Chapter 171 Everyone Convenient

I'm thinking to open up patreon for taking in donations these days, also adding ads too. Lmao help this poor old madao get something nice in life. 

Well, it won't change anything though. I'll still post the translation at the pace I'm comfortable with and still gonna tweak in with the translation to hopefully make the reading feel flowing and smoother.


Chapter 171 Everyone Convenient


When I look back, Sensei seems to have a pained expression on his face.

“Time for you to go huh, Velt.” (Sensei)

“Yeah, take care of Camie-san and Hanabi..... heck, not like they remember about me though.” (Velt)

“This idiot!” (Sensei)

Though it was a joke Sensei didn’t seem to take it as one. He gripped my shoulders while having complicated emotions from the bottom of his heart.

“.......If, you meet Miyamoto, please send my regards to him.” (Sensei)

“Yeah. Before he goes senile I’m gonna bring him to eat some ramen.” (Velt)

“Nice.” (Sensei)

Actually I wanted to take it slow for a bit more but as I expect with the condition right now where I bring along Ayase and Kaa-kun, moreover Milco and Kagami, it would be dangerous to keep staying in this country.

If it’s King-sama, I’m sure he could exercise more or less some flexibility with Sensei and Mama too seems can’t listen about the situations right now more than what she had heard.

However, as there’s still the eyes of other soldier, I think it’d be better to break up here before things got more noisy, and so we’re about to leave as soon as possible.

“Wa- wait-degozaru!”

At that moment, Musashi called out to us who were about to depart.

“Y, you, just who are you-degozaru! Just why, you who got imprisoned two years ago are here in this country, and also why the manager, King-sama, moreover...... General Kaizer, Princess Arusha, Prince Jackpot, even Princess Yuzuriha......, just who exactly are you-degozaru!” (Musashi)

I’m your former master though.......

“That thing ain’t matter right?” (Velt)

“Wha, what did you say! Please don’t avoid my question-degozaru!” (Musashi)

“Why? Besides, the thing that you treasure the most...... is me right?” (Velt)

Right, isn’t it me that Musashi need to take priority of right now? But still, it isn’t entirely in a bad meaning.

That’s because, she isn’t protecting me, but protecting the ones I treasure strongly.

“Hanabi and Cosmos...... isn’t it fine if you just protect the two of them more than anything right? You understand that right?” (Velt)

“Wha, of, of course-degozaru! You need not to remind me about it! Just what are you intending to say by saying those things..... eh, huh? Wh, why do I took on one knee and bow my head-degozaru!”  (Musashi)

“Kuhahahaha, you’re so~ cu~te~ eh~. Here, pats pats.” (Velt)

I unintentionally patted Musashi’s head.

And then, thinking she’s being made fun of, like a raging fire Musashi she......

“B, bastard! Don’t ridicule me like this-degozanyaaa~~n.” (Musashi)

Like a raging fire she showed her belly and rolls around on the ground like a dog, her tail fanning and her ears flip flapping.....

“Huh, what have I doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” (Musashi)

Crap, I got carried away!

“.....................Muuuh............. gabuh!”

“Heck, it hurts! What the hell are you doing, Yuzuriha! Oraaa!” (Velt)

“H- hnnn! No, no! No no no! You’re patting her head, while I got hit instead, what is this bullying!” (Yuzuriha)

“Whaaaa, Pr, princess Yuzurihaaa! Hey, you! What are you doing! You’ll be killed by Chief Isamu-degozaru!” (Musashi)

Welp, I kinda reluctant to stop but it’s not like I can keep playing around.

Honestly, there are so many things that I wanted to do and talk about with Musashi being here, but it won’t be good to do so further.

I’d get unnecessarily reluctant to leave.

With her here being healthy and becoming the guard dog that protects the things important to me, I should be happy for that right now.

“Musashi.....” (Velt)

“Yes! ....huh, I did it agaiiiiin! Uhhh, do- don’t call my name like you’re so overly familiar with me-degozaru!” (Musashi)

“..........I’m counting on you with Sensei, Camie-san, Hanabi, Cosmos, also Eljela, and Ura alright!” (Velt)

“By your will, huh, geeez why am I doing thiiiiiiiis!” (Musashi)

Since it’s gonna be impossible to hold my laugh more than this, I send signal to Sensei to [please take care of Musashi] with my eyes and Sensei replied it with a wink.


“King-sama. Please don’t ask about why...... Sensei is able to remember about me...... Sensei too please don’t interfere with this......” (Velt)

“............I understand................this matter today shall be kept shut with me.” (The King)

Having nailed it in the end with King-sama, next the last one waiting is Mama.

“See you later, Ma....... Queen-sama......” (Velt)

“............Hmph, I wonder why hmmm, ........well, don’t go and kick the bucket so easily.” (Fanred)

It’s fine with just this. It’s a quick farewell but it’s enough.

“Oh we’re goin’ now, bro. To the northern sea’s Smoky Island.” (Jackpot)

Yes. But, how will we go?” (Milco)

“Guess so. Oi Yuzuriha, can you turn into dragon form and let us ride on your back?” (Velt)

“What! Do- don’t joke around! As if I’d let you ride on the back of this proud dragon race me! Big brother you do it! No way I’ll accept being treated like horse or some beast for ride hiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!” (Yuzuriha)

Yuzuriha completely became like a trembling chihuahua, she grabbed the cuff of pants quietly and says with trembling lips.

“I’ll let you....... so, don’t bully me.” (Yuzuriha)

“Yeah, I’ll give you pats pats.” (Velt)

Crap, that’s a bit cute. Musashi got attached to me so quickly so she didn’t need any disciplining but this sensation of scolding at other, somehow it feels new. It absolutely isn’t bullying. There’s affection in it. In the first place, if something like this can be called bullying then I have confidence of my one hundred percent winning in my lawsuit against the queen of this country for abusing me.

“But, it’s stinks over there right? I don’t want to fly that far.” (Yuzuriha)

Yuzuriha appealed that she can’t do it, somehow she’s being timid in front of me.

This is bad, it makes me want to hug her...... I mean, it has been confirmed by our talks so far that it’s gonna be really hard for beast steeds to come close but.....

“You needn’t to worry about that-zou.” (Kaizer)

“It is so, if you can fly till close by then there would be no problem, Princess Yuzuriha.” (Arusha)

Kaa-kun and Arusha said so with confidence.

“If we all use our powers, there shouldn’t be any problem all the way till we disembark.” (Kaizer)

“I think so. Besides, as Queen Fanred has said, if we can’t do something of this degree, then conquering the world would be a dream within dreams.” (Arusha)

So very dependable. No need to say anything about Kaa-kun but Ayase also begins to look dependable.

Then, there’s no problem.

“Aighty, Yuzuriha, give it ya best!” (Jackpot)

“Uuuuuuuuh, uuuuuuuuuuuuh, dragonification doesn’t look cute so I don’t like it........ uuuhhh, uuuuuuuuuuuu!” (Yuzuriha)

At that instant, even as she’s feeling reluctant Yuzuriha’s body started to change.

Her petite body started to expand, her whole body is being clad in red scales, jutting out two sharp horns, a pair of huge wings, shiny claws, arms, feet, and......


And with gigantic majesty, authority, coercion, also overwhelming [might].

“O, oooooh......” (Velt)

Phweew~, Beautiful!” (Milco)

“Frig friggin’!” (Kagami)

“You are beautiful-zou, Princess Yuzuriha.” (Kaizer)

I unintentionally gulped when I look up. She has a different aura than the dragons Cleran made using her power previously.

The sublimity that envelops her, it indicates the different class of a creature she is.

“How, how gigantic.” (The King)

“Be- beautiful-degozaru.” (Musashi)

“Kuku, the vermillion dragon of the legends....... once again, he got himself quite the rare pet.” (Fanred)

Those who now are now seeing a dragon for the first time and those who aren’t, they’re all overwhelmed by the form of Yuzuriha who has completed her dragonification.

Rather, if I got chewed by her now I’d gonna be one hundred percent dead.

“Trash........ no I mean, uuh, ummm....... get on.” (Yuzuriha)

But she’s slightly fidgeting and her eyes seem frail! Her overwhelming [might] shriveled away in an instant.

Just who is it, the one who bullied Yuzuriha! It’s me!

But, I’m glad. If I were to get on her with her previous attitude, no matter how many lives I have it won’t be enough.

But, if I only give her the whip then she’d accumulate stress and the possibility of her losing her temper would appear.

So right here.....

“Yuzuriha...... that..... you’re cute.” (Velt)

“Grrr! Stu.......... you’re stupid! Stupid........ no, I mean, I’m sorry for saying stupid...... but...... stupid trash.......” (Yuzuriha)

Huh? When I stroke her body a bit and gave her some praise, somehow her huge dragon body seems to twist and fidgeting.

“Dummy~~~~~~” (Yuzuriha)

“Oi, Musashi, why are you making that envious face for?” (Melma)

“Ma, Manager! Wha- what are you saying, I absolutely don’t feel envious when Princess Yuzuriha is being patted and praised by that man-degozaru!” (Musashi)

There’s way more than enough space for us to get on her back.

We jumped ontop of Yuzuriha’s back then begin our voyage on the sky.

This sensation, now that I remember it, it’s been since when I rode on Dora’s back.

However, comparing it to Dora’s back which was made of materials, I can feel Yuzuriha’s pulse and also her warmth huh.

“I won’t take responsibility if you fall.” (Yuzuriha)

Both of the huge wings flapped. Sending squalls to the graveyard, making Sensei and others have to grab on something so that they won’t be flown over.

As I look down to the gradually furthering surface, I and Ayase wave our hands in large swings.

“Sensei! See you later! King-sama and Queen-sama too, see you later!” (Velt)

“Sensei, I’ll visit again! King Elfarshia-sama, Queen-sama, I’m deeply thankful for having us!” (Arusha)

See you again!” (Milco)

“I’ll come to eat ramen again!” (Kagami)

Sensei sends a peace sign to us with his all.

Me and Ayase too, send the same peace sign to him.

“Velt! One day..... you must......” (The King)

“Hmph, .........well, ....... take good care of your health.” (Fanred)

I can hear King-sama’s and Mama’s murmur being taken by the wind.

Musashi seems to be in a hurry as she looks lonely somehow, is she alright?

“Oi trashes, I’m gonna fly. Hang on tight.” (Yuzuriha)

The moment Yuzuriha muttered that one sentence, blades of wind run through our skins as if slicing our bodies.



It’s a world in which as if I can’t open my eyes to. As we received the intense head wind, the world that we see by Yuzuriha’s speed as we soar through the sky in an instant makes Elfarshia Kingdom already disappeared in far distance.

“Thi, this is amazing speed....” (Arusha)

“Friggin huh~, it’s like world’s best luxury airplane ‘ight~” (Kagami)

“Kuuh~, Yuzuriha, ain’t you amazing. Such a clever girl.” (Velt)

As I pat Yuzuriha’s body with a pon pon, somehow the sound from her heart became really loud, and then it got faster, I also can feel that her body temperature has risen a bit.

“Nh, you, you’re praising me? So you’re praising me! What is happening, huh so you became kind! I see, so you won’t hit me anymore huh!” (Yuzuriha)

“Yeah, you’re amazing, amazing. I never thought you’re this amazing. You’re, so amazing.” (Velt)

“!!, ..................................................................ehehe.” (Yuzuriha)

The sceneries changed one after another.

We pierced through clouds, and if we looked to the ground, when we thought we’re seeing a huge plains, it’ll immediately be turned into forest and then went pass the mountains, and in the blink of an eye the ocean has already spread in front of us.

“Fast..... if you can move so friggin’ fast like this, well of course coming from Demihuman Continent to Human Continent gonna be real easy.” (Kagami)

“It ain’t that easy peasy~, our country in Demihuman Continent always have dragon knights on patrol ‘fter all. Well, when we got to Human Continent ‘fter that it’s easy though.” (Jackpot)

“I mean, if they got people like Yuzuriha and Jackpot around, isn’t it easy to just go and assault the Human Continent?” (Velt)

“Fufu, that’s right. But, they’re special you know, Asakura-kun. The demihumans and dragons that have these high specs of power actually only a few exist in the world. Even in the Demihuman army that attacked the Divine Race Continent, I think there’s only two who’s famous in reality.” (Arusha)

“Hooh, so Princess Arusha. Are they perhaps the subordinates of Erosvitch? That brings me back-zou. So they’re still alive, those two.” (Kaizer)

“Ooh, if who you’re talking about are the [Yuri Dragons], then me knows them too.” (Kishin)

I just realized this but, I’m just somehow able to get a grip by using my power to control the wind pressure and air flow, however everyone seem enjoying the ride with relax while having a friendly chat. They still have a body of flesh and blood themselves, so isn’t this unfair?

“Still, Elfarshia now already completely can’t be seen huh~. It’s like just in a blink of an eye.” (Velt)

“I think so. But, I’m glad that we met Sensei. Despite his appearance has changed, I can vividly remember his appearance from before.” (Arusha)

“Ah, I frigginly agree with that. I mean, I did got tense after all.” (Kagami)

“Me too, me glad we can meet him.” (Milco)

It sure is, the us who were at that place were really went back to the past. Without any title or degree or anything be it princess, criminal, or ogre.

He accepted all of those and yet, he still gave us the push forward.

It as if made our hearts feel considerably lighter.

“But, Hanabi-chan sure was cute right~. If only I have a little sister like that~” (Arusha)

“Of course she is. It’s exactly because of Hanabi that I’m happy to be a big brother.” (Velt)

“I thought so, Hanabi-chan..... she sure is happy. She got deep affection from both her parents, and despite being a bit mean, she also has a onii-san that thought of her as a family.” (Arusha)

“She also has onee-chan you know? Ura too, she’s really only fawning over Hanabi after all.” (Velt)

“Fufu........ me too, my big brother been quite pampering me since I was a child, I’m happy that I have a onii-chan figure like him.” (Arusha)

Certainly, a family has mysterious feel to it.

In the previous life I didn’t have that much of awareness about connection in a family.

But despite so, I thought that place was warm and was something irreplaceable.

If, I didn’t get obsessed with Kamino, I’d always just live my life at Elfarshia Kingdom I’m sure.

Also, in line with Sensei’s wish, perhaps I’d marry with Ura, and have kids...... nah, I maybe will have kids despite haven’t married.

Somehow, it’s all stuff that I only can experience after I die.

“........I think it’s going to be like that huh.....” (Velt)

I unintentionally smiled.

“Asakura-kun?” (Arusha)

“Huh? Nah well, I wonder....... I just thought that rather than regretting over it, there’s many things that I came to understand after I died instead.......” (Velt)

My dad and mom have died, so I just thought that it would be nice if I got pampered a bit more.

But, more than that, if in the previous life I were to go face to face with my dad and mom more, would it have changed many things?

That’s exactly something meaningless even if I started to regret about it but it just suddenly appeared in my mind.

It’s not like I have lingering attachments with previous life but I just ended up thinking about [what if] things. Well, that’s excluding Kamino.

“..............and, what’s with it?” (Velt)

“.....hey, Asakura-kun, could it be..... you’re thinking about Mina?” (Arusha)

No well, I do think about her at the end but how the heck can you tell?

“In your previous life, maybe that’s the only thing you have regret about right? Well, it’s just like you though.” (Arusha)

“Yeah I do have, my bad. And how about you? I’ve heard lots of things from Kagami and Milco, but I haven’t heard anything from you after all.” (Velt)

“Ara? I’m happy to hear that, Asakura-kun. Are you perhaps interested in the past of the woman who had slight feelings for you at that time?” (Arusha)

“Just stop that smug smile on your face, it’s nothing really, just the flow of conversation.” (Velt)

Well, if I were to say whether I’m interested or not, then I’d say I’m interested.

Kagami was having regrets to it everywhere. In Milco’s case, he still can sing rock in this world so it gave off the feeling that he’s completed.

If it’s Juromaru it’s all depends on how Jackpot’s memories will go but still, I haven’t heard anything about Ayase at all.

Be it in the previous world or current world, I heard that Ayase lived quite the hard life though.

“But, haven’t I talked about it before? It was a busy daily lives after all. But, hmh, if it’s about regrets then maybe yes. As I expect, I did just die without telling anything to my Father and Mother, also the continuation of the novels that I enjoyed reading, that missing chance for dominating the tennis of the whole country, I also have a university I wanted to attend to, and that job I wanted to have.” (Arusha)

Well, I expect so.

Me, Kagami, and Milco just silently listened to her.

More than anything, she’s like the powered up version of Kagami being a riaju.

She wasn’t just someone that wanted to have many friends, she should be having a different view of the world because of her high abilities.

A person that has the most potential and possibilities for the future.


“But, yes....... my biggest regret is......” (Ayase)

And then, she suddenly closed the distance to me with upturned eyes.

“Maybe because I wasn’t able to confess to the person I liked?” (Arusha)

Wha! Su, suddenly my body temperature raised up.

Phweew, aggressive Ayase.” (Milco)

“Hihahaha, nice nice~ teens are really. It’s friggin’ feast to the eyes for us who have passed our youth.”

Hey, even Ayase who said that herself got embarrassed and her face turned red.

However, those eyes are staring straight at me, since she doesn’t look away, I looked away myself.

“But, well, with how it is right now......... I’m currently experiencing a tremendously important point in life.....” (Arusha)

“Ye, yeah, I see.” (Velt)

“Yes, it is like that.” (Arusha)

Shit, at times like this Kagami and Milco are treating me like a kid while grinning.

Jackpot too is laughing while saying [ain’t that nice bro~].

No well, Kaa-kun! Please stop that old man like face that says [youth sure is nice~]!


Whoa! That’s dangerous! Somehow Yuzuriha’s body suddenly swayed left and right largely seeming about to fall down.

“That’s dangerous.” (Velt)

“That surprised me....... Princess Yuzuriha, is there any problem?” (Arusha)

“....................................No idea.................. I feel like falling.............. no, that’s a lie. That was just an accident. So don’t be angry.” (Yuzuriha)

The dragon got sullen and faced the other way. But, well, it happened in a good timing so I feel relieved.

Thus the sugary atmosphere flown away, and when I noticed it all around us are being surrounded by seas, I no longer know where we’re flying on right now.

And after that, we did some trivial talks and swing around from each of our topics one after another to kill the time.

“Still, we’ve flown quite far but is there really an island beyond this?” (Velt)

We’ve flown from around noon and had a friendly chat for a bit, I don’t really know how much time has passed but I still don’t see any island or lands.

When I realized, the blue sky and blue sea have changed, the sinking sun dyes it’s surroundings red.

“Indeed, if it’s by ship then it’s going to take days to cover the distance but with this much speed it isn’t strange if we see it soon.” (Arusha)

“Bet, if we don’t go in the wrong direction.” (Velt)

Even when we strain our eyes, we can see nothing but the horizon.

Is it still quite far away?

When I thought that, Milco, Kaa-un, Jackpot, and Yuzuriha reacted.

“Ugh!” (Kishin)

“Nuuuh!” (Kaizer)

“The, the heck!” (Jackpot)

“Stinks!” (Yuzuriha)

Eh? What’s wrong? Even Yuzuriha suddenly stopped mid air.

“He, hey, what’s happen.......” (Velt)

“Yes, the island is close-zou....... the horrible stench can be felt even from this distance-zou.” (Kaizer)

Yes. We just need to go straight from here.” (Kaizer)

“Ah, it’s real! Da island is there!” (Jackpot)

Really, other races’ senses are amazing.

But yeah, when I concentrate my eyes to the said direction, it’s true that there’s something appearing on the front.

So that’s the island?

“Oi, t- trash! I can’t! I can’t I can’t! Please, I can’t! Impossible! I won’t go further than this!” (Yuzuriha)

Is, is it that much? I don’t understand even with her saying it so clearly but since everyone said it then it must be true.

Now then, it’s gonna be pitiful if I were to hit her butt and force her to go but, what I should do now?

“Anyways, let’s use the mask ‘ight.” (Kagami)

Huh, somehow Kagami pulled out white mask as if it’s the most natural thing to do....... eh, how nostalgic!

“Whoa, da heck is tis!” (Jackpot)

“Mackey, what is this-zou?” (Kaizer)

“This is what’s called a mask you see, you put these stuff on your ears and stick this one on the mouth, see, it feels a bit better with this ‘ight?” (Kagami)

No well, why the heck are you brining those?

“You’re well prepared huh, Kagami-kun.” (Arusha)

“It’s countermeasure against hay fever you see, so I had it developed.” (Kagami)

“Scum, hand it over to me too!” (Yuzuriha)

I mean, black suit, sunglasses, also white mask, those are...... well, fine I guess.....

“Princess Yuzuriha too, since it seems impossible to fly more than this, let’s just walk from here. There doesn’t seem to be that much of a distance anymore after all.” (Arusha)

At that instant, Ayase jumped down from Yuzuriha’s back casually and fell over to the sea.

However, faster than I can be surprised, Ayase begins to chant something and then hold his hand against the sea.

“Sea Ice!” (Arusha)

Ayase landed and the surrounding seas around ten meters of her had changed into ice.

“I will walk as I freeze the sea. Let’s go to the island like this. The sea around the island is like sludge but I think it wouldn’t be a problem if I freeze the sea surface.” (Arusha)

TL comment: Huh, how about you just fly everyone over now Velt?

Ah, now that I remember, she’s a genius.

“But still, the mask won’t be completely erase the smell, what should we do? It’s gonna be more friggin’ the more we come close ‘ight?” (Kagami)

“Worry not. It’s impossible to do in the sky but I can somehow do it on top of the sea.”

The next one to jump is Kaa-kun, He does something at the same time he landed on the frozen sea Ayase had made.

“Ice Mint!” (Kaizer)

Somehow, with just Kaa-kun walking around huge ice mints are blooming.

“I made plants that has refreshing feel to them bloom around me-zou. With this we can avoid the odor-zou.”

Whoah, what a convenient power.

“That’s really good, Mister Kaizer. Then me song will bring for an even more perfume to the world!” (Kishin)

This time Milco jumped down as he sang.

And then the refreshing feeling of mint’s scent wrapped our surroundings.

“Aah, I’m tired.” (Yuzuriha)

“Haha, ya’ll are amazing, everyone. Here, Yuzuriha too, ya did well. Come sleep at ma back.” (Jackpot)

Having cancelled her dragonification Yuzuriha exhaustedly cling to Jackpot’s back, then the two fell down as is.

I got left alone and float on the sky with my fuwa fuwa magic and slightly went silent by myself.

“Ara? What’s wrong Asakura-kun? You became so quiet.” (Arusha)

No well, you guys are just so amazing that I didn’t have anything to do, and despite that there’s nothing I can do about it!

And it’s not like I got depressed because I didn’t have any role to do.

Anyways, this island that people said difficult to just to get to, we arrived there faster than expected and also more easier too, and thus we step toward to the island with problems being none.



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