Chapter 199 Mixed Blood

Got this chapter a bit rushed since I wanna spend weekend blanking my mind out reading Lord of Mysteries. It's really good, I love the world build, it's very detailed and big, though I'd like it more if they set up the world in medieval style. The story is very well built, detailed in the process even the daily life. I like the daily life part where the mc just go and do his trade. It feels very intriguing to me. Well gonna be different story if the focus is daily life itself though, for some reason I just can't get into that genre, the focus must be still adventure and daily life is just a part of the adventure. That's why I don't think I'd try anything with slow life tagged in the title.


Chapter 199 Mixed Blood


Now that I’ve said it, how will they react?

Well, of course, they won’t have good look on their face I guess.

“To conquer the world huh. But that also means you’re going to found a new country.”

Glaring into my eyes, Neferti then inquired.

In what way you’ll do it, what kind of things you’ll do, she asked.

And one way to do it, is to make a country.

That’s something Tyler said to once before.

“In that case, what kind of world will you make? What kind of vision will you have?” (Neferti)

The kind of country I’m aiming. Also what’s the shape the world will take?

That’s something I’ve been thinking these several days even as I feel depressed.

“Maybe something like a world where humans, demihumans, and demons can live getting along with each other? Do you really wanna say something like that? How lame right?”

Jarenga said jeeringly, a lame world.

It’s not like I didn’t think about it. But, it’s slightly different than what he said.

However, to turn what I have in mind into words, there are a few things that I still don’t know, also because I’m hesitating I still haven’t tell it to anyone.

I had so many encounters, went and took my responsibility as a man, there’s also what happened today.

Having those things as the base, what has my mind able to grasp?

I still unable to see the method nor the clear way to get to there.

But, the goal that I want to reach, I already can faintly see it.

“Humans, demons, and demihumans could get along....... it’s way too late right? After all, I’m already getting along with them long time ago, I’ve went and got married to two wives from different races after all.” (Velt)

Rather than asking about what to do with the world, I’m going to make the world right now able to let off the hook of what I did.

Since I’ve already can connect with the hearts of many races be it demihumans, demons, and sky people, what I should I next should be going beyond that right?

“What I’m aiming is the world after that.” (Velt)

“After that?”

I hugged and carry Cosmos who was swaying her feet to and fro as she sit on Eljela’s lap in boredom.

“Eh? Papa, you’re done~?” (Cosmos)

And as I do that I latched my hand onto Lagaia’s nape and pull him close.

“Eh, what? O, onii-chan?” (Lagaia)

Yeah, the hint is these two.

“I already took a bride from the sky people and demons. And before long, I’ll be having kids. But, the kids that will be born...... be it Cosmos’ little brother or sister..... will be a mixed blood child. Like Lagaia over here.” (Velt)

The happenings at Smoky Island.

Regardless whether one has blood connection or not, someone could still loathe their real family, despise them, and throw them away, like Lagaia’s case.

“What I aim is the world that lies after humans, demihumans, and demons able to get along. A world where I can raise my children peacefully....” (Velt)

If I say it here, everyone should be able to understand it.

And naturally, upon learning my thoughts, even my comrades can’t hide their shock.

Well, It’s because I’m also someone who won’t talk things that I still don’t properly have concrete thoughts about.

“I will create world of mixed blood.” (Velt)

But, in this place right now, rather than mincing my words, I feel that it’s better to just say it clearly that I ended up saying it like that.

“O- onii-chan..... that is.........” (Lagaia)

“Lagaia. It’s okay for you to live. Since I’m gonna have so many children with my wives, it’s gonna be a lot of trouble so you should also help out a lot alright.” (Velt)

Lagaia, Cosmos, and our children that’s gonna be born to this world from now on.

In the past, my dad and mom still loved me without being afraid of what others may think. So no matter even if they’re half blooded, I’ll make it so that the same could happen from now on.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s the first time me heard it Velt. But, if that’s true then it’s looks like me need to wager my life to you all the more. This came from me who’s a despised halfling that has struggled with me all and became the top of Jigoku Demon Kingdom in the past.” (Kishin)”

“Oi, there’s no need to give birth to any boy. Your only option is to have girls, then this great me will take care of them.” (Chirotan)

“Hihahahaha, Velt-kun suddenly strike like that, it’s so interesting~” (Mackey)

“.........In other words, trash wants to impregnate women from many races?” (Yuzuriha)

“I mean, Yuzu-cchi you’re a half too right? Lion and dragon was it?” (Althea)

“Well, we’re in a groupin’ called [halfs that came from fellow demihumans], so it ain’t gonna go down like that, though I heard that the halfs ame from [demons] and [humans] won’t have pretty ‘n easy life?” (Jackpot)

“I see. So that’s how it will go...... Velt-kun.” (Barnando)

“Indeed that it’s a new way of thingking-dazou. The friendship of humans, demihumans, and demons........ there have been things that’s still in theory and have been put into practice with that but, to think you’d go beyond that.....” (Kaizer)

The protection of halfs, places like that of Smoky Island where they run away into garbage dump, those kind of places exist.

But of course in those kinds of places they’d be restricted and not free.

With Cosmos having born, met with Lagaia, and then married to Ura, that’s the kind of thing that appeared in my mind.

“You said you’ll make a world of mixed blood children? You...... do you think you can do that kind of thing? You understand what kind of existence a half is in this world right? Even despite having the blood of two races, most of them won’t be accepted by members of both races.” (Neferti)

Neferti said with a slightly upset tone. Have you lost your mind? She said.

Of course, its not like I knew in great details about the history of mixed blood.

They’re the product being born from the wars between races since far away in the past.

If there’s some among them that were loved in truest sense, then there were also those who were given contempt.

But, the world won’t acknowledge the existence of those kinds of children.

They’re the cursed existence that while having the same blood running through their veins but also having the blood of hated race flowing in them.

“A mixed blood child is being feared as a taboo existence, and their parents are being called betrayers, aren’t they? To those..... guys who blabber those things to, I already put them down with my strength though?” (Jarenga)

Jarenga? I? Huh? This guy, is he.............

“Well, since I have both the lineage and real strength, father and others didn’t treat me that coldly though....... but as I expect, a genuine vampire will look down on half huh? And so what now? You’ll gather them up and make a country for them? The hell is that, what are you gonna do by gathering all those garbage?” (Jarenga)

“Kuhahaha, gathering of garbage. That’s nice~, you who have struggled, roared, and won your own rights from just being a mere garbage, ain’t that the proof of your existence as a delinquent.” (Velt)

Jarenga. While he also has the position as a prince, does he also feel like Lagaia?

Well, from his looks and personality, he doesn’t give the feeling of being raised properly.

From the point of view of that kind of guy, does my idea got him irritated? But, who cares right?

“Lucifer. Tell this to Dora and your master. I can’t stick to your side but if you wanna be rescued then I’ll go and save you.” (Velt)

This is something I’ve decided, so I stated it definitively.

“Velt....... you’re........ that’s so coward....” (Ura)

At that moment, Ura pulled my sleeve as she said her resentment.

“That’s..... if it’s for the sake of our child that’s about to be born, if, if you said something like that, I, what should I say to answer it! Despite I’m an executive in World Alliance and Love and Peace that aims for the friendship of the various races in the world......” (Ura)

Having stopped being stubborn in her feelings to me, Ura who also unable to easily acknowledge my idea is making a difficult face.

Well, I’m sure she’d like to jump to our side originally. But, she’s being tied hard to her current position and can’t let it go.

“Velt-sama........” (Ejlela)

Eljela is also the same.

She might have been genuinely following us all this time.

She might have been tagging along with the feeling like having a family trip.

However, after this point, she won’t be able to so easily accept this with the current standing of the Sky World and the nature of their relationship.

“Princess Arusha what do you think about this?” (Eljela)

And in the midst of that, Eljela asked to Arusha who’s seemingly standing on our side.

However, Arusha herself is also having complicated look on her face because of my earlier statement.

“I’m, simply opposing to the Holy King’s scenario. Since I can’t stand that scenario where the various races would be destroyed, put into a selection, and became a world only for humans. As for what Velt-kun said about the world conquest, I still haven’t think that deeply about it. The things I haven’t think deeply are for example, a journey with Velt-kun, the chance to shorten the distance with Velt-kun, or something in like this is the perfect chance for me since all of you won’t be around Velt-kun, I never put things like that into my mind, how I should entice Velt-kun and get along better with him and then making it become a relationship of a man and woman, there’s simply no way I’d be thinking those kind of things. Naturally, I also have my concerns. Those who thought of me as missing and are worrying about me, my friends, family, and also big brother. But the reason  why I’m joining them isn’t like it’s for the sake of me wanted to be together with Velt-kun, it’s because I wanted to fully achieve the friendship between humans, demihumans, and demons instead of the lies that Holy King and Love and Peace hoist as affront to their real objective. But, this matter about a world of mixed blood is out of my expectations. Rather, it’s never crossed my mind before. Despite being a woman myself and have befriended many from other races, I’ve never thought of giving birth to a child of different race after all. It is true that I thought of that as repulsive instead. In the war, there are demihumans and demons that became prisoners or slaves and ended up as a plaything, I’ve heard that kind of story so many times. There are also those that unable to endure it and ended up committing suicide. And then despite a mixed blood is just a newborn, they’re already persecuted. Even by their own parents. Being born because of being wished, and being born despite being unwished, yes, that is a mixed blood. I’m sorry for being rude, but I was indeed thought of it like that. However, it’s true that as I able to communicate with Prince Lagaia and Kishin-kun like this, indeed that I was able to confirm that there is not even a single difference between us and a mixed blood. Cosmos-chan too, in a way to have drawn the power from both sky people and human race after all. But to me a future where only human children would be born is something I go against, and upon hearing what Velt-kun stated just now, I will be put in a delicate spot if someone were to ask whether I can approve it or not. In the first place, there’s no law that allow the marriage between those from different races, rather, instead it would be better if it were to not be recognized at all then I could kick down my rivals...... n, no no, I’m not so black-bellied. But, well I digressed, still what should I do? In this occasion, Princess Ura and Princess Eljela have already, I’ve already resigned myself, it’s about their children right? It’s true that if I were to think about it, if I were to have kids in the future, Princess Eljela and Princess Ura’s child would be children of different mothers, naturally, it would be better if it’s in the world where they able to get along with each other, so what about the choice I should make? The world of mixed blood? Since that would mean me and my child would have no standing in it, then there’s only one way for this.” (Arusha)

She done thinking?

For some reason, even Neferti, Lucifer, and Jarenga got their eyes turned into tiny dots, then after a full revolution of Arusha’s World, she conveyed with a crisp face.

“Let’s make a world where there’s no discrimination between mixed blood and pure blood children.” (Arusha)

Pure blooded child, Arusha asserted it with such a staggering emphasis, anyways, is it okay for me to approve of Arusha now?

“Well, that was such a preposterous...... I’d like to say that but with these members you have, it is scary that it could actually be realized....... indeed that since you’re married with Princess Ura, there will be the problem of mixed blood children that will follow.” (Neferti)

Neferti overcame her shock and then suddenly slumped onto the backrest of the chair, letting out a tired sigh.

I’m sure it’s because she understood that the path that I’ve thought is different from the path that they are in.

“Well, I might not be in the position to say this because I made too much fun of the interracial marriage” (Neferti)

“Wao, you serious? Hey, Demon King Neferti, you’re serious? You’re just gonna swallow that kind of idea? Ain’t you too easy? Hey, Lucifer-san can you say something?” (Jarenga)

However, whether I make a move or not, the world has already knew of my existence.

The reason is simple. It’s because of that idiot Mackey.

And for that reason, a slightly abrupt event is happening.

“Jaja~n, jajajajajaja~n!”

That’s because, without any prior notice or anything, there’s something that filled our field of view so much.


“Th, this is!”


“Hawaa~, papa, it’s so pretty!”

“ dazou.”

Yeah, flowers.

Along with an unusually childish voice, the meeting room is filled with red, blue, and yellow flower petals of various kinds, they fall as if dancing.

“What is this?”

“Who did this?”

“It doesn’t seem to be a poison or anything......”

Since the Demon Kings seem to be surprised too, it doesn’t seem this is their handiwork.

Then, who?

Among those who are here, just who is capable of doing something like this without us even able to feel the slightest sign?


Mackey let out a slight chuckle and set his eyes on the center of the round table.

Over there, with ribbon on the head, a familiar mouse character spread both of it’s hands wide.

“Heya, Mackey, long time no see

Oh oh oh. This is so sudden.


“Who is it-dazou?”

“Mannie Balbadie”

“Seems so huh?”

“Waah~, so cute~, right papa, papa~!”

Cosmos got excited with her eyes shining but that thing was raised badly so I don’t want her to come close.

With no change at all ever since two years ago, still having that costume Mackey gave on her, she appeared without any prior notice.

“Velt-kun, Princess Ura, congrats on your wedding, really! Panpakapa~n, panpanpanpanpakapa~n!” (Mannie)

Flower petals came down after being teleported, falling down around the room.

The blooming colors of the flowers are pretty, however, also ominous.

“Mannie......” (Velt)

“Long time no see! Have you been well, Velt-kun!” (Mannie)

“Why are you here.......” (Velt)

“Ehehe, it’s only Mackey that could have the Circle Mirror after all. That’s why it just hit me. Ehehehe. Just~ joking. Since Tyler said that Velt-kun has broken out of the jail, I came to visit.” (Mannie)

After having come here myself, to think that she’d be here too.

Always appear in unexpected place, at unexpected times.

It’s been like that since two years ago.

She came with an attitude as if messing around, but did things that could influence people and the world, the completely shameless, Mackey the Second.

“Hihahahahhaha........ Mannie-chan.....” (Mackey)

“..............Ehehehe....... Mackey~” (Mannie)

The two problem children duo that the world proud of now have reunited, I don’t know why but for some reason there’s a feeling of tension drifting about.

“Fufu~h. You broke out of the jail huh, Mackey.” (Manie)

“I friggin’ did.” (Mackey)

“Did you want to meet Mannie?” (Mannie)

“I friggin’ wanna meet.” (Mackey)

“Do you angry with Mannie?” (Mannie)

“I friggin’ not angry.” (Mackey)

“Do you love Mannie?” (Mannie)

“Of course,~ figgin’ lovey dovey.” (Mackey)

What the hell is this exchange? Honestly, it’s a conversation that we can’t even think about.

So this is the kind of reunion of those who abandoned and got abandoned?

What kind of face does this woman have as she talk under that costume?

Mackey too, why is he making that kind of look?

“Hey, Mackey.......... do you........ love Mannie more than anyone in the world?” (Mannie)

“........I, will say yes, will Mannie-chan believe in that?” (Mackey)

At that moment, in that instant the tone of them are clearly different.

From Mannie, words that were filled with anguish were heard.

“Uh nuh, I won’t~. Mackey is the worst in the world after all That’s why you should always be inside the jail. And you see, after the preparation to destroy the world is done, I will come to save Mackey. I will try my best even without Mackey around, I want to get it scored high and get praised~. And after that, Mackey will be madly lovey dovey with Mannie right?” (Mannie)

What was she talking about just now? For some reason, after I listened slightly of what she said just now, Mannie who is talking in her usual flippant way is somehow felt like she’s crazy.

And, I’m sure Mackey understood what that means.

“It seems it’s already too late for everything isn’t it...... Mannie-chan.......” (Mackey)

As a complicated looking smile surfaced on his face, he stood up and said that.

Upon receiving those words, Mannie went silent for a moment.

And then......

“...............Uh huh.........  it’s already too late....... Mannie won’t stop............ that day, when Mackey got back his memories about that previous life or something, since that day when you won’t look at Mannie, it’s already over you know...... Mackey.......... uh huh......... Love...........” (Mannie)

TL note: this is the first time I use uh huh, well it could have many meanings depending on situation so just read the context.... I could change it to something more direct though but Mannie said lots of uh huh here in the raw. It's like when say no with with just uh huh.

“Don’t call me with that name. It’s already, something I’ve thrown away.” (Mackey)

Hm? .....Love?

“Manie-chan’s big sister, she seems wanting to stop you though?” (Mackey)

“Onee-chan? What’s that? Clonia onee-chan? Despite not...... remembering Mannie, does she think of me as her little sister? Ehehe, it’s no different from Mackey.” (Mannie)

“..........What, so you knew?” (Mackey)

“I knew it~, Tyler and others told me about it after all. .......he said she’s an enemy.” (Mannie)

At this moment, we have a thought.

Rather than the flow where their conversation going, we think more about the word Mannie muttered just a moment ago.

“Oi, what love meant?” (Velt)

“Velt-kun, me and Mannie-chan you see, before we founded the organization, we met when I got selected by Tyler who’s doing a headhunting.” (Mackey)

“Hey, Mackey-kun. What does love mean here?” (Arusha)

“At that time, Mannie-chan was still a little girl, I bought her on a whim.” (Mackey)

“Hey, Mister Mackey. love here is?” (Kishin)

“I did bought her, but she still wasn’t able to control her warp and magic nullification, so I thought I won’t be able to use her. On top of that, a brat is so noisy.” (Mackey)

“So, Mackey what totes she meant with love?” (Althea)

“I raised her with the feel like a little sister or a daughter but for some reason when she suddenly got into puberty, she began looking at me with the look of a woman, well~, even I who’s like a sewer got troubled by it.” (Mackey)

“Nou, Mackey-kun, what’s love here-ja?” (Barnando)

“Yeah, and then, was it because she was so noisy? After she overcame her first menstruation I went and pack’d her in~. Well~, that time, even I felt friggin’ guilty~, moreover, a virgin is so noisy as they usually always cried and said it’s painful, but instead of that Mannie-chan said that she didn’t want any hindrance so we didn’t use any contraceptive.” (Mackey)

For some reason Mackey kept talking rapidly on and on. At times, he’d slide in some degenerated topics, as if wanting to stir the problem at hand to that direction.

Still, despite so we asked. Asked again. And again.

“What’s love?” (Velt)

Like that.

And then, Mannie said.

“Mackey’s real name you see, it’s actually Love.” (Mannie)

Hmh, I always known that Mackey is just an alias.

Heeh~, so that’s how it is.


Despite all this time Mackey has been piling up hatred one after another as if trying to avenge himself, we laugh as if making fun of him from the bottom of our hearts.

However, there’s an important thing that came up as if erasing those laughter......

“Prince Jarenga~, hey heey, which one do you think will win~?” (Mannie)

“.......What?” (Jarenga)

“Playing the fool is a no no. As you’re doing something like this here, Yavai Demon Kingdom is checking out for movements and sending out their men right? For the attack against [Demon King Kiroro] and [Blue Ogre Zetsuki]. In the absence of their king and strongest great general, you will also attack Jigoku Demon Kingdom, making a two point attack.” (Mannie)

Jarenga and Kishin’s expression changed as they stood up with force that made their chairs fell.

Spontaneously, our stupid laughter also stopped.

“The world has pay attention to this, the deciding war of the strongest in the Demon Continent. Jigoku Demon Kingdom VS Yavai Demon Kingdom. As the war for supremacy is heating up, Yami Demon Kingdom and Kurai Demon Kingdom will send out reinforcements, I think that’s pretty much the outline? Hurra~y” (Manie)

Jarenga didn’t answer. However, that silence said loud enough.

Everything that she said is the truth.

“Nfufu~, establishing the Demon Summit....... letting that information spread out, making the whole world pay caution to the Demon Summit itself, but on the backside of it, you’re starting your strategy for capturing Jigoku Demon Kingdom right? .........Terrifying~......., Mannie is shaking and trembling in fear ...... but, did you think it won’t be discovered?” (Mannie)

Towards Mannie’s words, Jarenga who’s wrapped in killing intent raised his right hand and glared.

“You......... I  have some things I wanted to ask you but well, whatever. Will you die right at this moment?” (Jarenga)

Jarenga’s eyes, they turned into like full moon, shedding out their glittering lights.



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  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    Lotm is one of the best for a reason, the sheer skills of the author just playing around with the characters and readers is no joke
    Beyond that, enjoy your weekend!

    1. True that, people always talk about Lotm when mentioning best wizard themed story in novelupdates.
      And, yeah i enjoyed the weekend lmao


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