Chapter 229 Example

Hmm, this chapter translation feels a bit off even after editing. Well, gonna take a week or two off for a bit. Got stuff to do and trying to relax.

 and for some reason i wanna share this song


Chapter 229 Example


What I should be vigilant of are his drill and Crest Eyes. Other than that is his persistent negativity.

From his few amount of activity and the atmosphere surrounding him, his physical ability shouldn’t be that high.

But, due to being evaluated highly by the fairy and Love and Peace, he must have excelled in terms of special powers.

If I were to seriously beat him then the basic would be using laser or Fuwa Fuwa technique to instantly defeat him before he could activate the power, but unfortunately this fight isn’t something like that.

“Let’s go KORAA!” (Velt)

Firstly, let’s aim for his head right from the front with all my strength like a stupid delinquent would.

“......I knew it, can’t do this!” (Neeto)

And, he completely ignored my consideration, I had already warned him of my move but Neeto’s first move was instead, running away.

Neeto made his drill rotated strongly, right in front of my eyes he opened up a hole below his feet and made his escape.

“What!” (Fiari)

“Wait, he, he escaped!” (Forna)

“......Th, that, disgrace!”

So it came to this. So a guy who wanted to turn a new leaf because realizing he’s no good, is capable of doing something like this so suddenly.

“Oi oi, you suddenly just dived in like that, you wanna run away? Though, of course that’s not all there is to it.” (Velt)

He could be seriously trying to escape.

I could feel the moving vibration coming from inside the earth.

Waiting for an opportunity, so he’s trying to launch surprise attack on me?

“Though........” (Velt)

How naive. This kind of thing, is the same as whacking up the mole.....

“Take this!” (Neeto)

“I just need to whack you the moment you came out!” (Velt)

Did he think he can get me with something like this? The moment he came out, I mercilessly whack Neeto’s head with my baton...... Huh?

“This sensation!” (Velt)

It’s not the feeling of hitting someone’s head. It’s as if I’m hitting mud......

The moment I felt that, Neeto distorted his body, and as he got distorted he looked as if nothing happened and once again resume his attack.

This spectacle of him launching jab with his right hand drill, it wasn’t the real him.....

“Is that, the helix technique, Clay Doll?”

“It’s a technique to make clone from a clump soil...... but, it’s a technique with usage as a decoy! How could it move?”

Even the subterraneans are surprised.

Yeah, the thing in front of me isn’t the real him. It’s an imitation made of dirt.

Then, where’s the real him?

“Original Helix Art – Me Campaign.” (Neeto)

“!” (Velt)

Neeto’s voice was heard from below the ground. The moment I tried to figure out what he’s doing there, suddenly in the surroundings, around twenty of Neeto’s clones came jumping out from below, they all simultaneously lunged at me.

Not only that, each of these clone bodies looked as if having their own consciousness as they move!

“Crest Eyes of Life........ so he gave sentient to those clay dolls.....” (Pitt)

“Ooh~, I see. That’s so convenient. He could make troops so long as his stamina could keep up after all.” (Goofer)

Then, Pitt and Goofer seemed to admire what he did as they talked so colloquially, but I think it’s really something worthy of it you know?


“Let’s go”

“Don’t say we’re coward now.”

“For a dark and gloomy shut it, something open and aboveboard is not fitting for us.”

Not only that, these clones as if having traced Neeto’s own feelings, they didn’t look out of place at all.

“Fuwa Fuwa Dance Party.” (Velt)

There’s nothing that gonna change even with them being made of dirt. Since that’s the case, it’s not a wonder or anything to my eyes.

Those clones made of dirt were made to spin with my Fuwa Fuwa technique, dismantling  and smashing them into pieces with it’s force.

“Sorry there, despite you get yourself smeared with mud like this, I’m no longer at the age to be playing around with dirt.” (Velt)

“.......What a weird technique you used.....” (Neeto)

“Rather than that, for how much longer you’re planning to keep holing up in there? If you don’t come out, the world gonna get turned upside down and force you to come out, you know?” (Velt)

Yeah, whenever I felt like it, I could turn over the layer of earth he’s in forcibly.....

“Helix Thorns!” (Neeto)

“!” (Velt)

Right after I thought that he acted!

The drills flew out of the ground in a wide scope, branched out, and turned the surrounding ground into one filled with thorns.

I dodged to the air just before that happened but my skin was slightly cut.....

“This , Shitty Neeto.....” (Velt)

“!” (Neeto)

“I’m gonna erase it all! Fuwa Fuwa Maximum Laser!” (Velt)

I’m not going to dive down and drag him out, but I’m gonna let him there and bury him for good!

With this Maximum Laser, should I beat him up to almost dying?

While being slightly angry I let go of the laser. However......

“Now that’s awful, you’re pushing me a bit here...... I don’t really like being serious though!” (Neeto)

Under this situation, Neeto vigorously jumped out of the ground, directed his drill at me while being mid air, pushed it out and lunged forward!

Not only that, it’s not a clay doll. It’s the real him!

I mean, this guy, at this rate he’ll be hit with my laser..............

“What!” (Velt)

The laser was pierced through by the drill in that instant, my laser was extinguished by his drill? No, it was neutralized and swallowed by the drill rotating in ultra high speed and Neeto’s own energy, it’s as if the energy was absorbed entirely and making the wave being emitted by the drill to increase in force.

I mean, if that hit me I’m really gonna...........die!

“Fuwa Fuwa Air Bomb!” (Velt)

“GUBOBOAH!” (Neeto)

I fired out a compressed air bomb in an instant.

Different from the laser, it exploded on Neeto’s chest, he was thrown up into the air as if having blown away, the energy of my laser that’s supposed to be contained in the drill was scattered in every direction.

“Gah, kh, .......” (Neeto)

“Neeto-kun!” (Fiari)

“Wha, what, was that just now.......... I don’t understand at all...... it’s like, something suddenly ruptured.....” (Neeto)

Neeto crashed onto the ground and gasped in pain. On his expression, pain was written as well as him not understanding what just happened.

Well, it’s understandable. It was a laser at the speed of light that eyes won’t catch, and the air bomb that can’t be seen with eyes. Moreover those things could be shot from every direction and appeared at unexpected places and unexpected moments.

It’s something that I could use to defeat the enemy unfairly as much as I want, at first I didn’t want to use this but I ended up using it spontaneously.

“Ouch...... somehow, .......despite you said you’re a delinquent, you’re quite the tricky guy yourself. I actually thought that you gonna come and mindlessly do some thrashing like someone stupid.” (Neeto)

“ fist gonna be wasted against someone dark and gloomy like you.” (Velt)

“You’re, really, someone who can’t live without speaking ill of others huh.” (Neeto)

His body seems to be tougher than a human’s but doesn’t seem as much as demihumans’ and demons’. With that one air bomb just now, he seemed to received a so so amount of damage.

But, in proportion of his persistent complains, that expression of his, when compared to the gloomy face just before, he looked slightly more manly with how he gritted his teeth.

Ain’t this fine? That is what it means to be a bit more like a man.

“Haha, that’s quite the application to your powers~, Velt Jeeha-kun. So that’s what defeated the President.” (Goofer)

“............No..............Velt Jeeha’s strength isn’t only to that degree.” (Pitt)

“Hm? Managing Director Pitt, you appreciate his strength huh~.” (Goofer)

“.....................” (Pitt)

For some reason, I felt like being watched so intensely, rather it’s that Pitt guy the one hat’s gazing at me so fixedly.... well, since he doesn’t seem gonna interfere I won’t do anything about it......

“That surface rubbish...... he’s using some unusual techniques.”

“But still, that Neeto Dropp helix technique, for a half it’s.........”

No matter how they called him rubbish or half baked, as expected they come to understand it at this instant, the other guys too.

Those subterraneans that got insta-killed on our way here just before, if they could be said to be famously strong among the subterraneans, then Neeto now couldn’t be felt to by any inferior to them.

That’s in other words, could mean that Neeto is actually someone who has skills, making the way the subterraneans looking at him to slightly change.

“Trash husband! Should we combine?” (Yuzuriha)

“No, read the atmosphere, Yuzuriha.”(Velt)

Anyways, this meaningless fight seemed to have changed into something meaningful.

At this rate the second round going to start without any unnecessary disruption.

“Still, for a dark and gloomy shut in, you’re quite so so yourself. Did you sharpen your fangs in secret?” (Velt)

“...............For a friendless introvert, they only have time in excess.” (Neeto)

“Kuhahaha, you’re still saying something like that. If I’m the guy who always speak ill of others then you’re the guy who always stay on negative. How useless.” (Velt)

“Well, it’s already too late to be saying that.” (Neeto)

“Even though you sharpened your fangs in secret and pour in all those effort, you don’t have the power to open your heart. What a boring guy. Rather than getting only that much stronger, don’t you think it’d be an easier win for you if you had just made one friend?” (Velt)

“’s a different kind of degree of difficulty you see. Well, to me who can’t believe in many things, what you said is instead the one that’s the most difficult.” (Neeto)

“Keh, so you mean something like friendship and love? To you, rather than getting yourself stronger, it’s to be connected with others is way harder instead? They really exist huh, weird people like you.” (Velt)

“If they’re anything normal, then they won’t live in this kind of way.” (Neeto)

This is just my opinion but, if he can go this far, isn’t it already enough to get valued like a general person would? Or so I thought but it could be that him being a half blooded is pulling his leg, or it’s just simply his personality that’s pulling his leg, it’s quite the complicated situation.

So what should be done here now?

“But, putting aside whether the fairy deceived you or not, she does have discerning eyes. She could drag out this kind of introverted guy hated even inside the Subterranean World to the front stage where sunshine could reach after all.” (Velt)

“.............Nah............... it’s not like she expected anything from me, she was just coincidentally looking for material to awaken the Crest Eyes from.” (Neeto)

“Is that so? Considering all that...... despite you’ve known her true identity from way back, but you got so easily cajoled by someone and even made your eyes controlled by them huh.” (Velt)

“What’s your point really? This kind of talk in the midst of fight stuff, the talk part is a bit too much I think.” (Neeto)

“My bad. It’s normal to have useless dissing when in a fight, I’m the kind of guy that got my mouth turned smooth unconsciously in a fight alright.” (Velt)

“What do you mean with smooth? To me it was just sarcasm, cynicism, and pigheaded.” (Neeto)

The fairy, even with her trying to let the topic we’re talking about to pass over while feeling ironic, she still has slight change in her expression.

“Hmmm~......... so that’s what it is.” (Fiari)

For some reason, she over there looked to be quite shaken in the heart.

Upon seeing that, it somehow appeared on my mind but I felt like I’m able to see her  true feelings.

“Useless talk ain’t bad you know? It’s like, even to an enemy who nothing one said got through to him, under this kind of situation he’d unintentionally let his true self out after all.” (Velt)

“Hah?” (Neeto)

“Neeto....... the obstinacy that you bastard have put up all this time, it isn’t because you think that being honest with your heart is something lame right?” (Velt)

“...........I have no idea what you’re saying now........” (Neeto)

“You want to trust but you won’t trust.  You want to be honest but you won’t be honest. You wanted to know the truth but you’re so afraid so you don’t want to know. Neeto, bastard you’re just being lost inside the contradiction you made by yourself. To take it further........ The fairy was serious with you right?” (Velt)


“Bastard, your problem is actually so simple, you just don’t know what to do with the serious friendship and love that’s just budding up, making you writhing in agony thinking about this and that.” (Velt)

Yeah, his problems are simple.

The fairy is from Love and Peace. And because of his previous life’s trauma he wasn’t able to believe in others.

All of those are all excuses.

The truth is........

“Really, you’re running your mouth off as if you understood things like a riajuu, you’re seriously noisy! Rather, I don’t understand why am I have to get lectured by a dumbass delinquent riajuu!” (Neeto)

“Keh, so you’re trying to fight it out because you’re embarrassed that I got you right on the mark? Rather than trying to hide your shame, it’s much more a proof of your seriousness if you can come open about it using tough measure.” (Velt)

“Quiet already! You were blessed with your environment that you can do things as much as you please, you’re also blessed with your encounters that you could made a harem, for all that, you have no idea what I’ve been through each day, so shut it up!” (Neeto)

Before I was able to talk all I have to say, Neeto who just clicked his tongue come at me by his own will.

He rotated his drill with quite the irritated face, he then inserted his left hand inside his pocked and took out something, disseminating them around his feet.

“Original Helix Art – Flower Circle Field!”

TL note: 花丸畑(Hanamarubatake)

What? Are those seeds that he scattered around his feet?

Moreover, it’s not something of ordinary kind. It’s a kind that could bud out in an instant, not only that it also sprouted out flower also in an instant, and grew to be several meters in height.

“Those are, spiral flowers! They’re the flowers that subterraneans have improved over and over to withstand the subterranean environment!” (Fiari)

TL note: it’s uzumaki flower in the raw.

“In just a moment it grew so big like that, moreover look at it’s life force!”

On those sun flower like big flowers, faces rich in expression appeared.

And that’s of course, thanks to the Crest Eyes’ power.




TL note: tbh all of them said master in raw but japanese has many words to say master

This is once again, quite the weird power.

Those flowers that just appeared, they’re making humble expression  acting as if Neeto’s followers, not only that, they showed hostility to me.

“Then, defeat that onii-san over there. My flower warriors.” (Neeto)

“ “ “ By your will” “ “

But at this time, I wasn’t really thinking about any particulars of Neeto’s power.

“Fuwa Fuwa Random Laser” (Velt)

“Ha, haah? So, so suddenly, lasers are! From just empty air? The flower warriors got defeated in an instant!” (Neeto)

It’s not like Neeto is relaxing or being unprepared, but I don’t think he has particular strength or weakness.

But what bothers me is that, he still hasn’t rampage it out with everything he could.

To tackle that problem, I’m getting obstinate and attack on him in an onslaught.

That’s why, just a bit more.

It happened at the moment I thought that.

“Hey, Neeto.............. this is something of an example, from a certain student of a certain school.” (Velt)

“Hah?” (Neeto)

“Just like when you took an example of the unfairness of this world from a student, this time it’s my turn to tell you.” (Velt)

My mouth moved so naturally for some reason.

“I’m........ I mean, that student thought that fight was all there is to life, a delinquent that always did stupid things as much as he pleased. But once out in the society, something like the strongest held no meaning at all, he’s an idiot that’s inching towards that direction. And he hung out as much as he wanted with his friends. But you see, those friends were different than the delinquent, they have things they’re engrossed with. They also have dreams. That’s why, compared to those guys, despite the delinquent having a fun everyday, he always seemed irritated, and somehow looked vacant.” (Velt)

I’m sure Forna has realized it. That this is not a story of Velt Jeeha.

“At that time, the delinquent met a girl. She was stupid of unequaled degree, so stupid, and so dazzling. Her face also wasn’t of some outstanding beauty either. She also wasn’t that good with sport. But, she was earnest with everything, never lose heart, openly showing her true self to everyone, she had many friends, and before anyone noticed, the delinquent also got pulled in to the girl’s pace. Thanks to her, the delinquent already went to school before he noticed it, feelings that he never felt before started to bud within him, making the delinquent to feel his days to be filed with fullness.” (Velt)

This is a story of the past, of a certain fool who died without being able to do anything.

“That delinquent did something that he wasn’t used to do. He even did things like common student, something that were out of his character, and repeatedly getting scornfully laughed at. He was so embarrassed by the gaze of others, getting annoyed by them, there were even times when he turned to hate himself who had lost his energy. But, because of him meeting that girl, inside the world that’s keep expanding with that girl as it’s center, he found that there was a part of him that was out of his character but didn’t hate.” (Velt)

“Why are you telling this story to me? It’s just a story of a delinquent turned good and becoming a riaju to me.” (Neeto)

“It’s not about that. Since he was like that, there was a part of the delinquent that’s similar to your agony.” (Velt)

It wasn’t about Velt Jeeha, but Asakura Ryuuma. Also, with how  Velt Jeeha still hasn’t found his love, this is a story about Asakura Ryuuma’s springtime of life.

Asakura Ryuuma’s love story.

“The delinquent fell for the girl who was of completely different type from him. Not only that, she was a mood maker who really loved school life. In contrast to her, the delinquent was stubborn, dishonest, shy, often unintentionally let out harsh words, but he since he was interested in her, he started to commute to school, looking at her from afar, when their sight met he turned flustered and averted his gaze, ...........even when he got invited to the class’ event, he actually wanted to participate but because his standing as a delinquent he kept himself noncommittal to it, he was embarrassed because it was out of his character, he stubbornly tried to abstain from it, saying it was such a bother, but because he was being so forcefully invited, he turned that as an excuse and made himself look resigned and can’t do anything else but participate.....” (Velt)

“What a troublesome guy.” (Neeto)

“Yeah, and right now you’re the very that kind of troublesome guy yourself.” (Velt)

I can tell exactly because it’s me. Rather, I was once like that so I can tell.

As a complicated expression is surfacing on his face, Neeto then asked.

“And then? After so many things, did they get together? The confession succeed? The end is like that right?” (Neeto)

“..............No.” (Velt)

“................No, after all, with your wife like that.....” (Neeto)

“............She isn’t among them alright....... no, I mean, I was just giving you an example about a certain delinquent........” (Velt)

Well, don’t turn stupefied like that. Fairy too, don’t get stupefied like that with the word [scumbag] written on your shocked face.

I’m aware that I’m saying something really weird myself but it’s the truth, there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Anyway, in the end that delinquent wasn’t able to ascertain the girl’s feelings, wasn’t able to confess, so many happened that he wasn’t able to meet that girl anymore. That’s the end of it........” (Velt)

“.........Ah, eh, th, that’s the end? Eh, so your love was unrequited?” (Neeto)

No, like I said, I didn’t confess but it’s not like I got rejected. Rather, it was a loss because of her being not present..... no, that’s isn’t the problem!

“Neeto........I feel for your unfairness, and the bad luck you experienced. But you see........ while you’re asking things about truth, feelings, words, and everything, while you’re talking about all of those, while you’re under a situation where you can do something about it but you instead kept on with your obstinacy....... you’ve lost something  incomparable to something like your little trauma! Even if you were to die now, you’d just regret it in your next life!” (Velt)

I walked closer to Neeto, gripping onto his collar, and violently hit him with the words that appeared in my mind.

My regret of the previous life. It’s exactly because I have my feelings from the previous life that I understood it.

No matter what kind result this will bring, if he were to die and didn’t settle things with the fairy, he’ll be regretting it.

“No............ it’s............. already, everything’s already impossible!” (Neeto)

But, as if asking what the hell are you saying after all this time, Neeto broke away from my grip.

“I’m already............... don’t know anything anymore.......... even I don’t know how to do it......... that’s why I want a hint from you....” (Neeto)

“Then I’ll tell you how. With your body though. In exchange for that, you’d better be careful since it’s gonna be hard! If you die here then make use of it for your next life!” (Velt)

That’s why I’m gonna teach him along with the pain on his body.

As someone who is the forerunner of being obstinate on meaningless things and have been regretting it, be it in previous life or current life.

“..............Fuh..........” (Neeto)

And then, as if somehow feeling astouned, a smile flashed on Neeto’s face.

“Geez, this is why delinquents ............... inside the hierarchy pyramid of the class, they’re the outlaws beyond the rankings.” (Neeto)

“............What the heck you’re talking about?” (Velt)

“Someone like me is inside the pyramid’s bottommost layer. While those handsome guys and beautiful girls all are on the top. That’s why, someone like you is one that could be at the most bottom layer, but also able be on the top, people who could become anything depending on their mood.” (Neeto)

Kuha! His way of seeing others is also so gloomy.

But, even with his words being gloomy, his expression somehow getting brighter.

“Though, you’d better be careful yourself.” (Neeto)

“Hoh, and what do you mean by that?” (Velt)

“If you’re looking so confident like that, it’d be really embarrassing if you lose.” (Neeto)

Just a moment before, he was [resigned] with my fight and just doing it because he [couldn’t help but do it], but now it’s different.

He said it himself that [I’ll be the one to lose].

“I still haven’t got serious.” (Neeto)

It seems he finally bring out his spirit.

“Kuhahaha. Then, how about you go full power no hold barred so that you won’t regret anything? Just for this once, how about you seriously go at it?” (velt)

“I don’t have any objection to it. I’m actually kinda don’t wanna though.” (Neeto)

Upon receiving that intent I returned back a laugh.

His expression seemed to have become serious after all.

And well, an existence like him seemed to have touched the depths of my heart too.

“Well then, here I go.” (Neeto)

At that moment, he made a move that I didn’t even predict.

The drill is spinning sharply. But then, he pierced himself with it.”



“What is that guy doing!”


What is he doing so suddenly? Has he gone mad? But when everyone thought like that, we were shocked.

Even with Neeto pierced himself with his drill, there was not even a drip of blood scattering around, in exchange for that, a warm light is seeping out of from the drill he pushed out, and that light enveloped Neeto.

“This is.............” (Velt)

“The power of subterraneans’ helix exist within every part of their body and being condensed at the helix, this is a technique to simply let that energy to flow to the body entirety..........” (Neeto)

It somehow closely resembles to how magic power is being used. But, seemingly being uncommon to the subterraneans, the higher ups of the subterraneans are trembling.

“Stabbing oneself with the helix, and made the energy to be delivered to the whole body?”

“Impossible, I never knew that kind of way to use it! No, if done poorly you could die!”

Still, it seems that way of using the power is something that Neeto thought out himself?

“Ever since I was small, I have been trying to kill myself but then I got scared and ended up with only a slight prick, and then it just coincidentally worked out.” (Neeto)

It was too sad of a reason, I can’t help but be amazed.

“This idiot, so you didn’t think of your life as precious.” (Velt)

“Unfortunately, I’m already quite knew about things in regards with dying. What am I trying to hide now, I’ve already died once after all.” (Neeto)

“.............................Hah?” (Velt)

“Well, it has nothing to do with you though!” (Neeto)

But, even if it was pathetic at the start, right now, the power he’s letting out is unusually strong.

“Original Helix Technique – Neo Neeto!” (Neeto)

The light that Neeto is enveloped in, eventually turned into a whirling vortex, with it’s force even reaching to the sky.

Kuhahahaha, ain’t this nice. He’s really fired up now.

“Fuwa Fuwa World Revolution!” (Velt)

In response to that, I also unleashed my strength.

Cladding myself with the garment called magic armament, responding to him by exposing my heart in full.

Now then, let’s clash our bare feelings as much as our strength allows.



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