Chapter 200 Demons Who Tarnish Peace

My translation doesn't feel that smooth this time.


Chapter 200 Demons Who Tarnish Peace


At that instant, what I felt was the feeling as if the air was being compressed and getting pulled.

“The Moonlight Eyes, I ended up activating it you know?”

Jarenga did something. It’s something that even we at this place able to feel.

Mannie who is right in the direction of his right hand is getting pulled towards him forcefully as if getting absorbed.

“Uwo, o, aaaah!” (Mannie)

A power that’s the same as my levitation and Eljela?

But, I also did similar thing in the past but Mannie was able to nullify it.


 “It’s useless you know? Moonlight Eyes aren’t magic but something like a power that came from one’s constitution, so Magic Nullification won’t work alright?” (Jarenga)

Mannie doesn’t stop. She got pulled in strongly, unable to nullify it.

However, Mannie still laughs.

“Iya~n, eh, just kidding! Hehen, you went and did it~!” (Mannie)

Hey, you’re going to pull out something now? The moment I thought that, Mannie took out something.

“Jaja-----------n!” (Mannie)

In her hands, several tens of daggers appeared, and then she threw them at Jarenga.

“Here I go, I am for big hit!” (Mannie)

At almost the same time she threw those knives in a straight line, they used the pulling power to accelerate aiming for Jarenga.

However, this kind of thing can’t beat a Demon King. Or is it a feint instead?


“Ieei” (Mannie)


Mannie used teleport to circumvent towards Jarenga’s back and then bind his arm behind his back.

Jarenga who got both of his arms restrained is unable to stop the knives or avoid them.......

“Didn’t I say I have Moonlight Eyes?” (Jarenga)

“Kyain!” (Jarenga)

At that instant, with Jarenga as the center a repelling force blew away both the knives and Mannie.

“Mannie-chan!” (Mackey)

“O, ooh! Heck, well, I never thought a Demon King could do something like this, what the heck was that!” (Jackpot)

“.....The activation of that skill was truly speedy. So this is the moonlight eyes of the vampire royalties.” (Kishin)

Especially it didn’t need chant nor other of such routines, it was just, his eyes were blinkingly shining, changing their how they look.

What kind of effect was that?

“Oouch, it huuuuurts, that was unfair~” (Mannie)

Mannie crashed into the wall and writhed. It’s unknown whether she’s just messing around or is serious.....

“Geez, you’re so sly~. Uuh~, take this!” (Mannie)

At that moment, Mannie teleported in an instant and erased herself from view.

Where is she? Is she behind our backs?

We stood up as if trying to protect each other, taking an intercepting stance.

But, Mannie who has already gone instead reappeared at the same place as before.


“Take this!” (Mannie)

She appeared with a big rock that could fill the entire room.

So she teleported for a moment, gone to a place where she had prepared some weapons and then appeared again?

“Be smashed!” (Mannie)

“Like I said, it’s useless alright?” (Jarenga)

However, the instant that rock appeared Mannie was repelled by Jarenga and got blown away.

“Uhyaa!” (Mannie)

“What the, hell is happening here!”

“GORA, shitty prince, don’t drag us into this!”

We don’t really get injured but that big rock crashed into Mannie and the wall that it pierced through outside.

“Nununu, ei, ei!” (Mannie)

Mannie who was  blown away by the rock teleported and disappeared and then appeared again at once.

She looks angry for some reason with her hands on her hips, it’s that kind of pose where a girl acts cute while also angry.

“That was so unfair~, you’re so, very cheat. You made Mannie can’t use her power, it’s so unfair.” (Mannie)

It’s as she said, Mannie who has that unfair kind of power is now being overwhelmed.

The Moonlight Eyes that doesn’t get affected by Mannie’s power? What’s that really?

“That is Jarenga-shi’s Moonlight Eyes.” (Lucifer)

Amidst the rubble of the round table and momentarily floating down documents, Lucifer who smiles broadly answered our question.

“It’s the Moonlight Eyes that's able to produce attractive and repulsive force with his own body at it’s core. A superficial power won’t be able to reach Jarenga-shi.” (Lucifer)

Attractive force and repulsive force. So it’s something like that.

It feels similar to Mackey’s gravity magic but instead it’s not from magic and is being controlled by his constitution, and because it’s his body’s constitution, he doesn’t need any chant at all.

“Now then, Mannie was it? Since you were so noisy I’ll declare it to you, ............I’ll send you to the moon and kill you.” (Jarenga)

I see, so this is vampire.

But, Prince Jareng’s power isn’t just to this extent. With the strength he has, moonlight eyes are only extra.” (Kishin)

Extra? That kind of unfair power?



Huh? At that moment, Yuzuriha who’s hiding behind Jack’s back and Jack who’s face is perspiring with expression taken aback entered my sight.

“What’s wrong-zou? Prince Jackpot and Princess Yuzuriha.” (Kaizer)

“Well, fer some reason....... that bro....... like, I dunno why but...... ma body is shivering.” (Jackpot)

Even Jack too? Despite they being that transcendence life form of a lion dragon, what are they afraid of now?

However, regardless of what’s Jarenga’s or Mannie’s powers are, I already saw through what’s this conflict all about.

“Mannie-chan...... regardless about whether Prince Jarenga is here or not, with you infiltrating here by yourself, that makes the important thing here isn’t what you can do. So what’s actually going on?” (Mackey)

That’s right, it’s as Mackey said, this kind of thing is way too reckless.

And so, why did she appear? Why is she fighting? What has she come her for?

“Anyway, it’s a checkmate for you Princess. Before you actually got killed by Jarenga-shi, will you surrender instead?” (Lucifer)

In addition to those from the class of Seven Great Demon Kings, there’s also Lucifer and us.

There ain’t no way she’d win.

“Hey, Mannie-chan. Since you’ll escape even after getting captured, will you tell it to me before you run away?”

“.....Mackey.........” (Manie)

“Just now you said something about Jigoku Demon Kingdom VS Yavai Demon Kingdom in one go but, right now, what’s going on with the world?” (Mackey)

That’s right. Lucifer and others said they planned for this Summit so that it could unify the will of the demon race.

But despite that, behind the scenes they’re planning to war instead?

Towards Mackey’s question, Mannie answered as she exhaled a small sigh.

“Rock Demon King Kishin is gone. But, Jigoku Demon Kingdom itself has amazing number of troops and territory, and along with that the Six Great Ogre Demon Generals are all healthy right? But, now with Demon King Kiroro and the strongest general Zetsuki about to be separated from their large trops, it’s gonna be such a chance that only happens once in a thousand years! In the Summit, their guard might be strict but instead, there’s a fat chance of winning against Jigoku Demon Kingdom without those two around!” (Mannie)

No well, you said it as if it’s so simple but if they’d go to war that quickly because of that, then why haven’t they do it up to now? If with those two’s absence could mobilize them immediately go to war as she said, it’s not like there’s no other timing to do it......

“Oooh, me understand” (Kishin)

“Kishin?” (Velt)

“For all this long, the reason why Jigoku Demon Kingdom and Yavai Demon Kingdom didn’t go to war was because on the map, there are Yami Demon Kingdom and Kurai Demon Kingdom in between them. For those two to go to war, it’s either they destroy Yami and Kurai or form an agreement with them.” (Kishin)

Now that he said it, I already heard that kind of thing. That is the main cause that they are unable to decide which one is the strongest in Demon Continent.

Hm, wait a sec?

“Wait, Kishin-kun! But right now there are Demon Kings from Kurai Demon Kingdom and Yami Demon Kingdom.....” (Arusha)

Yes Princess Arusha. ....the wall has now disappeared...... world war will start!” (Kishin)

Because the three countries have come into an alliance, there’s no more obstacle between Jigoku and Yavai.

And in that condition, the new Demon King and that Zetsuki will be absent.

That’s exactly what’s called a once in a thousand years chance. I see so that’s how it is. I now understood why only the Demon King from Yavai Demon Kingdom is absent here.

The main candidate for the strongest Demon King.......

“Therefore, me’s existence and power made Demon King Neferti and company anxious. Because no one remember about me’s power, making them can’t read what me’d do. However, because me coincidentally came to this country, they were to make me stay still in this country until the Summit and all other events ended......  that’s the scenario you all were putting.” (Kishin)

“However, that has been seen through-dazou. It’s as that strange person said.....” (Kaizer)

Yeah. Indeed that Mannie is leaking the intel out.

However, since it’s being leaked out, what’s actually happening now?

“Ehehehe........ we from the World Alliance wants friendship after all...... like making another one of the Demon Kingdom move?” (Mannie)

At that moment, Lagaia stood up because of Mannie’s words.

“Could it be, Makai Demon Kingdom will give reinforcement to Jigoku Demon Kingdom?” (Lagaia)

“Hmh, Makai Demon Kingdom is [also] giving reinforcement.” (Mannie)

So that’s how it is! Makai Demon Kingdom will....huh?

“Also? You said also? You..... what do you mean?” (Barnando)

“Ehe, ehehehehe, eheheh eheheh!” (Mannie)

Towards Barnando’s question, the doubt in our hearts also reared up to the surface.

The information has been leaked out, Jigoku Demon Kingdom has allied with Makai Demon Kingdom behind the scene and are about to counterattack.

Then, how about the summit? How the humans and demihumans in there will move?

“Ufufufufufufufufufufufufufu! Aahahahahahahahaha! Be annihilated! Everything, everything be annihilated! Hey, Mackey! It’s amazing you know, amazing! You see, Mannie only told them just a bit you know? I only said Yavai Demon Kingdom is preparing for war! Despite that, things ended up becoming like this! It’s amazing! Mannie is really amazing! With just a single word from me the world’s history could change you know?” (Mannie)

Seemingly getting irritated by Mannie who is laughing eeriely, someone attacked spontaneously. I don’t know who attacked but it didn’t make Mannie’s composure collapse.

“Mannie-chan......... huh?”


“What the!”

“Th, this is.......!”

And then, we, here are right on the brink of the beginning of the end.

“Th, the clouds are......!”

There’s something strange happening in the sky.

A gigantic cloud is masking over the blue sky.

It is so big that it stretched on beyond the horizon.

Just a little bit ago the desert was being shone by intense sunlight with not even a single cloud seen on the sky, so since when did this cloud get here?

No, this cloud isn’t a simple cloud.

“Wh, what’s the meaning of this!” (Althea)

“The cloud is...... the cloud is descendin’ bit by bit ain’t it!” (Jackpot)

Yes, what he said isn’t a metaphor.

It’s as what he saw.

The gigantic cloud masking over the sky is descending slowly, coming closer to the Demon King’s castle in the middle of the desert.

“Impossible, what’s going on! It already approached this close but I didn’t notice it!” (Neferti)

“Ehehehe, that’s right bandage onee-san If this country were to descend, bandage onee-san will discover it right? That’s why, everyone come from the sky~!” (Mannie)

To approach here from the sky. Rather than the clouds, it’s the sky itself.

Just who are they.....

“Impossible, what do you mean! I’ve never heard of this! Eljela!”

Ura demanded to Eljela as she shouted her disbelief.

However, Eljela’s shoulder shivered largely as she looked up to the sky.

“That’s...... why...... it’s the Sky Kingdom Holyend’s........ mainland!” (Eljela)

The Sky World!

“What’s going on, Ura-shi, Eljela-shi!”

“What? You guys, huh? Spies?” (Jarenga)

But, despite Lucifer and Jarenga asked that, they already well knew that isn’t the case by seeing those two.

“What makes you worried is, whether Princess Eljela has betrayed you or not ehe.” (Mannie)


“Since there’s a possibility that Princess Ura who is the sole contact to these three countries to leak out this plan, Mannie and co stayed silent about it. It’s the same with Imperial Princess Eljela who is on good terms with Princess Ura But still, that marriage ceremony was a real surprise~!” (Mannie)

Ura didn’t know. Not only that, even Eljela didn’t know about it.

To think that the sky is becoming an enemy and about to attack.....

“What’s that, GORAA! Something’s coming down!” (Chirotan)

From the cloud something came out in drops.

And those aren’t rain.

Something way stronger than rain, hiding will inside, each of them are alive!

“That is, the strongest of the Sky Kingdom’s mainland, elder sister’s squad, the War Maidens of Judgment Knight Order.” (Eljela)

“Wait a sec! it’s not only the sky people...... those are, those flags are,  Great Human Alliance Army!”

“Impossible, sky people and Great Human Alliance Army you said!”

They flap their white wings, as if the reproduction of what happened at Smoky Island, the angel battle maidens came pouring down.

Furthermore, in addition to the angels, are knights fully clad in armor. Gryphons, flying dragons, pegasus, steeds that have the power to fly in the sky came pouring out.

What’s the meaning of this? Do the sky people and Great Human Alliance Army are attacking at the same time?

“The ones who are aiding Jigoku Demon Kingdom army are Makai Demon Kingdom, also Yubamensch and Erosvitch from Four Heavenly Beasts Demihumans you know.” (Mannie)

Well, nothing can be done about it. This is clearly a.....

“You jumped the gun way too early, Mannie-san.”

“I was terrified when you went ahead of everyone else.”

Amidst the pouring troops, a pillar of light stretched out like sunray out to the front of the desert.

The pillar of light is round shaped depicting a magic formation, two men are coming down and standing in the middle of it.

Aah, it’s those two.

Casting a glance at my comrades and the Demon Kings reaction,  they alighted grandly right in the center of an enemy nation and called out their names.

“I am the First Prince of Arklein Empire, belonging to the Great Human Alliance Army! One of the Ten Heroes of Light, also known as the True Hero Roa!”

“I am the commander in chief of Elfarshia Kingdom, as well as the proxy president of Love and Peace, one of the Holy Knights! Tyler Liberal!”

The Hero and Holy Knight have come to the world of demons.

“B, big brother!” (Arusha)

“General Tyler!”

“........Hero Roa........  he has grown so much that I almost don’t recognize him-zou.....” (Kaizer)

“You, why! Why didn’t I able to notice you approaching!” (Neferti)

Regardless us or the Seven Great Demon Kings. The sky people, Great Human Alliance Army, and Holy Knight came abruptly with the force of a surging waves.

Those are names famous regardless of one’s race, it made the subordinates of Neferti and company who are being stationed at this castle to shiver so much.

“Demon King Neferti! Demon King Rakshasa! And Prince Jarenga of Yavai Demon Kingdom! I knew the reason of your gathering here! You are opposing our World Alliance and trying to destroy the world peace that has finally come! For the sake of stopping that from happening, we have come here, together!” (Roa)

He pierced the shining Hero’s sword into the desert, his words rang out across the desert with his expression even more fearless and that child-like face has become manlier.

“Along with the hundreds of years of history, blood has flowed and corpses have piled up. At the end of that, peace, friendship, and future have finally about to come into sight, why have you seek to destroy that instead!” (Roa)

It’s just a lie after all......that’s, what the guys in this place forgot to retort with how this castle is being surrounded, and Hero Roa’s strong voice was infused with power inside it.

“Do you see this sight? Right in this place, and even at other place, humans, demihumans, demons, sky people, all those different races are moving at the same time! It’s not about who’s up above or below, they’re being united because of the justice they hold inside themselves! Without even changing the past when we hated and killed each other, we still can change the present and also the future! That is how we are currently, how the world is presently!” (Roa)

Well.... Roa said that, and then he pulled out the Hero’s sword he stabbed down and pointed it to us as he shouted.

“That’s why, no matter what great cause you all brought up, I will protect everyone from you!” (Roa)

And then what happened next? From the soldiers and angels that are on standby up in the sky, roars from the depth of their hearts were echoing and washed over us.


They won’t forgive the Demon Kings who are about to lead the world to destruction. They will defeat them by combining the strength of everyone.

I see. So that’s the outline of it.

“Big brother.....” (Arusha)

“Well Arusha-chan~, your big brother is so committed but he’s annoying right?” (Mackey)

“But, he is stronger than when he fought me back then” (Kishin)

“Hmph, another trash.....” (Yuzuriha)

“What, he looks like goody smarty kind of guy.” (Jackpot)

“So that’s the Hero, Roa-shi huh.” (Lucifer)

“Trying to lay waste to my country........ I won’t stay silent!” (Neferti)

Against Roa who said those things as much as he wanted, what about guys on this side?

Astonished, trying to asses things, there are also some delicate reactions among them, it’s all each to their own.

Well, to those who knew of the truth, it sure is something delicate.....

“However, there is something that we wish to confirm first!”

At that moment, Tyler who is beside Roa spoke.

“I wish to ask to those who I assume are here in this country! Princess Ura! Imperial Princess Eljela! Mackey Mouse! Kaizer from Four Heavenly Beast Demihumans! Vagrant ogre Kishin! And then......

That day, us four escaped the imprisonment of the Empire. And then, because Mackey’s fault, that one person was exposed to the entire world. Or instead, did the happenings at Smoky Island have already entered his ears?

Tyler called out names one after another. However, his expression is clearly bitter.

And then.....

“And...... lt....... , Velt Jeeha is also supposed to be in this country! If you are here, please come out! I wish to talk!” (Tyler)

And so like I was told......

“Fuwa Fuwa Laser!” (Velt)

I came out.

“..........., guh!” (Tyler)

“Eh..... Gen, General Tyler!” (Roa)

I shot out my new technique, the laser, to all directions around Tyler’s thigh.

“Now, I’m already out.” (Velt)

With the speed of light I jumped straight to in front of Tyler from a distance.....

“Ve.... Vel.......” (Tyler)

In the two years I was locked up inside the prison, I’ve met Tyler so many times.

However, I didn’t really say anything out of hatred to him. I didn’t think he’s mistaken, I also didn’t know my own answer back then, I merely spent my days uselessly.

“Hey yo!” (Velt)

Me and his path now already completely separated.

That’s why, that one shot was for drawing a line for it.

Also, it’s a single shot packed with my resolve for not going back.

“I’m even gonna pluck out your teeth!” (Velt)

A fist clad in light and moved at the speed of light,  it crashed into Tyler’s face.

Our eyes met for a moment, his eyes were filled with sorry and apology from the bottom of his heart as if tears about to flow out,  and I punched into that face.

“Ge...... General Tyler! Y, you! Ah,’re..... If I’m not mistaken, just a moment ago you were on that image in the sky....... together with Princess Ura.....” (Roa)

As soon as he saw me suddenly appeared and sent the Holy Knight-sama flying, at first he showed anger on his face, but the moment he saw my face he got flustered. It seems, Roa also saw my marriage with Ura.

The look in his eyes said it all.

Asking who am I actually.

“Kuhahahaha, since he said he got something to talk about and asked me to come out, so I came out.” (Velt)

“What?” (Roa)

“This is my way of communication. Talking with fist is the way of the world of men right? Hero-sama. Just because the culture is different, don’t push friendship so much alright.” (Velt)

Did it reach you? Tyler.

I’m alive you see.

“Velt...... gah...... y, you, this power.....” (Tyler)

“Surprised? In these three days we didn’t meet, you won’t know what kind of stuff a man could go through.”(Velt)

The way he got punched by me. And how my fist was bizarrely strong.

All of those are being reflected on Tyler’s pathetic face.

But you see, there’s no need for you to feel guilty to me.

After all, it couldn’t be helped that you thought [as I expect it’s better to lock him up inside a jail], since I’m gonna go as wild as I can with the world.

“ “ “ “” “ “ “

And those comrades of mine and the Demon Kings included got shocked by the act I just did.

Aah, well I did just sent him flying without properly meeting him after all.... can’t be helped.....

However, at that moment.......


Against what I did, those guys who get on the justice bandwagon lit up the flame.

“General Tyler!”

“Who was that man!”

“He’s the man who has deceived Princess Ura......... he’s a traitor of humanity!”

Intense angry roars rushed over.

All of them swarm together, looking down, and then express their rage.

So annoying.

And then, pillars of light came falling down one after another.

From those pillars warriors came out in batches.

Protect the Hero, protect the Holy Knight, defeat the enemies, they busied themselves.

And then. the one who came down faster than anyone was........

“Bastard, what did you do to General Tyler!”

“How dare you did that to daddy! Come at me, I’ll be your opponent!”

“Barts, Shout, don’t fly off so suddenly. You both are the trump cards against Demon Kings. Until the Ten Heroes of Light fight against Demon Kings, you should hold yourself.”

“Yes, leave it to us. It’s alright, we will definitely win, we will grasp the true peace!”

“This guy is so annoying....”

“Since it’s the first time I saw Princess Ura laughed like that, I thought it’s someone with a backbone, but to think he’s actually such a guy!”

“But, we won’t lose! For the sake of everyone who has sacrificed themselves this far!”

Such nostalgic faces.

All of them have grown up.

“Barts........ Shout......... Hawk, Sanne........ Howe........Ship....... Chet.......” (Velt)

I see, so they’re here..... I mean, they’ve come.....

“That guy, not only Barts and Shout, why does he also know us?”

“Fufu, isn’t it because we’ve gotten famous too?”

I never even thought about it. There’d come a day when these guys would direct their hostility and killing intent to me.

“Yeah, come at me. I’m gonna make all of you cry.” (Velt)

I provoked to get them agitated but, of course, it’s no way it’d be........ only these guys huh....

“Wait up, everyone! Don’t fight against him! There’s something that I need to talk to him!” (Tyler)

“Daddy, it’s unfortunate but this man is making a dangerous expression. We will defeat him now!”

Yeah, Shout. It’s as you said. It’s dangerous. This extraordinary me is dangerous.

That’s why, don’t reserve your powers and go all out.

No matter if it’s......

“Please wait, all of you. That man will be my opponent.”

No matter if it’s the strongest princess of humans, don’t restrain yourself and go full power.

She’s the one that just came out from the newly descending pillar of light.

“Kuhahahaha............. hey, can I ask something? My heart is weak so I’ve promised to never get close to someone who rejects me even once, so can I ask one thing? ......... won’t you marry me?” (Velt)

I thought with just two years there won’t be that much of a change but Ura and Eljela already lost their slight childishness in these two years and became adult women.

From cute they turned into beautiful.

However, it’s slightly different for her. She doesn’t change that much.

Instead, she still has the cuteness from two years ago, and her eyes are glaring at me sternly.

Does she feel something even if a bit?

“...................... When I saw you my chest felt pained but.......... apparently Princess Ura was merely deceived it seems. I can’t believe you could say such a lowly joke, it’s so unbelievable.” (Forna)

“Aah~, I take that answer as [no] alright. Ah, I understand. Then, no matter how you cried and shout from now on I won’t be marrying you,  you’d be regretting it so much that you wanna die one day.” (Velt)

She’d forgive me if I only tease her this much right? Well, I don’t know if this gonna be identified as teasing or not, but as I hold the pain in my heart I laughed and faced against her.

“It has been two years. Anti-World Alliance Velt Jeeha, betrayer of humanity.”

“Kuhahaha. If you wanna got defeated against those Demon Kings over there then...... I’ll be the one to make you cry and drive you away instead. Forna....... no, Princess Forna.” (Velt)

The woman who was supposed to be my beloved now appeared as my strongest enemy instead.

“Hihahahahha, that sure is a heavy hit right, Velt-kun~” (Mackey)

“Hawa, awa, awa, pa, hey, papa” (Cosmos)

“Velt, that idiot! Why is he doing that!” (Ura)

“This won’t do! Let’s stop Velt-sama, Roa-san and others as fast as possible, Ura-san!” (Eljela)

“Geez, onii-chan really can’t be helped.” (Lagaia)

“Hm, so this will be a surprise concert!” (Kishin)

“Guwahahaha, rest assured Cosmos. I will turn all those noises into explosions and massacre all those shits.” (Chirotan)

Of course, even as my comrades are astonished, they’re rushing with haste.

Despite over here I’m having a reunion that’s so moving that tears almost leak out of me, the situation now is that I might jump to fight anytime soon.

However, inside this situation, there’s a little something that went out of expectations.

“Hm? Wait!” (Velt)

“My my, this is unexpected, hihahaha.” (Mackey)

That’s right, I understand that my friends are shocked and about to rush out.

“I won’t let you get in the way, Velt Jeeha. I will defeat you and then destroy the Demon Kings who disturb peace...... Tomorrow’s summit will be engraved in history as the day when the world be united.” (Forna)

But, to think that the one who rushed out the fastest to be not them.

“You’re thinking that if she were to bring trouble to someone, then bring it’s better to bring it you instead, right? I can’t forgive that thought.”

Despite being faster than anyone else, she doesn’t give the feel of jumping out first because of getting agitated.

She calmly descended, and then with her expression calm without feeling rash she smiled gently.

“You, what’s wrong?” (Velt)

“Ara, you should be able to guess right?”

“........Heeeh........” (Velt)

“Before I able to think my body has already moved. As a comrade, as someone who has resolved herself, as someone who has decided the path to follow, also........... as a woman who’s in love

Arusha winked at me, hit twice on my shoulder and then stood in front of me.

At this moment, in this battlefield, be it the heroes of the world, nor anyone else, everyone naturally lost their words.

“That’s quite rough of you, big brother, Forna.” (Arusha)

To think that now, Arusha would come out here on her own, I never expected it.



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  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    The chapter does feel kinda chonky, will reply back later and point out the chonkyness
    May be you need to add own interpretation to smoothen out the flow

    1. Right? Kinda need feedback from time to time. I always feel like blindly grabbing things around when translating.

    2. tried for 30 mins, progress lost, give up
      sorry my dude, hahaha

    3. Lmao, i felt that many times too

  2. thanks for the chapter


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