Chapter 228 It’s Your Fault
Damn Skyrim and Spiderman brainrot are peak comedy.
Chapter 228 It’s Your Fault
What’s Neeto is actually angry, doubting, and despairing about isn’t about the past, but the truth right in front of his eyes.
“That’s not it, p, please, Neeto-kun. I beg you, I will tell you everything! I beg you.” (Fiari)
Fiari’s excuses, explanation, truth, and even her true feelings, all of them might be irrelevant to Neeto.
As the result of Neeto who is unable to trust anyone, he ended up so unfortunately discovered Fiari’s other side.
That’s why no matter how much Fiari talked at this time, all of them will be doubted, unable to enter his ears.
The man who thought that love and friendship to be lies, has been betrayed by the only one whom he doesn’t want to think to be a fake.
“Twinkle Belle. Stop it at that. That’s so effeminate.”
Those words came as if knocking down Fiari’s despair. And the one who said that is the guy with wildcat costume. Pitt. Is how he’s being called.
“What’s the meaning of this, Managing Director Pitt! Do you mean to say, this fairy is your intelligence operative?”
“Indeed. She was recruited by Vice President Mannie and Director General Black Duck.” (Pitt)
“What.... did you say?”
“Pardon it. She was concealing herself for the sake of acquiring the Crest Eyes.” (Pitt)
Towards Pitt’s words who spoke so indifferently, Fiari only murmured as she cried her tears out.
“No, that’s wrong....... it’s true that I was....... but, but! After I met Neeto-kun, and then knowing Neeto-kun’s true identity..... I’m....., I wanted to make Neeto-kun meet many kinds of people! No one acknowledge Neeto-kun’s strength, speak ill of him, disgusted of him, and keeping him away..... that’s why, if Neeto-kun were to have the Crest Eyes, everyone will surely acknowledge Neeto-kun..... that’s why..... I......” (Fiari)
We see what she said to be the truth. We don’t regard it as acting.
It’s true that Fiari infiltrated the subterraneans as a member of Love and Peace.
But, the time that the two of them spent together as well as Fiari’s feeling to Neeto is real.
Also, Fiari has looked into Neeto’s situation, it might be that she’s doing this with good intentions.
Yes, I’m sure that her feelings for Neeto is real. We all understood that.
But, the problem at hand might be not about that case anymore. Neeto who can’t see or hear Fiari anymore only keep looking at me.
I also don’t know what to say now.
“Neeto..... do you, always hate Fiari who kept lying to you?” (Velt)
“I hate myself, I don’t expect anything of myself, I’ve given up. I’m that kind of guy. That’s why, I don’t have any expectations to.......the gaze and valuation people have to me.” (Neeto)
As Neeto plastered that ironic smile on his face, he merely stayed in despair.
“You said it yourself right? You were about to be killed by your childhood friends, betrayed by your friends, what makes you able to live like that? If you were me, can you smile at what’s happening right now and forgive it? ........I’m......... not you. It’s not about forgive or not forgive. I’m...... unable to trust anyone from the very beginning.” (Neeto)
I’m not Neeto. I don’t know what bitterness he had tasted all this time, his inferiority complex, and his anxious filled heart.
The reason I’m able to endure even with the betrayals I had was because....... I already have something that even love and friendship won’t make me sway.
But, he is different. No matter how we convince him that Fiari’s love is real, for him who don’t understand what is true love in the first place, there’s no way to prove that to him.
That’s why, since me and him are different, what I could say here is......
“So that’s how it was..........Fiari.......” (Forna)
“No, I, I, I really, to Neeto-kun......” (Fiari)
“......Neeto.......... even if Fiari really did lying to you...... It’s still unknown whether that’s really everything there was. Is talking it out once more, something that you can’t do?” (Forna)
It’s not about that, Forna.
The problem has already surpassed the dimension of anything about Fiari.
“Neeto...... this could be wrong........ but this is my answer.....” (Velt)
“Yeah, I want you to tell me. In this kind of situation, how you’d see it in your eyes?” (Neeto)
The current Neeto doesn’t believe in anything. All the problems stemmed from that.
“There are two ways. First, it’s simply bad luck. Both your encounter and the start of things, you’re truly a victim of unfairness.” (Velt)
“...................I see.................... then, what about the second?” (Neeto)
To Neeto who doesn’t believe in anything and had bad luck piled up on him one after another, I.....
I punched his face and told him.
“The rest was all your fault.” (Velt)
Looking as if not understanding my words or my punch to him, Neeto only looked up with confused expression on his face.
Forna, the subterraneans, and even the Love and Peace guys all turned speechless.
However, I still say my words. [the rest wall all your fault]
“Wait, onii-san! What are you saying! The one in the wrong was all me. I was afraid that Neeto-kun will hate me....” (Fiari)
“That doesn’t matter at all. Fairy.” (Velt)
“..........Eh?” (Fairy)
“After all, it’s all about this guy. Even if you were to be frank about the truth, he’d think something like this. [Now she’s frankly speaking about the truth to gain my trust, but she hides the most important thing and still scheming about something]. .....Yeah, even if you were to tell the truth, he’ll still doubt you no matter what.” (Velt)
That’s the case. Even if Fiari were to tell the truth to Neeto way before today, Neeto will surely still doubt it.
This guys is like that after all. Even if she were to be frank and speak of the truth and confess her love to him, he’ll definitely doubt it.
Why did Neeto turn like that? Because of his past trauma? No it’s wrong.
“Neeto. You’re just unable to believe in yourself, and you’re afraid to ascertain of other’s feelings on your own.” (Velt)
“!” (Neeto)
“Bastard, you said yourself you already knew of the fairy’s true identity and background from way before huh? Then, why you didn’t ask your question at that time? It’s because you’re scared right? Afraid that you’ll destroy your current relationship. In other words that is your answer. It might be something false but you don’t want to lose your connection and days together with the fairy. That’s what the real thing in your mind!” (Velt)
“.................No........I’m, from the beginning have been doubting her.......... besides, just now I really have broken it with my own hands, didn’t you see?” (Neeto)
“That’s wrong. You were expecting something from me. Asking what I’d do if I’m in your situation. It’s because you think that I, who have been betrayed but still as I am right now, knew the way to not make important things be broken.” (Velt)
Yeah, it’s not only the fault of the life Neeto has been living.
Neeto who can’t overcome his own trauma is at fault.
“Neeto. The life and the people that I have experienced are different from you. I who is blessed can’t find the way to save you, I also don’t know what I should say to make you believe in me.” (Velt)
“...........Then, that means you’re taking your hands off this?” (Neeto)
“Rather than that, it’s simply......... because I think that I don’t need you bastard to believe in me..... I hate you, you know.” (Velt)
When one thought that this guy has finally once again able to trust others. That someone will drag this guy and pull him up.
But, it’s impossible. This is not about putting someone to something and things will work out somehow.
“That’s why, if you want to be saved, then you need to do it yourself. You don’t want to believe in others after all, so don’t ask others for it. Isn’t she a bit too selfish? She kept on buzzing around non stop to a shut in, dark and gloomy bastard, she could get some weird disease because of that.” (Velt)
I’m not trying to do anything to the surroundings, I just, wanted Neeto to open his heart.
He might be getting deceived, be unhappy, and injured, but that’s his own problem.
“In the first place, what’s with your trauma? They’re just about the popular girl in your class actually someone black hearted and that fairy is actually hiding things, weren’t they! And you went and put all those weird words along with them, sneakily snooping around in the back, and unable to ascertain other’s true feelings and the truth directly by yourself because you’re scared..... what, are you just entering puberty!” (Velt)
“No, there’s that circumstances of being a half, many things were difficult.......” (Neeto)
“For a bastard like you, no matter whether you were born as ordinary subterranean, or as ordinary human, you’ll in the end gonna live in the same way! Rather, don’t think that with your being a half gonna make you get sympathy from everyone alright? To me the one who could get away using it is only Lagaia, there’s no one else!” (Velt)
So long as he doesn’t want to change, no matter how long he lives it’ll be the same.
Even if he wanted to change, the moment he kept thinking nothing changed, then it’s already over for him.
That’s why I won’t say kind words or sweet words to him. After all, he won’t believe in me in the end.
So, how he’d react?
“........................Even if I were to be born as an ordinary human I’ll live the same live........... that’s quite the painful thing to say coming from a delinquent like you. No, should I say you’re sticking to your true nature?” (Neeto)
“Is that so? Kuhahahaha, well, just give up if you think your luck is bad. After all, you don’t even want to stand back up anymore.” (Velt)
Those words I said were for the sake of saving him, but seemingly able to take something from my words, he let go of the strength on his shoulders and look up to the ceiling.
“It’s stupid of me to expect something from someone else, I already understood this all the way to my soul but still.” (Neeto)
It’s possible that he’s having some sweet expectations that I’d [be able to change something.]
But, I can’t. That’s why I only belittle him, speak ill to him, and take a look at the lowest of him.
“But....... your words, were all something that you can say because you’re strong.” (Neeto)
“You’re wrong. I’m not strong. It’s simply you who are weak.” (Velt)
“........... You keep on striking down someone else relentlessly like that...... that’s cruel.” (Neeto)
“Isn’t it because you were raised so spoiledly that you feel it like that?” (Velt)
“I don’t have anyone that would spoil me.” (Neeto)
“You’re wrong. You’re spoiling yourself.” (Velt)
“Since I can’t deny it, you words felt a bit too cruel to me.” (Neeto)
I need to make this guy forcibly drag out his true feelings from the depths of himself. And to do that.....
“It seems you’re in the middle of something~, but~, can you have it finished up now, Velt Jeeha-kun?” (Goofer)
“Ah?” (Velt)
“It’s about time for you to pass over that dark and gloomy-kun to us. The operation was so much messed up but for once, it seems the crest eyes had been properly activated after all~.” (Goofer)
He put his hand on my shoulder so relaxedly, that Goofer. From what I heard, he’s a top executive of Love and Peace.....
“You seemed to have some kind of disagreement with how Twinkle tricked you but how about putting that for later and deal with it in a business-like manner--------“ (Goofer)
“Step back, Goofer.”
The one who said step back to Goofer who was blabbering so unpleasantly wasn’t me.
It’s the guy wearing wildcat costume, Pitt.
“.........Managing Director Pitt?” (Goofer)
“To that man range is unimportant. But, if you approach further and make him angry, your eyes will be spinning, you know?” (Pitt)
It was right before I was about to attack Goofer with Fuwa Fuwa because he’s being [noisy].
Pitt who is in large wildcat costume commanded, he figured out the atmosphere around me.
“....... Oh my oh my, that’s so kind of you to worry about other’s~...... have you got rehabilitated upon getting a job? Pitt-kun? You knew about my strength, don’t you?” (Goofer)
“Keep doing it as you are and you’ll see it in person. That man’s strength is way beyond what you imagined. It’s you who don’t understand here.” (Pitt)
“...............Hm~........” (Goofer)
Oh my oh my, they got absorbed into themselves. Seemingly having bad companionship, the atmosphere around them turned critically heavy.
But, to fight while wearing those cute costumes, what the heck these fine adults doing?
“Neeto Dropp. What do you think about this kind of transaction? Originally, it was supposed to be something like this.” (Pitt)
At that moment, passing over from Goofer’s side, Pitt came forward as if having to lift up his heavy body, he spoke to the Neeto who still hasn’t stand up.
“No matter if your crest eyes are prototypes, that don’t change your value in this world. In the Subterranean World, a mixed blood sure is something that’s so much of a severe matter.” (Pitt)
“So...... what do you mean? If you having expectations of me changing after all this time, I won’t be living in this world for another ten years alright.” (Neeto)
“I’m sure that is the case. But, we are different. We value your existence and qualities highly.” (Pitt)
Pitt proceed his talk in a matter-of-fact, business-like manner. And what he said next......
“Neeto Dropp. We welcome you as one of Love and Peace’s top executive.” (Pitt)
“.....Hah?” (Neeto)
“The Vice President has granted you a codename. The codename you are bestowed with is [Happyter pan].” (Pitt)
At that moment I.....
“Kuhahahahahahahahahahaha! Hah, Happyter...... gyahahaha, amazing, what the heck are you saying with that kind of scary voice, kuhahaha! Is this a kind of solicitation for joining costume nakama or something!” (Velt)
No good, this is supposedly something serious, but I wasn’t able to contain myself and ended up laughing so loudly.
But, ignoring me, Pitt continued to the gawking Neeto.
“Putting aside the Crest Eyes, we value your strength highly. This also unrelated to your blood relative and social status, from now on, with just your talent, the money you earn and your own value will greatly change. The department you will be assigned in and the content of your duties will be notified to you in due course.” (Pitt)
“Hey, Managing Director Pitt! What are you doing as you please!” (Goofer)
“The subterraneans do not want this man, do you? If you dislike the idea of passing him over, then we will buy him with your asking price.” (Pitt)
“...........Impossible........... for this kind of rubbish........”
Originally, this is supposed to be a headhunting done by an executive of a world scale company. They should have raised both of their hands and treat it with delight.
Well, I hate it though, but what about this guy?
“Kuhahaha, isn’t it an attractive place of employment for a shut in? Even the employment office won’t give you a job in such a big company you know? Though, they will be crushed apart soon enough.” (Velt)
I said that in a half joking manner to Neeto, and Neeto, with quite the exasperated expression scratched his head and said.
“No......... um........ I, feel that I’d lose if I were to work.” (Neeto)
So it came out.
To think those kinds of words will come out in this age.
“Neeto-kun! Why......... why! Is, is it..... my fault? Because of me, Neeto-kun has.....” (Fiari)
“.........................No, that no longer matters.” (Neeto)
“........Eh?” (Fiari)
“According to that onii-san over there, it’s me who is in the fault.” (Neeto)
Neeto looked at me in a half disgruntling manner. And I smiled as I nodded.
“Yeah, that’s right. You’re at fault. A man who deceives a woman is a scum, and a man who got deceived by a woman is just an idiot.” (Velt)
“I see. It’s not about the world, it’s just me who is an idiot. How to say it, quite the irrational argument.” (Neeto)
Neeto’s expression who looks as if having given up on everything doesn’t change.
However, the dark and despairing atmosphere that’s surrounding him looked as if already refreshed out of him.
“That’s how it is, I’m declining that job.” (Neeto)
The offer was declined. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Love and Peace guys were lost for words upon hearing that. The same goes for the subterraneans.
“Neeto Dropp. Do you, intend to let go of the authority that is the strongest even in the whole world?” (Pitt)
“I know the place for someone of my stature. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the word beyond one’s means was truly made for me.” (Neeto)
Towards Pitt’s slightly anger mixed inquiry, Neeto dodged it abjectly.
And, that abject attitude is once again directed at me.
“Your name is Velt-san........... right?” (Neeto)
“Yeah.” (Velt)
“I’m........... once I thought that it’s my own fault, I felt my feelings slightly lighter. But........ if it’s at this rate....... it’s felt so wretched.....” (Neeto)
Not believing. Doubting. Giving up. Not expecting anything. Neeto is someone who only can say those words.
And that Neeto finally, let out his true feelings.
“I understand that you’re hating me, I also understand that it’s troublesome so you don’t feel like to earn my trust. For someone like me, before I able to trust something, there’s no way I could make bonds like love and friendship, I myself don’t think that I want to be connected with anyone, it’s stupid to even wish for it.” (Neeto)
His abjectness doesn’t change and always negative no matter what, making himself destitute, but still he won’t end it at that.....
“I myself hate you who is so unfairly blessed, I also understand that I who don’t even want to trust others and expect anything out of them, knew that I’m being unreasonable. I understand that if I want to save my own ass then I need to do it myself. Since me and you are so different, then our method and answer might also be completely different. But....... even so, if you still able to figure out something then.....” (Neeto)
It’s just, as he bites hard on his lips, as the drill on his right arm shake with a clatter, this person named Neeto spoke out his wish that he wasn’t able to speak of before.
“I want you to tell me the hint.” (Neeto)
To the person whom he hates and unable to trust, he hoped for the answer while expecting nothing.
Neeto who supposedly has given up, reasoning that he is just that kind of person, hoped that I will [tell him of what to do], as if clinging onto a piece of straw.
Yes. [I want to do something about it], that is unmistakenably, what Neeto’s real feelings are.
“Kuhaha, to ask for something from the human you hate........ Well, shall I get serious for a bit? Don’t give up right from the beginning, turn the things you want into something you wished for, something like that.” (Velt)
Neeto’s request to me is, something like this [I want to do something. What should in my case? I want a hint.]
No mater even with my example and answer can’t be applied to Neeto, he still requested it to be told to him.
“But, if it’s like that then you still won’t rise up to the passing marks.” (Velt)
“................?” (Neeto)
“It’s natural right? If you think you can get anything by wishing for it, then you are too naive don’t you think? Not only that, the opponent you’re requesting to, is actually also dark and gloomy idiot delinquent, though not as much as you.” (Velt)
I understood what Neeto is requesting. But, I don’t have any duty to just grant it to him upon being requested.
That’s why, I pointed at Neeto’s right arm drill.
“If you have something you want, then don’t just open your mouth and wait for it, don’t just wish for it, how about you go and do your hardest to earn it inside your hands? Isn’t it because it’s something that you earned by your own strength that it has value?” (Velt)
“...................? ...................! You, could it be..............” (Neeto)
“Besides, isn’t it way more reliable that way?” (Velt)
Seemingly having understood the meaning of those words, Neeto, Forna and Fiari, also everyone else in this place, were lost for words upon hearing the unexpected words that I said.
“So you’re saying I have to fight you? What’s the deal? You, how much annoying do you have to be? Under this kind of situation, moreover with our surroundings being like this, so I have to ignore all of them and fight you? There’s a limit with being unreasonable you know.” (Neeto)
“Then, you can just make some excuse and give up on everything like always. The moment you mind about other’s eyes too much, you’ll end up being on that same level anyway.” (Velt)
“No! It’s you who ignore things too much................. haaaaaaah..............” (Neeto)
I understand how unreasonable I’m being myself.
I understand how much he is being astonished by this.
But, even as he spat out his sigh, he put into stance his drill right arm as if having given up. Expressing his resigned feeling of getting into this fight.
“Velt, are you serious?” (Forna)
“Why! Neeto-kun, onii-san, please stop. There’s no need for you to do this kind of thing!” (Fiari)
“Oi, you rubbishes, what are you doing here as you please!”
“Now~, ................... this is such an unexpected development , but how about just letting them~?” (Goofer)
“I agree. This is a good opportunity to gain data of the Crest Eyes as well as Velt Jeeha’s strength.” (Pitt)
I know that enemies are everywhere around us.
So why am I doing this with him right in the middle of them? Despite I hating him, don’t want to save him, and him being the kind of guy that goes gloomy as he pleased.
No, I understand the answer to all of those.
“I’m not good at a serious fight, I’m so weak so pardon me if you got disappointed.” (Neeto)
Why am I doing something like this despite me hating him?”
It’s probably because I thought that I could have turned out becoming like him myself.
I was born in this world, then had the memories of my previous life returned, a time when I thought of my own dad and mom to be some strangers.
It’s a happy world and life where I couldn’t smile from the bottom of my heart, it felt like a world full of lies.
And that kind of me was born in the Elfarshia Kingdom, then met with Sensei, and have Forna and co at my side, those are the reasons that I’m able to live like this now.
But, If I were to be born as a half subterranean, got discriminated and persecuted, and have the one I trusted in to betray me then what would happen?
Well, there’d be no end if I think something like that but perhaps that’s the reason.
That’s why my body somehow ended up strained.
“Don’t say that. There’s a case where it’s exactly because you fight with all of your strength that you could feel your life’s purpose. Putting aside whether you could obtain what you want or not, it will be able to give you a thrilling sensation regardless.” (Velt)
“Now that got me. I’m not that kind of musclebrain that could just simply getting swept by the flow.” (Neeto)
“No worries about that. Even with our races being different, a brain is something that could easily turn stupid, this has been proven by the live of fighting I had up till now.” (Velt)
At the next instant, I readied both of my batons, and rushed forward to the thunderously roaring, revolving helix in front of me.
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Nice another update
ReplyDeleteSkyrim Brainrot, you mean this?
nah, this one
Lmao that's skyrim woke