Chapter 196 Hug and Kiss

This is the best song I found recently, wait till around a minute for the adventure to set off

 Anyway i found a rather decent novel. maybe gonna rest for a week or two


Chapter 196 Hug and Kiss


The world of speed of light that went beyond high speed. With the power enveloping my body as it’s engine, it unifies with my will as I run across freely  in full throttle.

My kick, my batons and energy cannon that I don’t really understand.

“S, strong......... he’s......... a, a fiend...........”

I can understand how the robust demon military men turned pale like it’s on top of my own hand.

The air transmitted it to me, they’re gradually taken aback.

“Gahahaha, of course it is. He’s the shitty brat that defeated this great me two years ago after all.” (Chirotan)

“What? So what made Chirotan-shi missing for two years was.......... to think that........ I never knew of this.” (Lucifer)

I keep on destroying Sharkryuu’s body as many times as it took so long it still able to move, I’m sure this is making people of the same race to be horrified.

But you see, it’s not like I feel good doing it.

No matter how light hearted I am, how my body filled with power, and how freely I can move, despite all that this can’t be called a fight anymore.

-----------Makyokushin Karate....

“Too slow!” (Velt)

I don’t predict things to avoid the attack before it’s coming anymore.

The moment his muscles even react a little bit, at that moment I’ve already beat him into it.

“My my? Isn’t his speed so much different already?” (Jarenga)

“Yes, it is good. It’s always refreshing to witness the moment an unknown outstanding talent to awaken himself.” (Lucifer)

“Heeh? Despite you said refreshing, your face has fight written all over it? Lucifer-san. Well, I don’t wanna though?” (Jarenga)

“........................................fufu..............” (Lucifer)

“Aah yeah, with you making a refreshing face like that, it must be because of that? But to me you look threatening though?” (Jarenga)

Sharkryuu who I kicked away brandished a knife hand chop from a distance.

He’s planning to cut me by using the vacuum wave of the chop?

“Father’s knife hand chop can even bisect the space! It’s not something one can defend against, avoid it Velt Jeeha!”

Your worry is unwarranted, Ura.

The me right now can even do this.

“Fuwa Fuwa Random Laser!” (Velt)

From behind Sharkryuu’s back, the laser light that I recently learned ran through.

Destroying the left hand chop that Sharkryuu lashed out.

“What, a laser appeared out of thin air like that! What the hell’s going on!” (Althea)

“I, I see.......... because he doesn’t have to release it from his own body so it doesn’t have to came out from his hands. With just Velt-kun’s will he can establish an attack from wherever it is even place unseen to him. And in this case from the opponent’s dead angle........... friggin’.........” (Mackey)

“.........................I’ll stop making that trash angry..................” (Yuzuriha)

Long range, short range, so long it’s within this space then it’s my world. All falls according to my timing.

“By the way, how would you fight him Lucifer-san?” (Jarenga)

“Hmh.......... if I fight against Velt-shi then I won’t use magic. It would be a failure using it. Nevertheless, using martial arts to fight him? It will be hard too. After all even Sharkryuu-shi who was specialized in hand to hand combat is like this. Yes, for the Velt-shi right now.......... he doesn’t have any dead angle.........” (Lucifer)

“I see, so, it must be that? If we should fight him........ it’s either a surprise attack or using a power in a domain that he doesn’t know, right? Like maybe using curse? Right? You think so too, right? Demon King Rakshasha-sama who’s been silent all this while?” (Jarenga)

Yes, I don’t feel I’m gonna lose anymore!

That’s why.........

“Samejima............. I never thought I’d win against you like this. I knew that you, Demon King Sharkryuu, is someone way stronger than this! But you’re already dead! You can no longer speak to ura, pat her, touch her, not to say protect her! The you right here is only an empty husk of a puppet! Your real soul isn’t here! That’s why you won’t be able to help Ura! There’s already nothing that you can do anymore!” (Velt)

----------Makyokushin Karate Secret Technique.........

“Like I said, I’ll do the things you can’t do! When you’re reborn next time, I’ll be next to her so that you’d feel glad that you’ve entrusted her to me back then! To atone these past two years I’ll bet my whole life to it! That’s why............!” (Velt)

When I realized it, I’ve already put down my batons and store it inside the holsters.

“Please, rest in peace already, my best friend. Let’s meet again in the next life.” (Velt)

I vowed in front of Sharkryuu who has stopped moving entirely.

“It’s........ enough right....................... Neferti, you think so right?” (Velt)

Don’t overdo it more than this.

“Father.............. Velt Jeeha...............” (Ura)

It’s enough already, I said that to Sharkryuu who has severe wounds on his body.

And, what then? Neferti finally lift up his heavy bottom and walked to the front of the VIP seats, and then he looked down.

“Mackey Mouse........start the televising...... I want to hear his green words.” (Neferti)

“Hiha! Neferti-san, thanks a ton for the many good rides” (Mackey)

What are they sneakily talking about? I mean, Mackey, bastard why are you getting along with him for?

“Velt Jeeha. Indeed that you have exceeded my imagination. You have proven that you aren’t merely words....... however, I want to ask you this once again.” (Neferti)

“Hah?” (Velt)

“There is nothing that can change the fact that you’re a human. You should understand by seeing the history of each of our own races. There is no way for you two to be tied together. No one will offer their blessing to you.” (Neferti)

What’s wrong so suddenly? I’m bothered by how Mackey is grinning next to him though........

“Hey look, it’s me and Ura’s problem as to what kind of family we will build up. Besides, no one will offer us blessings? But I think a ramen shop family from a certain country will offer us their blessings as they cry in tears though.” (Velt)

“Hoh. You said so with an excess of amount of confidence but in the first place, why do you, a human, is being concerned with Princess Ura that much?” (Neferti)

What? He suddenly folded his arms and wanted to debate about this again now? It’s like he’s testing me.

Well, I don’t really understand it but my answer had already been decided.

“She is the one who I thought of as a family more than anyone else in this world.” (Velt)

And what now? Huh? Did I see it wrong? Under his bandages, it looks like Neferti is grinning...... Rather, his fist is in a guts pose now?

“Then....... Princess Ura........ what do you think?” (Neferti)

At the next moment, Neferti snapped his fingers.

And then, a snapping sound was heard from the cage where Ura is locked into, Ura clothed inside a wedding dress, then descended upon me.

TL note: huh, I never imagined she was in an elevated place..... did I passed the part that said she was being held up there? Well kinda too troublesome to check though...

“Wha, what the, you set me up here!” (Ura)

“Yes. In the end, regardless of my opinion, your feelings have the final say.” (Neferti)

I take into view of Ura who’s groaning with [uugh], not sure whether she’s feeling embarrassed or just don’t know of what to do, anyways I’m gonna........

“This idiot, you’re making me worried.” (Velt)

“Uggh” (Ura)

I hit her once with my knuckle.

“Y, ou, this, what are you doing so sudden!” (Ura)

Ura is glaring at me as she hold onto her head that got hit but, I’ve said it right?

“I’ve said it from the beginning right? I said this; anyways I’m gonna hit you once.” (Velt)

“Huh, b, but in the first place, you’re........ no, I mean...... I’ve said this in the first place! You’ve already......... already have Eljela.......... and Cosmos...........” (Ura)

“And what’s wrong with that? That’s still isn’t a reason for you to cling onto that undead.” (Velt)

“You’re noisy! Noisy, shut up shut up! What’s with all that stuff about thinking of me as a family! What an outsider like you can know!” (Ura)

Ura pushed my chest with both of her hands and shouted out her feelings as she shed large drops of tears.

“Father was............ he died to protect me! I.......... I wanted to talk with him more! I wanted to learn more! I wanted to hug him.......... it’s fine  even if it’s just a lie........ just for once........., only just once more........., am I wrong to think like that!” (Ura)

“Of course it’s wrong. After all, even with that undead made an appearance, that only make you look even more saddened. Rather, you should have known it’d gonna be like that since the beginning. But you made me became the bad guy and blew it out of proportions, making things turned out like this, you stupid.” (Velt)

“Uuuugh, y, you said stupid again! You’re just a fickle lecher, don’t make me look like a fool!” (Ura)

“Hey, that got nothing to do with this.” (Velt)

“It has! You’re merely a lustful man and g, going after my body! I knew it’s true! As if I wanna be together with someone like you!” (Ura)

Despite she always smiled and said [I’m shipped together with you for eternity] from seven years ago till two years ago, once she lost her memories I became hated instead..... no, as expected I don’t think she actually hated me for real. But well, I’m well understand that she’s only being stubborn and unable to be honest to herself.

“That’s right, why am I wanna be with someone like you! Or what was it again? If I were to be married with you, then do I need to do a diary exchange? Knit a matching clothing to show others we’re couples, singing out our feelings with love songs, buy matching rings with our names engraved on it, working together in a ramen shop, run around with a child inside the shop, us three walk together as we hold our hands in each other, and at times go to play at Melma-san’s house....... So do you mean to do those kinds of things with me! Stop joking around, what do you think of me as!” (Ura)

Now that I think about it, she talked about the stuff form diary exchange to having matching ring when she was around twelve, she requested it to me bashfully but I rejected all of them. It’s so troublesome after all.

“I thought you were about to say something else, but I can well understand that the you right now is unexpectedly still a kid.” (Velt)

“What! This, is, what did you say!” (Ura)

No well, try to understand it. The guys  watching around us were making various expressions  before but now they’re pleasantly having a bitter smile instead.

“But you see, Ura, it’s no good if you keep going like this. It’s not like I don’t understand what you feel. You wanted to talk more things with your family........ you wanted their warmth........  Even I can understand that, I’ve regretted about it, thinking about things like that in itself isn’t something wrong. But you see, it’s wrong to do it as we are right now....... we need to accept the reality and look forward, ........we need to grow up. This world is always rife with wars, so aren’t guys who have similar circumstances with us at least need to do that and come to a clear decision with life? But despite you already have Sensei, Camy, and Hanabi, and even reunited with your demon comrades that you thought already dead,  yet you still feel bitter and saddened about it, just how much greedy can you be, this idiot.” (Velt)

I said that once again. Calling her an idiot. However, Ura didn’t return any reply this time.

She listened to my words, looking down, and bite on her lips tightly.

I then put my hand on the base of my neck.

These seven years, even when I got imprisoned, I’ve always carry this thing close to me, I held it out to Ura.

“At least, the friend who gave me this.......... wasn’t all he wanted was for you to be happy, right? I haven’t meet your mother but, wouldn’t she be the same? And also....... Ruuga too.” (Velt)

“..........! W, why! Tha, that’s! That ring is...... why do you have it! And how did you even know about Ruuga!” (Ura)


This is the ring that Samejima passed over to me that day. And also, this is the ring that Ura herself has passed over to me.

I have lost the first medal of honor I’ve ever received, my childhood friends also already lost their memories, I also have lost many thing else but only these rings I always have with me.

“So, from now on I’ll be around. But if you still feel lonely and bitter even with this..... then I’ll make you be happy instead.” (Velt)

I passed over the rings I received those at times to Ura.

A gem shining in green, and a gem shining in scarlet red.

Ura grasped them tightly, drawing them to her cheeks dearly.

And then, after a bit of time passed, she flashed a slightly mischievous smile to me.

“Hey, why did you have these? You stole it?” (Ura)

“No way, idiot.” (Velt)

“............Hmph.......... good grief, what am I to do now. I have lost my memories about you but........ the me before I lost my memories, and my father too...... for us to even entrusted these to you, that means............” (Ura)

Surely, they entrusted those rings to me that day was for the sake of this day.

However, when I said that Ura held tightly only the green ring, and then handed over to me the scarlet one.

It’s the ring that I received from Samejima.

“.................This is............. the only item that father has left behind....... there’s only one of it in this world, something irreplaceable. That’s why, you should hold it.........” (Ura)

Ura said that as she handed me over the scarlet ring.

“Is this fine?” (Velt)

“It’s not. I actually wanted to always carry it with me..........but..............” (Ura0

At that moment, Ura finally showed a nostalgic heartfelt happy smile to me.

“You are going to be right next to me from now on, therefore it should be fine if you hold it right?” (Ura)

I see, it’s true that since it’s going to be like that then it’d be the same whichever of us to hold it.

“Also........this, is the ring that I have with me originally...... so I will hold onto it. .....p, put it on to me.......” (Ura)

This time Ura handed over the emerald ring that she holds to me, Ura holds out her left hand, rather she put emphasis for it to be put onto her ring finger, she faced me with no words as if saying to absolutely put the ring on there.

I wanna see her reaction if I were to put it on another finger but since that could make her heart a mess again after all the things that happened to make her listen to me, also since it could also betray those eyes full of expectations by demons too, I’ll just put it on her obediently here.

“Yeah.” (Velt)

“..........Fufu, .......yes! It’s my ring!” (Ura)

And, what happen now?


Excited cheers that could shake heaven and earth were echoing.

“You did well, bastard!”

“I pray for your happiness, Princess Ura!”

“You’d better remember you’ll be making entire Demon Continent your enemy if you make Princess Ura cried!”

“Shit, despite he’s just a human, ain’t that manly!”

Normally I thought the demons would be soured upon this but instead they send us applause unstoppingly as they stood up

“Uwaaah, Velt, this totes a goal in! Just yesterday you got a wife and a daughter but the next day you already get a new wife, what the hell is that! Hey, Yuzu-cchi, what do you think? Hyaa~ of course you must be thinking like that too right! Huh, Yuzu-cchi?” (Althea)

“Hooooo...............................” (Yuzuriha)

“Huh, Yuzu-cchi, why are you blanking out looking envious like that?” (Althea)

This is so embarrassing huh.

Still, it must be the same with Ura, but despite that, with slight hesitation, Ura entwined her arm to mine.

“E, he, ehehe.” (Ura)

Oh man, that’s so cute......

“My my, what is this? What did we come here for again? What, is it for this farce?” (Jarenga)

“Don’t say it like that, Jarenga-shi. View it to be something as what shaped the world isn’t war but love instead.” (Lucifer)

“Gahahahaha, oi, shitty brat! Your kids absolutely have to be girls! Hey, Rakshasa, you stop being silent and say something.” (Chirotan)

“....................................................................................” (Rakshasa)

Well, I’m always not good at being teased like this but just for today I’ll read the atmosphere and live up to it.

Ura too, well, she’s smiling as she was back in days.

“Hey, oi, Mackey Mouse, do you film it? Are you filming it properly?” (Neferti)

“Of course! I’m friggin’ filming it! Even now it’s still broadcasting live!” (Mackey)

“Good, then I also must say something here. Cough.......... magnificent, Velt Jeeha. This duel is my defeat. And as I have promised in the beginning, I will back down quietly. In exchange, now promise to all of the demon race to always make Princess Ura happy!” (Neferti)

The moment Neferti stood on that platform like thing and declared loudly, a wave of applause once again reverberated.

Somehow, that guy feels like quite the manly guy or simply a handsome guy............

“Now then~, demon ladies and gents, we’re already fired up now but things will get fired up even more~” (Mackey)

What the, Mackey so casually stand on the handrail of the VIP seats and shouted to the whole venue.

Somehow he looks like an MC doing a warm up.

“These friggin’ cute bride and dashing groom~ now need too~ kiss with each othe~r!” (Mackey)


“And since that’s the case, ladies and gents, let us forget anything about races here and let me borrow your hands. Match your claps and call together with me!” (Mackey)

Ah, it must be that, somehow Mackey is going all out now.

 When I noticed it Lucifer and Neferti are already about to clap their hands.

“One~ two, hug and kiss~! Hug and Kiss~! Hey! Hug and kiss, hug and kiss! Hey! Now then everyone, at once!” (Mackey)

“ “ “Hug hug hug and Kiss, hug hug hug and kiss! Hey!” “ “

 “Hug hug hug and kiss, hug hug hug and kiss! Hey!” (Mackey)

“ “ “Hug hug hug and Kiss, hug hug hug and kiss! Hey!” “ “

The demon race is getting along with it too well! What the heck’s going on with this race!

“I mean, Ura, I thought the demons are hating humans. So what’s going on here?” (Velt)

“Wh, who knows......... well, it must be that. Perhaps, even if the demons do hate humans, Yami Demon Kingdom, Kurai Demon Kingdom, and Yavai Demon Kingdom here are all in the first place, don’t war against humans........” (Ura)

“, what’s that? Is that really the reason?” (Velt)

I mean, why the heck the Demon King who compete for a woman with me was the one who took the initiative instead!

Why was it really?

---- Hug hug hug and Kiss, hug hug hug and kiss! Hey!

For some reason, it’s as if the sound isn’t only coming from the arena, there’s even sound coming from the surface, or is it just my feelings?

“H- hey........Velt Jeeha...........I mean..........Velt!” (Ura)

“Ura?” (Velt)

“” (Ura)

At that moment, with her face already as red as tomato, she pulled the cuff of my clothes and spread both of her hands.

“............W, we’re doing it?” (Velt)

“Else........ they won’t stop right?” (Ura)

Certainly they seem won’t be stopping. I thought about this when with Eljela before but are the demon race the kind of guys who quite got fired when doing something like this?

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, shit, understood aight, Since I need to do it then I do it.

“This is unusual you know? For me to not use magic and holding you up like this.” (Velt)

“Hmph, don’t be thwarted down by something like this okay. I’m..........I’m not some easy woman who’d swing her tail to just anyone....... engrave it in your heart.” (Ura)

“Yeah” (Velt)

“But, we should never part away. Have you resolved yourself?” (Ura)

“I’ve already had that resolve ever since seven years ago.” (Velt)

I carried her on my hands and then do my duty.

How about it, satisfied now?

“ “ “They did it-----------------!” “ “

For some reason they’re so excited that some of them shouted, make postures to show off their muscles, do something like a shadow boxing, anyway all of them are just unable to  sit tight, this is making me agonized.

“Uhyaaa~~, go and friggin’ explode already, this riajuu~! Be happy! Now then,  everyone lets get down to arena! Let’s make an arch for their start of new life to congratulate them!” (Mackey)

“Hey, can I go home now? Huh, Lucifer-san? Why even you are doing it now?” (Jarenga)

“Hahhahha, well~, it’s interesting. Umm, so you do it like this as if imitating a rainbow for the arch. Now now, your turn Neferti-shi.” (Lucifer)

“Hmh, the me right now is not a Demon King. I’m just a single demon who wishes for the happiness of a girl. Now, you should pass through it.” (Neferti)

“Gahahahaha, these guys are really idiot. Oi, Rakshasa, you’re not doing it?” (Chirotan)

“.........................................................................I will do it.” (Rakshasa)

“Well~, I don’t really understand this but let’s do it too, Yuzu-cchi. Huh, Yuzu-cchi, what are you doing hopping up and down like that?” (Althea)

“Uugh, my height............. isn’t enough.......... I can’t make the arch.......” (Yuzuriha)

TL note: I think they’re making an arch like this:

 二次会の退場方法はこれに決まり!ゲストに≪祝福のアーチ≫を作ってもらう演出が素敵♩ | marry[マリー] | 結婚式 写真, ウェディングフォト,  新郎 新婦


You’re saying we need to go through that! Not only that, they’re having awfully big shots in them!

I mean, where the heck they’re telling us to go by making us going through it.

Anyways, well....

“Shall we go?” (Velt)

“Oh, hmh........ I mean........ yes.” (Ura)

We go through the arch. When I realized it, the moment I passed guys that I don’t know they started to pat our backs and clap their hands.

This feeling, it must be that, the feeling similar to that time when I got conferred a medal at the Empire huh.........

“...............sigh, if this got discovered, I bet she’ll cry............” (Velt)

Unintentionally, that childhood friend princess appeared in my mind.

Despite this talk about Ura becoming my wife and the like already going on since long time ago, as expected if this kind of hidden marriage got discovered things gonna turn bad.

Well, despite I said that, she doesn’t remember me now, and in the first place, this event will only stay in this place, so, fine I guess.....

“Velt-kun! Y, you’re............ just what is this, you’ve done something unbelievable!”

Then someone came in a rush, now then, what should I do? The one who appeared as I thought that is, from front of the entrance of the arena that leads to outside, Arusha with the likings of a fiend is standing with her expression enraged.

Ah, so she’s fine.

Her clothing got dirtied a bit but she doesn’t seem to have that much of injury.




“UOOOOOOOH, so you’re fine Cosmos!” (Velt)

“Ehehe~, papa it’s tichklish~” (Cosmos)

From beside Arusha, Cosmos suddenly popped out!

Chii-chan is making a guts pose as he shouted loudly from behind but I already hugged Cosmos before he could.

Ura slightly pouted as I readily let go of her hand but she quickly resigned herself and sighed.

“M, mm......... well,’s fine if it’s Cosmos.” (Ura)

“Ara ara, Ura-san. Fufu, congratulations. You’re so pretty you know?”

“Eljela..................... that’s............... I made you worried.” (Ura)

“Not at all. You being fine is the most important.” (Eljela)

In contrast to Eljela who’s being glad for Ura’s safety, Ura lowered her head apologetically because of feeling guilty having dragged her into this.

“Mackey Mouse.” (Neferti)

“It’s fine, Demon King Neferti. Since the guys that gonna appear after this are kinda have their own circumstances, I’ve already cut off the broadcast.” (Mackey)

“I see, you’re quite able.” (Neferti)

“It’s my special move after all. Well, from my point of view, I was surprised by the event you’re having here though? Did you plot this to happen from the beginning? This love scenario I mean.” (Mackey)

“...............Fuh, well I’m a woman too after all....... well, if that Velt didn’t exceed my expectations by this far then I will actually have a same sex marriage with Ura. Now then.......... putting that aside, those guys are finally here.” (Neferti)

And then, following Eljela, Arusha and Cosmos........


Pheew, Velt, you’re very good! Both your proposal and party are fantastic!” (Kishin)

“Nahahaha, bro, yer a real man!”

“Onii-chan, I was so moved.”

“However, well, you did it quite well despite not thinking of the consequences ahead-zou.”

“Perhaps it was Mackey-kun who perpetrated that.”

Ooh, everyone came at a good timing.

“Rumba, Kishin, Jackpot, Lagaia, Kaa-kun, Barnando........ what, so you guys already here too.” (Velt)

It’s good that they’re fine........ huh, of course with these guys as members they’re gonna be fine.

It’s just, if they’ve already come they should come out quickly, I want to say that complaint to these guys who are clapping their hands as if making fun of me.


“Well, Velt. It’s not that me all already here. We’re all just arrived.” (Kishin)

“..........Hah? is that true? But, how did you know about the things that happened here?” (Velt)

“Hm? We saw it from above ground? There’s that aurora vision in the sky.” (Kishin)


“Yes, that’s right, you guys were......... no, Velt-kun was  as it was seen, so the culprit is........... Mackey-kun!” (Arusha)

“Bye Bye-kiin!” (Mackey)

“Why are you running away! Stop right there! Why did you make things a mess by yourself for? To think you’d do something like that! Mo, moreover, it’s being broadcasted at the same time to the world!” (Arusha)

What does she mean?

Crap.......... For some reason................ it seems something amazing is happening somewhere I don’t know of.



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  1. thanks for the chapter

  2. ...............Fuh, well I’m a woman too after all.......
    Nerfertiti, and Egyptian queen


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