then, the state of affairs is finally welcoming the dark end.

Yes! Just a bit more!” (Kishin)

“Guh, so it’s a bit more? Hey, somebody!” (Ura)

“Please, anyone, please lend us your aid!” (Eljela)

“Even if you say that, which other girl is having affairs with onii-chan now......” (Lagaia)

“Hm? Dat’s right.......... there’s you here ain’t it-----------!” (Jackpot)

And then, the one who was summoned right at the end........

“Eh, me?”

It’s Arusha.

However, Arusha’s expression looked sad, she shook her head as she hug her own body.

“I can’t do it! After all I’m....... I understand Forna’s pain way more than anyone else! And besides, any more than this she’ll....... she is my best friend who has regained her memories........ for me to do something even crueler to her.........” (Arusha)

That’s really the case. Ura and Eljela don’t know just how much she loved me with their memories gone.

However, because she’s exactly Arusha who knew Forna ever since they were kids, she could understand the emotion Forna is feeling more than anyone else.

At the core of that, she can’t do something so cruel that’s as if lashing Forna with a whip like that, Arusha refused to do so.

“NuGUOOOOOOH!” (Kaizer)

All the forest has now been mowed down, Kaa-kun was sent flying.

“Kaa-kun!” (Velt)

“Mister Kaizer!” (Kishin)

This is bad! Kaa-kun won’t be able to hold on much longer than this!

And then, Maman and Venbai took notice of us.

“Danger danger danger-yon.” (Maman)

“Emergency state. Emergency state. Emergency state.” (Vembai)

Their eyes shone as they rushed to the half-crazed Forna and extended their hands forward.

Crap! If we fail here there’s nothing else we can do!

“Arusha, this is irritating but you say something like us too!” (Ura)

“Arusha-san, to save Cosmos, please lend your strength!” (Eljela)

“Princess Arusha, are you fine with running away from your feelings to onii-chan here?” (Lagaia)

“No, don’t be shy, do it with a bang!” (Barnando)

Don’t worry about it already! That’s what my comrades shouted to Arusha.

And then Arusha is...........

“H, hic, ah...............” (Arusha)

She hesitated so many times, and at the end of her mortification........

“Forna! I’m sorry! I, I’m............ inside my womb, I already have Velt’s child!” (Arusha)

It’s a lie...................................... I mean, there’s no way alright.....................

Very bad” (Kishin)

“Oi............ there’s no way alright.” (Ura)

“Impossible. That’s too much, Arusha-san.” (Eljela)

“Yup, nope. To fabricate story with onii-chan, how disappointing.” (Lagaia)

“Ain’t no way ‘ight. I mean, it’s a lie but don’t go and pick up the worst one aight.” (Jackpot)

With unamused look my comrades retorted with [no way].

“Friggin’ nah.” (Mackey)

“Nope. Arusha-chan really is the lowest.” (Mannie)

Even our enemies Mackey and Mannie are scorning it.........

“-----------------------------------------------------------!” (Forna)

However, to Forna it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was really the attack that choked the life out of her all the way to the base of the throat.

And then, the dark lightning spread over the world.

“Dark Heaven and Earth Thunder World----!!!!”

TL note: 暗黒天地雷鳴世界 (Ankoku Raimei Sekai)

“Moonlight Eyes Double Fold Return.” (Vembai)

By the Moonlight Eyes, Maman was repelled away outside the range. However, the plunging sphere of lightning wasn’t!

That darkness, it pierced through the absolute defense of the repulsive force, it easily swallowed the whole body of the more than ten meters huge Venbai, it’s as if he’s inside a cumulonimbus cloud, so many times the lightning thundered, having only the sound transmitted towards us with him unseen.

“Did......... did it finish him?” (Velt)

I don’t think there’s any organism in this world that could stand against that thing.

However, the roaring lightning then cease their cries, the darkness gradually lighten up, and over there, Venbai still stands.

“Geh!” (Velt)

“This is a lie, he received that dead on?” (Ura)

“Ain’t good, he’s a monster...........” (Jackpot)

So even this can’t defeat him? We all naturally plunged into despair learning that truth.

However, after the darkness already completely dissipated, we noticed something.

“His right arm...............gone.”

Yes, the right arm of Dreadnought Demon King has vanished.

“..................Friggin........” (Mackey)

“No waaaaaaaaay, Ve, Vem-chan! EEEEEEEEH!” (Mannie)

He’s completely turned dark red, painful scars ran across his body, a decisive damage has certainly been dealt on him.

“Though, how to say this. Do we say we only managed to get his right hand, or instead we finally could get his right hand...........” (Velt)

However, responding to my words, Kishin said immediately.

“It’s the latter, Velt. After the many ages of continuing war, the Dreadnought Demon King Vembai finally lost his right hand.  It’s a historically brilliant achievement........ really bravo. Princess Forna.” (Kishin)

He’s right, it’s a brilliant achievement.

Amidst this despair, Forna Elfarshia is someone who achieved a great exploit of this era.........


She’s truly the golden hope of the World Alliance, being showered with their excited cheering.

“Though, the process was really harsh but well, isn’t this fine?” (Ura)

“Yeah, this is the beginnin’! We still ain’t losin’!” (Jackpot)

“Forna has hurt her heart so much after all, we shall not lose.” (Barnando)

“Yes. We will definitely go through this!” (Arusha)

To be honest, the war situation is still dire.

With Maman being spontaneously blown away, he suffered no damage, and Vemnbai seems still able to fight.

However, we can definitely say that this is the moment where the flow has changed.

We can’t keep remaining as spectators, our hearts are boiling hot.

“Hoh, I came at a good time.”

And then, it happened at that moment.

“Actually I wanted to preserve it a bit more but it seems I can’t do it anymore, I will use a slightly violent mean. Mannie...... and Love.”

At that moment, he who always silent in this place, he who didn’t act eve when Tyler and others were in pain, finally opened his mouth.

“You are!” (Velt)

“We meet again, Velt Jeeha. I already told you to not do unnecessary things.......” (Wold)

It’s Wold Desneyland. I mean, where the hell is this guy all this time?

And then......

“Well, it’s fine. Since by good coincidence, you have been capable of stalling for time. I won’t say anymore here. What comes next is for justice, human race, and peace, now I will once again use this person’s strength for the sake of those.” (Wold)

Wold who just appeared looked like he is pushing something as he walked slowly.

It was something that is so unsuited in this harsh battlefield.

“..........a wheelchair?” (Velt)

Yes, wheelchair. He slowly pushed it, so careful so that it won’t sway even a bit, it’s the appearance of someone.

“Ah.........” (Arusha)

What?” (Kishin)

“Nhnh!” (Kaizer)

“What the!” (Barnando)

At that moment, Arusha, Kishin, Kaa-kun, and Barnando showed some kind of reaction.

And it’s not towards Wold but the one who rides on the wheelchair that he pushes.


The moment that person slowly raised their head, goosebumps raised on my whole body.

“Na......... ge............”

To say it in one sentence, it’s a living being so decrepit that the word old won’t summarize it.

One can only see that the person is like a mummy that has their bodily liquid already dried up.

For the sake of shading against the heat of this hot as hell desert, the person wears a soft looking white hat and beige muffler on the neck.

On the eyes that is so dim that one can’t tell if the person has their eyes open or not, a pair of ordinary glasses rested.

And then, the nose is sharp like those of witches straight out of fairy tale.

However, what piqued me is really whether the person still alive or already died.

And more than those strangeness, the person’s thin arms, neck, legs, and others looked so fragile that it could break with a like pinch.

Who the hell could this super old person be?


Uwoa, that surprised me!

The old person suddenly opened their eyes strongly with a snap.

And then......

“Fugah! Fugahamuhmhm”


“Put on your denture.” (Wold)


Wold brought out false teeth, and then installed it.

What the heck was that?

And then, Arusha was......

“Ca...........Caire-sama............” (Arusha)


Pheew~ this is unbelievable....... with the age of 560 years old, the eldest of human race in history........ One of the Holy Knights, Holy Mother Caire......” (Kishin)

For some reason, some big shot has came out.

And in addition to that.........

“Fufu...... no matter whether it has a force that drive it to move, it will turn powerless in front of the Crest Eyes of Creation since it is something of material substance,....... but still, I seemed to have used quite a bit of power on them.......”

The machine monsters were coerced into a gathering, they were then forcefully pressed together into a ball and then thrown down, even the angel who flashed a belligerent smile has descended upon us.

“The fireworks you made earlier was splendid, Princess Forna. Now then, you who call yourself Mannie. Aren’t you play with your dolls a bit too much? I’m sure you have made your preparations for punishment?”

“Onee-sama!” (Eljela)

Ligantina! She tore through the swarms of machine monsters with her own strength and arrived here!

“Oh, oh, oh! Geeeez, first Forna-chan, then granny Caire, next Imperial Princess Ligantina, all of you can’t read the atmosphere too much! Love~, what is this kind of situation called as?” (Mannie)

“K Y” (Mackey)

TL note: K Y (Keiwai) is really japanese words meaning can’t read the atmosphere/situation, well it’s in dictionary alright.

“Yes, keewai! Now then now then~, none of you knew even a thing about Mannie at all, so don’t get mad at me like that, it’s as if I’m in the wrong here! Or should I tell you then? All of Mannie’s past. Yes, maybe you could understand it a bit if you listen?” (Mannie)

And then, the Golden Princess that the human race prided over, even though she has already vented out her feelings, she’s still holding complicated and unbearable feeling inside, she slowly raised her head and say one thing.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuh........... no thanks. I am not interested in it.” (Forna)

She has let out all of her anger in that venting earlier, however despite that she never met her eyes with me even once, but upon seeing Forna like this my cheeks got slightly slackened.

Anyways, things have escalated into total war.



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