Chapter 188 To Demon Continent


Chapter 188 To Demon Continent


It seems to be quite the weird country but I can’t help it since my wife is going that way.

This no good husband has to lower his head and come to get her alright. Well, if I go at this badly I might get taken advantage of in the future, but it’s only for this time.

“So, what do we do? We’ve found Ura’s whereabouts,  so how about going there right away? And therefore, Yuzuriha, if you please.” (Velt)

“What? You mean again! I’m going to fly again? I hate that, so tiring!” (Yuzuriha)

“She’s using a boat. We should be able to catch up to her with the flying speed of a dragon. Besides, we have Lagaia’s radar here. We’ll get her in no time.” (Velt)

“No way! Why am I have to fly for the sake of looking for your woman! Why am I the only one who got to work while you’re licking and smooching your other women!” (Yuzuriha)

Ugh, I can’t say anything in return to that.

Well, it’s true that it was because of me that Ura ran away, and everyone agreed to help out is because of the good will they have, it’s wrong of me to be so forceful about this.

It’s hard for me to just hit Yuzuriha’s butt because of this. Then, how about Jackpot?

When I thought about that, With [ehhen] Cosmos puffed out her chest and pulled the cuff of my pants.

“Papa, papa!” (Cosmos)


“Ride that together with Cosmos! With that together with pappa and mamma, we can fly in the sky together!” (Cosmos)

Hey, my beloved daughter. Why are you pointing at the damgun? Eh? Wha?

“Eeeeeh, wait, Cosmos-chan, that’s, could it be true? You can use it to move around? The heck that’s so friggin’!” (Mackey)

Cosmos smiled in satisfaction and nodded.

“Co, Cosmos, w, we can go with the damgun?” (Velt)

It’s true that on it’s back there’s a pseudo jet engine but, can it really fly because of that?

Inserting this fantasy world with some SF stuff is terrifying in many senses you know?

“Everyone can get into it’s chest. Papa, mama, and Cosmos will get on the room inside it’s head!” (Cosmos)

Not only that she shrewdly divides it into family zone and guests’ room. I’m astonished, this genius little girl.

“Listen, Cosmos-chan. That, c, can I, also get into the head room to---------?” (Arusha)

“No!” (Cosmos)

“..........Umm---------“ (Arusha)

“No, way-nano! That place is only for papa, mama, and Cosmos!” (Cosmos)

Arusha, she unexpectedly got into depression. Seems being left out got her so much shock, she hangs her head in disappointment.

Well, I said ‘don’t mind it’ and pat her on the shoulder.

Anyways , if we can go with this super SF thing that can even upset that generous robot cat from the future, then there’s no problem.

“Well then, we three will be together.” (Velt)

“Hmh!” (Cosmos)

“My, Cosmos, you look so happy. Fufu, I’m also happy myself though.” (Eljela)

I hugged Cosoms and then patted her head.

“Hey, Velt. I don’t mind going but I’ll talk to you some information about Yami Demon Kingdom first.” (Kishin)

“Hm? Ahh, now that I remember, the information about that country isn’t circulating in the market right? So what kind of country is that?

“Yes. I also personally have an interest in that. Yami Demon Kingdom and Kowai Demon Kingdom. These two adjacent countries, even in the open nowadays world, there’s so few information about them.” (Arusha)

“Ah, I don’t know about them too. Well, I know that they’re a friggin’ dark and individualistic countries though. Other stuff about them, well they’re just weird rumors.” (Mackey)

Even the well-informed Mackey doesn’t know about those countries. But, weird rumors? What the heck is that about.

 “Hey, what’re these weird rumors about? This is a world where monsters go to war, I don’t think there’s something that surprising at this point right?” (Velt)

“Yeah. Well, it’s like, from what I heard, [when Yami Demon Kingdom goes on war, they’ll bring home our dead comrades’ corpses], [should you fight against Kowai Demon Kingdom, positive thinking must you be], something like that.” (Mackey)

I have no idea whether that’s easy to understand or hard to understand.

“Velt. The military strength of Yami Demon Kingdom itself isn’t that high. But, there’s a certain thing that makes them dreadful. That is, they're the exact opposite of the immortal vampire, most of the other demons there have already got their flesh rotted, they’re the undeads........” (Kishin)

So it’s skeleton race? What’s unintentionally appeared inside my head is the appearance of skeleton soldiers who are wandering aimlessly.

“And by that, you mean those guys Chii-chan brought along when he attacked the Sky World two years ago?” (Velt)

“Yeah. The ones I brought at that time were something I got as a gift. Skeleton race won’t get hungry, they don’t have emotions nor sense of pain, following orders as it is, they’re precious asset for military.” (Chirotan)

They don’t feel pain and emotions? What’s the meaning of that?

“Onii-chan. This world classified undeads into something like skeleton race or zombie race but in actuality, there’s no something like that in this world originally. When they’re alive, they’re all just normal demons or demonic beasts. And because there were people who made them like that, their numbers became increasingly too many, causing those common name to come into existence.” (Lagaia)

This is the first time I’m hearing this myself. Well, Althea and others from demihumans don’t seem to know this beforehand.

“Yami Demon Kingdom, the place where those who manipulate dead bodies and making undeads reside, they’re making their country move now. To Yami Demon Kingdom, undeads aren’t their countrymen but merely soldiers, their weapons.” (Kishin)

 “So they’re manipulating corpses. Those kind of guys can make Ura’s wish to come true? Keh, I can’t think of nothing but disgusting things of what they might do. But, if it’s actually really like that, then it’s my responsibility to chase after her even if I have to go all that far.” (Velt)

Now that I said it, it’s natural to think so. Indeed it’s unthinkable that the undeads is a race that already exists in the first place. It’s just impossible that something already a skeleton or zombie from the moment of their birth.

And that’s why I can understand the term of people who control corpses to exist.

“Incidentally, how are they capable of making the undeads? Well, if I were to see it from fantasy-ish point of view, I guess anything’s possible.” (Velt)

“They’re limited to those who reside in the royal capital, nobles, and royalties. They’re almost the same to the demonfolks from former Vesparda Demon Kingdom. However, everyone who were born in that country are all capable of using special magic got inherited for generations even inside the Demon Continent. They’re the ones who are called as [Necromancer].” (Kishin)

Nekura-sama? For some reason chuuni word suddenly popped out huh.

“Indeed, I also knew if it’s up to that far. However, what I don’t know is, how much power that country has. Just how many demonfolks that could be called as necromancer exist there, and how many of those mindless undead are there?” (Arusha)

“I don’t know it’s accurate prowess but it’s national power is  the weakest among the Seven Great Demon Kingdoms. And exactly because of that,  Jigoku Demon Kingdom and Kowai Demon Kingdom will be able to vanquish them in one go. It’s a small country that I think only has around one thousand living demon inhabitants. Well, on the other side of that, they have tens of thousands undeads made by corpses that stand guard at their borders, so more or less they have some military power in them.” (Kishin)

“Is that true? I can’t grasp anything at all since they don’t fight at Divine Race Continent, but just how strong are these necromancers true strength are, I wonder?” (Arusha)

“In the end, I think what they do are just making corpses into puppets that move. Low leveled undeads like skull race and zombie race will rot away given time but until that happens they are semipermanently able to move. And well, if it’s a high leveled necromancer, then it seems it’d be possible for them to reanimate the body of a dead person so long they have a body part of the corpse, their memento, and their genetic information.” (Kishin)

So it’s that kind of thing. If that’s the case, why their country still hasn’t been destroyed yet?

YES. Indeed that if me and others are feeling like to do it, then Yami Demon Kingdom isn’t anything to afraid about. But, they’re a problem in regard to their location.” (Kishin)

“Kishin?” (Velt)

“Actually, Yami Demon Kingdom is a coastal country, just above it is Kowai Demon Kingdom, while on the east it has Jigoku Demon Kingdom. And on it’s west, lies Yavai Demon Kingdom.” (Kishin)

As he said that, Kishin bent over and made a drawing of the continent on the ground.

“As Yami Demon Kingdom is being surrounded by these three demon kingdoms, attacking Yami Demon Kingdom by one self will make one fell in a disadvantageous situation. But, there’s no need to absolutely destroy this country. Because once one of the three countries attack Yami Demon Kingdom somewhere, the others will send help to Yami Demon Kingdom. And so, Yami Demon Kingdom is becoming something like a wall for the three countries to prevent against invasion.” (Kishin)

So it’s something like that. It’s true that if Yami Demon Kingdom were to be destroyed, it’s gonna make the strongest of the Demon Continent, Jigoku Demon Kingdom and Yavai Demon Kingdom to enter a war.

However, it isn’t the case. For example,  should Jigoku Demon Kingdom were to attack Yami Demon Kingdom, Yavai Demon Kingdom will send their reinforcements then making Jigoku Demon Kingdom facing both Yami Demon Kingdom and Yavai Demon Kingdom at the same time. And since otherwise could happen too, they won’t be able to make it so long as there’s no considerable differences between their strength. The same thing will happen if Kowai Demon Kingdom is the one attacking instead.

In other words, it’s geographical problem and the delicate power balance is preventing the unification of Demon Continent from happening.

Inside that power balance, they avoid being destroyed and keep on existing despite being the weakest, so this is the country of necromancer, Yami Demon Kingdom huh.

“And because of that, me too also doesn’t have the experience of a real fight against Yami Demon Kingdom. And because it’s circumstances and with it being an isolationist country, information about it is very few. That’s why, letting down our guard is a no. Velt.” (Kishin)

“This great me also got nothing to tell. Though I’ve gone there to get a supply of undead soldiers.” (Chirotan)

“What I know is also just as much.” (Lagaia)

Nah, it’s enough.

“Well, okay. Just think of it like going to a slightly grotesque haunted house.” (Velt)

I know it’s an unknown country but, in the first place I’ve already gotten used to the unknowns because of the journey two years ago.

“Haunted house is a staple from an amusement park. It’s a terrific place for a guy to show off his guts when on a date. So you guys don’t need to afraid, we’ll go and bring back the princess in one go.” (Velt)

“Papa, you see, Cosmos is, suuuper strong!” (Cosmos)

“Yeah, and that’s why we’re the strongest.” (Velt)

And as I said that, my comrades all smiled and nodded saying [of course we are].

That’s right, these members aren’t ones that gonna be swayed by just a slight letting guard down.

“So you’re about to go huh, Velt-kun.”

Auriga who knew that we’re about to depart, smiled as he came closer.

“Yeah. I made a woman cried after all. It’s a problem between man and woman, something that transcends the world, a common theme that’s eternally used.” (Velt)

“Haha, but still, you’re quite the special one for having it expanded into a world scale problem.” (Auriga)

And behind Auriga’s back are the residents of this island who, same as yesterday, still having downcast eyes unable to stand up, not changing a single bit.

“Have a safe trip, alright. Please don’t lead a life that make yourself need to be in this place.” (Auriga)

Many things have changed but there’s one thing that doesn’t change, that is, there are still people who just can’t get back up.

But, we won’t be like that. We will endeavor for it not to happen.

“Yami Demon Kingdom, It’s north from here. I didn’t get to do anything for you guys at all before. So at least let me escort you half way through.” (Auriga)

“Half way? Well, even if you say it’s escorting, we’ll be inside damgun........” (Velt)

The moment when I was about to say there’s no need to escort us since we’ll be flying on damgun, Auriga started to chant, making his palm shining.

“It’s a holy magic, Space Transfer.” (Auriga)

“Space Transfer?” (Velt)

It’s the thing that Mannie and Tyler once used, a kind of warp.

Though he already rusted, as expected of a former hero. He can whip it out as simply as that.

“Hoho, that’s convenient-dazou. So you really ever served under a Holy Knight-zou.” (Kaizer)

“Hihahahaha, well, though that is the case it’s a degraded version of Mannie-chan’s power.” (Mackey)

“So tiresome~, a trip supposedly something to be enjoyed along the way but the place we’re going to is, well what should we do?” (Althea)

“Mackey-kun, Althea-san, this isn’t a trip you know?” (Arusha)

Auriga’s consideration. And then, for some reason, the atmosphere turned into something like a final farewell.

Everyone doesn’t say it but, in the first place this Smoky Island has turned devastated was because of us, it isn’t a good place.

For someone who can live in the outside world, this place isn’t the place to be.

“Hey wait! Is it alright for that Space Transfer to add one more person into it?”

At that moment, a lone demon called and stopped us.

It’s the red haired gunman with freckles and cowboy hat.

The demonfolk woman who is Ura’s subordinate. Her name is Rumba.

She’s a kind of acquaintance to me. Well, she completely doesn’t remember me though.

“I don’t know your goals or, why despite being Imperial Princess’ Eljela’s spouse, you’re trying to lay your hands on Princess Ura but, since you’re going to the place where the Princess is, please let me to work together with you.” (Rumba)

Well, this is a matter of course. We’re going to where her master is.

So of course she wanna come along.

“Wait, Rumba, if you’re going then we’ll go too.-nari.”

“Our opponent is Yami Demon Kingdom. So we need to get our get ourselves together to go, ain’t it.”

“No, it’s enough for just me here. Besides, it would become a problem instead if no one make preparations for the Summit from the demon side of Love and Peace. We will definitely bring back the Princess within the date of the Sumit.” (Rumba)

And so they exchanged, all the demonfolk guys seem to be eager to go and get Ura back.

They seem to understand what Rumba is saying but still they’re making expression as if they won’t be so simply agree to that.

“Hey hey, it’s gonna be a problem if we add more people than this.” (Velt)

“We won’t be hindering you. Please, this is for Princess Ura’s sake! If something were to happen to the Princess, we won’t be able to face the late [Queen Ilma]-sama and Demon King Sharkryuu-sama in after life!” (Rumba)

Sharkryuu.Upon hearing that name our hearts can’t help but be moved.

“So that’s the case~, hihahahaha, it sure is a friggin’ tearjerking story eh~” (Mackey)

“Demon King Sharkryu........ we just went to visit his grave.” (Arusha)

“I don’t really remember him but, well, can’t really just let things as it is.” (Althea)

“There’s no way for us to refuse when that name came out-nou.” (Barnando)

It can’t be helped now  since that name came out. Well, we don’t mind if it’s just one person though, thus we nodded in acceptance.

“Roala, what should we do?”

“There is no way for us to go. We will entrust Ura-sama’s matter to Eljela, It would be better for us Sky People to go to the Summit ahead of time. Eljela, you need to come back when the time comes too, okay?” (Roala)

“I understand, onee-sama.” (Eljela)

Anyways, seems the time limit has been decided upon.

Honestly, I don’t really care about that Summit but it seems there’s gonna be lots of problem to the world if it were to fail.

We ride into the damgun and give signal to Auriga.

“Ehehehe, papa and mama!” (Cosmos)

“So it became like this huh.” (Velt)

“I see. Probably, the chest room should be slightly wider but, well, it’s probably the limit for Cosmos’ imagination.” (Elejla)

The cockpit inside Gundam’s head is unexpectedly wide. Rather than saying it’s a cockpit, it’s like a normal room.

In the first place, the damgun isn’t flying, it’s just moving in reflection to Cosmos’ will, it’s inside is completely empty.

It’s makings is monotonous, it only has empty space and the ladders leading to the room downstairs.

However, seemingly recognizing this place as a room for family, Cosmos is running around it looking happy.

“The room kinda wearisome huh.” (Velt)

“Fufu, I don’t think so? If you get closer like this .............” (Eljela)

“O, oooh,” (Velt)

“Then this room that doesn’t have anything in it, will quickly change into a room of happiness.” (Eljela)

She entwines my arm into her body, Eljela who entrusted her body to me like this, is omitting out softness and good scent. Despite I’ve had my fill so much last night, this always brings a fresh feel to it.

“Velt-sama.” (Eljela)

“Ye, ah.” (Velt)

For some reason, a mouth is approaching my ears as I became shy, as she smiles Eljela whispers.

“Once Ura-san returns, yesterday night’s continuation........ let’s do it until the end okay?” (Eljela)

Till the end, around which part is that!

“Wait!” (Velt)

“Oh, no I, how immodest of me......... but, please remember it okay?” (Eljela)

This is it. This angel’s smile, with a slight bit of mischief mixed in it is so unfair.

Last night, I was about to be swallowed down into this. If Ura didn’t appear, I’m confident that I’d absolutely do it till the end.

“Aah, mama and papa are kissing!” (Cosmos)

“Yes, that’s right. Papa and mama are getting along with each other.” (Eljela)

“Mhh~~~~, Cosmos too! Kiss Cosmos too!” (Cosmos)

“Ara ara, how precocious. Yes~, papa should work hard right?” (Eljela)

“That’s right~, since papa loves Cosmos a ton, so give lots of kiss!” (Cosmos)

This feeling, so nostalgic.

“Even with our family of three right now, we’re still happy right?” (Eljela)

Even in the past, Eljela so naturally said these kind of things and do physical contact so easily.

I need to be careful so that it doesn’t appear in my face, or I’ll ended up smiling spontaneously.

“Well then, lessgo! If this goes on Arusha-chan will go and pierce through the ceiling while wearing the face of a devil.” (Mackey)

“Velt-kun, we’re fine! It’s just, Imperial Princess Eljela, we can hear you clearly from here, please be careful. Since it’s not just you three here.” (Arusha)

“Oooi, Velt! I can hear you alright, say to El-cchi to not make any loud voice when doing your night life, you hear~! Spare me from getting to hear your bangings from down here.” (Althea)

“Onii-chan, I’ll plug my ears and sleep okay.” (Lagaia)

Voices could be heard from below. It seems, if we let out a loud voice it would echo and become loud enough to go beyond the room.

With this, even if the room is quite separated apart communication still going to be easy.

And lastly, it seems they’re worrying about weird things but as expected, because of last night’s disturbance I already promised to hold myself back from it.

“Alright, Auriga, if you please! Get the special express damgun to depart to Demon Continent.” (Velt)

I shouted to Auriga who is just below damgun, Auriga nodded and started to chant. Faint light is emerging from the magic circle that Auriga drew, and wind arises as if wrapping damgun in it.

The faintly glowing light starting to coil up and turning into a whirl. The whirling light is drawing closer to us.

“Here I go! Chichin puipui, open sesame!” (Auriga)

TL note: seems chichin puipui is kinda like magic words from japan, maybe same like abracadabra? It also refers to some animated show too, I also found a song of the same name it sang by some vtubers, sounds real weird when it get to the chichin puipui part but it’s an easygoing song.

The wind coming out from the whirl in front of us starting to increase vigorously.

“O, OOH!” (Velt)

“It’s so pretty right? Papa, mama.” (Cosmos)

The whirlpool of light sucking us closer and then swallow us all as is.

“Bye, Auriga!” (Velt)

“Let’s meet again one day!” (Arusha)

“Hihahahaha, well, it’d be funny if you just went and got croaked though!” (Mackey)

“See ya!” (Althea)

“Be healty-no” (Barnando)

See you again!” (Kishin)

Inside the whirlpool of light, it’s as if there’s zero gravity that our body feels like floating.

It is a world where no matter how far we got sucked in, we can’t see a wall or ceiling in all directions.

“...........Caire-sama......... I’m sure they won’t lose to even you. Even the future that I robbed from them, they will connect it in this world no matter how far it is.” (Auriga)

Auriga murmured the moment the space that connects to the world outside close.

And then, as we were getting thrown into other dimensional space, Eljela came closer to me and whispered.

“Fufuh, being just the three of us is good but when Ura-san returns, I’m sure we would be happier right? You think so too right? Cosmos.” (Eljela)

“Ura-chan too?” (Eljela)

“Yes, Cosmos, Ura-san is going to become Cosmos’ family too you know?” (Eljela)

“Really?” (Cosmos)

Hey, Ura herself isn’t here but why did you just go ahead with it yourself.............. Well, okay I guess.

“Yeah, that’s right. Ura will become your family too.”

“Great! Hurraaay! Ura-chan family family! It’s just like that onee-chan said! Papa, you see, Cosmos wants a little sister!” (Velt)

Hm? Onee-chan? Heck, if I’m not mistaken it’s that!

As I was getting taken aback by what Cosmos just said as she jumped in joy, Cosmos continued happily.

“Onee-chan said it. Umm, she said if Cosmos asked papa about it, family will grow. And then, everyone will be even more happier than right now.” (Cosmos)

“Hey, that onee-chan............ did she say anything else? No, rather, when did you meet her? What kind of person was she?” (Velt)

That’s right.  Just who is this onee-chan, As I became somewhat excited I asked Cosmos.

Cosmos who got questioned in one go answered as she got flustered.

“Onee-chan is uhm, an funny person!” (Cosmos)

“Funny.......................?” (Velt)

“And also, she told Cosmos that, if Cosmos wanted a little sister, just ask it to papa, mama, and the person who wants to be a family. If papa refuse, then tell him that Cosmos would be angry, if that’s still no, then tell him this: I will get really suuupey duupey angry, it’s completely fine.” (Cosmos)

Who the heck, teaching Cosmos that kind of weird stuff!

“But, she then said asking it to Ayase-chan is a no. You see, that girl, she’s a fox and wants to take papa all for herself, a bad person, that’s what onee-chan said.” (Cosmos)

...................I wonder why........................... I got so astonished that my mind got almost grinded to a halt, and as I was having that, the door and light to the new world came into our view.



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