Chapter 194 Rely on Me

Kinda wanna finish the novel I'm reading first before I post this chapter lmao.


Chapter 194 Rely on Me                        


It sure is mysterious. Despite him already dead and now me facing the Demon King like this, my anger on contrary is getting settled down instead.

So this guy was once Samejima’s vessel huh? Is it because it’s the body of my friend? No, it’s not because of that.

“Hey, Velt Jeeha! What are you doing, my father was a monster in hand to hand combat! As if a mere human can face him head on!” (Ura)

It’s just like what Ura said. Even if it’s a soulless body, the state of it’s body is still as it was. Since that’s the case, I’d be fatally wounded with just one hit.

But, I don’t afraid of it.

After all, I know how scary Demon King Sharkryu is.

“Fuwa Fuwa Baton Revolt!” (Velt)

TL note: ふわふわ乱警棒 (Fuwa FUwa Rankeibou)

I encase my batons with turbulent air. The air current that chaotically rotating, it’s weight, and speed, all being added to this one strike.

-------Makyokushin Karate – Heaven and Earth Stance

TL note: 魔極神空手・天地の構え (Makyoku Shin Karate – Tenchi  no Kamae)

Against that, Sharkryuu did a defensive stance. His right arm and left hand took an upper and lower posture, waiting for me to enter his range.

I knew it. This swinging down attack with no skillfulness is something that a karateka could easily parry against and counterattack.

That’s right, the movements of a normal human won’t be enough for this.

And just as expected, my attack was about to be countered by his right hand.......

“Kuhaha, or that’s what you thought.” (Velt)

The moment I swung down the batons, I already let go of them. And following my will the batons moved, they suddenly make a sharp turn to Sharkryu’s back and strike the back of his neck.

“Wha, what the!”

“Hoh..... that’s quite skillful.....”

The spectators got a bit noisy. Ura too unexpectedly raised her voice.

As for me, my heart throbbed because the situation unfolded like I thought it would be.

Though, normally this kind of thing would make a big damage but my opponent is a corpse.

There’s no way it would falter to just some pain.

---------------Makyokushin Karate – Heaven Breaking Kick

TL note: 天壊脚 (Tenkaikyaku)

It is something ordinary, a mere beautiful and vigorous upper kick.

Normally when someone jumped forward mid air they’d be unable to move about their body, but I’m different.

I immediately flew behind and avoid the kick.

It’s just, the air pressure of the kick is also out of ordinary.

“Fuuuh, that was close............heck, uoah!” (Velt)

The wire netting that covered the ring got ripped, and it kept going upward to the ceiling creating a blast.

“The ceiling has! What a power!” (Velt)

It’s a force that made me smiled bitterly spontaneously.

He didn’t use any kind of magic, this is the man that made the world knew his name just with the power of his body.

As I would expect.........

“Wait, what the hell’s happening! Velt!”


Seems they entered from another route, Althea and Yuzuriha appeared from the place of VIP seats.

And next to them, Jarenga and Lucifer are smiling and looking below.

“Oh oh my? You ‘re fighting already?” (Jarenga)

“It seems it just started. I’m glad. Now then, will you show us the fight of an untitled human hero against a Demon King?” (Lucifer)

You sure said it as if it was easy.

“Yeah, he’s quite merciless, the him right now is something that literally has no blood and tears, I guess what you said has some truth in it..” (Velt)

Well, putting aside their expectations of me, I by myself don’t have the feel to run away nor to lose here.

“Oi, I don’t know if you’re there but, Samejima...... no, it’s Sharkryuu right? I’m sorry but I’m gonna get serious now. Your real body is sleeping in Elfarshia Kingdom. So I’m gonna destroy this trifling thing in front of me okay?” (Velt)

However, Sharkryuu’s expression doesn’t change or anything, he doesn’t even let out a single word.

Well, I already well understood that though.

“What’s wrong? What are you chattering about? I wish you could entertain me a bit more.” (Neferti)

As if to bring me back from my musing to reality, Neferti informed me while looking down, that made me pissed.

“Shut up, bandaged bastard. I don’t know if it’s some kind of fashion but, do you want me to make you turned into a real beaten up bandaged mummy instead?” (Velt)

“Fuhahaha, your mouth are healthy as always. But, I won’t judge you just by your words anymore. Prove it with your strength. Or otherwise..... I will be the one to take Princess Ura’s purity, you know?” (Neferti)

“Stop saying nonsense. You don’t come out to fight yourself..... if I only fight someone like you, then I’d be the one taking it.” (Velt)

“Then fight. I’ve said this previously. What on stake in this fight is Princess Ura’s Everything.” (Neferti)

At that moment, from inside the cage [Don’t mess with me! Who the hell going to offer everything to you!] Ura shouted with her face deep red, well, my condolences for that.

“Yeah. When I get you back I’ll return it all to you.” (Velt)

Time to continue.

“Here I come, Fuwa Fuwa Air Bomb!” (Velt)

A long distance attack. I shot out a compressed air shell that can’t be seen with eyes. If I can destroy his posture a bit here.......


TL note: according to the dictionary this seems to be a judo thing called (Katsu), literally translated as judo art of resuscitation I don’t exactly know it’s meaning though.

He channeled energy to his whole body, amassing it and unleashed the energy in an instant destroying my bomb.

Yeah, Ura also did that kind of thing. It’s like a manga technique.

“Fuwa Fuwa Air Bomb Barrage!” (Velt)

However, the amount of air is infinite. Since it’s something like that I can fish out as many shells as I please.

 Even  if he repelled them with invisible energy, I’ll keep shooting my shells at him.

It finally broke the stone arena, to the point it crumbled into fragments.

“Air cannon? Wind magicians rarely do something like that, but doesn’t it feel little bit different?”(Jarenga)

“Indeed, it’s admirable that he could attack chantlessly but only that won’t be able to reach Sharkryuu-shi.” (Lucifer)

“Rather, isn’t it that? Undead Sharkryuu ..... he...... still hasn’t use it, isn’t he?” (Jarenga)

“Yeah, when Sharkryuu-shi became serious, he’ll use [magic armament]”

I knew it already, just this much won’t be able to reach him.

But, will you look at that? His footing is being destroyed by the [Katsu] move that he kept doing as if it’s being decided by a machine.

Look, there’s that nicely sized wrecked chunk the size of a baseball ball that rolled over next to his foot, isn’t that could be used easily?

“Fuwa Fuwa Dead Ball!” (Velt)

The moment his defense loosen, the chunk that’s rolling next to his foot risen up and hit his chin.

“Hell yeah! He landed a cheap attack! Go, Velt!” (Althea)

“Trash, how did you do that?” (Yuzuriha)

I nodded to Althea who did a guts pose and cheering, I’ve already closed up the distance in this short moment.

This must be something that the demons gathered here can’t predict right?

And then, I did that.

“Hey, that human is!”

“Impossible, against that Sharkryuu who was feared for his demon fists.......”

“Is he really intending to do a close combat!”

That’s right, what I chose is something that karateka Sharkryuu most proficient about, an\ close quarter fight.

I can understand how reckless it is by seeing the reaction of these demons.

 “You’ll be killed, Velt Jeeha! Do you really mean to fight head on against father?” (Ura)

“Oh my my, he’s the kind that gonna die while trying to look cool?” (Jarenga)

“Still, I don’t hate that fighting spirit.” (Lucifer)

“Hoh hoh, I am surprised myself. Then, what will he do next?” (Neferti)

Yeah, against a Demon King who’s an expert in hand to hand combat, normally a human with their inferior physical ability won’t be able to fight him evenly.

However, I have a chance with it.

The proof is that I’m able to dodge the first high kick that he fished out.

-----------Makyokushin Karate – Crescent Moon Destroying Kick

TL note: 三日月破壊蹴り (Mikazuki Hakai Keri)

Here the kick comes.

-----------Makyokushin Karate – Five Horizontal Barrage Thrust

TL note: 水平線五連突き (Suiheisen Gorentsuki)

Punches are coming.

I barely able to avoid all of that even the range of the fist and kick waves.

“It’s no good! As I thought, Demon King Sharkryuu has overwhelming advantage.”

“Despite he could just fight with using weapons or magic from a distance, such a foolish human. He should know his own limits.”

“Isn’t he just running around right now?”

Yeah, I’m running around. But, the important thing here is I can escape...... in other words, his attacks don’t hit.

“...............Is he giving up? What’s going on? What do you think, Lucifer-san?”

“Is it reflex...... no. It’s as if he knew what’s going to come next.” (Lucifer)

Those who can realize it knew it immediately, it then gradually spread to everyone around.

The reactions of Jarenga and Lucifer who were half laughing is the proof.

“It won’t hit? With that close of a distance my father’s attack won’t hit?” (Ura)

Yeah, I have this.

When facing against an unknown magic and powers, I won’t be able to cope up with it with my limited fighting experience.

But, if it’s simply hitting at each other out, then I have [this].

It won’t hit. It won’t touch me. The perfect method of avoidance.

“I bet you understand it. The flow of air, the creak of muscles, all of them are telling me so clearly.” (Velt)

-----------Makyokushin Karate – Shutou Ichimonji

TL note: 手刀横一文字 (Sword Hand Horizontal Line)

“Anything you’re gonna do next, I knew it like it’s in the palm of my hand.” (Velt)

I acquired this when I fiught against Chirotan. Then refined it when playing futsal.

And when I reunited with Farga and fought him, I regained my senses.

Once hit I’m dead? Like hell it’d hit.


“Aah~, Chii-chan, calm down ‘ight. Gee, you’re friggin’ can’t read the mood.”

Uoh, that was close!

I thought hell broke loose! Suddenly a big hole appeared on the roof, pouring the light of the sun down underground.


I got disoriented by the sudden explosion and roar.

My face cramped towards the two men’s voice that came without prior notice, on contrary to that, the atmosphere of the whole arena turned heated up in an instant.

“What the hell’s happening!”

“Protect the king!”

“H, hey! Look! That’s, wha?”

“There’s no mistake, his skin color seems already changed but that appearance is certainly him!”

“What the, isn’t he already dead? That Chirotan one of the Seven Great Demon Kings!”

Inside the arena that now enveloped in unrest, a Demon King called upon the safety of my beloved daughter so grandly.

And the one who tried to settle him was the worst man of humankind.

I mean, that’s some combination they have there.....

“Mackey! And Chii-chan!” (Althea)

“.........Out of everyone else, it’s the scum and hazard trash.” (Yuzuriha)

They’re dependable but they’re also scary, but for once, my comrades now increased by two, Althea and Yuzuriha are making a subtle expressions seemingly relieved.

 But, the appearance of the two has really given the VIPS a shock.

“Heeeeeeeh, my my, he’s really alive?”

Jarenga gave out an eerie smirk

“Hmh, that fierce heart never change. It sure is refreshing.”

Lucifer smiled in a really refreshing manner.

“Don’t make light of them. They’re those who made Leviathan shattered into pieces at the sea.”

And then, Neferti who let out a sigh as if tired of it.

Their reactions are different but, having descended from the big hole in the ceiling, Chii-chan look up at the VIP seats and nodded seemingly very interested.

“Haaaah? Oi oi, Gahaha..... why the hell are you bastards even here?” (Chirotan)

They must have been acquainted as Demon Kings. In response to Chirotan’s broad grin, Lucifer and Jarenga make the same kind of smirk.

“Yooo, been a while eh? You’re good?” (Jarenga)

“Things sure have been quiet despite you being alive, Chirotan-shi. I heard that you were dying but you seem very healthy now.” (Lucifer)

I don’t know how much they’ve been interacting in the past.

But, despite them smiling to each other like this, it doesn’t seem they’re having friendship in each other, much less to say with being buddies.

It’s as if with just one slight push they’d start throwing their fists to each other.

This feeling of tension, others around also able to perceive it.

And then.........

“Oh?” (Chirotan)

Chii-chan swept his gaze past Neferti, Jarenga, and Lucifer and stopped in a certain direction.

Seemingly realizing something, Chii-chan made an unnecessarily broad smirk.

“Oi oi, you’re also here?” (Chirotan)

I don’t particularly interested in it but what’s over there is seemingly the guy who’s the boss of baphomets.

He’s a suspicious looking guy with crown on his head, hooded, and draped in a cloak.

He didn’t really say anything nor his expression changed, he is just looking down from his VIP seat, but then Chirotan said.

“With worthless prayers and rituals you’re mocking the god......... The Demon King of Blasphemy, Raksasha...... what’s this stupid shut in is doing here? .......huh, this ain’t the time to be doing this! WHERE IS COSMOOOOOS! Hey, you shitty brat! What the hell are you playing around for! Where is Cosmos YOU BASTARD! If she isn’t fine I’m gonna erase the world!” (Chirotan)

So he’s also a Demon King! No well, since he’s wearing a crown he already seem like one, well Neferti did say something about the royalties of the Seven Great Demon Kingdoms are gathering here, but well, this is could be said to be something like this right?

Bargain sale of royalties.....

“Whoa, that’s dangerous.” (Velt)

Heck, I don’t have the leeway to be taken away by what others are doing.

Me right now is standing on this all or nothing stage after all.

“And so, Althea-chan. I’m happy that you’re fine but what the hell Velt is doing inside these friggin’ gathering? Princess Ura is inside that cage too.” (Mackey)

“Ooh, Mackey. Well you see, he’s having a duel. ...... with Samejima’s corpse......” (Althea)

“Hooh? ..........haah........heeh, so it became like that...... I see, there’s this necromancer thing after all~” (Mackey)

Having understood the situation with just that, Mackey slightly made a surprised expression but he immediately snorted.

“This is unlike you, Velt-kun. This isn’t just some brawl, doing something as friggin’ lame as a duel, since when did you do something similar to a warrior like this?” (Mackey)

What the, I’m in the midst of fighting Sharkryuu dodging his punches and kicks like this, what the heck are you saying now.

 “Shut the hell up! I got so many circumstances behind this!” (Velt)

“Eeh? Stop what you’re doing and just kill this Demon King Neferti, once you do that and take away Ura everything’s gonna be a happy end right? With your magic you can just manipulate this underground, make the ceiling collapse and bury everyone alive other than yourself right?” (Mackey)

“Haah? I ain’t gonna go through that trouble to beat everyone!” (Velt)

Most probably, that kind of thing won’t be able to defeat [those four] after all.......

“Hey, isn’t that human a kind of something himself?”

“Yeah, while he’s talking to his friend, he’s still able to avoid Sharkryuu’s attack while looking away.”

While many are chatting around but, it’s not like I can’t understand what Mackey meant with [not like the usual me],  but still this is a necessary ritual.

“Geez, I can’t really proof it though.” (Velt)

“Proof? To who? Could it be, you’re having a friggin’ stupid sentiment to Samejima-kun’s body who’s in front of you? Isn’t that exactly what I mean with not like your usual self? After all, that thing’s already....... just some empty puppet ‘ight............” (Kagami)

Mackey snorted saying it’s just a farce. This is the truth behind Ura looking for Neferti and things ended up becoming like this. While in comparison to that I’m working my ass off like this over here, what he’s trying to say is that what I’m doing is stupid.

He’s doing this while looking at Ura sneeringly.

“Mackey......... Mouse.......” (Ura)

Receiving Mackey’s gaze, Ura turned her face away.

She’s biting her lips while having complicated feelings, Ura herself unable to say anything in return to that.

“Hmh. Still, isn’t it splendid that despite so many disruptions happening, Velt is still able to avoid getting hit despite looking away.”

Towards Neferti’s words who was spoken as if trying to interrupt Mackey, the spectators who were in uproar because of the entrance of Chii-chan and Mackey said [now that he said it] and once again turned their gaze on me.

“Hm, isn’t he good?” (Jarenga)

“Yeah, I think so. But, despite I think it is admirable I don’t think this is Velt-shi’s limit. It’s because in front of Sharkryuu-shi’s attack, he looked as if didn’t afraid at all. He didn’t make any mistake, he also didn’t exert out his strength.”

Lucifer spoke out quite the refreshing words of evaluation. it isn’t my limit and I don’t feel any fear, those two points.

It’s true those kind of things are some of my good points.

“It’s as Mackey said, this thing is only an empty puppet. I’m not afraid of it.” (Velt)

There’s a reason I declared that kind of thing when I’m fighting.

“I knew of it. Of Demon King Sharkryuu’s real strength.......... his terror........ and soul!” (Velt)

I don’t feel any fear from it, it’s exactly because I knew what kind of attack it gonna use that I can easily make a counter against it.

I slipped through his straight right punch, crossed over his outstretched arm and make his face eat the baton thrust cladded in turbulent air.

“Whoa. Friggin’! A cross counter thrust with baton!” (Mackey)

TL note: You’d better search how cross counter look. It’s pretty cool.

“Ooouch! Usually people died when thrusted like that! It’s already dead though!” (Althea)

“Uugh, ..........t, that looks painful.........” (Yuzuriha)

The vibration and resistance that my hand felt, my attack has smashed into Sharkryuu’s face. Of course, against this opponent that can’t feel pain, he didn’t sway at all. However, regardless of how it doesn’t affect it’s performance, the double fold counter attack’s power made it rolling on top of the arena.

“Fa,..............father..............” (Ura)

The arena suddenly turned silent without any cheers.

As Ura uttered a small voice, Sharkryuu’s body stood back up wordlessly despite the damage it received.

“Ah........Fa....... father........” (Ura)

However, on the other side of it, it is enough of a sight to make Ura understood that the Sharkryuu in front of her now is nothing but a puppet.

Sharkryuu who stood back up and Ura whose shoulders are trembling, I conveyed to her.

“That day, I saw the real strength of both the Demon King Sharkryuu, also the father Sharkryuu.” (Velt)

“Velt Jeeha?” (Ura)

“Try to remember it, his last attack.” (Velt)

That’s right, it was that day. He was cornered by Gyanza, to his army who was about to be annihilated, he shouted out his final order.

[Listen up! O’ foolish humans!! I am the strongest of the Seven Great Demon Kings, Sharkryuu!!

Despite being drenched in seas of blood, I fight for the sake of one day obtaining a wonderful world!

However, this body will soon welcome it’s perish by the Holy Sword of the mighty Hero!

But I won’t let myself simply die as so!

I won’t choose to die proud and gallant, I will choose fight for survival!

O’ my proud brethrens! Offer your life to me now!

We shall not kill a single soul! Please die so that they may survive!

I have granted you my, Demon Lord Sharkryuu’s final plan!

Now all men, follow me!]

Despite me not being a demon, it made my chest burnt up.

[O’ humans. Be in terror. Kneel before this overwhelming power!!!]

That figure of him rampaging about with all his strength, to the point of burning up his soul.

Compared to the terror of that time, there’s no way I’d be chickened out in front of an undead like this.

“His figure at that time, he was the Demon King Sharkryuu. That’s why Ura............ Don’t rely on something like this.” (Velt)

No, even if I didn’t say it, Ura has already understand that this is just an undead and not Sharkryuu.

“I understand that........ I’ve already told you.......... there’s no need for you to tell me...... but, I...... despite that I wanted to meet him......... no matter in what shape....... my father...” (Ura)

She can’t help but became weak hearted and reached out her hand.

This is the weakness that she has never shown in the five years she has spent living with me.

However, she has lost her memories of me, and now exposing herself in bare.

That’s why I have to proof it as a way to take responsibility.

“Yeah. That’s why I’ll put an end to the ghost of the past you cling onto right in this place.” (Velt)

“.....But, .....I still........” (Ura)

“Like I said, from now on....... you should rely on me........” (Velt)

“Wha...... are you saying......” (Ura)

It still doesn’t change even after seven years.

“Like Sensei said, you got Hanabi and Camy........... and me too. That’s already the best right?” (Velt)

I will fill up the two years of blank.

“Stop joking around! Wh, wha, th, then..... b, but, that, i, in the first place you have Eljela and Cosmos...... and you are just a human!” (Ura)

Ura who seemed to have understood what I said far deep went into a haste with slightly reddened face, but still I didn’t pay that any heed and said.

“I don’t care about that kind of problem.” (Velt)

Besides, I have a promise with Sensei, and also a vow with him......

---------Asakura, I’ll leave the rest to you!

From the previous life when he entrusted the baton and now her daughter to me, this feeling, I won’t let go of it anymore.

“................! Watch out, Velt Jeeha!” (Ura)

At that moment, Ura seemed to have realized something and shouted.

I mean, I’ve already noticed it myself. This undead who can’t read the atmosphere, he once again came attacking me.

“Just have it enough already, rest assured and get back to sleep!” (Velt)

I threw the batons strongly, and made air bullets flying out to fight back. However, as I thought, Sharkryuu paid them no heed and keep plunging forward.

Tch, this is troublesome in it’s own way. Despite it made a critical hit, it can’t completely destroy it’s firm body.

I’ll bet this on a decisive blow.

I can’t use magic absorption like when the time with Chirotan against Sharkryuu who only uses hand to hand combat.

Then, what should I do?

“Just simply make the air explode or hitting him with air current won’t be enough................. more............. more!” (Velt)

More, take a hold of the world and compress it even stronger, amass it all..........

“Fufu, even those hard headed military men are making a confused expression now. Confused about how green this Velt’s words are. And since who knows when these people included me in their gazes. Should I rise the undead’s level more to liven things up? For the sake of making a Demon King’s strength could be reproduced even more vividly.” (Neferti)

At that moment, to the me who has concentrated myself fully unable to hear Neferti’s voice or the surroundings.

“Still, it sure is regrettable. This kind of amusing sight, it shouldn’t be enjoyed by just us, I wish it could be shown to even greater number of people. What a shame.” (Neferti)

“Hihahahaha, well~, Demon King Neferti, you sure seem to be quite in the good mood.” (Mackey)

“Hm? Ooh, you’re the human comrade of that Velt. Well, indeed so. It is interesting to watch. After all, demons and humans, differing races won’t be able to understand each other. However........ that person over there, I can understand that he is a [man] and a[fool]. But at the same time, I also think of him as [serious] and [the real deal], I can’t help but came to understand that.” (Neferti)

For some reason Neferti and Mackey are chatting happily, but I don’t pay much attention to it.

“Now then, Demon King-sama. I heard you said that you wish to show this scenery to even greater number of people....... but actually I’ve been using this thing for a while now. This is something hidden I have that even the jailers at the prison didn’t notice........... this sparkling bright pendant.........”

“That is.............. [Circle Mirror]?” (Neferti)

“Yes it is! Friggin’ correct! Now we’re in live broadcast with rave reviews!” (Mackey)

“.....................hey, you, aren’t you Velt Jeeha’s comrade?” (Neferti)

“I’m his pal! Don’t you know? Only real friends are allowed to banter around like this. We’re close friends that don’t hold ourselves in.” (Mackey)

“So why are you doing this kind of thing?” (Neferti)

“Because it seems interesting.” (Mackey)

“Is that so......I hate to show my country which in isolation but...... it doesn’t seem to be necessary anymore. From this day on, the history of Demon Continent will change.” (Neferti)

“See, this is what people called friggin’ love could change the world right?” (Mackey)

Despite I said I’m not interested in it, I still feel slightly interested about it, but despite that, I decided to not be interested in what they’re saying.



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